Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 155 - Star - Dinner With Aunt Gloriana And Father Part 1 (Prelude)




After all of Acacia's siblings left the central family gathering room it was just me, Artem, Acacia, and her parents who also happened to be my aunt and uncle. We had been enjoying the afternoon filled with laughter and joy. 

I had always wanted a family that was filled with love like this one. I couldn't believe that I was seeing something like this and that in a way I was part of it. I might not see them all that often in the future but I would always remember the way they made me feel.

They had made me feel accepted and wanted. Like I belonged somewhere, truly belonged somewhere for the first time in my life. I felt welcomed and loved at Artem's place, but when I first got there I never truly felt like I belonged there. Honestly, I still felt like I didn't belong half of the time. I was still learning how to fit in and that scared me. I tried not to let it show and I didn't tell them about it because I didn't know how it would make them feel but it was what it was.

Still, I was enjoying myself here and I was truly glad that I had come for this visit. I was only hoping that things stayed going in a positive direction for all of us. I didn't want to worry any more than I already had.

"Oh, is that really the time?" Acacia was looking at an ornately decorated clock with strange symbols and multiple hands and faces that was hanging on a wall over a beautiful fireplace. I couldn't make heads or tails of the clock but I could tell that's what it was, especially considering that she referred to time when she looked at it.

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"What time is it?" I asked as I looked over at Artem as he sat there with his arm around me. I knew that he was wearing a watch and most likely knew what time it was.

"Dinner should be starting before long." Acacia stood then as she answered. "I almost spent too much time talking." She was shaking her head from side to side as if frustrated with herself. "I can't believe that I did that."

"I think we are all to blame." Aunt Lotus smiled. "We were all enjoying this conversation so much that we didn't want it to end." She was looking at me with a fond smile as she spoke.

"Yes, I agree." I smiled back at her.

"We should get going though." Acacia looked like she was in a hurry now. "And you should probably change as well. You don't need to be so formal for dinner. Aunt Glory will want to keep things casual with Aaron there. If he even smells something formal he will run in the other direction as fast as he can." She was laughing at her own words as she thought about something or remembered something that I wasn't privy to.

"What should I wear then?" I asked her. "Most of what we packed is formal since we were planning on being in the presence of people at the castle." I felt nervous now, it was just that easy to bring it all on now I guess.

"I can probably find something for you." I watched as Acacia grinned and put a hand against her face, cupping her cheek. "Hmm, if I am right then I think that I have just the thing. It will look amazing on you and best of all, it's still brand new. I've never even worn it." She looked so excited now, like she was playing dress up with a living doll and that doll was me.

"If it's new then I don't want to take it from you. Don't you want to be the first person to wear something that you got for yourself?" I felt weird taking something that she had gotten for herself.

"Nonsense, I want you to have it. And besides, I bought it right before I found out I was pregnant with triplets. It will be a little while still before I can wear it. At least you could wear it now. You're about the size I was before it was taken over by this brood." I loved the way she smiled when she was talking about her babies. She just lit up like she was the happiest person in the world.

"Are you sure?" I still didn't know if I should take the offered clothes but she was being very insistent.

"Very sure. Plus, I want to see what it looks like on you." She grabbed my hand then and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, follow me." She grinned as she pulled me along behind her. She was quite strong despite everything.

Acacia pulled me along through the sitting room that we had been in until we entered a large hallway with an ornate curving staircase. There were platforms along the stairs at each of the upper floors. We passed by several of them as we twisted higher and higher up the stairs. I was actually starting to feel a little dizzy by the time that we finally came to a stop.

I think we were on the sixth floor, maybe the seventh. I lost count along the way and simply could remember which one I was on at the moment. Acacia wasn't done dragging me around either. With her hand still firmly gripping my arm she pulled me into a room that was about halfway down the beautifully decorated hallway.

Behind the door to that room I saw something that looked almost exactly like something I would see on one of the TV shows that Chay had introduced me to. It looked like something that someone in college or an adult in their early to mid twenties would have in an apartment if they lived alone. It was all pretty and very modern, and exactly the opposite of what I had been expecting.

Almost everything in the castle and the family part of this house had been more of what I would call classically designed, or antique might be the better word. I am not exactly certain really. It was beautiful nonetheless with the elaborate designs.

I could see some of that elaborateness in this room as well, in the large ornate bed and the beautifully hand carved dressers. There were the walls as well, they all seemed to be carved and crafted by hand as if someone spent a very long time making every single piece of this castle from the top to the bottom.

On top of those obvious original designs, Acacia had added plenty of color in the form of paint, which I hadn't seen around the castle at all yet unless it was on a canvas. She had also added sheer, see through green curtains on her bed, bright pillows in bright floral colors, and obviously new and modern pieces of furniture like chairs and a vanity table. The overall look was actually really fun and appealing.

"Come on, sit on the bed while I get the outfit out of the closet." She was happy, that was clear to see. I should be used to this by now, this was quite similar to how Chay was. When I thought about it like that it made me miss home and my first ever friend. I wanted to go home and see everyone else soon.

Acacia came back a few moments later with a fun looking dress in her hands. The dress was a light green with bright blue buttons. The fabric almost seemed to shine as it caught the light from her lamp on the side table.

"This is silk chiffon, it is of a nice quality and really pretty but it is also a really fun little dress and I think that you will like it."

As I looked closer at the dress I could see that there was embroidery in the green fabric that was done with a slightly darker shade of green thread. The embroidery was in the pattern of leaves and flower petals that looked to be blowing in the wind. I could even see the swirl pattern that was supposed to represent the wind itself. It was wonderful and amazing. I really couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"Acacia." I was in awe and could barely say her name when I spoke. "I don't think I can take this. It's way too beautiful. You really should save it for when you have the chance to wear it."

"No, Star." She was grinning at me. "I really think it will look beautiful on you. This is a special day for you. To me Aaron is just my cousin but he's your father. I know this is major for you. Let me do this for you, one cousin to another." I could see the insistence and smile on her face trying to encourage me to say yes. 

I really couldn't bring myself to say no to her right now. I wanted to take the dress as well because it was truly beautiful. I had a true desire to see what it would look like when I put it on. I didn't know what to say though, I just felt the emotions welling up inside of me, warring with my strength as I tried my best to hold them in.

"T..thank you Acacia." I nearly sobbed when I spoke but I managed to hold it in with nothing more than a slight squeak escaping.

"You don't need to thank me. Now come on, hurry up and get changed. I want to do your hair. Your makeup is still fine for the most part, we can just do a few touch ups."

How did I get lucky enough to have someone like Acacia helping me? I didn't know what I had done to deserve this fortunate turn of events in my life.

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