Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 160 - Star - Dinner With Aunt Gloriana And Father Part 6





"She's my what?" I saw nothing but shock and curiosity register on his face. "I don't have a daughter. What are you talking about Aunt Glory?" My father looked like he was trying to convince Aunt Gloriana that she was wrong. Did he truly not want to accept me that badly?

"No, Aaron, she is your daughter. You just never knew about her."

"There is no woman that I have lain with that ended up pregnant with my child, Aunt Glory. I thought I found the one many years ago, but it ended up not being the truth." I watched as he hung his head as if he were in pain.

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"Really, and what was her name?" I asked him, clearly hearing the anger that was seeping into my voice.

"That is none of your business." He glared at me. "My life has nothing to do with you. Astraia was it? You are nothing to me, and I am nothing to you. Stop filling my aunt's head with lies and move along, go on your merry way and leave us alone." He was glaring at me, and I could sense a change in the room, like the presence of several different flowers in my immediate vicinity. They smelled of angry scents, things that spoke of fear and anger, and things I couldn't fathom at the moment.

I don't know how I did it, but somehow I called on my own magic as well. Maybe it was his magic calling mine. In an instant, my flowers appeared and filled the room. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as the angry-colored flowers surrounded both me and my father while sad colored flowers surrounded my aunt. Neither of us looked away from each other even as Aunt Gloriana made a sound of shock upon seeing the flowers; we just continued to glare at each other in anger and frustration.

"You say that you have nothing to do with me, but I have a question for you, Aaron. The woman you thought might be the one years ago, what was her name? Who was she?"

"That doesn't matter now. She left me. She didn't want me anymore." I could see the pain in his eyes, and the flowers reflected it as well. Even the scent in the room reflected it as well.

"Did she? Did she really reject you, or did you reject her?" I was beyond pissed off now. If he was saying that the one that left him, the one he thought could have been the one for him, was my mother, and that she left him then he had some explaining to do.

"No, she left me. She told me she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. She told me she never loved me and that she never wanted to see me again. Does that make you feel any better, Astraia. Does that satisfy whatever sick desire it was that you had to fulfil by knowing what the one woman I ever loved had to say to me?" There were tears brimming in his eyes, and mine too for that matter.

"No, it does not. Because if that is what she had to say to you, then it most definitely could not have been Vivian Westbrook who said those words to you."

The color of the flowers that surrounded my father turned to a pale blue. They were the color of a broken heart and painful memories. They made me feel like I was about to start crying a river of tears.

"Why? Why would you say her name? How do you even know her? What is she even to you? Did she send you here to torment me?" The tears that he had been trying to hold back broke free, at least one of them since just a single lonely tear spilled down his cheek as he looked at me with eyes that shook from the strain of holding in his pain.

"No, she didn't send me here. Acacia brought me here. She brought me so that I could meet the other half of my family. She brought me here so that I could meet my father. She brought me here to meet you."

He recoiled at that. It was like I had actually slapped him across his face like I wanted to. It was like he had felt the pain that I wanted to inflict upon him and stepped back to avoid the force of the real thing before it could reach him.

"Why? Why would my cousin think that you were my daughter? What on earth would make her think that we were related at all?"

"You mean aside from the fact that I look just like you?" I scoffed right into his face as I followed after him. I wouldn't let him back away from me anymore, I was going to follow him and make him pay attention to me right now. "Maybe it's because I have my mother's journals from when she met you and the magical letter that she shared with you. And you clearly reacted to her name, Aaron, so you cannot deny that you knew her. I know you dated Vivian Westbrook almost nineteen years ago. I am a product of that relationship."

The look that my father had now made him look like a fish. His mouth flopped open and closed repeatedly, like he was gasping for air and couldn't seem to find any.

"This makes no sense. Why would your mother say that I am your father? Why wouldn't she tell me herself if I was your father? She has had many years to do so."

"You rejected her. You told her that you didn't love her anymore. You turned her away and stopped responding to any of her messages. You refused to help her when she was in danger. She had no choice but to flee the city after that. She took me out to California where her family was from, but they didn't want us there, they only wanted her money. They killed her, and they locked me up until I could be rescued. You abandoned us."

I was truly crying now, just shy of full on sobbing. I could even feel myself hiccuping from the force of holding in the emotions that were fighting to be released. I didn't want to fully break down in front of him, but it looked like I wasn't going to get my way on that one.

"No, no that is not true." My father was backing away from me now as if he was warding off some sort of evil. "No, that is the opposite of what happened. I didn't reject her. I loved her. I wanted to be with her forever. I told her as much when she broke it off with me. I was heartbroken. I didn't leave the compound for years after that. I was unable to comprehend why she would leave me so suddenly." His single tear was now joined by the others that he had worked so hard to hold in. "I have the letters I sent to her, and her responses back to me. I always carry them with me at all times. It is to remind me of what can happen when I give my heart away too easily. I do not wish to be hurt like that ever again."

With trembling fingers, he reached into the pocket on the inside of his jacket. I saw that he was pulling out a folded piece of paper that matched the one that I had brought with me as well. I did the same as him, only I pulled mine from the small clutch purse I had around my wrist. I was going to remind him of the harsh and hurtful words he had said to my mother all those years ago. 

I was going to make sure that my father admitted to what he did and took responsibility. I didn't want to get anything from him. Not really. Meeting him was enough. As long as I could be accepted by Acacia's family and by the Queen, Aunt Gloriana, then I would be happy. If anyone else in my father's family wanted to meet me then that was on them. However, I for one was not going to force my father to have anything to do with me aside from acknowledging that I exist. That is all I wanted from him right now.

I was going to at least get him to tell me that he was my father. That would be the bare minimum he could do. And if he could tell me why he rejected my mother so harshly that would be nice as well. It wasn't necessary but it would be worth knowing. I knew it would break my heart, but I still wanted to know. I wanted to try to understand. I knew I never would though. I just needed to accept that I was never going to get anything out of Aaron that I wanted. This was a waste of my time. 

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