Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 81 Dragon's Wisdom

"I should ask Arden. He probably knows about it."

"Well, do whatever you want. I will return to my office first. Thanks to someone, I have a lot of work to do," said Theodora as she left Riz alone in the treasury.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," said Riz in an uninterested tone. His eyes were still fixated on this strange small orb in his hand.

Not wanting to waste time, he sends someone to fetch Arden Daniel.

After the establishment of the education structure in his domains, Arden decided to move to Bideford and become one of the educators here. He feels Bideford has a good academic environment.

Riz absolutely welcomed his presence. Having a bright mind like Arden in his kingdom will benefit the education world in his country in the long term. History is also an important branch of knowledge. He had planned for Arden to teach history subject in a university once he built it to which he agree.

Sure enough, Arden comes to him at his fastest speed. The moment his eyes saw the mountains of treasures, his reaction was the same as any normal human would have. Shock.

However, it didn't last long as he quickly fixed his demeanour. "I apologize for making you wait, Your Majesty. I come to see the unusual treasure I was informed."

Arden greets him with the utmost respect. Riz is no longer a young nobleman but a full-fledged monarch.

"I don't mind, Arden. Here, take a look at this. I found it in the mountains of treasures. I think this is coming from that ruin." Riz handed over the small glowing orb to him.

"Hmmm..." Arden took his leisure time inspecting this small orb.

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"How is it? Got any clues?"

"I strongly believe this object is what we historians call 'Dragon's Wisdom.'"

"Sounds intimidating yet interesting. Care to give me more explanation?"

"With pleasure, Your Majesty. As you already know, the Draxning Empire is closely related to dragons and how they have been hunting them during the final days of their empire. This orb is the purpose that drives them to hunt dragons. A semi-harden dragon's blood and flesh were extracted from the dragon. It was then cooked, brewed and made into pills for human consumption. It is called dragon's wisdom because it contains the dragon's mana and knowledge."

"But I thought when Stuart said humans eat the flesh of mana beasts to gain power, he mean killing and cooking like ordinary livestock."

Arden sneered, "Hmph, that Stuart just teaching you halfway through. Not that I blame him since most of the nobles' children aren't interested in history. That's only happening in the early days. Humans are creative and innovative creatures. Due to the ability to manipulate mana being temporary, human needs to find a way to store the flesh in the long term so it can be eaten conveniently at any time. This orb or pill is a solution to that problem. Imagine if you run out of mana during a fight, all you have to do is swallow one of these pills. Of course, these pills have different grades and quantities of mana granted to their users. Dragon's Wisdom is the supreme pill of all pills as the materials come from the dragon itself."

"They kill the dragon to make this?"

"No, you don't necessarily need to do so. You only need a portion of its flesh and blood to make it."

"Can I gain mana if I eat this pill?" Riz excitedly asked.

"No, the mana is probably dissipated after a long time. Knowledge however is most likely to remain."

Riz is disappointed by the fact he can't obtain mana but he just shrugged it off. It's not a big deal for him as he comes from a mana-less world. On the other hand, he is interested in the dragon's knowledge.

"A mythical beast sure has some kind of incredible knowledge."

"I wouldn't suggest that..." Arden felt apprehensive about the king's intention.


"The pill is thousands of years old. I don't think it is still safe for human consumption."

"Oh please, what could possibly go wrong."

"You...died? And I get executed for letting the king do stupid things."


Riz ignored his warning anyway and decided to swallow the pill. He stands there with a smug face, indicating there is no problem with his body.

But it didn't last long. He felt his stomach gradually getting hotter as time passed. Before long, he collapses to the floor.

Riz felt pain all over his body; his joints, his muscles and his bones were all inseparable from the pain. His heart felt like it was on fire. His lungs felt as if he was short of air. And his brain feels like it is pierced by thousands of needles.

The pain is indescribable and unbearable so much so that his body took a defensive measure by shutting him down. Riz ends up losing consciousness.

"Your Majesty! Somebody, help!" Arden shouts. He is completely panicking.

"What happened?!" Edward comes when he hears all the ruckus that is happening.

"H-He swallows a dragon's wisdom."

"Dragon's wisdom?" asked Edward. It is the first time he hears such a name.

"There's no time to explain. We need to move him to his room first."

Edward promptly called the servants to help move the king to his chamber. Theodora and Charlotte rush back the moment they were informed about it.

Arden then was forced to explain everything to them in great detail.

Moving back to Riz, his consciousness floats in a sea of darkness. He continued to float until he saw a light. Upon reaching the light, he saw something unbelievable.

'How is this even possible? How does a dragon know the Earth's technological development?'

Riz keeps watching. His brain acts like a sponge, absorbing as much information as he can. But his action was halted because of a pair of eyes glaring at him.

His soul shivered with cold and he was frozen in place. Running away is the only thought he has right now but he couldn't. That pair of eyes sneered at him. It uttered several words before flicking his consciousness away.

"Begone, you pitiful soul..."


At the far east of the Jozia continent, there is one large island called 'The edge of the continent'. It is made up of fifty per cent of Vakia's total land area yet it was inhabitable by humans. The ocean around it is boiling, melting anything that tries to come near.

Such a large island yet nobody seems to be interested in claiming sovereignty over it. To be more specific, they do not dare to claim it for themselves.

On that island, dragons freely roam without any care about the surrounding events that happen. Towering in the centre of the island is a magnificent blood-red palace.

Laying near the human-size throne is a large lizard with a pair of wings. Its razor-sharp teeth can tear anything apart. Its golden slit eyes feel like they can pierce the soul of anyone who looked at it. Red burning scales covered its entire body, providing it with the best armour the world could possibly offer. Despite having such impenetrable scales, a certain spot on its body has a scar.

Lazily opening one of its eyes halfway through, it stares in a certain direction.

Despite no one else near it, the legendary creature majestically said, "Begone, you pitiful soul. You have seen enough. You're not worthy to peek at all the knowledge I possess. Be grateful for what you've obtained."

Then, it closes its eyes back and continues sleeping as if it wasn't concerned about the fact someone just peeks into its mind.

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