Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 149 - Star - Traveling




It was sad to say goodbye to all the kids. I knew they were going to miss us and I was going to miss them. After everything that had happened to them, and to us, we had missed out on a lot of time with them.

When Artem and I went to San Francisco for the day it hadn't been as bad because I knew we were coming back the same day but now we were going away for several days. And this was not just the first time we were leaving them like this, it was the first time that I was truly traveling. A day trip to a big city had been hard enough on me but now I was going away to places that I didn't know at all.

When Artem and I flew out the other day I think I almost had a heart attack. I was about to hyperventilate and my heart was pounding so hard. If he hadn't been sitting right there next to me to hold my hand and talk me through it I think I would have passed out at the very least.

I made it though. When we landed and got off of the plane I saw that there was not that much to be afraid of. I was still nervous on the way home though. I just don't think that flying was for me. I preferred to be on the ground. Maybe it was just me, I don't know. Artem didn't seem to have as much of a problem with it as I did.

Kent was driving us to the airport tonight so that we wouldn't have to worry about leaving them a vehicle short for the time that we were gone. The airport was in the city so it wasn't that long of a drive. I barely had time to start thinking about what could go wrong and panic over nothing. Before I knew it we had arrived.

The airport seemed so big to me but according to Artem and Kent it was small.

"You're lucky you're here and not at LAX." Kent laughed.

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"Yeah, or O'Hare. There are a lot of places I wouldn't want to be." As I listened to them joking I did remember that the airport we went to in San Francisco was a lot bigger than this one. So, I guess they did have a point. Still, to someone not used to traveling this place was like a house of horrors. I practically trembled with every step.

"Still afraid?" Artem asked me as he took my hand. "You don't have to worry, I will be with you the whole time." His smile did make me feel a little better.

"I don't know if it's the Fae part of me or not, but I like to be on the ground and not in the air."

"That's understandable. The Fae are tied to nature. I have heard that some Fae can't survive in big cities. That if they're too weak they will literally waste away in them." His words actually scared me instead of calmed me.

"Really? Why?"

"It has to do with all the metal that is around. They can't survive with too much man made stuff surrounding them. They need to be surrounded by nature to pull power from the earth or something like that. Again, I don't know if that is true or not. This is all just speculation that I have gotten through rumors and books. It might not really be that way."

He had talked while we walked through the airport to where we needed to check in. It was a lot for me to take in and process. I didn't know if I would qualify as a weak Fae or not so that scared me. I had spent my entire life living in a small town that was literally surrounded by nature. It is possible that I had just been drawing life from nature to keep me alive the whole time.

By the time that I paid attention to what Artem was doing we were already at the desk for us to check in. This was weird. I was literally paying so little attention that I was not even able to remember walking from one place to the other.

"Welcome Sir, how can I help you today?" The lady behind the counter smiled at Artem. For a second I felt a little jealous but I knew she was just doing her job. It wasn't her fault that he was hot, but she didn't have to linger on him with those eyes of hers.

"Yes, we're checking in. Artemis Cooper and Astraia Westbrook."

"Oh, you're not married." She looked at us with hopeful eyes.

"Not yet." His words made both of us stare at him in shock.


The woman behind the counter looked and sounded a little peeved at that but I felt like I was going to burst. I didn't know that Artem was thinking like that. I think I would like to marry him. I would like it very much.

After searching on the computer for a couple of minutes the woman lifted her head and looked like she was confused about something.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cooper, but there is something in here that I don't quite understand." She continued typing out something on the computer and looking into whatever was going on.

"Is something wrong?" Artem looked a little confused himself. We didn't have any problems when we flew out the other day. I wonder what could be happening now.

"Well, I see your names in my system here, but they don't match these tickets. The system says you and your fianceè are on a private flight. The two of you are due to depart from a different terminal altogether." When she looked up I could tell that she was a little starstruck. "It says that you are flying on Mr. Reece Gray's private plane. Do you really know Reece Gray? He's that really hot billionaire right? Could you introduce me?" She sounded very shallow to me, I truly wanted to burst her bubble right now.

"Yes, we're friends with him and his wife. They're a really great couple. And I can't wait to see their babies when they're born." That made her face fall and cloud over. At least now she might stop trying to get with everyone she sees just because he is hot. She needs to know if they're single first. 

"Right, of course. Well, just let me finish checking you in. Your flight will taxi out and prepare for take off once you are ready." She printed us a new set of boarding passes and sent us on our way.

Artem and I learned something else new today as well. When you are flying out on a private plane you get your own express line for the security line at the airport. That and they will offer to drive you to your plane. Since we were boarding outside and not through the covered terminals like the other planes we actually accepted that. It was a long way to go and I didn't want to walk that far right now.

The plane was small, it definitely hadn't carried everyone that had come to our pack recently so Reece must have more than one plane. That was pretty interesting. He was definitely very rich. Artem and I sat next to each other and snuggled close as the plane readied for take off.

I have to admit, it was easier to fly this time. Perhaps it was the atmosphere. I wasn't as crowded as I was last time and that might have helped to calm me down a little. Still, I would prefer to be on the ground if it was up to me.

The flight was longer but not too long. When we landed in Colorado it wasn't in Colorado Springs like I thought it would be. We had actually landed in Denver. It was a couple hours away from the Red Springs pack in Colorado Springs but it was closer to the Fae compound.

Acacia was there to meet us at the airport. She had been waiting for us outside the terminal and as soon as she saw us she jumped up and down with delight.

"Star! Artem! Over here! Over here!" As soon as the path toward us was clear she ran all the way to meet us and pulled me into a hug. "Oh I'm so glad you wanted to go for this meeting so soon. I've already missed you both. And we are family, Star. Remember that OK." I had nearly forgotten that we were family with each other. She was my father's cousin.

"I will try not to forget."

"Good. Now come on, let's go to the compound."

This was when the nerves truly set in. This was when things were going to get truly dangerous. I didn't know what to expect at all. I just hope that everything went well.

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