Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 191 Night Attack

Night arrives and covered the whole region in total darkness. Tonight was a moonless night. Thick clouds blocked out the light of the moon and the stars. In such a situation, the human's visibility is significantly reduced to only a few feet. However, human hearing become more acute. The soft rustle of leaves caused by the wind can be easily heard. The air was thick and humid, a sign of an eventual downpour.


In the midst of such conditions, the northeast gate of the city was open and a bridge was lowered. The thunderous sound of hooves reverberated as a group of four thousand horsemen exited the city, charging straight towards the Blande camps, located one kilometre away.

They had no difficulties navigating through a moonless night. Blande's camp illuminated the night with their campfires, lanterns and torches used for warmth and cooking. It was easy to spot them from afar.

In just five minutes, the Tetherswest's assault cavalry finally arrived at the Blande's camp.

The enemy camp was situated in an open area with no natural protection and was only protected by palisades around them. Sure enough, there are few troops who remained awake, guarding the camp despite the late hour. They were seen to be moving back and forth, walking in a predetermined path. 

Nevertheless, the plan remained unchanged. Only a few that stay awake while the majority of Blande's soldiers were dozing off anyway. 

"We're charging through! Don't get distracted and end up getting separated. If that happens, you're on your own." shouted the cavalry captain. He reminds them of the gravity of the situation so that they wouldn't be to absorb the battle and end up straying away from the group.

"Sir, should we go straight for their commander?" asked one of the soldiers.

"No," The captain shook his head. "We'll spread chaos across the camp while searching for their storage area for supplies and equipment. We need to destroy their arrows and siege weapons first."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Understood, sir."

Entering the camp, the assault cavalry was greeted with hundreds of tents set up in an organized fashion. Judging from the size, each tent can house anywhere from 4 to 6 soldiers.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Their presence didn't go unnoticed as the Blande's soldiers on watch duty hurriedly sounded the bell. The sudden commotion outside throws everyone in the camp into chaos.

Soldiers rushed out of their tent, retrieving their weapons and armour.

However, not everyone is fully awakened as some are still rubbing their eyes. As they struggle to shake off their drowsiness, a kiss from a cold and sharp sword on their neck solves the problem. Now, the sleepy Blande soldiers no longer need to open their eyes forever.

The assault cavalry from Tetherswest cut down Blande soldiers left and right in a rhythmic motion like a scythe through wheat. Effortlessly. The initial ten thousand soldiers are now down to nine thousand.

The initial shock damage caused Blande soldiers in a state of disoriented.

They found themselves struggling to keep up with the speed and ferocity of the cavalry.

The once tranquil camp was turned upside down. The atmosphere filled with the sound of sword clashes and arrow whizzes. Dying screams can be heard all over the place.

Not to mention, the sudden fire spread raged through the camp, burning everything in its path. Orange glows brightly against the dark of the night.

"Supplies! Check our supplies!" shouted one of Blande's soldiers, realizing what the enemy aiming for.

Those who heard rushed to check. But, the fire had consumed all their food supplies and fresh water. Soon, the fire moved to the next tent, where their weapons were stored. Nothing he can do except watch everything burn.

In the midst of chaos, Braun sprang up to save the day. He quickly shouted out a series of orders to his men. "Form a defensive line! Infantry to the front! Archers to the sides!" 

"But sir, our arrows were destroyed in the fire together with other supplies. The amount we have on hand won't be enough for a prolonged battle." reports the same soldier who checks the supplies with concern.

Braun's jaw tightened. He lashes out at them, urging the soldiers to fight with all their might. "Then use your sword, damn it! We can't let them wreak havoc in our camp, can't we? Or are you planning to wait for them to slaughter you?"

"No, sir!" The soldier firmly denied it.

"Then move your feet and readied for battle." The soldiers nodded. He quickly relayed the orders to the rest of the archers.

Within moments, the well-trained soldiers quickly fell into formation. They beautifully line up, shoulder to shoulder, with their weapons brandished.

He turns to his second-in-command, Kurt. "What's their estimated number?"

"Probably around 4,000 to 5,000 cavalry," Kurt replied.

"Fortunately, we have numbered as our advantage." His tension eased a little bit while his mind still racing to come up with backup plans.

Kurt reminded his superior, "But our number can't compete with their mobility." 

"I know. What happens to our cavalry?" Braun asked.

"Can't use them right now. Some get caught in a fire while some are not in a condition to be used. I already ordered soldiers to take care of the horses while we fighting."

"Good job."

Shortly thereafter, the Blande archers released a volley of arrows at the incoming cavalry charge. But it didn't do much to stop them nor did it cause chaos among their ranks. Such a move was short-lived as Blande run out of arrows.

With their bows now useless, the archers drew their swords and joined in close combat. 

The clash of swords and fierce battle filled the air with both attempting to gain the upper hand. In this situation, the cavalry assault team has massive advantages. They continuously chipped Blande's number away.

After an hour or so passed, the battle finally leaned to Blande's side. Because the cavalry assault team moves in a formation of arrowhead-like shape for the most destructive power, all Blande had to do is taking advantage of their number, and swarmed them on all sides.

Seeing the clash that happen head-on finally leaned on their side, Braun ordered his soldiers in the centre to retreat slowly in an organised manner. They are to focus on solely absorbing the impact while retreating.

Meanwhile, soldiers further from the centre advanced and move forward, cutting off the left and right sides. Gradually, the space around the enemy's cavalry was gradually reduced. 

The enemy's cavalry found their movement becoming more and more limited. 

Blande successfully managed to flank the cavalry on both sides, leaving only one escape route. Seeing this, Braun couldn't help but lament. "If only we had more troops, we can completely surround them."

"But we have significantly reduced their mobility, sir." Kurt pointed out.

"True, we should proceed to strangle them." Braun nodded in agreement. He ordered the soldiers to continue pressing on.

On the opposite side, the cavalry found themselves surrounded. They lost the initial momentum they previously had. The situation has turned against them and their advantages disappear. Any more than this, they may end up getting trapped and slaughtered.

"Retreat now!" With a heavy heart, the captain yelled to his troops. His face filled with frustration and anger as they didn't manage to accomplish all the mission objectives.

The cavalry quickly turned their horse around and started to gallop away from the camp.

"Don't let them escape!" Behind them, a cavalry belonging to Blande closely chasing them. 

The difference in horse energy is apparent. Blande's horses are full of vigour while the Tetherswest's horses are severely tired from hours of constant running.

"Captain! They're getting closer, should we engage with them?"

The captain turns for verification. The Blande cavalry was hot on their heels, with swords glistening in the dark. "Tsk, they're so persistent." He clicked his tongue while simultaneously shaking his head, "No need for that. Focus on making our way into the city."

The assault cavalry rode hard, trying to put as much distance as possible between them. Soon, the city wall came into their sight. The captain waved his hand, signalling to the garrison at the top to open the door. At the same time, the archers on the wall pulled their bowstrings. 

While waiting for the bridge to be lowered, Tetherswest's archers stalled Blande's cavalry by hitting them with arrows. One of Blande's unlucky horsemen falls to the ground, groaning in pain as he tightly grasps his bleeding shoulder.


Another arrow was shot. This time it hit the tight instead of the shoulder. It was a clear warning sign, do not advance any further.

Blande's cavalrymen rush to help their comrade. And the chase ended rather abruptly.

As the bridge lowered, Blande could only watch the Tetherswest cavalry safely retreat back into the city. 

Blande, on the other hand, had suffered a significant loss in this battle. The camp was destroyed and the ground was littered with dead bodies. 

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