Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 184 Assurance

After successfully submitting the application for patents, Patson, Patrick, and Patricia breathed a sigh of relief. Now, they still had to wait for their patent to be granted which according to the clerk, it estimated to take two weeks. In the meantime, both Patrick and Patricia plan to continue refining their invention.

"What's your plan next?" asked Patson to his children. 

Patrick replied thoughtfully, "Well, we need to start thinking about manufacturing our invention and making some money. We've done a lot of study on various production processes and materials, but we still need to pick the option that would manufacture our product at the lowest cost."

"Tell me if you need help in marketing and distribution. I can help you spread the word about your typewriter," said Patson. As a merchant, he had a wide network of acquaintances in various industries and regions.

"Thank you, Dad." Patrick and Patricia were grateful for their father's offer of help, knowing their father's experience and connection would be a huge advantage in getting their typewriter to market.

The three of them immediately leave the patent office as they saw the number of people walking into the office gradually increase.

The office remains a hub of activity despite the heightened tension.

While waiting for their carriage to arrive at the entrance, Patson noticed the newspaper vendor nearby and decided to purchase one to pass the time. He concurs that the newspaper must have some sort of official report regarding the war. 

"Extra! Extra! Kingdom ensures our safety amidst war in the east! Make sure to keep yourself updated." shouted the vendor as he wave the newspaper in the air, attracting the attention of countless people nearby. 

Patson approached the vendor and bought a newspaper.

His eyes quickly scan the headlines printed on the front page.

Compared to its first appearance, the Ryntum Weekly has a massive upgrade in terms of the number of articles and advertisements. Certain articles and advertisements now come together with detailed illustrations or intricate designs.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Apparently, it was called copperplate printing. It is a method that involved etching a design onto a copper plate, which was then inked and pressed onto the paper.

The price was pretty high since it is a time-consuming process and requires skilled craftsmen to create the plates and operate the printing press. 

Curious about the news, Patrick and Patricia leaned in to read the article as well.

[Kingdom Assures Citizens of Safety Amidst War in the East.

In light of the invasion that happened in Bagyarosia, the kingdom would like to reassure its people that safety precautions are in place.

The kingdom is aware of the danger posed by Barlia and is committed to protecting its people and preventing the fire of war spread within its borders. In addition, Ryntum is in constant communication with neighbouring nations to hold off the advancement of the enemy into our land.

The citizens are exhorted not to fret and carry on with their usual daily activities.]

Patricia was the first to heave a sigh of relief, "That's good to hear. I was getting worried that the war would prolong the reviewing time of our patent application."

"Yes, it's reassuring to know that we can focus on mass producing our inventions and setting up a business." Her brother nods in agreement.

Soon enough, their carriage pulled up, "Alright kids, our ride is here. Let's head home and continue discussing your plan there." said Patson as he folded the newspaper and tucked it under his arm.

The carriage travelled through the city's busy streets. The article was a topic of discussion among the people. Overall, the kingdom's assurance prevents the panic from spreading and instilled a sense of confidence among the populace.

Nonetheless, the atmosphere in the city remains a mix of busyness and cautious optimism.


In the King's office, Riz's Chief of Intelligence, Charlotte who sat across from him reported. "Milord, the article released in Ryntum Weekly has been well-received. The panic among them has subsided."

Riz leaned back in his chair, a sense of relief washing over him at Charlotte's report. "That's good to hear, Charlotte. Please continue paying attention to the public and report to me if there's a sudden change. We cannot let fear and panic take hold. It'll cause instability within our border."

Charlotte nodded in agreement. "Indeed, milord."

"Now, let's move on to the next topic." Riz retrieved the letter he just received from Basil Belvadair, the former butler and Wilmot Aymer, the former head knight of the late Count Caushilbo. 

It's really been a while since he heard about them.

After the death of the count's family, these two people never live their life in peace. Together with everyone loyal to Count Caushilbo, both of them wreak havoc in the region after finding out about the unjust death of their master.

They wish to hold Niall responsible for his action of deserting the battlefield during Naharog's attack.

Since Niall is well-guarded, all they could do is sabotage, assault and destroy everything related to his government.

However, their operation is akin to a mindless mad dog, ravaging and destroying everything on the path without any proper plan to achieve their ultimate goal.

From a public viewpoint, the once-upholder of justice slowly becomes no different from a group of bandits. Public support for their cause naturally wanes.

Niall isn't stupid either. He obviously takes advantage of the situation to turn the public against them.

Under normal circumstances, Riz couldn't care less about this petty rebellion or their conflict as long as they didn't interfere with his interest or cross him in any way. But, that is exactly what has happened. One day, he receives a report that a caravan belonging to Rynutm's merchants was attacked.

Upon investigating, he found out who the perpetrators were. 

Riz knew that he couldn't let this slide. Feeling these people need a bit of discipline, without wasting any time, he sends a SIN agent to subdue and teach them a lesson.

After they got beaten by his agents, Riz gave them a choice, they could either face punishment for their actions or agree to be under his control.

To them, it was not actually a choice but more of coercion.

Basil and Wilmot both obviously agreed to be under his control.

From that day on until now, they had been doing his bidding for two years. Mostly, it consists of carrying out minor tasks or doing Ryntum's bidding now and then which doesn't affect their rebellion activities.

In fact, the rebellion in Bagyarosia is being covertly funded by Ryntum. Riz give them a goal to piss Niall off, which is to impede Niall's development efforts and perpetuate unrest in the region.

"What did they say?" Charlotte curiously asked.

"Well, the war spreading in Bagyarosia has caused their range of activities to shrink. However, Barlia's invasion also provides an opportunity for them to exact their revenge. Since all eyes are gazing at Barlia in the north right now, Niall and his court will be caught off guard if Basil attacks them from the southeast. The success rate isn't really high despite Haugdak being close to Weymewesto. In short, they have contemplated their options and are seeking my orders. So, Charlotte, what do you think we should do with them?"

She thought for a moment, "Milord, it would be a wise move to have them retreat from Haugdak to Napuna. We can't simply discard them since Ryntum has been deeply involved in funding the rebellion. Once exposed, it will complicate matters. For now, our kingdom needs to support them from behind. When the right time comes, we can use their revenge as a weapon against Niall without dirtying our own hands"

Riz leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. His dark circle eyes flickered towards her direction, "You make a valid point, Charlotte. Tell them to cease all their operation and prepare a retreat path for them. As stubborn as they may be, I believe they do realize the gravity of the situation. Our soldiers will meet them at Napuna."

"As you wish, Milord," replied Charlotte. "I will make the necessary arrangements to call them and ensure their safety. However, Bagyarosia, Naharog and Vofors have asked for our assistance. How should we respond to their plea?"

"Except for Naharog, inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stall time and avoid providing any definitive answers. We'll join the war whenever we wish to."

Charlotte nodded in agreement, "I understand, Milord. I'll relay your instruction to them."

She excused herself and left the king's office, leaving Riz alone in his own thoughts.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes and grabbed a quill and paper.

He began to write down messages to Basil and Wilmot. Their desire for revenge is a valuable asset for him but he also knew that they could be unpredictable. 

Also, he wrote a letter to Mezorin to ask their permission to land his troops. 

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