Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 157 - Star - Dinner With Aunt Gloriana And Father Part 3 (Prelude)




Artem seemed to have liked the way that I looked when I came back into the room with Acacia. He had been rendered speechless for a few minutes until Uncle Ash cleared his throat and pulled Artem away from whatever it was that he had been thinking about. Something tells me that it wasn't something I could ask him about with other people around. And, oh Goddess, why did that make me feel so excited?

The moment that Artem was pulled out of his little stupor he shook his head. He made me think of a dog, or a real wolf as he shook his head from side to side. It must have been quite the interesting thoughts that he had running through his head.


  I couldn't believe what it was that I was thinking about as I thought about what it was that Artem was most likely thinking about. I might be completely wrong in what I was suspecting him of thinking about. And if that was the case that made me the dirty pervert and not him. Oh Goddess, what was happening to me?

"Star." He called my name then as he walked closer toward me, his hands held out so that he could take mine in his when he reached me. I raised my hands and slid my smaller hands into his when he was close enough. I loved the way it felt when his hands were wrapped around mine. It made me feel safe and secure, like nothing bad could ever happen to me.

"Artem, is something wrong?" I asked him. I had been trying to sound proper so much since coming here that I honestly feared it was going to become permanent when we got back home.

"No, nothing is wrong. However, you look amazing. You are so beautiful." He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Ah ah, no kissing the merchandise. I just finished getting her ready for dinner." Acacia pretended to scold him as she wagged a finger at him in an over exaggerated way.

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"If I smear her makeup does that mean that I need to buy her and take her home with me?" Artem winked at that before he pulled me toward him playfully.

"Oh?" I squealed awkwardly at that, not sure what was actually going on at the moment. Everyone thought that my little scream was funny though, since all four of them burst into laughter the moment they heard it. "What is going on here?" I asked them all, confused.

"I'm sorry, Star." Artem kissed me lightly. "I just felt the need to play around a little after Acacia made her little joke.

Artem and Acacia were laughing and I truly didn't understand what was happening. I just decided to keep my mouth shut though, now was not the time.

"Anyway, Star, there was something that I wanted to tell you." Artem turned me to look at him so that all I could focus on was the serious expression in his eyes.

"Yes?" I tilted my head and encouraged him to go on.

"I am going to sit out this dinner with the Queen and your father. I think it is a very personal and private family moment that you need to have for yourself. I don't want to intrude."

I felt my heart fall. He wasn't going to be there with me? Why? Why didn't he want to go with me? What had happened while I was upstairs with Acacia?

"There is no need to worry." Artem cradled my face in his hands then, offering me at least a little bit of comfort with the touch.

"Why, Artem? Why don't you want to go?" I almost felt heartbroken when I heard that I was going to be going in there all alone. No, I don't think heartbroken is the right word for it. Honestly, I think the best way to describe it would be afraid. I felt a wave of fresh terror wash over me when I thought about having to face my father alone.

"It's not that I don't want to go, Star. I just think that it would be best for everyone if you went without me. You know that I have a tendency to overreact at times. I don't want to say something to offend the Queen if your father says something that I find disagreeable. I am doing this for you, Star. I want you to have the chance to have a peaceful meal with your father."

I could see the genuine, love filled smile that Artem was giving me. He was telling me the truth, or at least most of it. I could tell that he wasn't trying to deceive me at least. But it was still frightening.

"Artem, if you're afraid of saying something that will offend her, what do you think that I am likely to do? You are more knowledgeable about everything than I am." I wanted to start trembling but I didn't allow that. I never used to be this weak and afraid. This meekness was never who I was, when did this happen to me?

I looked again into Artem's eyes. I looked closely and deeply. I tried my best to see the thoughts and emotions hidden in those green pools. I felt a small tugging at something from somewhere inside of me, somewhere that I couldn't quite pinpoint. It almost felt like it came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The sensation was elusive and passed before I had the chance to investigate it.

When the tugging feeling was gone I noticed something new. There were flowers floating next to Artem. They were actually more behind him than next to him but I was able to see them from where I stood. They were white, they signified calm and serene feelings, not to mention happiness and joy. So there was nothing that he was truly trying to hide from me. If that was the case then what was this all about.

"Beautiful." I heard Aunt Lotus exclaim from several feet away. When I turned my head she was the only one who was staring at me intently. Ash and Acacia didn't seem to know what was going on.

"Lotus? What is it?" Uncle Ash looked confused as he stared at his wife.

"The flowers. She has conjured the most beautiful alyssums." Aunt Lotus had her hands clasped in front of her as she looked at the flowers that surrounded Artem.

" can see the flowers?" I asked her, with shock filling my voice. No one had seen the flowers before except for Artem when I touched him.

"Oh yes, sweetheart, I can see them. I am not fully a tree Fae like my husband and daughter here, I am actually a pixie. Flowers were my life when I was younger. However, I have birthed many Dryads and have lived among them so long that I have absorbed their powers as well."

"I really don't understand." I felt the confusion filling me even more.

"Do not worry, sweetheart. What matters is that I can see the flora that you have conjured and I think it is wonderful. This is definitely something to talk to your father about." I saw a proud smile on Aunt Lotus that made me want to smile back at her. If I wasn't trying to figure out what was going on right now I might allow myself to feel proud of myself.

"Star?" Artem looked at me then, this head tilted and his eyes uncertain.

"I didn't call the flower to me, they just appeared. I didn't do it on purpose, Artem. I promise." I didn't want him to think that I was trying to pry into his feelings or anything like that.

"I know. What do you want me to explain, what is confusing you so much?" It looked like he felt remorseful now, like he felt as if he had done something wrong. That made me feel even worse.

"Hah." I sighed, unable to hold it in at all. "We're not communicating very well right now are we?" I laughed at the awkwardness of all of this. "I just don't understand why you felt the need to sit out the dinner all of a sudden. I mean, your reasons were valid, I get that. I just think that there is more to it. I'm not going to pry though. I will let you tell me when you're ready." I smiled at him, trying my best to be mature and positive about all of this. "When you want me to know I will be waiting to listen."

"Star-." Artem began but I held up a hand and stopped him.

"It's alright Artem. I was being childishly immature about it all. I need to hold my head up and handle this myself. That is what a responsible Luna would do, right."

I saw the pride that filled Artem's eyes when he heard my words. He probably hadn't expected to hear anything of the sort coming from me. I wanted to mold myself into a proper Luna and a great mom. I had a lot of people waiting at home for me and I would soon be welcoming a baby that would rely on me for everything as well. I needed to learn these lessons now. As I thought about it, maybe that was what Artem had wanted all along. It seemed plausible to me, and as I thought about that it made me smile.

Truly, once I stopped letting myself be so afraid I could see things so clearly. I could also see how it all made sense and just seemed to fit together. I took a deep breath and looked back at the man that I loved with all of my heart.

"Thank you Artem. I think I know what you're trying to do and I truly appreciate it. I love you, more than I could ever express to you."

"Star." He pulled me in close to him then. "I love you as well." I watched as the white flowers around him shifted to a soft pale pink. The color that brought to mind love and affection. It was good, I guess, that I could see the truth of his feelings in such a concrete way. It made my heart sing. 

It was decided that Artem was going to have dinner in the room we would be sharing for the night. When I was finished with my meal and discussion I would be taken to the room by a guard or someone that I could trust. That way I would not get lost on my way in unfamiliar territory.

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