
Chapter 205 Vatican

"Okay, I promise!" With a slightly flushed face, Lila nods and speaks quickly.

Not noticing any lies in her words, Christian smiles and kisses the back of her neck "I'll make sure not to disappoint that decision, I myself have many secrets to tell you, but first let me finish with my research and we'll take our time after that"

"Remember when I said only 3 days?"


"We can postpone it to 7 days" With a lustful smile, Lila whispers softly "I think the start of my research might be about your libido and your sexual limits and since we don't have a lab, I will be forced to run all the tests myself, you know... routine tests"

"*Sigh* It's a difficult situation, but I guess we'll have to sacrifice for the evolution of humanity" Gently massaging Lila's nipple, Christian spoke with resignation.

"All for science~" Squeezing her folds while forcing her ass up, Lila whispers sensually.

"*Sigh* All for science~" Rising up knowing what's coming, Christian pulls back his waist and whispers contentedly.



"Yes, the data is incongruent to what they want and we would have to create a new one."


"Yes, it took me 6 days to skim through all their research and I found some points in the physics they used that I found questionable, then we'll see about that."


"Have you made any progress on the system?"

"Perfect, I go back to Detroit tomorrow, there we will continue with the model and then we will leave for the Island, I have been told that they have almost everything ready and we have to get ready."

"Good, see you later"



"I love you"


Hanging up the call, Christian smiles slightly and strokes the dark hair fluttering at his crotch, as a long tongue wraps around his glans lustfully.

"It's coming out."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Pressing her head a little tighter against his crotch, Christian sighs contentedly and pours it all into Lila's mouth.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

"*Sigh* Perfect as always Lila, you have a great mouth" Leaning back against the couch, Christian gently caressed the beautiful woman's sweaty face.

With a few final head shakes, Lila released Christian's cock and licked her lips "What do you have on your island?"

"Curious~" Gently caressing the woman's flushed face, Christian looked into her beautiful green eyes and spoke "I built a bunker underground on the island, 5 floors with over 60 square meters of space on each floor, it will be my research center."

"How did you build so much without us knowing?" frowning slightly, Lila continued "We have the whole country monitored, even your island has a special order to keep an eye on you..."

"I asked my master for help, I guess he helped somewhat."

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Lila leans her head on Christian's thigh and whispers "These damn Russians are a pain in the ass"

"Now that you're on my side you don't have to see them as enemies~" Looking at Lila's glossy lips and bare, reddened ass sticking out, Christian sighed with satisfaction and spoke "It was a good week, don't you think?"

Purring softly as she stroked Christian's cock, Lila licked her lips and whispered "I've never been so satisfied with life, I really needed this."

'Women are so simple... give them a bone and they'll follow you with a smile' Gently caressing Lila's face, Christian smiled and gently lifted his foot, then pointed his finger and spoke "Kiss it."

"..." Turning her gaze, Lila swallowed saliva and crawled towards the foot, then gently touched it and appreciated its perfection.

Sticking out her tongue, Lila shamelessly licked it, staring at Christian's face in the process.

"Very good~" Smiling sweetly, Christian moves his foot and presses it against Lila's forehead "Would you like to have another sex session?"


"Then turn around and lift your ass~"

Without speaking further, Lila pressed her breasts against the floor and lifted her ass as high as possible, while her eyes were happy as can be.

Looking at the mess of fluids dripping from Lila's crotch, Christian smiled and knelt on the floor.



Getting out of the van, Christian grabs his bag and walks towards the mansion.

"Welcome master" With a folder in her hand, Leslie instantly greeted him, then stretching out the folder and speaking "Mission successfully completed"

"I thank you Leslie, you too Lust" Looking at the woman who had nothing but desire in her eyes, Christian smiled softly and continued "Now is not the time, leave it for the night"

"*Sigh* Good..."

Handing his bag to Leslie, Christian opened the folder and found different drawings and notes inside.

Looking at the first drawing, Christian instantly noticed that it was a hand drawn plan of the Vatican Palace.

"I see..." Looking at the other drawings, Christian muttered "It's 200 meters underground, apparently it was built hundreds of years ago and the treasure was never taken out of the place..."

Looking at the notes, Christian spent 20 minutes reading them on his feet and frowned slightly.

"Cameras everywhere, secret church agents around every corner, they have vibration detectors, radars and a lot of technology that will make it very difficult for me to go in directly... not to mention that the vibration detectors will make it impossible for me to dig into the vault with a powerful machine.... if I dig by hand it will take me a long time and most likely I will be discovered before for suspicious attitudes... it is impossible to have a residence inside the Vatican city and I would have to start digging from outside the city... this is difficult... the soil so deep is very hard and difficult to remove... I don't have so much time to steal this, I have to plan something".

Biting his thumb lightly, Christian stepped between Leslie and Lust and muttered as he walked all over the place.

