Return of the Unrivaled Spear Knight

Chapter 152:

Chapter 152:

“For… for the first round, Sir Ulabis and Akshuler are starting…” Princess Sonna stared at numbers 11 and 21 on the bracket.

The two most exciting participants in the Master Battle would be facing each other.

“Group A is a wizard’s battle? Terra’s Force Magicians and the Seven Magicians…”

“Insane—this is really insane!”

Babel ignored the clamor around him and intently examined the board.

“Where is he… Group A, number one. His opponent is…?”

“Someone young like us became the opening act,” Sonna noted.

“His opponent—That’s not a good sign. The Iron Warrior, Baylon.” Shrek sighed.

The Iron Knight Babylon, commonly known as the “Red Heart,” represented the Kingdom of Hearts.

“That cocky brat is gonna be humiliated before the competition even begins,” Test sneered.

“The Iron Knight is one of the few non-imperial knights with real skill. It doesn’t matter how hard the bastard runs, he doesn’t stand a chance,” Estra added.

Masters from outside the three imperial powers were held to a much lower standard than those from the empires. Most were merely A-Class, just able to wield an aura blade; in contrast, the A-Class knights of the empires were held to rigorous standards. National pride and the sheer number of other knights demanded that the imperial representatives distinguish themselves from their peers through a series of fierce competitions.

“I can’t understand Avalon. To ignore so many talented knights in favor of this child.”

“It’s a disgrace to the entire nation. ‘Iron Knight’ or not, he isn’t of imperial origins—how hilarious would it be if he took out Avalon’s representative in the first round?”

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“Non-imperial this, non-imperial that,” Sonna fumed. “Don’t you ever get tired of saying that? You don’t know anything for sure until you see it.”

“I don’t need to see it.”

“Do you need to cut an apple open to find out if it’s red? No, of course not.”

“Ugh!” Sonna trembled while she watched the Logen brothers laugh.

The other non-imperial participants refrained from speaking up, but their expressions were similar.

“How can you openly discuss your roots in public? Just how conceited and impolite can you be? I don’t want to meddle, but that is a deceptive metaphor.”

“What?” The Logen brothers turned.

The speaker was the silver-haired, silver-eyed Holy Knight.

“Lilith, there’s no need to mediate,” her flustered companion said.

“No. Not all imperials think that way. In my opinion, you’d be better off abandoning such biases.”

“Well…” The other paladin sighed. “Do what you want. Considering how often you talk to Seiren, I doubt I can get past your stubbornness.”

Lilith, one of Seiren’s fellow saints, then turned to the Logen brothers.

“Lilith Aphrodite, goddess of Hermes. What did you just say?” Test demanded.

Lilith’s lovely face twitched. Like most swordswomen, Lilith abhorred being judged by her beauty rather than her blade. Her hands were marred by callouses, just like any other knight.

“You said you don’t need to cut an apple to determine if it’s red?”

“Just so.” Test nodded firmly. “There are such unchanging laws of the world. The kind of things that we can take for granted—the laws of nature.”

“The laws of nature?” Lilith smirked. “Nothing in this world can be taken for granted. That’s just your prejudice speaking. Your little metaphor, well,” she paused. “The apple could be green, no?”


“‘Unchanging laws of the world’? Restricting your mind like this likewise restricts your ability to grow. Like you.” Lilith offered the brothers a warm smile, but her eyes were freezing cold. “As such, you brothers will never be able to defeat him until the day you die.”

The Logens sprang from their chairs.

“Listen to this girl—!”

“We were going to let it go because we’re imperials. What’s your deal?!”

“The drawing has ended! The first match of each group will take place in two days, so please be prepared.”

Test and Estra froze.

“Finally, if your country’s representative has yet to appear, I hope you will convey the relevant information to them. Participants will forfeit their match if they fail to appear.”

Surprisingly, Test turned around.

“Let’s go, Estra. There’s no sense in listening to her drivel.”

He marched away.

“Only say things if you’re prepared to take responsibility for them, Lilith Aphrodite.”

“I could say the same.”

Estra glared at Lilith for a moment and then followed after his brother. Eventually, the twins vanished from view.

“She’s so awesome,” Sonna whispered.

“True.” Even Shrek was impressed.

While Sonna and Shrek were ogling, Babel rose from his seat. By sheer coincidence, he happened to lock eyes with Joshua. They stared at each other for a long moment.

“In the end, it will be mine. You’ll be chasing me until the end… and that’s a fact,” he mumbled. Then he turned around, unable to meet Joshua’s gaze any longer.

“Babel von Agnus…” Joshua watched his once-brother disappear.

Someone laughed. “Joshua Sanders, monster of Avalon. I can’t wait for two days.”

“So it was you who called me pretentious, Iron Knight.”

The middle-aged man stopped walking and tossed Joshua a backwards glance.

“Was I really that loud?” Babylon smiled charmingly. “You know, I thought everyone from the Empire was excellent. The feeling gets stronger the younger the person is.”

He returned Joshua’s perplexed look with a yet-wider grin.

“Oh! I hope you don’t mind if I talk about my age. If I did well in battle, my mother would cook me something delicious, but now… I feel bad. It’s like stealing a child’s toy. You’re young, though, so don’t worry about it. Merely participating in the Master Battle brings great honor to your family.”

Joshua’s lips began to curl. He knew these kinds of people—an iron fist hidden in a velvet glove. They were always the most insidious. If this was his first opponent, Joshua had no reason to hesitate.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“Hmm?” Babylon tilted his head.

“The outcome doesn’t change.”

“Are you certain you aren’t just talking nonsense?” Babylon slowly turned around.

“Well,” Joshua laughed, “You’ll see for yourself soon.”

The other man’s feet slowly stopped.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he spat.

For the key players in the Master Battle, the fight had already begun.

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