Return of the Frozen Player

Chapter 55 - My Spirit is a Little Strange (1)

My Spirit is a Little Strange (1)

Seo Jun-ho had encountered numerous spirits during his life. He’d hunted violent spirits inside Gates and met spirits that were contracted to other players. Whether he met them as an ally or an enemy, he always thought the same thing:

They’re so OP. 

Spirits didn’t need magic because they were independent beings; they could create powerful attacks or shields without it. It was no risk with an insanely high return, and Seo Jun-ho always looked at players with contracted spirits with envy.

But now I can contract a spirit of my own? His heart pounded. He recalled what he knew about spirits.

Like humans, spirits are attracted to those they are similar to. Spirits didn’t make contracts with those who didn’t have the right synergy. So when Seo Jun-ho found out that the ball was an Egg, he only had one thought.

It’s a Darkness spirit. 

He’d been using Watchguard of Darkness longer than anything else, and was also his most proficient skill.

“This will be useful.” Seo Jun-ho sensed a faint trace of nature in the wood necklace.

This is… the energy of the World Tree. It was but a small trace, but it was pure and refreshing. He crushed it in his hand. The necklace cracked, releasing the energy inside. Seo Jun-ho didn’t miss the chance and poured his magic into the glowing ball.


There was the sound of an egg cracking. The ball shined so brightly, it temporarily blinded him.

Just what kind of spirit is it? How strong will it be? 

Heart thrumming, Seo Jun-ho slowly opened his eyes.


His face fell.

* * *

Hm, the fight’s taking longer than I thought.”

“I’m getting nervous. We can’t even see what’s going on in there.”

The players muttered to themselves impatiently. They’d already taken care of the other dark elves. If the tribe chief Rodomir was defeated, they would succeed in clearing the Gate.

Suddenly, an announcement appeared before them with a ring.

[You have cleared ⟪Wild Forest⟫.]

They succeeded! The players started to cheer and pump their fists in the air.

“What about Jun-ho-nim?”

As if responding to Cha Min-woo’s question, the black dome dissipated like smoke, revealing a gloomy-looking Seo Jun-ho.


“You did it!”

“Are you hurt anywhere? We should get you treated first!”

He shook his head at the crowd of people that started to surround him. “I’m uninjured.”

“But why do you look so sullen?”

“Hm.” Seo Jun-ho briefly pondered on how he would explain this. “Imagine the disappointment of a child who wanted a cool new toy for Christmas but got school supplies instead.”


The people looked confused.

Hoo, nevermind,” he sighed. They wouldn’t be able to understand his feelings.

Messages started to appear in front of him too.

[You have cleared ⟪Wild Forest⟫.]

[You have received 「Blue Fairy Bracelet」 as a clear reward.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[All stats have increased by 3.]

[You have regained 3 Magic stats.]

[You have regained 3 Strength stats.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[The Gate will automatically disappear in 1 hour.]

Level 27… He’d been level 23 when he entered the Gate, which meant it increased by 4. It was only possible because of his crucial role in the conquest and because he’d taken all the EXP from Rodomir for himself.

Three more. He was three steps away from being able to go to the 2nd floor.

He usually exited the Gates with a triumphant expression, but his footsteps were heavy.

Why did I get that spirit… Seo Jun-ho let out one final sigh and stepped out of the Gate. The lazy night sky of England greeted him.

Click! Click! 

Hundreds of cameras flashed, capturing his image.

[The ⟪Wild Forest⟫ Gate was cleared, but there is an empty space where the lost players should be.]

[Seo Jun-ho unanimously decided as the MVP for the 5th consecutive time! He is making history.]

[The weakest player showed the greatest strength. Videos from inside the Gate.]


The day after the Wild Forest Gate was cleared, Seo Jun-ho was on the front page of newspapers all over the world. There had been concerns about his participation because he had the lowest level, but after he succeeded, his reputation started to soar. But Seo Jun-ho himself was glum as he sat on a plane heading back to Korea.

“…What does it matter.”

You shouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch. He’d made the mistake of doing that to his spirit. “Why…”

He let out a sigh as he wiped his face with a washcloth, glaring at the tiny creature looking out the plane window.

“The humans here are quite intriguing. They can fly without magic.”

The cute little spirit looked like a human and was about the size of his palm.

“…Hey, I said not to talk to me until I finish sorting my thoughts.”

“How strict. I was simply talking to myself.*”

(TN: She uses a form of ‘I’ that means that she’s the strongest in a group.)

She looked shockingly similar to someone he knew; more specifically, the boss monster that had threatened the world 25 years ago.

The Frost Queen. 

If she simply resembled her in appearance, he wouldn’t have reacted this badly. But it was because of what she’d said as soon as she emerged from the Egg.

Oya? You’re a familiar face.’

Phew…” Seo Jun-ho pounded the seat with his fist. “Why me…”

He’d wanted a cool, strong, Darkness spirit, but he’d gotten a Frost spirit instead—one he’d killed himself.

“I think I’ve given you enough time to cool off.”

“I said, don’t talk to me.”

“Oh, but I’m still talking to myself.”


