Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 146 - Artem - What To Do Next




Following the departure of Trinity and Reece, and not to mention their entire entourage, we had a lot of stuff that we needed to start thinking about. We had to discuss what was going to happen with all the children. We needed to plan for the baby that was coming. There were a lot of mated couples and I imagined we needed to plan quite a few weddings. Not to mention we needed to go and visit the Fae Queen.

Yeah, I was definitely nervous about all of it. I would survive though. I had learned a lot from Reece while he had been here. Not to mention that he was going to be sending me copies of all the Alpha books he had to read when he was a child.

We had done a thorough search of the library as well as the stuff that I had removed from the previous Alpha's office. There were absolutely no books of use on those subjects here. Either the Alpha that had decided to embrace the Edmond way had removed them all so that no one could question him on what he was doing, or better yet, Edmond probably removed them slowly and over time while he gradually changed the mindset of almost every member of our pack.

There were some things that I knew I needed to do and soon. There were also some things that I just wanted to do, and those seemed to be even more urgent and important in my opinion.

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I wanted to propose to Star, but I wasn't going to rush that. I wanted to plan the best night ever and make it as special as I possibly could. I wanted her to feel special, like a Goddess. Because, to me, that's what she was. She was the North Star of my life that guided me toward my true destiny as a man.

Every bit of my future was entwined with Star's. Wherever she went I would follow. Whatever she wanted I would strive to provide. These were just things that I have always felt when I was with her. And now I know for a fact that it is because I have wanted to be her husband and to have her be my wife. I wanted to be able to start a family with her and provide love to those who needed it.

There was a lot that I had in mind but I needed to talk it over with Star first. Alpha or not, isn't that what a good partner would do for his woman? Not to mention that it would all be directly affecting her as well, so she needed to know and approve it for me.

When I found Star she was watching something on TV that I hadn't seen before. It looked like a drama of some sort but I couldn't figure it out just yet. She saw that I was wanting to talk though so she shut it off.

"Hey, what's up?" She smiled at me as I sat next to her.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." My heart was racing but mostly because I was with her. She just did that to me everytime.

"Yeah? What about?" There was a look on her face that made me think that she was trying not to laugh at me.

"All the boys that are here. I wanted to talk about what we are going to do about them all." Her eyes darkened somewhat, like she didn't like the way this was heading. What was this about?

"What about them? Are you planning on shipping them out somewhere? Sending them back to their families? Or to strangers that they don't even know?" She was huffing angrily by the time she was done.

I had never heard Star sound or look so angry before. She was glaring at me so intensely that I was actually starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Why did she think I wanted to get rid of the kids? Why was she so angry with me right now?

"No, absolutely not. I wanted them to stay here. I would never send them back to their families. That would just be cruel. And sending them to live with strangers they don't know would be just as cruel. I don't want to cause them pain in any way. I want them to be happy, safe, and healthy for the rest of their lives." I was panting when I was done explaining myself. When I thought of all of those kids all I wanted to do was protect them. I wanted to hurt anyone who hurt them. No kid should have to worry about whether they are safe at home or not and every single one of these kids had never felt safe until they were here.

I saw that Star's eyes were lightening. Her anger was lessening, that was a relief. And finally, as her eye color finally returned to normal she smiled at me.

"That's good. I would have fought you over this if you tried to send them away. They're not going anywhere. They're staying here with us until they want to leave, and that's that." Despite the smile she was still speaking in a firm tone.

"Really? You just want them to stay here? That's it? Nothing else at all? I would have thought with how passionate you are about this you would have something else in mind." I was trying not to laugh right now. She seemed to be thinking the same thing that I was but we both started this conversation unsure of what the other person truly felt.

"No, there is more. I don't know how you feel about it but I want to adopt them. I know that it would be hard for us to get it done but if they're going to live with us anyway then that is what I want. I want us to be their family for the rest of their lives. I want them to know they can come to us for anything no matter what it is." She had such a big heart that was filled with so much love to give.

My heart felt like it was singing. She was truly thinking the same thing that I was. I loved her so much, we were in sync even without us trying to be. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life.

"I was thinking the same thing, Star. I want them to be with us forever. I want them to know that we are there for them no matter what. I want to give them everything they could ever want or need. We will see to it that they grow up happy and healthy." I explained to her what I had envisioned for the future.

"Even the older boys? Like Julian? You are only seven years older than him, you know. And I am only two years older than him." She had a point. Julian might be against the idea.

"I was planning on adopting him as well, but I will let him choose. I will let them all decide. I will not force it on any of them. If it is not what they want then it won't happen. They are allowed to have a say in what happens to them. I think they deserve that much." I saw her smile at my answer.

"I think that is an amazing idea. I want them to be happy with their lives. If we force something on them then they might be upset. That wouldn't be good for them at all." She looked like she was completely on board with what I was planning.

"Precisely. I am so glad that we are in agreement with this." I smiled at her, my heart so full of love.

We had decided on a plan of action. All we needed to do now was talk it over with all of the kids. I was certain none of them wanted to leave here but would they want to become family with us? Most of them didn't have very fond memories of family. They might think that we would change and treat them differently when they became our family.

It was a lot to think about but I knew that Star and I could do it. That was why we had planned to talk to the kids tonight after dinner. I wanted to talk about it as soon as possible. That way the kids wouldn't think it was something we had to think about. I wanted them to know that we loved them all and wanted them all to be with us.

Was I getting ahead of myself? Was this too much for us to take on right now? I mean, we are about to have a baby too. This was a lot, but I know that I personally had more than enough love to go around. I would love all those kids in place of those other assholes who had refused to.

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