Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 219 - Epilogue 13

[Sweet Sixteens Part 2]

The following weekend, the Cooper girls rode into town with their Uncle Bailey so that they could pick up the three boys who were walking right into their doom, I mean joining the Cooper clan for the birthday celebrations.

I mean, it is possible that they weren't going to be completely slaughtered by the fifteen overprotective brothers and the berserker dad who has never had the misfortune, I mean, pleasure of meeting his daughters' boyfriends before.

Oh, if only those poor, unfortunate boys could hear my words right now, they would be running for the hills, screaming in a panic so that they didn't need to fear for their lives. But, alas, they cannot hear me, and so they are indeed walking right into a trap.

"Good afternoon, boys." Bailey grinned at the boys as he and the girls got out of the car at the park.

"Good afternoon, Sir." Brad grinned at him first and shook his hand.

"Good afternoon to you as well, Sir." Tyler held out his hand and shook Bailey's hand next; they were being very polite and respectful as any proper young man should be.

"It's nice to meet you, Sir. I am Nolan. Are you Mr. Cooper?" Bailey grinned as the last boy shook his hand.

"I am afraid not. I am the uncle to these three lovely ladies. Bailey Westbrook."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. West-."

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"Ah ah, just call me Bailey, or Uncle Bailey. All the kids that I know that call me Mr. Westbrook are my students."

"Oh, I get it. Sure thing, Uncle Bailey." Bailey smiled, he thought the boys were nice, pleasant, and eager to please. Artem was going to eat them alive.

The seven of them piled into one of the large SUVs that the family had. It wasn't the same one that Reece had given them years and years ago, but it was similar. That is to say that it was black, would seat eight people easily, and perfect for either luxury or rugged terrain. And with all the advancements they had made with technology over the last twenty years since they met the King and Queen, the car practically drove itself. It was quite amazing really.

"So, boys ,I hear this is your first time coming to the house." Bailey didn't need to say this; he knew it was true since he and Chay still lived at the pack house.

"That's right."


"It is." The boys offered their responses quickly, and Bailey smirked.

"Then I do hope you enjoy your visit with the 'entire' family." He put an emphasis on that one word, and the boys noticed right away.

"Entire family?" Nolan looked confused.

"That's right, didn't the girls tell you boys how big their family is?"

"No, we just know that there are the three of them, their parents, and a couple of brothers." Tyler added this info for Bailey.

"Ladies, you know it's not nice to lie." He smirked at them in the mirror. "Shame on you."

"We've not lied." Olivia flipped her hair. "We just didn't tell them how many there were." She giggled and so did the other two.

"How many what?" Brad wondered out loud.

"How many brothers that they have." Bailey was still grinning.

"How many do they have?" Nolan looked at Olivia with an inquisitive look.

"Not an overly excessive amount." She batted her eyes and looked right back at him.

"How much is not excessive?" Brad asked as he looked at Elise.

"It's fine, sweetie, don't worry about it."

"Isa, how many brothers do you have?" Nolan asked Isabelle who was a lot more honest than her sisters and couldn't lie to him.

"W..well, we, uhm, we have fifteen brothers."

The silence that followed that declaration was so thorough that you could have heard a pin drop. All three boys were wearing matching looks of pure shock.

"" Brad couldn't get the word out so apparently Tyler took up the reins and tried.

"" Nope even he couldn't do it, let's see if Nolan has the guts to say it.

"" Oh, that's a good boy. You can always count on Nolan, he seemed like a nice level headed boy.

"THAT isn't an excessive amount of brothers to you?" Tyler demanded then laughed.

"Oh, Goddess." Brad buried his face in his hands.

Be strong boys, it's far too late to turn back now. You just need to stay strong and push through it all.

A few moments later, Bailey was pulling the car up to the house. He didn't want to give the boys a chance to get out and run away so he had pulled all the way up and was almost around the back of the house where the others could see them already.

In the distance, Bailey could see that all of those brothers and that protective daddy were looking their way. They had spotted the vessel that was delivering their prey. 

'Oooh, it looks like the fun is about to start.' Bailey thought to himself as the sixteen testosterone fueled bodyguards, I mean, family members were stalking their way.

The girls were the first ones out of the SUV, and they practically had to coax the boys out with promises of food and other rewards just to make them slide out after them. Artem was standing nearby with a wicked grin on his face, and so were all of his sons.

It was funny how even the kids that weren't his biologically were wearing looks that were identical to his. They had assumed his physical traits or something over the years. Even sweet and gentle Julian was looking at the three young men with an evil protective look. Oh and look, Spencer, Julian's husband, had just joined them. I guess these girls would never have enough protectors. Especially since Reed, Kent, Toby and Aaron just joined them as well. Bailey would have, but he had already done his job by going to get them. That had been really fun. 

If Bailey would have joined them, it would have ruined the aesthetic of it all though. There were three girls, three boyfriends, and twenty-one protectors. All multiples of three now, isn't that funny?

Most of the party guests, which were just family right now, were watching on with gleeful smiles as the group was prepared to give the boys hell.

"I hear you three are dating our sisters." Flint was the one to start the conversation.

"Yeah, who said you could do that?" Cohen asked them with a slight amount of fabricated malice.

"I don't remember saying any of you could touch my sisters." Jodan, the evil little child killing clown, was giving them a look that would earn him a role in a horror movie on the spot, no audition required.

"Oh stop it, all of you." Star swooped in to the rescue, saving the poor boys from more mental scars than they had already gotten.

"We're just letting them know that we all love the girls very much." Aaron smiled at his daughter. "We can't have them disrespecting them now, can we?"

"W..w..we won't!" Tyler was scared shitless.

"W..w..we promise that we won't." Brad added as he sweated bullets.

"Y..y..yeah, w..w..we will be g..g..good to them. We sw..sw..swear." Nolan rounded them out.

"That's all we wanted to hear." Artem gave them his berserker look, and all three boys gulped. "Treat my babies right, and we won't have a problem."

Thank the Goddess after that little scene the party was able to move on properly. The other guests arrived, and everyone had a good time. Even the three traumatized boys had fun. Though they could all swear that they kept feeling someone glaring at them the entire time.

That must just be their imaginations, right? No one was really looking at them with murderous intent as they danced with the three pretty girls. No one was truly thinking about the best way to make the three boys disappear from the picture so that they didn't do anything inappropriate to them. And surely none of them thought that these three upstanding, proper young men were anything other than perfectly respectable. I mean, they would have to be pretty stupid to do anything to these girls.

It's a good thing that they all loved the girls very much and planned on sticking with them forever.. And it's a good thing that two years later all three girls mated with those boys and those boys were going to be part of the family forever. Lucky for them, right?

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