Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 162 - Star - Dinner With Aunt Gloriana And Father Part 8





 I took the letter from my father and started to read over it. It started very similar to the one that I had seen already. In fact, it started exactly like the message my mother had exchanged, but after a certain point, it started to deviate.

  My Dearest Aaron,

I miss you more than you

could ever know. I need to

see you. I need to be with

you. There is something I

need to tell you. It's very


        With Love Vivian

  Vivian My Darling,

I am not able to get away.

Things are hectic and crazy

right now. I do not believe

that the queen would let me

leave right now. I miss you.

        With all my love,


  My Dearest Aaron,

I do not like how you are 

ignoring me. I do not like

that you have taken your

love and attention away 

from me. I do not want to

be away from you. I want 

you to come back right now.

I want to have you shower

me with love and attention.

  I await your reply,


  Vivian My Darling,

That is simply not possible

at the moment. The queen is

not permitting us to leave at

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all until the yule celebration has

commenced. Please, wait for me

my love. I will return to you as

soon as I am able to. I also

wish to be with you as much 

as I possibly can. I love you

Vivian, please, just wait for me.

  With Love, Aaron


This is not going to work.

I need to see the way that

you love me. I haven't seen

any proof of this so called 

love that you have for me.

What am I to do while I wait

for you to return to me? How

am I to know how long it will

be before you come back to

me? For all I know, it could be

months or even years before

you come back to me. How 

can you possibly expect me

to wait that long for you? I

need to see you, Aaron, I

need you to prove your love

for me. This is not something

I am willing to negotiate on.

If you cannot prove your love

for me then we are done.

 I am sorry,



Please, my dearest Vivian, do

not do this. I love you. I thought

that you loved me as well. Please,

Vivian, we can make this work.

It will only take some time for me

to come back after this time

home. I will come back home

soon sweetheart. Please, I love

you. Don't you love me? I 

thought you loved me, you told

me that you loved me. Was that

not the truth? Vivian? Please do

not do this.

  Let's work on this,



I was mistaken. I was caught up in

the moment. I did not love you. I 

never loved you. I am sorry that I 

led you on. We need to end this now.

It will be for the best to stop it before

it gets any further along. I don't want

to hurt you anymore than I already

have Aaron. I am sorry. Have a good

life, I wish you the best.



  Vivian, My Love

Please, come back to me. Do not

do this. Please, Vivian, I love you

too much. I want you in my life. I

have never in my life felt like this

for anyone. I need you. Please, 

Vivian, answer me.

   Love Aaron


Please, my love, send me a

letter in response. I miss you. I

need to see you. I want to talk to


  Love Aaron.


I haven't sent you a message in

a very long time. I also haven't

left home since you told me that

you don't love me. I haven't been

able to bring myself to look at the

world. It has lost its color and 

beauty without you in it. But I am

still in love with you, even now

two and a half years later. I

miss you now just as much as I 

did the day you ended it with me.

I fear I will always miss you.

  Love you always,



I know these messages aren't

going to you anymore; they haven't

for a long time. But I left home for

the first time today. It's been four

years since I have seen you, and this

is the first time since I have seen the

city since then. You're not here. I

looked for you immediately. Any

trace of you was long gone. I used my

magic to search for you, and the trail

had gone so cold that I couldn't even

follow after you if I wanted to. I just

needed to write this last message, I

just needed to say this one last time,

I still love you Vivian, and I know that

I always will because I know that you

were my one true mate.

  Heartbrokenly yours,


 I felt the tears streaming down my face as I finished reading the letters that my father had sent. They were just the opposite of the ones I had. They showed a man so devoted to a woman that couldn't have cared less about him. What had happened? How had they ended up with two completely different sets of responses?

 When I looked up and saw that my father was done reading, with his red eyes and tears streaming down his face, I knew that he was just as confused as I was.

 " is this p..p..possible?" He was sobbing as he held the letters close to his heart.

" is Vivian's handwriting, b..b..but so is that." He was pointing a shaking finger at the letter he had handed me to read. The letters he had thought that my mother had sent to him. "I..I..I swear, I swear that I..I..I didn't s..s..send these to her. I d..d..didn't." He began to sob uncontrollably at that moment. "I loved her, with all heart. I never sent her these."

 I watched as he crumpled the letters in his hands, the letters that had caused my mother so much pain. I could see that the letters he had held onto had caused him so much pain as well.

 "Aunt Gloriana, how did this happen? How did the letters split? How did it come to be two letters that took two drastically different paths?"

 "That is something that we must work to discover, now isn't it? If I were to fathom a guess here, I would say that there was someone else involved here. Someone or something else that caused this strife between them. I think someone wanted to drive a wedge between the two of you, Aaron. Can you think of anyone who might have been jealous, or who might have wanted to break you apart?"

 "No!" He answered immediately. "There was no one that even acted like they didn't approve of our relationship. Everyone loved Vivian; she had the best of friends and everyone loved to be around her. They accepted her and approved of us."

 "There had to have been someone." Aunt Gloriana looked confused.

 I watched as the two of them racked their brains to try and figure it all out. Neither of them seemed to have a clue of what was really going on. I guess it was because neither of them had access to my mother's diaries at the time.

 "I think I might know." 

 The two of them turned to look at me like they thought that I was crazy. They didn't see how someone who wasn't even alive at the time could possibly know what had been going on. They just didn't know what it was that I knew.

 "No offense, Astraia, but how could you possibly know?" My father asked me with a confused look.

 "Yes, Star, I hate to doubt you and all, but I do not see how you would know anything about this situation since you were the only one not around at the time." 

 "To be fair, I may not have been alive at the time, but I have been privy to information that neither of you have been. I have my mother's journals. I have read them and know what had happened to her at the time that you knew her. Plus, I have spoken to my great great grandfather. I can put it all together and figure out who the culprit was for all of this. And I just wish he was still alive so that I could kill him myself."

 I had never felt an anger boil in me like this before. Not even when the man in question was tormenting me. I felt it now though, as I saw just how much he had meddled in the lives of my family, just how many people he had affected. He was a sick, twisted monster, and I was glad that he was dead. Even if I wanted to kill him myself, I was glad he was dead.

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