Return of the War God

Chapter 14: :Mysterious Xianer

Chapter 14: :Mysterious Xianer

Walking on the way back to the hut, Ye Wuque quietly pondered what Qi Shilong had just told him via voice transmission.

Sound Transmission is an advanced skill that must be reached to a certain level in order to reach it. Just now Qi Shilong used this skill to tell a reason why Ye Wuque had to participate in the Great War.

The young man walked slowly on the stone-paved road, and the breeze hit him, blowing his flying black hair, and his handsome face looked extremely quiet at the moment, giving Ye Wuque a strange charm.

This scene fell in the eyes of those Murong children who cast their curiosity, envy, exploration, and admiration, especially some girls, for the first time they felt that Ye Wuque was born so good-looking.

Ye Wuque turned a blind eye to this, returned to his hut, sat on the bed, and began to practice quietly.

Although winning a battle with Murongtian is not difficult, it also consumes some vitality. Although he has the origin of fighting and holy law, this time he is just a beginner and has some bad control for a while, but as he keeps on Summarizing and improving, the power of the Holy Way's fighting spirit will become stronger and stronger.

Ye Wuque, who had entered the cultivation state, temporarily let go of everything. He understood that only by constantly becoming stronger can he defeat Jun Shanlie, find Fu Bo, and explore Kong's past.

Strength is the basis for everything. This world is so cruel.


The sacred way battle energy kept wandering in the body, the golden red blood oscillated, and Ye Wuque took a few first-grade lower-level rejuvenating pills, slowly training...

An hour later.

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Wuque's whole body trembled slightly, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and the whole person became radiant in an instant. After an hour of practice, Ye Wuque's loss was completely restored, only Murong was on his shoulders. It will take a few days for the wounds scratched by the sky to recover.

"Hey, I am really weak now..."

Thinking of Jun Shanlie's strength, Ye Wuque felt a sense of urgency, but he was fearless. He firmly believed that after four years, he would definitely kill Jun Shanlie.

"Four years is enough."

The long-silent voice sounded in Ye Wuque's mind, it was Kong.

The time Jun Shanlie gave Ye Wuque was ten years, but it was changed to four years by Ye Wuque. It was Kong's suggestion.

"Hehe, everything that happened today has made your ten-year unchanging life of dying completely wonderful."

The empty and slightly ridiculous words made Ye Wuque smile, his eyes shining: "I guess my next days will be infinitely wonderful."

Reaching out into his arms, he took out the blood dragon jade, the blood-red dragon-shaped jade pendant glowed with misty light, and the tentacles were warm and moist.

"By the way, Kong, how reliable do you say what City Lord Qi said? He said he had seen this blood dragon jade in the first city."

In addition to being able to increase his strength in a short time, Qi Shilong finally said that the reason why Ye Wuque represented the main city of Longguang to participate in the Hundred Cities War was because Qi Shilong told Ye Wuwei that he had seen this blood dragon jade in the main city. And this blood dragon jade was left to him by Fubo. In other words, Qi Shilong was telling Ye Wuque that there might be information about Fubo in the first city.

"He won't lie to you about this, because there is no need. Perhaps, in the first city, there really is some news about your Fu uncle."

Nodding lightly, Ye Wuque put the blood dragon jade into his arms.

Speaking of the Battle of Hundred Cities, Ye Wuque remembered the young man with the sword he met in the Forest of Ancient Ancients and the monk who was forced to retreat by him.

At that time, the sword-holding young man who claimed to be a handsome minister once said to him that he was looking forward to a showdown with Ye Wuque in the 100-city battle!

"It seems that this Hundred City War will be quite interesting, but it makes me look forward to it."

His eyes flashed, and Ye Wuque's heart flashed with expectation.

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Opening the door, Ye Wuque walked out of the hut. At this moment, it was night outside, and a bright moon hung over the starry sky, sprinkling a little soft light.

Ye Wuque rushed towards the place where Murong Changqing was. Murong Changqing was injured because of him. Ye Wuque must go to see how Murong Changqing's injury is recovering. In addition, about Fu Bo Ye Wuque also wanted to ask Murong Changqing. Some.


Turning into a shadow, Ye Wuque galloped on the stone road. Murong Changqing lived in the core place of Murong's family, and there was still some distance from here.

"Well, it's the small building where Xian'er lives."

An exquisite and elegant two-story building appeared in Ye Wuques eyes. It was a small building specially prepared by Murong's family for Xian'er. It was alone in a quiet and peaceful environment. No one would come back to bother them on weekdays, and ordinary Murong children didnt even bother Won't bother.

Because all the children of Murong knew that Xian'er was not only unfathomable in strength and seemingly friendly, but it gave people a feeling of being out of the same world, and would disappear sooner or later.

Only Ye Wuque was able to be with Xian'er without any gaps. This has been jealous of countless Murong children.

"This little Nizi, I haven't seen her in a month."

Speaking of Xian'er, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed a little bit of petting, it was a brother's petting of his sister.

"It's been a long time since I drank Xian'er's tea. I can't forget it when I look back."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Ye Wuque's thoughts flashed away, never staying under his feet.


