Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 116 Funeral

The beginning of October month is not a happy one for the citizens of Napuna. A solemn atmosphere engulfed the entire city.

Today particularly, all shops and businesses were closed by the order of Prince Niall as a sign of mourning over the death of the king. Such orders meet no opposition from the merchant class. The Bagyarosia flag across the city was half-masted under his order.

Some of the citizens were out on the main street as early as the dawn break with clean and neat clothing. They wait patiently there as the black carriage needs to pass through the main street to reach the Royal Cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

To say Nicholas I is a great king is too much praise for him. However, he is certainly not qualified to be called a terrible king either.

At the palace, the queen, the prince, the prime minister, commanders, and nobles are all there. They're all wearing simple darker colour clothing with minimal accessories and decoration.

Count Tetherswest and his family don't attend despite the invitation sent five days ago. And oddly enough, Niall doesn't see Michael's figure either.

The noble ladies comfort the queen while others are flocking to Niall with their daughters on the side. Rather than mourning, they came here to lick his ass and try their luck by introducing their daughters to the prince. All of them are seeking to establish a connection with royal families through marriage.

Niall on the other hand doesn't give a glance at them. He has no fiancée as every letter he sent to a noble young lady only meets rejection in the past. And these same people are offering their daughters to him now. What a joke!

He just wants to get done with this and put a crown on his head.

He patiently deals with these nobles' persuasion before spotted the butler comes to his direction. The butler's arrival is like a saving grace.

"Your Highness, we're prepared to move out to the cemetery." The butler speaks in a low voice.

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Niall gives the butler a simple nod. He then excuse himself from the swarm of the noblemen.


The burial ceremony of King Nicholas I begins in the afternoon on the same day. The burial team led by the butler put a wooden coffin containing the former king's body inside the black carriage. This carriage only made its appearance during the funeral of royalty.

With an experienced coachman holding the reins, three black horses started pulling the carriage and slowly moved forward.

The very same group of soldiers that killed the king now was tasked by Niall to be escorted and guarded the carriage at all sides. This is the way Niall humiliates his father.

Following closely behind the carriage is a group of musicians consisting of flute players, bagpipe players and drummers. Solemn hymns and songs accompanied the entire funeral procession which caused a sad atmosphere in the city.

After the musicians is a member of the royal family, Niall and Queen Catherina, Wendall, nobles, and some high-ranking commoners who worked with Nicholas I during his lifetime.

The people who heard the songs immediately stopped talking and lined up on both sides of the road. When the carriage passed them, they threw white-coloured flowers toward it.

The entire process was done silently. No one was crying. Not that Nicholas I has made any memorable contribution to them.

Arriving at the Royal Cemetery, the burial team lifted the coffin from the carriage and took a steady step to the designated plot where Nicholas I would be buried.

The last time he comes here is during Niel's funeral. He takes a quick glance at Niel's grave. His lips curled up. But he immediately retracted the smile on his face.

Niall looked around and shifted his attention to the Royal Cemetery. This was originally empty of any buildings.

After the first king died, he requested to be buried here. Then, the first queen was buried here beside her husband. The second king followed in his parents' footsteps. Later on, the third king turns it into a proper cemetery to be built around their graves. He ordered large-scale construction around this land like a management building, stone fences, pathways and trees.

The management building was built to maintain and clean the cemetery. They also manage the grave location of each member of the royal family.

Several people slowly lowered the coffin into the already-dug six feet grave. Niall has done an exceptional job to smoothen the burial process of his father.

At the same time, the musicians hired don't forget to intensify their songs and hymns to add sorrow to people's hearts.

Only Catherina was sobbing in sadness. Her eyes have swollen a lot from the crying. The nobles such as Count Caushilbo, viscounts and barons wear mournful expressions on their faces.

The burial team then filled up the grave pit with soil and placed a tombstone on the grave.

With this, the funeral ended.

Before the crowds dispersed, Niall grabbed their attention. "Everyone, I thank you once again for your participation in my father's funeral. Although we have some differences in opinion, it doesn't mean I'm not sad about his passing. To commemorate both my father and little brother, I would like to invite all of you to attend a funeral banquet tonight. Not to mention, my coronation ceremony will be held six days from now. Nobles are invited to stay in the palace until the ceremony ends."

The nobles cheer and clap their hands. They congratulate Niall for their soon-to-be king. The sad atmosphere was lifted up and replaced by happiness and smiles.

Catherina and Wendall were dumbfounded by this announcement

A few questions pop up in Catherina's head, 'What is a funeral banquet? Since when did we have this kind of banquet? Are you implicating the death of your father as a happy event?

The same goes for Wendall. He felt displeased by this, 'Isn't it a bit rude to talk about the coronation ceremony when they're still at the cemetery?'

"This isn't my gut feeling anymore. I am genuinely suspicious of him." Wendall said inaudibly.

All of this went too smoothly. He had a feeling that Niall had made preparations for the funeral beforehand. But he couldn't say anything without evidence to back up his claim.

Amidst the sea of people in the cemetery, one or two figures manage to sneak off unnoticed and disappear.

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