
Chapter 175 Time To Sleep

"Christian... no matter how much power or how fearsome you are, there will always be crazy people who will attack you without thinking... let's take the example of the situation of the twin towers in your country... Al-Qaeda did not hesitate to attack the country that is considered the strongest militarily in the world after certain situations, no matter what hell would come for them afterwards... groups like Al-Qaeda exist in droves, religious fanatics that will not hesitate to explode half the world for certain beliefs... even I have had several attacks by people who just don't care about everything I have done and what organization I have on my hands... and religious fanatics are just a part of these crazies, there are organizations that take children and raise them as cannon fodder to attack people like me, there are also brainwashing organizations and similar shit."


"Unfortunately the world is like that, and it seems to be that the only thing really feared is the supernatural... it's silly to think that you really are 100% untouchable."

"..." Sitting down on the bed, Christian seriously thought the whole situation over.

Being silent for about 5 minutes, Christian finally spoke "I'm really not ready to depend on myself, I have a small team, but it's not enough..."

"And what will you do?"

"I know exactly what to do... I think I was too complacent" Laughing slightly, Christian continues "Father, can I send you 7 people to come in over there? You have good skills and their talent is great, but almost everything they know they learned themselves and lack knowledge."

"You're talking about the team you took out the army?"

"Yes, they are reliable women, I can trust them with my life if I have to."

"As you wish, it won't be a problem to train them, but what will you do about your brother's situation?"

"For now we will fight legally, but the time has come for me to enter this occult world, I will create my own organization."

"Hoh... interesting, and what will your organization do?"

Smiling slightly, Christian spoke "It will be dedicated to do what I want it to do".

"And how will you raise funds? Keep in mind that that needs a lot of money"

"Let's say a certain church will give me a generous donation" Remembering the information he received in prison, Christian replied.

"Interesting" Laughing softly, Dimitri continued "Well, I'll be following your steps, you know you can count on me for whatever you want, I can even take down this Samantha girl for you... according to my informants, right now they have her hidden in a military base in Washington"

"A military base..." Muttering softly, Christian finally sighed "Leave it, I'll deal with her in the future, for now I have priorities."

"Exactly" With a satisfied voice, Dimitri continued "I taught you to be patient, the moment you lose your cool is the very moment you were defeated... besides if you manage to create a good organization, you will be quite protected and you would only have to watch out for the crazies"

"No... I'll make sure that even the crazies won't dare to think of me" Looking off into nothingness, Christian whispered.

"Hoh, and how do you plan to accomplish that?"

"Didn't you say everyone fears the supernatural?" smiling slightly, Christian continued "Christian Grey wasn't feared, so the time has come to let him sleep and bring Lucifer into the world."


"Father, I'll talk to you later, I'm going to see Alan."

"See you later..."

Hanging up the call, Christian looked at nothing for a few seconds, then smiled slightly and continued dressing.


Staring at his cell phone with raised eyebrows for a few seconds, Dimitri whispered "Bring Lucifer into the world..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


After a few seconds, Dimitri chuckled lightly as he set the cell phone down on the table.

"What will your 'son' do?" Emphasizing the word son, a woman in her 40s asked with interest, with an obvious Russian accent in her voice.

"I don't quite know, but if what I think he will do comes to pass, the child will have his own history in this little world."

"What will he do?"

"He will bring fear to life" Dimitri chuckled lightly, then looked at the young woman who seemed disinterested on the other side "You're not interested in meeting him?"

"I have enough things to do without wasting time meeting a man" With a glass of Whiskey in her hand, the young woman casually replied.

"Are you jealous?" Raising her eyebrows, the other woman asked mockingly.

"Why would I be jealous of a spoiled child?"

Looking at the young woman with amusement, Dimitri just remained silent.

"So that's your problem? You're jealous that your teacher spoils Christian?" looking at the young woman with a smirk, the woman asked.

"Nonsense, I'm just saying that I don't think this Christian guy is that big of a deal" With an annoyed look, the young woman replied.

"Are you doubting my words?" Raising his eyebrows, Dimitri asked.

"I wouldn't dare master" Shaking her head quickly, the young woman continued frowning "It just stresses me out that this Christian guy doesn't treat you with the respect you deserve, I have been with you when you call him and I hear many times that you treat him as an old man, he even dares to make sarcastic comments to you... he has no respect for you and doesn't seem to care about all that you have done for him."

Laughing lightly, Dimitri smiled and spoke "It's not that he has no respect for me like you think, Christian just has different ways of communicating and expressing himself, plus I find him pleasant the way he is, and I'm not the only one, everyone around him ends up charmed in a certain way"

"Not just anyone can win the hearts of all those criminals in Florence, remember that place is full of monsters" Looking at the young woman, the woman added "Besides, if Mr. Dimitri doesn't care, why are you getting mad? You're just jealous and don't want to admit it."

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the young woman stood up and turned around "I'm going to go do my homework."

"Christian will be coming in a while to Russia, I charge you to receive him when the time is right" Seeing the young woman's back, Dimitri smiled and spoke.

"..." Stopping her steps, the young woman took a deep breath and nodded "Yes master."

With the young woman out, the woman looked at Dmitri with a smile and spoke "You want them to fight?"

