
Chapter 198 Family Hall

"Won't you warm up your muscles?" Getting off the machine with a flushed face from the movement, Lust speaks quickly.

"No, I'll warm up by fighting" Standing up on a large thin mat, Christian takes a few small jumps to fully wake up and smiles.

Standing in front of Christian, Lust raises her hands and changes her smiling face to a serious one.


Looking at each other, Christian only slightly raised his hands and started to circle around Lust.

"Not again" Knowing that if she let him have the advantage of movement, she would be torn apart, Lust lunged towards Christian with a kick aimed at his neck.

Shifting his body slightly, Christian felt the air rush to his face and smiled "It'll be fun."

Quickly turning his body, Christian slides to the ground and slams his leg into Lust's support, then quickly getting up and launching himself at her as she falls.


Falling backwards, Lust gritted her teeth and raised her arms to avoid being hit in the face.

"You lost" Holding her two fingers to Lust's throat, Christian spoke "You would have already died in a real fight, don't think they would just hit your face."

"*Gulp*" Feeling her throat tighten, Lust nods and swallows saliva nervously.

Getting up from the floor, Christian walks over to a piece of furniture and grabs his cell phone, then opens Instagram and walks over to Lust "Record me kicking the practice dummy."

Getting up from the floor with a sigh, Lust picks up the cell phone and nods.

Christian has been posting daily on Instagram for a few days now, his followers are steadily climbing and he knows this medium is perfect to start increasing his fame.

He started with simple pictures with his family, Eva, Hailie, Alan, even Leslie.

He also uploaded photos with Elisa, Sarah, Lust, Emily, Lilith and his tiger Kitty, while his latest photo is with Kim, Luna and Sanza.

Lately he started posting certain snippets of his daily life, pictures of him reading books and some videos of him training with Lust.

Smiling slightly towards the camera, Christian stood in front of the practice dummy and took a deep breath, then quickly approached it and kicked it in the ribs, but in the process, he turned his leg and his fulcrum and the kick changed to the head, causing the dummy to go flying a few meters and hit the wall.

[A/N: I have a video of this kick, I'll leave the URL in the comments of this paragraph]

Looking at the dummy that started leaking sand, Christian sighed and muttered "Another one I break..."

Turning to the camera, Christian raises his middle finger and smiles.

Cutting off the video, Lust walked over to Christian and handed him the cell phone "We're out of practice dummies."

"I already sent out for more, they'll arrive in a few days."

"Christian" Suddenly entering the gym, Eva spoke.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Yes?" Turning to his mother with a smile, Christian replied.

"I was talking to the publisher and they heard you were back, they were asking if you'd be interested in doing a book signing event."

"Book signing..." Rubbing his chin, Christian asked "Where would it be?"

"I think Detroit, New York and Los Angeles, but they also talked about an overseas event in the future."

"That would be fun, I agree."

"Okay, I'll let you know the dates later" Nodding, Eva walked out of the gym as she typed on her cell phone.

"That will help me quite a bit..." Muttering to himself, Christian sighed and raised his fists again "Let's keep fighting."


Houston, Texas.

Walking out of the airport, a man with a young man looked around.

"Dad, I'm nervous" With his hands sweating, the young man spoke.

"Relax, Kyra said he was a nice man" Smiling softly toward his son, the man responded calmly, but if you looked closely at his hands, you could see how much they were shaking with nervousness.

"Excuse me, are you the Hall family?"

Suddenly, a woman in a suit and an eye patch spoke to them, causing the man to nod quickly, "I'm Luis Hall."

"Come with me please" Nodding with a stoic face, Leslie turned and walked.

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, the young man looks at his dad and mutters "That woman is scarier than my sister."

"..." Nodding slightly, Luis takes his son's hand and follows Leslie, to after 5 minutes, arrive at a dark limousine.

Opening the door, Leslie spoke "Please come in."

"Y-yes" Nodding mechanically, Luis takes his son's hand and climbs into the vehicle, seeing in the front seat the most beautiful man he has ever seen in his life.

Opening his mouth slightly, the young man looks at Christian in shock.

After a few dazed seconds, the young man quickly turned to his father and whispered in his ear "Yes it's him!"

"I noticed" Smiling stiffly as Christian just stared at him, Luis whispered awkwardly.

Smiling slightly towards the duo in front of him, Christian spoke "Nice to meet you, I'm Christian, Kyra's friend."

"H-hello, I'm Luis, Kyra's father" Speaking nervously, Luis replied.

"I-I'm Diego, Kyra's br-brother."

"Señor Luis, a pleasure" Nodding toward the man, Christian shifts his gaze to the excited young man and smiles slightly "Diego, a pleasure"

Quickly pulling something out of his backpack, Diego stretches out his hand and speaks "C-could you sign it!?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looks at the book in his hands and speaks "Do you like the Harriet Potter saga?"

"I used to read it when I was a kid!" Nodding quickly, Diego looked at Christian with stars in his eyes.

Fiddling with his pockets, Christian spoke "I don't have a pencil..."

Quickly reaching into his backpack, Diego spoke, "I have one."

"Thank you" Taking the book in his hands, Christian opened the cover and thought 'What the fuck do I write?'

