Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 70 - Artem - Save My Sister Part 2

"Chay?" I called out for my sister as I ran to the driver's door, that was clearly stuck shut with how much that side had caved in.

"Artem?" She called back to me, I could hear different emotions filling her voice and making it sound thick. There was pain that sounded both emotional and physical, there was heartache, fear, and of course anger and rage. She was a wreck.

"I'm here Chay, and the others are on their way."

I climbed on to the top of the vehicle and peered in at what the scene was like. I saw Star's empty seat, her seatbelt was shredded, and there was blood on the seat and the door. A lot of blood.

My heart kicked into overdrive and jumped up to lodge itself in my throat.

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I moved my eyes then, to look at Chay. She seemed to be trapped under the dashboard, her left arm pinned between her seat and the door beside her. The steering wheel had been smashed down and was cutting into her legs. I saw that she was covered in blood coming from multiple places.

There was a long gash on the side of Chay's head, probably where it had slammed into the window or the ground itself during one of the rolls. Blood was pouring down the side of her head and onto her neck and shoulder. I could see a few other cuts on the parts of her that were visible, but I don't know how bad they were. It looked like she had suffered quite a few broken bones, which most likely attributed to why she was unable to get herself out of the Jeep on her own. I could tell that her right arm, the one that wasn't trapped, was broken in at least three places from near the top of the arm and shoulder area all the way down to the forearm.

"Chay." I spoke softly this time, seeing the damage that she had taken in the aftermath of this attack. "Chay, I will get you out of here, I promise. Bailey is on his way too. We will make sure you're alright. I promise. I'm so sorry you were hurt."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't stop them, Artem. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I couldn't protect her. I couldn't help her. I am useless and now she is gone." Chay was crying. The ever strong and powerful force of nature that was Chay was crying. Just the sight of that broke my heart.

"No Chay, stop it." I snapped at her, but I did it in a soft voice to let her know that I wasn't mad at her. "It's not your fault. If I hadn't fucked up last night. If I hadn't ruined everything, then she would have been with me. This most likely wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been a fucking idiot. This is all my fault, so stop blaming yourself." I felt tears sting the back of my eyes like I was going to cry as well.

"The one to blame is that fucking asshole who thinks he gets to run my family." I heard Bailey's voice then, not having paid attention to the fact that someone was walking up to where we were. I jerked around at the sound of his voice and saw that he was still walking, maybe ten feet away at the moment, and he had heard what I was saying.

"I don't fucking care what went on last night and this morning, the only thing I know is that the person to blame for this whole mess is our so called 'Uncle Howard'." Reed added as he came up next to his brother.

"So called?" Kent sounded curious as he walked up next to the others. "Is he not related at all? Most people in the families, even branch families, are related in some way, no matter how distant."

"No, Howard came to us right after Star and her mother did. I remember what my Grandfather said when he came to us. He was strong and powerful enough that it didn't matter that he was not related to us or part of the pack at all. He was an outsider." Reed looked pissed as he spoke about that scummy piece of shit.

"If I remember correctly, he's the one that started all this crap in our family.

"We will talk about that more later." I gave them a serious look. "Right now I need to get Chay out of here so that we can get her home and have her start healing. Reed, Kent I want the two of you to pull the side of the Jeep out, we need to free her arm. Bailey, I want you to get up here and keep her comfortable and focused on you while I pull the steering wheel back so we can free her legs. She can't move much right now and she has a lot of broken bones. I am guessing only adrenaline and wolf magic is keeping her awake right now."

"I'm not that weak." She yelled, the fierce Chay coming back out to play for a moment. "I'm just trapped and can't move."

"Just shut up and let us work, Chay." My words sounded harsh but I spoke softly to her, hoping to let her know that I didn't blame her for what happened.

"Bite me." She snapped back at me, also in a soft tone of voice.

The four of us set to work. Kent and Reed worked at two different angles, pulling the metal of the door out and lessening the pressure on Chay's body. After a few minutes she was finally able to move both of her arms which actually made her look quite relieved.

Bailey was laying on the roof of the vehicle, reaching through the gaping hole as he reached down toward Chay. Cupping her face and soothing her with calming words while I pulled the front of the car off of her legs.

"I'm so sorry, Chay, sweetheart. I should have gone with you this morning." He was wiping blood away from her eye as I gripped the steering wheel in both hands.

"It's not your fault." She was soothing him right back. "We didn't know what was happening." I tried not to listen to what they were saying or how they were saying it as I braced myself on the hood of the car. They were in love, they had that full mate bond that I wanted. I would not be jealous of my little sister dammit. But fuck it, I wanted this too. Not the situation but the mutual love.

"I will take care of you at home after we rescue Star. I will be there with you. I promise." I blocked his words from my mind as I started to pull hard.

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