"They'll end up getting along after a few blows" Dimitri replied with a smile "Maybe they'll even end up getting married in the future."

"That would be fun"


Looking at Alan on the stretcher with a respirator, Christian's gaze was completely blank.

Alan's face was completely bandaged and even then several swellings were visible on different sides of his face, he had a respirator in his mouth and was currently sedated so that he could recover from the operation on his nose.

"Christian..." Standing still beside Hailie, Eva bit her lips and whispered "Your brother will be fine..."

"I know... he's my brother after all" Nodding, Christian turns his gaze to the woman next to him and squints "Who are you?"

"I-I'm Hannah" Nervously replied the woman, feeling like she was currently in front of the eyes of a predator.

"And where did you come from, Hannah?"

"I..." Looking at the young man on the bed, the woman lost her nervous face and changed to a pained one "I'm Alan's girlfriend..."





With those words, everyone in the room looked at her with narrowed eyes, including Leslie who so far just stared.

Turning his gaze to Eva, Christian asked "Did you know about this?"


"And how did you let her in?"

"She was here when I arrived... I thought she was your friend"

"..." Turning to look at the uncomfortable Hannah, Christian sighed "How did you know my brother?"

"I-I volunteer at the orphanage."

"And how did you two become boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Looking uncomfortably at everyone in place, Hannah replied in a low voice "I-it was love at first sight..."

"I see" Nodding not noticing any lies in Hannah, Christian continued "And how did you find out what happened?"

"I was with Alan when it all happened..." Clenching her fists tightly, Hannah replied while biting her lips.

"Explain to me what happened."

"Alan... he had something with that woman, Samantha... nothing serious really, but according to him, they were flirting before they met me" Looking sideways at the woman who seems to want to attack her at any moment, Hannah started to narrate what happened "He told me that he had already talked to Samantha and that he didn't want anything more with her.... everything was going well, Alan was going to introduce me to his friend and I went with her, but..."


"Samantha arrived at Alan's friend's house... things started to escalate and out of the blue Samantha hit him..."

"And you didn't do anything!?" Unable to take it anymore, Eva shouted angrily.

"Mother, be quiet" Looking at Eva seriously, Christian spoke.

"..." Taking a deep breath, Eva glared angrily at Hannah and finally nodded.

"Go on."

"I obviously went to hit Samantha... but she had four security women with her and they held me back... Alan's friend tried to help him, but the woman slapped him and knocked him down instantly" Gritting her teeth, Hannah's face was getting darker and darker "Until I managed to get away from the security and yelled at the woman, that's when Alan's security arrived, there was an altercation where both parties pulled out their guns and then the police arrived as a maid of Alan's friend called them.... Samantha was arrested and Alan was taken to the hospital... that's all."

"I see..." Without taking his eyes off his brother, Christian nodded softly.




"Go away."


Turning his gaze to Hannah, Christian gave her a cold look and spoke "I said get out."

"W-why!?" Looking at Christian in disbelief, Hannah exclaimed.

"Alan is not within your reach, get lost."

"..." Biting her lips and clenching her fists tightly, Hannah looked at Alan on the gurney in silence.

Finally looking at Christian, Hannah asked "Is it because I'm not rich?"

"You're just not up to it and that's it, now beat it" Frowning as he looks coldly at Hannah, Christian replied.

Trembling slightly, Hannah clenched her fists even tighter, looking at the faces of all the people in the room.

After a few tense minutes, Hannah finally relaxed her fists and stared at Christian's face "I'm not leaving!"

"..." Without removing his cold face, Christian frowned even more and replied "It wasn't a question, I told you to get out, I won't repeat myself."

"I already said I won't walk away!" Steadying herself on the gurney, Hannah continued boldly "Alan is my boyfriend, we love each other and I won't leave him for the world!"

Squinting at the woman, Christian spoke "How much do you want?"

"What?" frowning, Hannah responded with a question.

"How much money do you want, tell me your price and get the hell out of here."

Opening her eyes wide, Hannah instantly glared at Christian with fury "Who do you think you are!? You think you can buy anyone you want just because you have money!?"

"Stop your bullshit, tell me how much money do you want? A million dollars? 2 million? How much do you want?"

Gritting her teeth, Hannah looked at Christian with disgust "You rich people always think you can solve everything with money, my love for Alan has no fucking price!"

"You're thinking that if you stay with Alan you'll get more money, aren't you?" looking coldly at the woman, Christian continued "If you refuse to leave her and Alan decides to stay with you, I swear right now that I'll put him out on the street and take every last penny from him, I'm not going to let you get your hands on our fortune!"

Breathing heavily, Hannah exclaimed "You think I care about your damn money!!!? Do it, leave it on the street, I'll make sure to give him everything he wants myself, even if I have to slave all my life!"


"It disgusts me to think that Alan being such a good man would have such a filthy family like you!"


Looking at his mother, Christian finally smiles, then looks back at Hannah and nods with satisfaction "I like you."

"W-what?" losing all her bravery at the sight of Christian's smile, Hannah asks.

"I told you I like you, I approve of your relationship with Alan."

"B-but... W-why?"

"Because you have some guts, I was just testing you to see if you're worth it or I have to kill you, congratulations, you passed" Speaking casually, Christian only smiled slightly.

"K-kill me?"




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