At this moment, an extremely unfamiliar but fierce fluctuation suddenly spread from the small building where Xian'er was located! Then came a vague but painful daughter's voice!

"No! It's Xian'er!"

Although the daughter's voice was vague, Ye Wuque instantly recognized that it was from Xian'er!


The body shape turned extremely fast, and Ye Wuque rushed to the small building where Xian'er was at the fastest speed, pulsing the holy way.


The closed door was broken open by Ye Wuque with brute force, and the living room on the first floor was empty. The familiar Ye Wuque figure did not stop and rushed to the second floor. There was Xian'er's boudoir, and no one had been in except Xian'er herself on weekdays, but Ye Wuwei couldn't care about it at this moment.


The moment Ye Wuque stepped onto the second floor, a high-pitched cry suddenly came from his ears. This voice seemed to be noble, elegant and full of endless majesty!

At the same time, Ye Wuque's eyes were bright and flooded by the dazzling red light. An extremely hot temperature hit, and Ye Wuque's breathing instantly stagnated!

With his arms up and down to protect his face, Ye Wuque opened his eyes and looked forward. Under a red light, on the bed, Xian'er was lying quietly, wet with sweat. The innocent face was red at this moment, and the delicate facial features were squeezed together. Ye Wuque could clearly feel that Xian'er must be very painful at this moment!

However, just after Ye Wuque moved his gaze upward, his pupils shrank instantly!

He saw a place ten feet above Xian'er's delicate body. There was a life that was three feet in size and surrounded by red light like a bird and beast. It has no entity, just a state of illusory soul!

The flaming red light bird emits high temperature, but at this moment this flaming red light bird seems to perceive the emergence of Ye Wuwei. With its wings raised, a flaming spiritual power radiates high temperature from the fan to the lying Xian'er!

With the injection of this fiery red vitality, Xian'er's facial expression became even more tight, and it was obvious that she was suffering tremendous pain!

"Naughty animal! Do you dare!"


With a burst of shout, Ye Wuque ran the Holy Way's battle energy with all his strength, gold and red blood surging, he did not resort to the fighting skills, but only stretched out the palm of the Holy Way's battle spirit and grabbed the flaming red light bird!

Ye Wuque's first consideration was to control this weird red light bird, not to kill it. He was afraid that Xian'er would be harmed in the process.


The palms full of sage war vigor blasted into the red light around the red light bird, and they were blocked!

It seems to feel the threat from Ye Wuque, and the frequency of the flashing of the red light bird's wings is faster. It seems that it is also seizing all the time!

"Drive me!"

The holy way fighting spirit in Ye Wuque seemed to be boiling, and he would never allow Xian'er to have any accidents under his eyelids!


Finally, with Ye Wuque's all-out effort, his palm finally broke through the barrier of the red light and caught the red light bird!

"It's hot!"

At the moment when he came into contact with the red light bird, Ye Wuque felt his hand reaching into a volcano!


The burning sensation from the palm of his hand made Ye Wuque understand that his palm must have seen blood!

But he still used all his strength to catch the red light bird, he would never allow Xian'er to have an accident!


At the moment of the moment, the red light bird suddenly shocked all over, and then a golden light turned out! Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque felt that he was overturned by a huge force!

Quickly stabilizing his body, when Ye Wuque was about to take another shot, Kong suddenly drank: "Don't take it! This seems to be the true spirit of Fengluan Tiannv! No wonder I always feel that this little girl is not easy, it turns out to be Fengluan. A descendant of the goddess! This will be of great benefit to this little girl! Don't act rashly..."

The words of emptiness caused Ye Wuque's body to stagnate, and he stopped shooting, looking at the palm of his right hand, he was already burned with a big wound!


I don't know why a golden light burst out, and the red light bird seemed to have gotten some huge benefits. The bird head roared, full of joy, and then looked towards Ye Wu!

"Feel...Thank you...I...I have...I have...I have...Thank you...Huang...Jin Tian...Dao..."

A vague sound transmission sounded in Ye Wuque's ears, and Ye Wuque could barely hear that this seemed to be thanks to the red light bird.


Immediately, the flaming red light bird spread its wings, burst out a dazzling red light, enveloped the golden light, and rushed into Xian'er's body with incomparable power!

In an instant, all the red light in the entire room disappeared, as if everything had never happened before.

The lying Xian'er's complexion became peaceful, no longer so painful, as if she was asleep.

Seeing what Xian'er was doing at this moment, Ye Wuque was still not at ease. He weighed it in his heart and understood why Xian'er didn't go to see him fight Murongtian, shook his head, and finally walked towards Xian'er's bed. A chair sat down and closed his eyes quietly to practice.

He had to see Xian'er wake up with his own eyes, and then he could leave with peace of mind after confirming that nothing happened.

The night is as cool as water.

Time hurried away in Ye Wuque's practice...One night, soon passed...

The warm sun shining into the room in the small building, Xian'er lying on the bed suddenly moved her eyelashes, and then opened her eyes. She saw Ye Wuque sitting next to her with her clear eyes.

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