After thinking for a few seconds, Christian drew a small castle with stars in the background and added his signature on it, then wrote 'With love for Diego'.

"Done" Handing him the book, Christian continued "It's my first time signing a book, so I didn't really know what to write."

"Thank you!" Quickly glancing at the signature, Diego nodded happily.

Looking up, Diego fiddled with his fingers and asked shyly "C-can we take a picture?"


"Thanks!" Standing up quickly, Diego walked over to Christian and sat down next to him, then pulled out his cell phone and opened the camera.

Smiling slightly towards the camera, Christian felt strange meeting for the first time a person who could be considered his fan.

"it's perfect!" Nodding quickly, Diego took to typing on his cell phone quickly.

Looking at the man in front of him, Christian spoke "We should be arriving in about 20 minutes at the hospital, how have you been feeling lately?"

"Aside from a slight cough and some headaches, I'm relatively well, thanks for asking" Noting that the young man is indeed someone kind, Luis relaxed and spoke naturally.

"Remember to tell that to the doctor, he has to look at every situation to ensure your health."

"I'll keep it in mind, thank you"



"Mr. Luis, what do you do for a living? Kyra hardly ever talks about you" Speaking to avoid the awkward silence, Christian looked at the man and smiled.

"I work in a library."

"How interesting, do you always work in that line of work?"

"Well..." Looking at Christian with a slight hesitation, Luis finally shook his head "I used to have another job before."

"If it's a sensitive subject don't bother answering" Noticing the man's complicated face, Christian spoke.

"It's okay... I'm not ashamed of my past, my two children know about it" Smiling slightly, Luis looked straight into Christian's eyes and spoke "I used to be a prostitute"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked at the man with interest and spoke "That's a subject I don't know much about, could you tell me more? Obviously if it makes you uncomfortable we can change the subject."

Not noticing disgust or the typical disdain in the young man's eyes, Luis nodded with satisfaction and spoke "It's really no big deal, I used to work for a sex house and I would service 2 clients a day"

"You chose the clients?"

"No, I had them picked out by the people who ran the house."

"So you never knew what kind of woman would come in."

"*Sigh* No..."

"Excuse me for asking, but... how did you end up working at that place?" Knowing his questions were invasive, Christian bit his lips slightly and asked cautiously.

"It was a lot of little events that pushed me towards that place" Remembering his whole life, Luis sighed and spoke "But the key factor was the lack of money in my life, my mother I never knew and my father was a drug addict... you have to understand that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to in order to survive"

"..." Looking at the man speaking so matter-of-factly, Christian nodded "I know a lot of people who told me the same thing... I'm sorry you had to live through all those situations."

"It's okay, thanks to all that I was able to meet the love of my life" Smiling softly, Luis replied "All that bitter road led me to have a beautiful family, to know love and to have my beautiful children."

Looking at the man silently, Christian thought 'Although he made it seem like the situation wasn't very difficult, when he said he didn't know what kind of woman would walk in his door, I noticed the pain in his eyes... he had to have lived through quite a few traumatizing situations for any man in this world.'

"When I first met Kyra, she spoke of you with a lot of pride and affection, now I see are a good man, I am glad you have achieved your happiness" Looking at the older man of 55, Christian smiled softly and spoke.

"Thank you" Smiling softly, Luis sighed as all his tension left, then smiled brightly and asked "May I ask your relationship with my daughter?"

"She asked me to marry her" Laughing lightly, Christian replied.

"She really did that?" raising his eyebrows in mock astonishment, Luis continued "I'm sorry for her behavior, she was always a girl who got carried away with her feelings."

"It's okay, it's nice the way she is" Waving his hand lazily, Christian replied.

"Kyra told me that you guys met in the military."

"Yeah, I was in for a few months."

"How was your experience with her? Kyra never tells me what exactly she does."

Scratching his cheek, Christian thought carefully about his next words "I can only say that it was intense, we had a lot of complicated and in some cases, dangerous missions, but Kyra was the most serious and dedicated to the job"

"She always dreamed of being a super soldier" Smiling softly, Luis took out his cell phone and spoke "Look, I have a picture of her as a child where she painted her face with mud and used a stick as a weapon, she looked so cute"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian moved to the side of the man and looked at the cell phone, finding a poor quality photo, but good enough to see a little girl in all her dirty clothes staring at the screen with a big smile.

"Kyra used to be chubby as a child."

"Honey, Kyra was plump even in school, it was when she went into the army that she started to lose weight" Laughing fondly, Luis started showing more pictures "She didn't have many friends in school, in fact, she spent all her free time cooking, she's very good at cooking"

"She cooks?"

"Sure she does, she does it better than me" Changing the image, Luis shows a picture of Pride at about 15 years old with a chubby face and a small belly, while in her hands a plate of what looks like cake was visible.

"You don't know how hard I tried to get her into the Chef line, but she always insisted on being a soldier, you must know how stubborn she is."

Smiling softly as he looks at the pictures, Christian nodded "Yes, in fact, her code name in the army is Pride."

"A good name for my girl"

"Sir, could you send me those pictures?"

"Sure" Smiling with joy, Luis replied.

So, Christian had a nice time with the Pride family., listening to many embarrassing situations of the woman and having dozens of pictures on his cell phone as souvenirs.




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