Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 86 - Artem - Invading The Enemy’s Hideout Part 2




Silently our two groups ascended the stairs. I led my hunting party as I was more able to sneak around in my human form. Most of the second floor seemed to be open in the middle where the grand staircase opened up.

There were another dozen men in this room, standing guard around a black altar. That altar screamed one thing to me, well perhaps it was two. EVIL and WEDDING. Those were the words that were currently pounding their way through my brain.

Was that the wedding arch that Howard was going to use when he married my Star. He would do that only over my dead body. I would never let him marry my girl.

'She is mine. She belongs to me. I will protect her.' My wolf's voice was turning more and more beastial as he roared those words in anger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The fighting broke out almost immediately. The three of us lept into the group and started to throw them all around the room. There was screaming and yelps of fear. Some of the men shifted quickly, trying to match our strength and fight us off easier.

The entire room was in utter chaos and I didn't see the other three members of our rescue party at all. I didn't care I would kill all of these scumbags before I searched the floor for Howard.

"Protect the door." One of the men that was still in his human form yelled to the others that were not currently locked in battle or locking jaws with one of us. That told me exactly what I had already guessed, Star was on the other side of that door, she was somewhere at the top of the stairs behind it.

"Where is your fucking leader?" I roared as I leapt onto the man who had spoken to the others. He screamed in pain as I heard something crack under the force of my weight crashing down on him. "Where is that son of a bitch Howard hiding?"

"He's not hiding anywhere." The man was grinning at me as he spoke, like he was hiding something that he thought was infinitely more valuable than what he had told me.

"Then where the fuck is he you piece of scum?"

I could smell the man's scent now, it looked like it was no longer being hidden like it was in the trees on the way here. The full force of all their scents had hit us when we came into the house. The cumulative set scents that were gathered here would make anyone want to vomit. The only reason I hadn't, and probably the reason for the others as well, was because we were all righteously pissed off. 

We were all ready to kill every man in this house to get back the one person that didn't belong here. And, after I finished off all these pieces of scum, I would burn this fucking house down. There would be no evidence of this place left when I was done with it.

"Where the hell can I find the sleazy, kidnapping asshole that you seem to revere so much?" I growled these words right into the man's face and watched as he flinch from the spittle that flew from my lips.

"Ha ha ha." The man had the nerve to laugh right in my face as an answer to my question. "You're too late. You won't save her, not now, not ever."

"What are you saying? What bull shit are you spouting, you piece of trash." I grabbed his shirt in my hands and shook him as I screamed at him. The man's head slammed against the floor repeatedly as I shook him violently up and down. "Tell me everything you know, you worthless asshole."

"Ha ha ha." The man had the audacity to laugh again.

"They're already married. He is consummating the marriage as we speak. She is his now, she will be his forev-." His words were cut off as he started to splutter.

I watched as he lifted his head to look down at his chest. What he saw there was my hand that had punched right through his chest. I had punched my way right into his chest cavity and I could feel his heart beating in my hand as I gripped it firmly. The beating was already slowing as his life was beginning to slip away.

With fear and terror filling his eyes he looked back up at me, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

"Sh-she, sh-she be-belongs-." He tried to talk again but he couldn't get the words to come out. I pulled then, yanking my hand out of his chest. I still had his heart gripping in between my fingers when my hand came out of him. I didn't want the thing at all, so I forced his mouth open and shoved his heart into his throat.

"Suck on that for a while you dick." I wiped my hand on his shirt, removing as much of the blood as I could.

He had told me that my mate, my Star, was up there with that asshole Howard and that he was attempting to consummate his sham of a marriage with her. My vision turned red then, my anger was all I could feel, my anger and my hatred for Howard.

I lost control then.

I stomped toward the door so I could go find my Star but three of the enemy wolves got in my way. I let the rage coursing through me take over. It was fueling me, powering me with more strength in the absence of my logical inhibitions.

I grabbed the first wolf with my left hand and reached over with my right hand. I didn't hesitate or hold back at all. I just gripped the side of the wolf's head and pulled hard. The furry head separated with the body in an instant, spraying the room with blood. Thankfully I had angled the wolf away from me and was spared the blast of the ruby red liquid.

With a howl of fury another of the wolves leapt at me. I punched out at the wolf this time, with more force than I had planned on. My hand drove deep into the wolf's underbelly. I could feel the soft squishy insides of his abdomen. I didn't want this to take longer than it needed to so I just stepped on the wolf's tail and grabbed the base of his rib cage. With one strong pull I ripped the inside of his chest from his body. This time I was not spared the shower of blood.

The last wolf tried to flee, he tried to get away, but unfortunately for him I was too close to him and too filled with rage to let him get away. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked him toward me. The force of the pull nearly ripped his fur but he managed to stay wearing his coat. I couldn't let his actions slide though I also needed to go find my mate. It was a conflict of interests here. I would just be quick.

I didn't even remember moving my hands but I remember his howling. I had grabbed his left front leg and pulled it hard to the side, hard enough to separate the limb from his body. I did the same with the leg on the right side. I didn't stick around for him to die, he would bleed to death soon enough.

The path was now clear, it was time for me to save my mate.

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