
Chapter 144 Home

"Agatha, what I said before I left last time, will happen, in 5 months at the most, so talk to your lawyer and prepare something for sure"

Losing her smile, Agatha frowned and tried to speak.

"It's settled, I just came to say goodbye" Approaching the closest woman, Christian hugs her for a while and continues with the others, making sure to say goodbye to every woman in the place.

Finishing giving them all a hug, Christian looks at them with a smile and speaks "See you girls, have a good Christmas"

"Take care handsome"

"Bye boy"

"Remember to visit us!"

Nodding multiple times, Christian sighed and walked out of the place, then back to Dimitri, and went inside "I'm ready"

"Good, they're out now"

Pulling out a box among his clothes, Dimitri tossed it to Christian "Here, they're your new knives, don't lose them again"

"Thank you"

Pulling out another box, Dimitri tossed it again "There you go, more bullets for the gun"

"Thank you"

Tossing a black bag, Dimitri continued "There you have a tactical holster for the pistol, they come in two designs, one for the leg and one for the pistol on the torso, they also have little pockets for the knives"

"Thank you"

Tossing another box, Dimitri continued "There you have a decent cell phone"


Making sure the old man didn't throw anything else, Christian looked at the box and saw the brand name "iPhone 8 plus..."

"It's carved in black gold"


"Here, these tokens are worth more than my entire fortune, 5 come in that box" Tossing a small black metallic box, Dimitri speaks with disinterest.

"..." Curious, Christian opened the box and found 5 dark coins with the Bratva star engraved in the center "Black gold coins?"

"Yes, but each of those coins represents a total favor from the Bratva. No matter what you ask, they will do everything possible to fulfill your request, the only thing forbidden is to touch certain people in Russia and obviously the leaders of the Bratva, these coins have the power to displace a guardian if needed"

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked at the coins and nodded, quickly stowing the box in his clothes.

"Now beat it, your presence causes me stress"

Looking at the old man, Christian set the things down on the table and walked over to him, then glared at him and spoke "Get up"

"This child with no manners..." Grumbling under his breath, Dimitri stood up, and was hugged by Christian.

"Take care old man, we'll see you in a few days, I'll be calling you"

Returning the hug after a few seconds of hesitation, Dimitri spoke "I'm not going to answer your calls"

"Then I will visit you in Russia"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I'll have you stopped at the border"

"I'll learn to fly airplanes and arrive by skipping the border"


Releasing the old man, Christian smileed slightly and turned around "See you old man, have a good Christmas"

"Enjoy" Smiling softly, Dimitri replied, then quietly sat back down "In a few days you should have your suits delivered to your house"

"Thanks, I really didn't know how to carry so many suits in my hand, see you"

Grabbing his things, Christian took his military backpack with all his stuff, and looked at the old man for a few seconds, then nodded and left the room.

Walking through the compound, Christian reached his room and stretched out his arm.

"Let's go my friend, I'll introduce you to your new home"



6 hours later.

Looking at the beautiful car in front of him, Christian's eyes shone brightly.

"I always loved this car..."

"It's a gift from the boss, it has the papers in your name and they're inside the vehicle, I'm also leaving you a driver's license in case something happens" Leaving the backpack on the passenger seat, the woman handed Christian the keys and drove off, leaving him all alone in the Detroit rain.

Under the umbrella, Christian looked at the vehicle carefully and smiled "It's certainly the best gift"

Lamborghini Poison!

A black Lamborghini with dark purple lines on the sides of the doors, even its glass was dark, while it had a striking license plate with a snake, with violet eyes and his last name on the side, Grey.

Closing his umbrella, Christian shook it and quickly got into the vehicle, then took a good look inside, and smiled like a child.

Violet seats like his eyes, beautifully finished in the same color, while different buttons were visible next to him.

Looking at his snake on his shoulder, Christian smiled excitedly "My friend, you don't know how happy I am"

Christian in his other life always dreamed of buying this vehicle.

Since he first saw it on the streets of New York, he fell madly in love, but unfortunately the price kept rising over the years, and when Christian finally had the money, the car was something of an heirloom with a price tag of around 80 million dollars, money he didn't have yet.

Looking at the buttons, Christian lifted the latch, and pressed the purple button, causing the car to roar instantly.

Almost having an orgasm, Christian adjusted the seat to his liking, then took the wheel and started driving without wanting to wait any longer.

Leaving the private airport, Christian hit the streets, wholeheartedly enjoying driving the vehicle, while every time he accelerated, a beautiful sound shook his heart.

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of contentment, Christian stopped for the traffic light and looked to his sides, noticing several people taking pictures of the car.

"..." Surveying the city, Christian sighed again "How nice not to have to be alert every second..."

Moving quickly, Christian found himself arriving at his home, causing nervousness to rise as his hands sweated under his gloves.

Seeing his home from afar, Christian's heart began to beat rapidly, causing him to slow down the vehicle and bite his lips anxiously.

"Hisss~" Blocking Christian's view, Lilith stared at him.

Stroking the snake's head, Christian spoke bitterly "Lilith... I'm scared..."

"What will mom say? Will she be angry with me? What about my siblings? Do they still remember me? Won't it bother them what I did before I went to jail? If they find out what I did in the army will they still love me?"

With a sudden panic attack, Christian found himself in a difficult situation, as his heart was beating wildly from fear.

"Hisss~" Caressing her head with Christian's cheek, Lilith hissed.

"..." Biting his lips, Christian watched the mansion from a distance, while various thoughts roamed through his mind, but after 20 minutes, he gritted his teeth and drove towards the mansion.

Arriving at the door, Christian was instantly stopped by 4 armed women.

"Roll down the window please" With her submachine gun in hand, one of the women spoke.

Rolling down the window, Christian looked at the woman and waited patiently.

