
Chapter 169 Friendship

"I prefer a motorcycle."

"A motorcycle... sounds fun, let's buy bikes and go out together?"

"Why would I want to go out with you?"

"Because I'm cool"


"I like this..."

"What do you like?" taking a sip of coffee, Sarah asks.

"The quiet... having a relaxing evening, waking up to food in your bed, being in a warm environment, having company to be able to talk to... it's nice."

"..." Looking at Christian for a few minutes, Sarah sighs and speaks "After what happened last night I don't think I should remind you that you are welcome anytime and anywhere"

"That's nice to hear~" Eating happily, Christian forgot about everything and enjoyed the small moment.

Eating in silence, Christian looked at the turned off TV and spoke "Why don't you put something on the TV?"

"Do you want to watch a movie?"


"Of death, blood and destruction?"

"And lots of explosions" Christian smiled remembering the first time he came to this apartment.

"Nice" Smiled Sarah slightly, then took control and put Netflix on.

"Do you know that I own a part of Netflix?"

"Yeah, I watched your mom's interview."

"Do you want to have sex while we watch a movie?"

"Don't you get tired?"

"I get pretty exhausted, but it's fun."

"You have a lot of stamina."

"Not really, I ejaculate after 5 minutes, I'm getting better, but it's still a short time."

"But you still stay erect."

"It's my specialty, but you didn't answer my question"

"I would never turn down a polite request like that" Setting her tray of food aside, Sarah smiled.

"Here we go!" Chuckling lightly, Christian set his tray down on the nightstand and lifted the sheets, exposing his erect member.

Climbing on top of Christian, Sarah licks her lips and whispers, "It really turns me on to think of having sex with you."


"Because I've known you since I was a kid... it's a weird but exciting feeling, plus it makes me even hotter that Elisa allows it"

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"It doesn't bother you that I have sex with her? Somehow I understand it doesn't bother her, but I thought it would be different with you."

"Not really, it's weird I know, but when I see you with her I don't feel like you're doing anything wrong, it's like it's her turn to be fucked in the threesome or like watching two men kissing, it just makes me even hotter"

"Then I'll see to it that they have many turns~" Guiding his cock into Sarah's opening, Christian grabs the woman's waist and forces her down.

Being impaled deep inside, Sarah sighed with satisfaction "No doubt a dildo is shit compared to the real thing."

"You're wrong, everything is shit compared to me."

"Better stop talking and let's fuck."



"Actually this is really tasty" Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Christian continued "I never thought Italian squash would taste so good"

"It's a kind of cake, it has breadcrumbs, cheese, and other ingredients, you can add sugar if you want on top, it's tasty" Smiling softly, Elisa replied.

"Sugar?" With interest, Christian took a spoonful of sugar and put it on the edge of the plate, then scooped some with food and put it in his mouth.

With a sudden twinkle in his eye, Christian nodded with satisfaction, "Exquisite."

Looking at Sarah, Elisa nods with a soft smile and speaks "Christian, in the morning I talked to Sarah about your proposal, and although I haven't seen your house, I'd like to live with you, I think it would be fun."

"Really!?" Looking at both of them, Christian exclaimed in surprise, not thinking they would actually accept.

"If you don't have any problems, of course I do!"

"Obviously I have no problems, the house has been ready for a week and they were furnishing it, but obviously we can change everything you want, and please, don't think that because it's my house you will be restricted, if you want to knock down a wall, don't hesitate to do it... well maybe you should hesitate, maybe the house will fall down if you knock down a major wall, but the point is that you can think of my house as your house."

Looking at the excited young man, Elisa smiled softly "So now we will live together".

"Yes" Christian nodded with a smile, then continued "The house is 10 minutes from Malibu by vehicle, I made sure to buy everything a whole kilometer around the house, so we have no neighbors, it also has a helipad and obviously I have a helicopter for us to use, don't be shy about that it's really there to use and not have it collecting dust"

"We will buy the food, pay for the electricity, water, internet and gas" Sarah added.

"Well, leave all the other expenses to me, and please don't feel like strangers because you'll make me feel bad."

Laughing softly, Elisa nodded "Now we'll live together~"

"Nice" Christian smiled "I won't always be home though, I have work to do and maybe in February I'll be entering school"

"School?" Raising her eyebrows, Sarah continued "Do you still need to study?"

"No, but some jerks are bullying my siblings, so I have to go place order."

"Isn't it easier to talk to the school principals?"

"It's a Swiss boarding school full of rich kids from all over the world, even princes and princesses go there."

"I see."

"When do they have free time? We can go see the house today if you want, I really don't even know it myself, I just created the design and had it built."

"Anytime you want, we have nothing to do."

"Ok, let me make a few calls and get everything ready" Getting up, Christian walks to the bedroom and picks up his cell phone.

"Hi mom."

"Hi my boy, how are you?"

"Good, I'm having lunch with Elisa and Sarah."

"Did you have fun?"

"You have no idea, did you?"

"*Sigh* Replete with work, in 5 days we launch Instagram to the stock market and it's a lot of paperwork, the worst thing is that a week later Tik tok is launched, then Twitch and finally Starbucks.... Uber isn't ready to go to market yet, so I'm taking a load off for now."

