Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 43 A Tour Around Bideford

After having breakfast, Riz is on his way to visit his workshops. Theodora was together with him, looking around the hectic market at the square with her excited eyes. The last time she came here, she didn't have any chance to look around.

Unlike Bideford, Tetherswest is a city near the border. It didn't locate on the major trade route and didn't have a lively atmosphere. The atmosphere there is always quiet and serious.

Charlotte followed behind Theodora. She need to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't run off somewhere on her own. Theodora still doesn't know much about Bideford and its surrounding area. Although the town is relatively safe, Bideford has many visitors on a daily basis. They can't guarantee something bad wouldn't happen.

Soon, they arrive in an industrial area.

"I must say this place looks wide". Theodora commented.

Riz replied half-heartedly, "Yeah, I kinda change this place a little bit"

Charlotte just rolled her eyes when she hear Riz's words. She doesn't think what Riz did can be considered 'little'.

This place has changed a lot since Riz arrived. For starters, the road layout in the area has fully transformed into a grid road layout. The size of the road is comparable to that modern road. All the workshop was reorganized neatly.

Initially, many workshops were reluctant to do this. It is hard for them and closing the workshop for one day means no customers. No customers are equivalent to no income. Furthermore, they need to demolish and rebuild it back which can be a hassle.

This is where Riz utilize his authority as a noble and a lord's son to shut their mouths.

Now, they can see the effect with their own eyes. The road was widened to a size comparable to that two-lane road in the modern era. As a result, traffic congestion in the area has been reduced significantly. The goods can flow in and out of the area smoothly. The area which used to be narrow and give a suffocating feeling is no more.

Riz headed toward his publishing workshop. Luis, the manager of the Gatharix Publishing Company is waiting for him. He is a former worker woodcutter at the paper workshop. Under the guidance of Charlotte and Riz, he has been learning a lot of things for the past six months. Riz has enough trust in him to let Luis manage his publishing company. Of course, he or Charlotte will come from time to time to oversee the situation.

"Good morning, Boss", Luis greet him.

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"Good morning, how is the progress?", Riz asked right away.

"Let me show you", said Luis. He leads Riz and Theodora to the storage room.

Riz check the quantity of the textbooks that have been stockpiled including the quality of the print. The school in Bideford, Tegrot and Rafoldord will be open soon. He needs to make sure there is no shortage of learning material. As he mention before, education takes a long time to see its effect. Any shortage can slow down the learning progress of the students.

In all honesty, the textbook is black and white and full of words. If he gives this to kids in the modern era, they probably fall asleep within a minute.

Theodora pick one of the textbooks and flipped the pages curiously. She didn't find anything special at first until Riz tell her to pick up another textbook and compare both of them. To her surprise, both of them look identical.

"How?!", Theodora asked Riz with a surprised tone.

"Charlotte, go and show it to her". Riz replied.

"Follow me, Theodora", said Charlotte.

Theodora left Riz behind and follow Charlotte from behind. Her eyes were wide open when she saw the printing presses in the production area.

"What is this tool?", she asked Charlotte.

Charlotte explains, "Printing press. It is a tool that can produce identical pages repeatedly. The is no need to copy it by hand one by one".

She goes to one of the workers and watches him using the press. The worker turn stiff as he didn't know what to do. A noblewoman suddenly comes and stares intensely at him as he is doing his work peacefully.

His mind is turning fast, 'What should I do? Should I keep working? Should I stop and bow at her? She won't cut my head, isn't she? I am not even married yet!! Somebody, help me!'.

His eyes are searching for someone to help him and notices Charlotte near the noblewoman. He naturally knows Charlotte's identity. The female workers were gossiping about her during their break. They always said that Charlotte was lucky to be a personal maid for a kind noble like Riz.

Sensing the pleading gaze from the worker, Charlotte decided to step in. 'I better help him before he starts crying.'

"Move. I will teach this noble lady", said Charlotte. The worker happily makes way for his saviour.

She said to Theodora, "Watch carefully, I will demonstrate to you. I want you to do it next". Charlotte begins her demonstration. It is not that hard to operate the printing press and Theodora understands it right away.

"Now, it is your turn". Charlotte said while handing an ink ball to her.

Theodora tries it just like Charlotte shows her. Once she is finished, she proudly shows it to Charlotte.

Charlotte smirked and said one word to her, "childish".

"What did you say?", Theodora is asked. There is an inkball in her hand.

Charlotte frowned. The situation is not looking good for her.

As they are about to argue, they heard Riz's voice calling them, "Theodora, Charlotte. Stop fighting and let's go". He is already at the entrance and was about to leave.

They swiftly move toward the entrance.

"You didn't tell me you have such an amazing tool", said Theodora.

"That tool is dangerous. I don't plan on spreading its technology for now". He began to explain to her the effect printing brought to society.

"I guess you are right". Despite her repeatedly saying she doesn't look at people's social status, it doesn't mean she is willing to lose her privilege as a noble.

"Where are we going next?", she asked.

"Blacksmith workshop", he plans to meet with Goban.

"Are you going to show something impressive again?". She looks at Riz and asks.

Riz replied. "The next thing is quite impressive to me. I don't know if you think it impressive or not".

"Well... let's see it first". She said.

Riz continues walking to Goban's place together with Theodora.

"Milord, I have been waiting. Your request has been completed. Let's install this right away".

"Good. Let's go to the well in the square". said Riz.

"What's that?", Theodora asked.

"Hand pump. This thing can make people's lives easier. You will see it soon".

They are all headed to the town square and installed the hand pump. Riz then demonstrates to the crowd of onlookers the way to use the hand pump. He repeatedly pushes and pulls the handle until the water then flows out through the outlet. The crowds cheer when they see the water is easily drawn.

The working principle of the hand pump is pretty simple. Inside the pump cylinder, there is a foot valve at the bottom and a piston valve at the bottom. The piston valve is connected to the handle with the pump rod.

When Riz pushes the handle downward, the foot valve opens and simultaneously closes the piston valve. This causes the vacuum to generate in the cylinder pump. To fill the vacuum, water was drawn up out of the pipe that was attached at the bottom of the cylinder pump. The opposite occurs when Riz pulls up on the handle. The foot valve closes and the piston valve opens, stopping the water from returning to the well. The process was repeated until the water flow out through the outlet.

Theodora who is on the sidelines could see Riz is not a typical nobleman. He devoted himself to making people's lives better.

Riz move from the well and lets the people try it. He plans to supply it to all the settlements. He moves toward Theodora and asked her, "What are you thinking so deeply?"

"Thinking that you are not the same as the noblemen around your age. Your behaviour and conduct are more mature compared to them"

"Well, I don't think I am that mature but I'm definitely better than them". Riz confidently said. That's not a lie though. He values the people more than the nobles. They are like untapped resources waiting to be discovered. The nobles are actually pretty worthless to him.

"Let's go. My job is finished, I will take you around the town". He freezes for a moment. There is no attractive place for him to bring her. Bideford is just like a typical medieval town but without a tourist spot here.

"What's wrong?", she asked.


'Whatever. I will just bring her to familiarize the town. She is going to live here in the future.'

That day, Riz resolves to build a tourist spot in Bideford.

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