Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 169 Reunion

February, 303 Paign Era.

In the second month of the year, the Kingdom of Ryntum sent its military teaching staff to three neighbouring countries, a move that has caused unsettling ripples in the region. How could they not? Ryntum military never made any movement in the past two years. Talks about the impending war become prevalent among the common folks.

Sensing the rumours turned into a raging fire, the kingdom, through Ryntum Weekly, published an article to reassure its citizens about their safety and peace. The article stressed the purpose of the joint training solely to increase their neighbouring army proficiency, allowing them to better defend themselves. Rumours quickly cooled and subsided for a time being. The rest was left to the SIN to put the flame off.



Riz and Theodora stood at the bustling Port of Bideford, gazing out at the sea. From time to time, the sea breeze blows gently on their faces, tickling their noses with a faint scent of salty and sulphury smell. Behind him, the king could hear both the sound of horse trotting and murmurs from people. The presence of a high-profile couple attracted the attention of the people in the port. By a single look, they can tell that the king is waiting for someone's arrival.

He pays them no attention and leaves the matter of security to Theodora's former personal knight, Albert, which he brought along with him.

"When do you think they'll arrive?" Theodora asked the same question for the nth time. He is annoyed but at the same time understands her excitement. It's been such a long time since she last saw her parents, probably three years or so.

"They supposedly arrive around this time." He uttered the same reply. With the existence of the port, people from the opposite side of the gulf can travel directly to Bideford in just two days.

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"Do you want to eat something while waiting for them? There is a lot of delicious food sold here."

She rejected his offer, "I want to stay here and wait. I'll eat later, together with my family."

Riz proceeds by ordering the knight to buy him some sandwiches. He hadn't eaten any food since this morning thanks to Theodora dragging him here.

Not long after that, he can see silhouettes of the sailing vessel sailing toward the port. Gradually, the said object became larger and clearer for him to discern.

It's a white clipper made by his company.

"I think that's the ship carrying your family." Riz pointed at the approaching ship.

"Where?" Theodora quickly got up from her seat. Her heart begins to swell with joy as she stares at the ship with anticipation. She pulled his sleeve, "Let's go closer."

"Nope," Riz said firmly, giving her no chance to refute. "You're just going to hinder the traffic movement. I'll send a knight to escort them here."

She subtly frowned but gave up in the end. "Fine."


From afar, the ship moves close to the pier before stopping. Theodore and his wife begin to disembark together with their servants and other passengers. He squinted his eyes under the bright sunlight. The entourage from Tetherswest stares at the bustling port with amazement. The sheer scale of size and economic activities conducted at this port can easily dwarf the port town of Nedideters in his duchy.

Fiona interlocked her arm with her husband and pulled him to the side so as to not obscure the pedestrian flow. "Dear, which direction should we go? I feel like we are entering a new world."

"I...don't know." His reply is rather slow. He was overwhelmed by the sight of the city.

"Did Riz not say anything in his letter?"

"That kid only says he's going to personally receive us."

Fiona looked around worriedly until her eyes caught something, "Dear, look! I think that man is waiting to pick us up."

Theodore sees a man in an unusual uniform holding a sign written with 'The Tetherswest' up in the air. He gains some attraction from people because of his actions. Without hesitation, the couple approaches the man.

"Is the king sent you to pick us up?" Theodore ask.

He nods his head, "Duke Theodore Tetherswest and Duchess Fiona Tetherswest, I assume?"

"Yes, we are. Here's the proof." Theodore brings out his family emblem from his chest pocket which is entirely made from gold.

"Follow me, milord and milady. The king and his fiancee are waiting for you." After verifying their identity, the man escorts the ducal couple to the king's whereabouts. The servants followed closely behind them with the luggage.

"Mother!" A young woman suddenly rushed toward Fiona and hugged her. After a long wait, she finally reunited with her mother again.

Fiona, albeit startled, recovers her calmness and begins to gently pat Theodora's head with affection. "My daughter, how have you been these years? Did your fiance treat you nicely?"

"I do, actually," Riz interjects first before greeting her, "It's a pleasure to see you again, Duke and Duchess. May I ask where your son is?"

"The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty." Fiona smiled gracefully, befitting her status as a high-rank noblewoman. "He's at home, managing the duchy for us."

Riz felt a bit complicated. He hasn't told the Tetherswest yet and hopes to bring the entire family under the pretext of the wedding ceremony. Knowing Theodore, he wouldn't abandon his people to save his own skin.

He's the complete opposite nature of Riz.

Anyway, he still has time to evacuate his brother-in-law.

Theodore greeted him with a casual tone of his. "Kid, I didn't expect you to be king and send chaos to the entire Bagyarosia. If that was not enough, the Caushilbo region was plagued with crime and violence. Don't get me wrong, I do like that personality of yours." His father-in-law leaned in closer, "Tell me kid, did you plan this beforehand? Did you have a deal with late Count Caushilbo's former butler, Basil Belvadair?"

Riz replied with a smile. He neither agrees nor denies Theodore's assumption. He prefers to leave this topic vague for now.

"Come on, kid. Can you at least tell me?" Theodore nudged his elbow.

Fiona stops her husband, "Dear, leave Riz alone. Can you see that he didn't want to answer your question?"

"We have garnered a lot of attention. Let's depart to the mansion first. I believe both of you would be hungry by now." Riz glanced to the left and right.

"Very well."

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