Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 210 - Epilogue 4

[A Call From The King And The Queen]




  Less than a month after Jodan was born, we got a call from Trinity and Reece. That was a complete surprise, but a good one at least.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked them, as I put my phone onto speaker so that Star could hear as well.

"Oh my gosh, Trinity, Reece, I've missed you both so much." Star gushed as soon as I held the phone out.

"Star? Oh my gosh. I heard that you just had another baby. I didn't get the message until I got back, but I am so happy for you. Congrats." Trinity was gushing the same way, and I was glad that they had stayed friends.

"We're both happy for you." Reece added with a laugh.

"Yeah, we're happy for you guys as well. The pictures you sent us of the twins were adorable." OK, I was gushing too. We hadn't seen them in a long time and a lot had changed.

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"They're getting big too. And look at you two, having another one so soon. Couldn't keep it gloved, huh, Artem?" Reece laughed at me. Anyway, let's get to the point of our call. We need you guys to come to our place for a little while."

Reece's voice was full of seriousness now. It made me sit up straighter and beads of sweat drip down my back.

"Is something wrong? Is this like the last time that you called people to you? We weren't part of that battle because we hadn't been called. Is there another fight?"

I could hear the slight panic in my voice. I would fight if I was needed, that wasn't the problem. I was just worried about leaving my family behind.

"No, there is no battle right now." I heard Reece's words as well as the tone in his voice. And that last part 'right now', told me that they expected that there was going to be a battle, and soon.

"OK." I was slightly relieved, but not fully.

"We're inviting all the Alphas to the castle for a visit." Trinity's voice was much calmer than Reece's was.

"Castle?" Star and I both said that word at the same time.

"Well, we are royalty." Reece chuckled.

"Anyway." Trinity almost sounded like she had rolled her eyes at Reece, that was how much exasperation there was in her voice. "We need you to come as well. There are some important things we need to discuss with all of the Alphas, but we're making a personal call to you two because you're friends of ours as well. We want you to bring all the kids with you so that we can spend a little bit of time talking when the meetings are all over for that day." There was excitement and hope in Trinity's voice.

"Don't worry, we will send a plane for you. We know that there are a lot of people that will be coming. Oh, and we need to talk to Leelin too, so could you bring her too. I'm sure Doc will want to come as well. There is just so much that we need to talk about with all of you."

"Can we bring a few other people?" Star asked with excitement in her eyes. "And, can we see Uncle Griffin while we're there?"

"Yeah, no problem, Griffin is living at the castle anyway." Reece sounded overjoyed.

"Hey, just so you know, we're talking about like twenty-five people here. Do we need to get a rental or something?"

"Nah, don't worry Artem, we've got you covered." I couldn't quite figure out the meaning behind Reece's words, but still, he said we were good so hopefully we were.

We had to take all the boys out of school for the time that we were going to be gone, but that would be fine. They were smart, and could make-up the work. It's not like they were going to be gone for two weeks or anything.

We packed up and prepared to leave right away since, apparently, we were needed as soon as possible. This also meant that Hanna had to miss school too and Leelin wasn't very happy about that, but she accepted it because Trinity was her Queen as well as ours.

True to his word, Reece sent his private plane for us so that we could fly all the way to Colorado Springs in comfort. We apparently just needed to find the people that were waiting for us when we landed, and they would drive us to the house. I know that Reece and Trinity called it a castle, but it couldn't possibly be an actual castle here in Colorado.

I stand corrected. Holy fucking shit, that is huge! As the large black SUVs that were driving us made their way up the driveway, I could barely keep myself from yelling out what had just gone through my head. This looked like one of those French castles that were more like a giant mansion. Holy fucking shit, they weren't lying!

When we pulled up in front of the castle, because that was literally what it was, we saw a few familiar faces waiting for us. The guards that had come with Trinity and Reece were there, as well as Star's Uncle Griffin, and this was going to be a major shock for him. We hadn't even thought about inviting people from here to come visit us in a while. And even though it's been a little over a year since she was found alive, Vivian still hasn't talked to or seen her brother.

In all honesty, she was terrified to see anyone from here. She thought they were going to hate her for leaving the way that she did. Getting Vivian on the plane with us was incredibly hard, and she was sitting there in fear the whole time. I am sure she is still scared, but she was in a different SUV with Star. My job was to set the stage for them.

I opened my door and stepped out before any of them had gotten the chance.

"Hey guys, how have you been?" I had taken Brayden out with me and carried him in my arms.

"Hey, long time no see." Vincent called out to us with a wave, and I saw Gabriel smile at us.

"It's been good. I hear things are going well here as well. Hey Griffin." I waved at him.

"So, is that my great nephew?" He smiled. I can't believe that I have a niece who has a baby, and I am only in my forties." He chuckled.

"Yeah, did you hear we had another one?" I grinned at him.

"I did. A little fast there, huh?"

"Oh, I have another surprise for you as well." I grinned at him. "Wanna see it?"

"I'm not sure, with that look in your eyes, but I am sure that I will see it regardless so go ahead." Griffin looked calm as he spoke.


I went to the door of Star's SUV and opened the door. She came out with the car seat for Jodan, and then Aaron came out with Sage. Lastly, Vivian stepped out of the car and looked at Griffin. I saw the shock on the man's face. He had been smiling and waiting patiently, but the moment he saw the woman who had come out of the vehicle, his face fell.

"Vivian?" He whispered her name. "Viv? Oh my Goddess, Viv is that really you?"

Griffin was walking slowly toward his sister, his steps halting and unsure.

"That can't really be you, can it?" He stopped right before he could touch her, and I could see tears in his eyes. "Vivian, they told me you were dead. is this possible?"

"Hello Griffin." She just smiled at him, her face covered in the tears that she was shedding. Griffin's tears burst through the moment that Vivian confirmed who she was.

"Vivian?" They hugged each other then, and I could see the two decades worth of lost love crush them as they fell to their knees on the ground with their arms still around each other. "My sister, I can't believe you're still alive."

"I'm sorry for leaving, Griff."

"It's OK, I'm just glad that you're back with us for now. Oh Goddess, Vivian, I have a daughter named after you, you know?" He laughed as he pulled away from her. "And a son named Dominic as well. They're twins, almost a year old."

"I have another baby too." Vivian laughed while wiping tears from her eyes. "Another girl, her name is Sage."

"I need to meet her. Where is she? How old is she?"

"She is almost a year old as well. That's her there, in my mate's arms. That is Aaron, Star's father."

After that emotional greeting, we all went inside and had to wait until it was time to meet with Trinity and Reece. During that time we talked with Griffin and Lana, and everyone got caught up on what had been happening over the last year and a half. I couldn't believe how well this had gone. And it was amazing to see how happy this had all made Griffin and Vivian.

Oh, and the boys thought it was cool to be in a real castle. Even Brayden was happy to see the castle. He thought it was cool because it was big.

Oh, and I couldn't wait until he met Trinity and Reece's twins. I just knew that he was going to love playing with them. Even though we were cutting it close to Brayden's first birthday, I didn't care. I was happy that we had all come out here. We can throw him a party when we get back if it's a little late.. This trip was needed for all of us. 

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