Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 94 Gatharix Group

Two days later,

White Hall once again was filled with representatives from each company. For the past two days, discussions have occurred in various inns around the capital. All of them are talking about the same topic, the road construction project.

The construction cost will be provided by the government and their payment was given separately. Only four sections can be chosen and the price is varied each. If they are purely driven by profit alone, they won't be able to finish the job in the estimated timeline. Their company reputation will be severely affected.

People with good ears naturally heard about this information which then slowly spread to the public. But Riz ignored it nor did he try to stop it. It is bound to be known anyway.

When Gerald arrives, the construction companies begin to submit their desired section of the road. His subordinates checked to make sure the companies did not choose the same section. If it happens, they are required to discuss and settle among themselves either to cede or to choose another section.

After two hours, all sections were claimed and the final list is shown to all of them for the sake of transparency.

Riz also got one copy for himself. His eyes slowly scanned the list.

Anders Construction - Section 1, Section 3, Section 4, Section 7.

Radiates Building Company - Section 2, Section 6, Section 8, Section 9.

Double R Construction - Section 5, Section 10, Section 11, Section 15.

SB Builders - Section 13, Section 14, Section 20, Section 21,

Den and Family Cons. - Section 17, Section 18, Section 25.

Cactus Build - Section 22.

The list goes on.

What he noticed is large and considerably well-established companies choose a longer and more complicated section. On the other hand, smaller companies choose the shorter and relatively straight section. Only one or two small companies dare to choose the larger section.

'I hope they are not biting off more than they can chew. Since this is the first large-scale project, I guess I need to constantly do site visits to make sure everything is okay. A first failing project may put some dirt on my clean track record as a king.'

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty..."

His thought was interrupted by Gerald who has been calling him for some time now. He looks up.

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"All companies have finished signing contracts with the government. We are all waiting for you."

The payment received by the contractor depends on the final cost of the section they build. Riz opt to use a fluctuating fee for paying them. For example, if they manage to get the job done within the budget, let's say 100,000 Ryn. They will get thirty per cent of that value as their payment which is 30,000 Ryn. The higher the budget gets, the lesser their fee.

Riz chose this kind of payment because he knows their budget will swell up. It is a rare case for a megaproject to complete on a budget.

"Ohh...okay." Riz momentarily forgets that he is a king. Nobody can leave before him. Taking this chance, he decided to give a short speech to them. "Ehem...Ehem. Everyone, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation during the coming two years. I expected high-quality workmanship from all of you. That's all, everyone may dismiss."

Now that this matter was settled, Riz returned to his office which is within the complex. Along the way, he ordered a worker to call Charlotte to his office.

He believes he has neglected his company for too long. To start with, many of his companies are involved in various industries. And he definitely will have more in the future.


His office door was open and a red hair beauty entered his office.

"Sit down, Charlotte," said Riz.

"Is there something you need me for?"

"Yes. As you already know, I have many companies with scattered offices here and there which are very hectic to manage. If things keep going as it is now, it is getting harder to manage and supervise them. And it is also prone to misconduct and inefficiency. So, I plan to make it easier for me to handle by gathering all of this office and building a headquarters here in Bideford. What do you think?"

"You are right, milord. If we let this continue, it will get harder for the company to expand and open a new market. Plus, I doubt you are satisfied with only these companies. I had a strong feeling that you will be involved in another industry soon enough."

"Hehe~ You know me well. My goal is to make sure my family and descendants are independent from relying on taxpayers' money for their luxurious lifestyle. For that, I need a strong source of income."

"What do you want me to do, milord?"

"I need you to call all the managers in my company to come to my office next week. Every single one of them must attend."

"I will get it done."


A week later, several people made their way to Noble Hill.

For this meeting, Riz gathers them in his mansion. He has his priorities straight. Since this is not related to governance matters, he has no reason to let them enter the government plaza.

He looks at their face one by one. It has been a long time since they were all gathered in one place.

"Thank you for taking your time off for this meeting. It is nice to see a lot of familiar faces here."

"We wouldn't dare to ignore the summon for the king." shrugged Luis.

"Yeah, nobody dared." Jason chuckled.

"Hahaha. Good, good. Let's get back to the main topic. I plan to reorganize the companies I have by making a grouping."


"A group comprises a parent company and its subsidiaries. My companies will be the subsidiaries of the parent company. To manage this group easier, I plan to build a headquarters here and move all your current office into one place. In addition, some positions might change as well."

They are all tense up the moment the king touches this particular topic.

"For starters, Luis who formerly managed my publishing company will be promoted to head manager of my new company, Gatharix Financial Company. My paper and publishing company will be combined to become Gatharix Paper and Publishing Company. Emily will take a position as head manager. She had worked under Luis for a long time and was already an expert in the know-how of managing a company. It is not much different and the products are closely related to each other. So, relax a bit will you?"

"I-I will do my best!" Emily replies with so much tension in her voice. Until now, she couldn't believe to have come this far. A mere commoner girl who knows nothing climbs up to become one of the head managers for the king's companies. Her perseverance in learning new knowledge is commendable.

Except for Mary who quit halfway because her family's financial situation got better, all the earliest workers of the king have come this far like her as well.

Looking back, it feels just like yesterday they came for the interview as woodcutters and labourers.

Riz continues, "I am also promoting Jason to be the head manager of Gatharix Mining Company and James as the head manager of Gatharix Weapon Company. To replace their position, let us welcome two new members who will join Gatharix from now on; Charles Waine, Nick Carlo and Kent Felipe. Charles will replace Jason, Nick will replace James and Kent is handling the coal division. Please get along with each other."

Gatharix Financial Company

Head Manager - Luis Hines

- Royal Bank

Gatharix Paper and Publishing Company,

Head Manager - Emily Emiliano

Product - papers, textbooks, newspapers.

Gatharix Mining Company

Head Manager - Jason Patterson

- Iron and Steel Division: Manager Charles Waine

- Limes and Cement Division: Manager Paul Smith

- Gypsum Division: Manager Nick Carlo

- Sulphur Division: Manager Mark Miles

- Coal Division: Manager Kent Felipe

Gatharix Weapon Company

Head Manager - James Gray

Product - field artillery, matchlock arquebus, flintlock musket.

Everyone claps their hands as three men enter the meeting room. It's a lie to say they didn't feel disappointed for not getting a promotion.

"Now we are done with promotion and reorganization, it is time to introduce a benefit for you guys which I called new incentives. To reward your excellent work until now, I am giving you a share in a company. The head managers get two per cent and the managers get one per cent. The remaining belong to the parent company."

Their brains seem to stop working for some reason but then their eyes light up. If their eyes are a flashlight, he is without a doubt will be blind by now.

"Is it true, Your Majesty? You are not lying, right?" All of them ask for confirmation from him simultaneously.

"Yes, you heard it right. I have no reason to lie to you."

They had known about the sharing concept during their studies. In fact, this concept already exists in this world but is not widely used. Due to a lack of means of communication, no advanced tracking method and weak enforcement of the law, business owners choose to have a tight hold on their companies. Even if they use shares, it is probably only with close relatives.

"Aren't you afraid we will swindle your money?" Mark asks once again. Just to confirm that his ears didn't play a trick on him.

"You dare?" Riz squinted his eyes.

They all shook their heads vigorously. Never did that thought come across their mind.

"Are you truly sure, Your Majesty?" This time Emily asks. She was baffled by the fact the king is willing to give a share to a complete stranger.

"You guys ask so many times, I guess you guys didn't want it."

''''We want!!''''

"Then, work hard for me."

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