Staring at him for a few seconds, the woman finally asked "Your name?"

"Christian Grey"

"Christian Grey..." The woman murmured, then looked at him carefully and opened her eyes wide "It's you!"

"It's me" Smiling slightly, Christian nodded.

"You may come in, sorry to detain you, we weren't expecting your arrival"

With the gate open, Christian simply smiled "Don't worry, you're just doing your job"

Driving around his house, Christian arrived in front of the main gate and stopped the vehicle, then took a deep breath and petted Lilith.

"I'll leave you here for now, I'll come get you later, I don't want to scare them."

"Hisss~" Getting off of Christian, Lilith settled onto her backpack.

"Good girl"

With another deep breath, Christian got out of the vehicle and looked longingly at his home, then walked to the door and opened it.

Seeing no one nearby, Christian slowly walked through the main living room and looked everywhere, causing his emotions to become turbulent from his memories.

Walking towards the kitchen, Christian saw her, the woman who always filled his thoughts.

There was Eva, quietly sipping her coffee while on her laptop.

"Mom..." Christian muttered with reddened eyes, causing Eva to look up with a frown.

But as she looked at the man in front of her, Eva froze, then slowly stood up and walked over in a daze.

Standing in front of Christian, Eva's eyes began to redden rapidly as she reached out her hand and caressed Christian's cheek.

"My boy..."

There was no need to say who it was, just by looking into the man's eyes, Eva knew immediately that it was Christian, her son.

"Mom..." Letting his tears fall, Christian cried for the first time in a long time, as all his frustrations and sorrows exploded like a volcano.

Losing his strength, Christian fell to his knees, then hugged Eva's waist and cried non-stop, exposing all his accumulated sadness and bitterness.

Sitting slowly on the floor, Eva takes Christian's head and rests it on her thighs, then gently caresses his face. "Cry as much as you want to, scream if you need to... Mommy is with you"

Hearing her words and her warm touch, Christian left her silence and started to cry out loud, as all his bad moments ran through his mind.

"..." Biting her lips lightly and holding back her tears, Eva only showed tranquility and caressed Christian.

After 15 minutes of uncontrolled crying, Christian slowly began to calm down, leaving only sobs in the air.

After another 5 minutes that seemed to be endless for Eva, Christian had calmed down, but still sobbed from time to time.

Caressing Christian's face, Eva whispered "Feeling better?"

"*Sniff*" Hugging Eva's waist, Christian nodded.

"Now will you tell me what you've been doing? Because by the way you're dressed, by the way you're tattooed or even by the way you're waring those earrings, I get the idea that you weren't just locked up in jail"

With reddened eyes, Christian turned his face and looked at his mother with conflicted feelings.

"Mom will wait if that's what you want" Gathering all her calmness, Eva showed no sign of being affected and smiled softly.

Watching her for a few seconds, Christian finally made up his mind and began to tell everything that happened in prison from day one, including in his stories up to his last day in the army, leaving out only small situations like Lust's harassment.

"m-mom... I r-really didn't want to shoot him... I w-warned her over and over again, but she didn't care and wanted to k-kill those women who were our people... I-I can't forget her face, I can't *Sniff*" With tears flowing down his face, Christian murmured in a clipped and hoarse voice.

"..." With Christian's silence, Eva just watched him silently as she lovingly caressed his face, then sighed and spoke "I won't tell you what you did was right, because it wasn't"

"..." Closing his eyes, Christian really hoped his mother would disown him.

"But I won't tell you it was wrong either, because it wasn't" Taking Christian's face in her hands, Eva gently kissed his forehead "You had to make a hard choice and you chose to save the lives of the women in that convoy, you chose to save your teammate's life over those civilians... just like you chose to go to the army without even talking to me about it"


"But I'm not really angry, I would never be" Smiling softly, Eva continued "If it was under other people's orders, maybe I would be angry, not at you, but at the person who would give you those orders... but what you did were your choices, and maybe it was wrong or maybe it was right, but that doesn't matter to me"


"What matters to me is that my child is safe and safe again in my arms, as for your burdens and sins..." Kissing Christian's nose, Eva continued "I am your mother and I will carry all your sins... I have told you and I will always tell you, no matter what burden you carry, I will share it with you... and to be honest, I don't care what you do on the other side of the world anymore, I really just wanted you back"

"What does hurt me, is that you suffered a lot and I couldn't be there for you... It really is something that hurts me a lot" With her eyes reddening, Eva continued "But I won't make our reunion a sad event for your memory, let's repair our pain together, would you like that?"


"Now show me a smile because mommy misses you so much" Staring at Christian's face, Eva whispered.

Slowly opening his eyes, Christian looked at his mother with teary eyes, then wiped his face and smiled from his heart "I love you mommy"

"I love you too my boy" Smiling softly, Eva replied.

Feeling relief at not feeling as pressured as the last few days, Christian wiped his face with his gloves, then sat down in front of his mother and smiled "I missed you so much!"

"Me more"


"It's very possible!"

"..." Smiling, Christian hugged Eva, feeling her love and emotions so out of control coming back to him.

Rubbing his cheek with Eva's, Christian couldn't stand it anymore and bit her shoulder.

"He's back my little cat" With a loving smile, Eva whispered.

Cuddling for 15 minutes, Christian finally felt recharged with energy and spoke "Where's Leslie?"

"She went shopping for things for Christmas with Aria"

"Alan and Hailie?"

"Alan is doing homework in his room and Hailie is at her computer"

"I didn't get them a gift for Christmas"

"Your presence will be the gift"

Sighing with contentment, Christian looked at his mother softly "I really missed you mom"

Smiling softly, Eva replies "Me too"

"Do you want to see my snake? It's really cute"


Edited By: Amiss


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