Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 204 - Star - A Party For Me And The Baby




  Before I knew it, time had felt like it jumped again. It was already a week into January and I felt like I was nothing but a giant balloon. Or at least that's what I looked like since my belly had gotten so big. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything half of the time since just walking had become a chore. I ended up needing to lean on someone just to walk since the baby was pressing down on me so much.

In all honesty, it felt like I was waddling everytime that I moved. And what was worse, it wasn't that comfortable for Artem to carry me around all that much. I still let him do it though, partly because he liked to carry me so much, and partly because it was still marginally more comfortable than walking everywhere.

On Sunday, January the ninth, Cohen and Gil came to get me from my room. I didn't want to get up and leave, but they seemed so excited as they rushed inside.

"Mommy, Mommy, you need to come with us."

"Come on, Mommy. Let's go." They each took a hand and were pulling me to my feet. They had gotten a lot stronger and were able to actually get me to my feet just by tugging me.

"Hold on a minute, you two. What's going on?" I laughed as they pulled me toward the door.

Just as I asked them that question the door opened up. Artem was grinning as he came inside.

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"You two are just way too excited." He was laughing at them. "I told you to wait for me."

"We wanted to get to Mommy first." Gil pulled on my hand.

"Yeah, we're men too. We can help Mommy downstairs." Cohen added.

"And what big strong men you are too." I smiled and cupped their cheeks.

"Yes, but Mommy needs to be carried down the stairs and neither of you can do that yet." Artem swung me up into his arms as he told them this.

"That's not true, I could carry Mommy too." Gil pouted. "I'm strong enough. I just need to be a little taller first."

"Yeah, me too. I am strong enough to carry Mommy."

"That's right, you are. But Mommy is too big, and you're still not tall enough. You will be soon though." I tried to make them feel better as I spoke. They had gotten a little sensitive about their size lately, a lot of the boys had. They were stronger and bigger, but still smaller than the other boys their age.

"When I am taller, I will be the one to carry Mommy, OK Daddy?" Cohen tugged on his sleeve, making sure that he got his answer right away.

"Sure thing buddy. When you're taller, you can ask Mommy if you can carry her. But remember, I get to carry Mommy because I am Daddy." Artem winked at them and that made the two boys start to giggle.

"Yeah, you're right, only Daddy should carry Mommy."

"I will open the door."

"No, I want to."

Together the two boys ran toward the door and held it open. They had been doing a lot together lately, always trying to compete with each other. I thought it was adorable, especially since they weren't fighting when they did it.

"Thank you, gentlemen." I smiled at them. They giggled again and pulled the door shut before taking off down the hall toward the stairs.

"Look at them go." Artem chuckled. "They've been zooming through the house all day."

"Yeah, they've got a lot of energy. I think they're borrowing the energy that I am losing." I yawned while talking, just to further show that I was kind of tired already. "So, my great and powerful transportation device, where are we going?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I thought about it. There was nothing that was planned today, was there?

"To a party." His grin told me that he was still hiding something.

"What kind of party?" There was no reason to have a party right now so I didn't really get what was going on.

"You'll see."

"You're being elusive." I frowned at him.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing."

A few moments later, I could smell lots of delicious foods that had been prepared. The smell made me hungry like any food was likely to do lately. This baby in my belly made me constantly hungry. If I smelled it, I usually wanted it. That was another reason to stay upstairs all the time. I didn't need to eat all the food in the house in one day.

While I still focused on the smell of the food, the door to the living room opened up. It was the room that we usually spent the most time in as a family. I didn't really understand why we were going in there if there was food that had been prepared but, oh well, he was the one carrying me so it's not like I could go there right now.

The moment the door opened, I could see everyone gathered and a sign at the back of the room that said 'STAR'S BABY SHOWER!' On the other side of the room there was another sign that said 'COMING SOON: 1 LITTLE BABY BOY!' And opposite that one there was another sign that said 'MOMMY + DADDY + BABY = HAPPY FAMILY!'

All of the signs looked like they were made by hand here at the house, and I had a feeling that a few of the boys helped with them. I nearly cried when I saw all the beautiful baby-themed decorations.

"What is all of this?" I asked Artem as he went to set me down in the chair that I had claimed as mine recently.

"It's a party for you and the baby." He grinned at me.

"It's your baby shower!" Chay ran up and hugged me next.

"What's a baby shower?" I wondered, never having been to one before.

"It's to celebrate the coming baby by showering the mom-to-be with gifts." She explained patiently as she stepped back.

"That's kind of odd, but OK." I smiled. "I'm just happy that I can eat food. I can already taste it from here." That seemed to make them all laugh just a little bit.

"Yes, there is a lot of food for you, sweetie." Artem's mom came up and hugged me then. "We made sure that there were all of your favorites. I wouldn't have it any other way when my daughter in-law was having her first ever baby shower."

"That's right, Gabby and I worked with that chef of yours to prepare it all."

"Oh, thank you Aunt Criztie." I had taken to using the same name for her that Artem did.

"We're just happy to see you smiling." Aries, Artem's dad, hugged me next. "And of course, we're super excited about the baby as well."

"I can't believe that my baby is going to have a baby. Even after these last few months, it's still unbelievable." Mom was crying onto my shoulder when she hugged me tightly.

"Come now, Vivian, she's all grown up now." Dad patted her shoulder before he hugged me as well. "Even though I just found out about her five months ago and now she is about to have a baby, that is no reason to cry." Contrary to his words, he was, in fact, crying. When he pulled away from me, he hugged Mom, and they held each other close. "I'm just so happy." He was sobbing the words. "I really am." Seeing them smile and cry at the same time was kind of funny, but I guess it was pretty sweet. They were happy, but it was sad as well since they had missed so much of my life.

"OK, what should we do first? Play games, open gifts, or-." Chay was trying to get the party started, but paused when she was interrupted by a loud noise. I blushed crimson at the sound because it had been my stomach growling that interrupted her. "OK, that settles it. We're eating first. That is the only way to calm the savage beast known as Star." I smiled with everyone as they laughed. That had been VERY embarrassing.

Still, I was glad that we got straight to eating the food. The baby and I were both very hungry. They had made all of my favorites after all, and it would be rude not to eat it while it was still hot.

After we ate all the delicious food, there were different games that were played. The kids had fun with some of them. Though, I have to admit, the game where they guessed how big my belly had gotten by cutting off lengths of yarn made me feel super huge. They would cut off what they thought the length should be and whoever was closest won, the problem was, the piece of yarn was a LOT longer than I thought it would be.

Following all the games there were presents. And just like Mom had predicted, Artem had gotten me the most. He had gotten all the remaining items that were on my registry, plus more. He truly was the type to go overboard when it came to buying things for people. And he was so excited about the baby as well.

By the time the party was all over, I had way more stuff for the baby than I needed. But there were two other pregnant women in the house, and they could use it as well. I was also happy that soon there would be more little ones around, and that they will grow up together.

What was funny, was that my little brother or sister was going to be younger than my son.. Talk about unique circumstances. 

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