"I'll have to study the terrain a bit and see what machines exist for digging... I'll ask Emily to see if it's possible to avoid radars and detectors... I have to start right now" Turning his gaze to Leslie, Christian spoke "Get me all the documents we can on digging machines that aren't so big, get me studies on the land and mining, also text mom and ask her how the purchase of the Cuprite mines is going. .. tell her that the essential one is Namibia, because it is the biggest, but she should try to get the ones in Sverdlovsk, Kazakhstan, the mines in Congo and the 3 in Arizona... as for Chile, Mexico and Spain, she should leave them for when she has the others ready, those countries are easier to buy".

"Right away" Nodding, Leslie picks up her cell phone and starts texting.

"Lust, we have weapons in the panic room, you know the code, I need you to do a maintenance on all the weapons as I can't let them go to waste."

Widening her eyes, Lust tried to refuse, but seeing Christian's narrowed eyes, the woman finally dropped her shoulders and nodded 'Great, now I have a month to waste while I clean weapons...'

"And don't forget about your training" Walking towards the stairs, Christian left his last comment while reading the files.


In a large dark warehouse an alarming scene could be seen for anyone who saw it.

8 women in military fatigues were tied up in chairs while all of them were a mess of blood and wounds.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US!!!?" Looking at the woman playing with tongs on the table, a woman in her 50's screamed in fury and despair "YOU ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN, WHY ARE YOU TORTURING US NOW!!!!?"

"..." Without giving the desperate woman a glance, Lila fiddled with her tweezers on the table, then approached the woman and silently placed the tweezer between her fingernail.

"AGH!!!" Screaming loudly, the woman watched in horror as her nail popped out and blood began to run down her finger "STOP!!!!"

Smiling slightly, Lila gripped the woman's hair tightly and looked into her eyes "I took the tape off your mouth to hear those nice screams, but it bothers me that you talk so much, could you shut up and just scream please?"

"STUPID BITCH!!!" Spitting blood in her face, the woman screamed.

"How disgusting" With a disgusted face, Lila pulled a cloth out of her clothes and wiped her face slowly, then pulled a knife out of her pocket and swiftly lowered it.

"FUCK YOU!!!" Gritting her teeth, the woman looked with horror at the knife stuck in her leg, while Lila was moving it around making sure to cause as much damage as possible.

"You wonder why I'm punishing you, don't you?" Wiping the blood from her hands, Lila looked at the woman with fury and spoke "I let your little sex game happen in this damn place, I didn't care if you disappeared one or two people, I also didn't care if you went over the limit and made 8 people disappear..."

With her face red with anger, Lila waved the knife even harder and spoke through gritted teeth "But you made the mistake of embarrassing me in front of my guest. I warned you to cut your crap for a while because the person coming was important!"

Letting tears fall as she clenched her teeth tightly, the woman could no longer speak due to the wear and tear in her voice.

"You left me embarrassed and made me look weak in front of him" Taking a deep breath to calm her emotions, Lila continued "The first thing he did was to laugh at the 'suicides', more so the one that happened a week ago..."

"How am I supposed to win his affection if I look like a fool who can't control her people?" Pulling away from the woman while leaving the knife in her leg, Lila whispers "But hey... in the end it all worked out and now I have something else to die for... you should thank him for asking me not to harm children because I'd already be torturing your son in front of you... wait... he just said children..."

Smiling suddenly, Lila turns around excitedly and speaks "As far as I know, you have a cute lover out there... how old is he? 23? He's already an adult..."

"DON'T YOU DARE!!!" With eyes red with fury, the woman shouted.

"Of course I dare" Turning her gaze to a woman guarding the door, Lila spoke "Find her lover and bring 4 tramps, I want them to fuck him in front of her...then have those same women fuck her, it will be fun"

"No... no... no... no..." Quickly shaking her head, the woman whispered in despair, then looked up and screamed as tears streamed down her face "YOU ARE A DEMON, YOU ARE THE DEVIL HERSELF, YOU ARE NOT HUMAN!!!"

"Of course I'm human, but I fuck with the devil" Winking at the woman, Lila wiped her hands and left the place "Make sure it does not die before its time."

"Yes my lady."

Pulling out her cell phone, Lila looked at the wallpaper and smiled fondly "You left today but I'm already longing for you inside me..."



I want to die...

"Your anger is unbridled and that's great, learn to use it to your advantage, strike!"


I fail to understand how that damn old man moves so fast, I don't need to see the fight next to me, I know that bitch Wrath would be beaten until she passed out.

"That man tricked me... I fell into his trap..... I knew beautiful men had black hearts, but he's even worse..." Muttering under my breath, I looked up at the sky bitterly.

I thought I had found the legendary SugarDaddy, handsome, smart, millionaire...millionaire...and millionaire.

I thought my future would be beautiful with days of relaxation, lying down while looking at the sea, sleeping in a hammock in the shade, not worrying about anything else.

There was even the possibility of having sex, not that I care much....

But instead I ended up in a country where I have to wear 5 pieces of clothing to keep from freezing to death, get beaten every day by a crazy old man who claims to be Lucifer's father and worst of all, train for 15 hours a day non-stop.

"I died and went to hell?"

"Girl, it's your turn."


Kill me.

[End of pov]




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