Seeing the Frost Queen smirk as she floated in the air made his anger swell. She wore a dress of white and blue with a peculiar helmet, but he could tell by her smile that she was mocking him.

“Okay, fine.”

Finally making a decision, Seo Jun-ho closed the door to his first class seat so that no one could hear. He folded his arms and looked down at the Frost Queen.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why were you the one to come out of the Spirit Egg?”

“What use is there to ask me? The Spirit Egg births a spirit that is most compatible with your magic.”

“So why you? The spirit most compatible with me would be a Darkness spirit.”

Fufu.” The Frost Queen covered her mouth as she laughed. She folded her legs in the air. “Is it not obvious? Your most compatible element is Frost.”

“Don’t joke around. I’ve used Watchguard of Darkness for over five years. Frost, on the other hand…” It had only been a little over three months. Seo Jun-ho didn’t believe that his most compatible element was Frost, not Darkness.

“Regardless, the fact stands that I was the one to emerge from the Spirit Egg after you infused it with your magic.”

“Yeah. It’s fucking annoying, but that’s the truth.”

“Then, let me ask you: will you make a contract with me?”

“A contract?” Seo Jun-ho’s eyes narrowed. “You… When I think about what you did to my comrades and to other people…”

“What have I done for you to say that?” The Frost Queen shook her head, seemingly confused.

Ha! Don’t pretend you don’t know. You…” As he was about to scoff about her deeds, Seo Jun-ho suddenly paused. …What did she do again?

All he knew was that she froze the South Pacific Ocean and froze his friends. The Frost Queen spoke first.

“I already said this, but I have not done anything in this world worthy of condemnation.”

“…You froze the South Pacific.”

“Well, I suppose I’m sorry to the fish.”

“And because of that, there was all that abnormal weather…” But it hadn’t been that serious because her Gate had been in Antarctica.

“…More importantly, you froze me and my comrades.”

The Frost Queen raised her hands and shook her little head. She looked like a doll.

“Are you pretending not to know? I was not the one who froze you, nor does the power to melt them belong to me.”


“On the contrary, I feel most sorry for myself, whom you killed…”

He had nothing to say at the face of the facts.

Seo Jun-ho started to tremble in frustration.

“A-anyways… I don’t like you.”

Hoo, you’re like a child throwing a tantrum.”

“Shut up.”

Seo Jun-ho’s thoughts became complicated as he sat back into his seat.

Did she really do nothing wrong? As far as he knew, she hadn’t. But just to be sure, he opened his Vita’s messaging app.

– What.

Deok-gu’s cool reply came.

– Deok-gu, what do you think the Frost Queen did wrong?

– What? What are you asking all of a sudden?

– I’m in a hurry.

– Geez… Obviously, she turned the Five Heroes into popsicles.

– Anything else?

– I don’t know. Should there be something else?

– …Nevermind. Thanks.

– Why do you ask?

– Later.

Seo Jun-ho closed the app and felt the eyes of the spirit on him. The Frost Queen was smirking, as if to say ‘See, I was right’.

“…Fine. Say that you didn’t do anything in the past. Why should I make a contract with you?”

“I shall be your teacher,” she whispered in her sweet voice. “I can teach you how to use my skill, and I can use spiritual energy to help you.”

“You, teach me? Ha!” Seo Jun-ho scoffed. “You lost to me.”

He was stronger than her. How could someone weaker than him teach him?

But the Frost Queen was unfazed.

“Yes, you did win against my weakened form.”

“…Weakened? Who said you’re selling medicine?*”

(TN: It’s a pun. The word for ‘weakened’ sounds similar to ‘pharmacy’.)

“Medicine? I’m not some peddler. I’ve never sold medicine.” She shook her head, her voice clear and sonorous. “I am the Queen of the Ice Kingdom Niflheim, the one who controls all the cold in the world. I swear on my own existence that I do not lie.”

She’d made an Oath of Existence. It had originated from the mana oaths of magicians.

If they breach a mana oath, magicians lose all their magic. 

The powerful Frost Queen had made the oath by her own choice, so it wasn’t a lie.

“…How weakened were you?”

“I’m not sure. Perhaps by a hundred times?”

“A hundred? No way! Swear on yourself again.”

“…No. If I do it too often, it will lower my dignity as a Queen.” She glanced at him. “So, will you or will you not make a contract with me?”


It made no sense that she’d only used a hundredth of her true power. But it was true that she’d been nerfed.

If she’s thrice… No, if she’s only twice as strong as she was then… He didn’t want to imagine her full strength.

But being taught by such a being was a good enough reason to make a contract. She’d also become a Frost spirit, so she wouldn’t use up magic and make for a powerful ally. No matter how he thought about it, it would be a huge mistake to pass up a contract.

“…Fine. Let’s do it.” He’d decided. Seo Jun-ho looked at the Frost Queen coldly. “But I have a condition.”

“A condition? Speak.”

“If you put me or the people around me in danger because of your lies or blunders, the contract will be nullified.”

“You speak the obvious. A contract with a spirit is a contract of the souls. I would never do that,” she laughed. Seo Jun-ho scowled at her sickly sweet smile.

I don’t know if this is the right choice… But for now, he had contracted the Frost Queen.

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