"Sounds exhausting" Christian chuckled lightly.

"Don't even tell me, you're coming to see me this week?"

"Obviously, I wouldn't be satisfied without feeding mom."

"I'll be waiting for you~"

"Get everything ready on the top floor of the building, it would be an exciting scene."

"I thought of that, now she has a bed" Eva laughed lightly.

"Mom, I was calling to find out if the jets and helicopters are ready"

"They are ready to use, where do you want to go?"

"I'm going to Malibu to see my house."

"I will send you the contacts to keep, but today I will call the pilots to get everything ready, you have to go to the private airport outside Detroit, there they will be waiting for you in about 2 hours approximately, the helicopter will be waiting for you at the Los Angeles International Airport, it has a private terminal so you won't have to go through so many people"

"Thank you mom, I love you"

"I love you too~" With a soft voice, Eva replied, then continued "That's it? I was in the middle of a meeting and I stepped out to answer your call."

"I invited Elisa and Sarah to live at my house in Malibu."

"Elisa and Sarah?"


"The two of them are a couple?"


"Are you going to live there?"

"Something like that, but I told you I have a lot to do and I'm going to travel a lot, you can say I'll just rest there, obviously I won't forget about my mother either, you know we have a lot of exercise to do"

"That sounds better, then have fun and accumulate as much as you can, because I'll take care of sucking you dry."

"That sounds beautiful"

"Let's see if you can say the same thing that day."

"Mom, now that we're talking, how's the construction going on the island?"

"It should be all ready in a week at the most, the island had no electricity or potable water, so we had to hire more people to add all the basic services and at the same time put up antennas for calls and internet, but it's almost finished"

"You know how much we can do on a private island, don't you?"

"Don't even tell me, I'm the most excited~"

Smiling softly, Christian spoke "Then that would be it mom, make sure you eat well and rest, I love you."

"Me too my boy, take care of yourself."

Hanging up the call, Christian smiles and walks to the dining room "Ready, we will leave in 2 hours to the airport, after that we will go to Los Angeles and take a helicopter to Malibu"

"I never got on a plane before... is it scary?" looking at Christian, Elisa asks after a few seconds.

"Not at all, besides we won't be on a simple plane, I won't say more to give you a surprise on the spot."

"Do we have to bring anything?"

"Mmmmm, take a change of clothes just in case, the trip to Los Angeles is 4 to 5 hours by plane if I'm not mistaken, the house is not fully furnished yet so we could stay in a hotel around Los Angeles, although I think I have a mansion around those parts, we'll see."

"Five hours? How boring" Pursing her lips, Elisa whispered.

"It will be a lot of fun, believe me, now get your clothes together and get everything ready to go out for 3 days."

"Well, can you help me see what we could bring?" looking at Christian with a smile, Elisa asked.

"More than happy to help, let me finish eating."


"Wow..." Looking at the large plane in front of her, Elisa murmured in awe.


"It looked smaller in the pictures" Looking at the plane, Christian casually commented.

Actually, the plane was quite large, as large as an international airliner.

The plane was completely painted black while the tail had the word 'Grey' painted in gold, along with a purple eye underneath, something Christian noticed for the first time.

"And this is yours?" turning to Christian, Sarah asks in disbelief.

"Yes, we have two of these planes to use" Walking over to the large line of people on the plane's descent, Christian watched them closely.

Bowing at the same time, all the women speak "Good afternoon, young sir."

3 pilots, 5 stewardesses and apparently 4 cooks all bowed at the same time while looking at the ground.

Smiling kindly, Christian speaks "I'll be in your care".

"You are in good hands" Looking up, a woman wearing an airline captain's hat smiled, then continued "You may come in, everything is prepared for your stay, if you need anything to drink or eat feel free to say so, we will be arriving in four hours and fifteen minutes to Los Angeles"

"Thank you" Nodding, Christian turns to Elisa and Sarah "Let's go in?"

"Yes!" Excited, Elisa nodded quickly.

Nodding, Sarah grabbed the bags of clothes and they started to walk upstairs along with Christian, but as they entered and looked inside, they were all impressed.

"Wow... this is pretty futuristic" Looking at the beautiful white design throughout, Christian murmured.

Streamlined chairs, couches that look very comfortable, a television, and a door separating the lounge with the rest of the plane.

Walking to the door, Christian didn't have to do anything and it opened automatically, causing him to raise his eyebrows instantly.

Looking around the second place, Christian found another sofa and a large glass table in the center along with several white chairs.

The lights on the ceiling had exquisite designs and the edges of the plane were carved in wood.

On the sides of the table were electric heaters, and several windows were hidden behind wood, which happened to automatically lift up and show the outside.

The floor was completely lined with some kind of cream-colored carpet and the place really looked like something out of a futuristic movie.

Walking to the door, Christian nodded as it opened automatically, this time seeing a small hallway with black surroundings.

Walking along, Christian looks to the left and sees a door, only to open it with his hand and see a rather large bathroom with a bathtub and a window in front of it.

Continuing his way down the hallway, Christian found another sofa with a table for two on the other side, while a circular coffee table was visible in front of the sofa.




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