
Chapter 228 Sins

"Chief, what are we going to do with her?" Wiping the blood from her hands, a woman in her 30's dressed in a suit looked at Avaricia seriously.

"How many days have we been here?" Wearing dark colored sportswear while around her neck hung several gold chains, Avaricia yawned and asked.

"With this day we complete a week"

"And that bitch is still alive?"


"Good, kill her, put her in the barrel and fill it with cement, then we go to the lake and dump her."

"What are we going to do with this cabin?"

"Pour acid on the blood, take your gloves and soak them in bleach, then dip them in the acid and leave them in the hut, we'll burn all this lujar"

"Understood" Withdrawing, the woman enters the hut leaving Avaricia to her own.

Whistling cheerfully, Avaricia looked at the dark moon above her and smiled, then pulled a phone out of her pocket and dialed a number "Just today finish your request, are you ready?"

"You tortured her?"

"We have everything recorded and now her body will disappear. 7 days of torture, no more, no less."

"*Sigh* At last..."

Noticing the relief in her voice, Avaricia spoke "May I know what this woman did to you to make you hate her so much?"

"She... raped my boyfriend" With spite and deep hatred in her voice, the woman continued "He killed himself days later..."

"So that's why you left the army... are you sure you don't want to torture her yourself? She's still alive."

"I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't seek revenge..."

"But you asked me to kill her for you..."

"As long as I don't touch her blood, all well and good..."

Rolling her eyes, Avaricia laughed with amusement and continued "Tomorrow I'll come looking for you at your place, you should be prepared to lose your normality"

"How did a bitch like you end up with so much power? Besides... I still can't believe you say more than 10 words without a damn insult..."

"*Sigh* You wouldn't even believe me if I told you" Trembling slightly at the memory of the two men being no different than demons, Greed replied bitterly.

"Tracy... thank you."

"It's okay, you were the only bitch I liked in the army, now get ready I'm impatient and you have work to do."

"I'll be ready"

"You better" Hanging up the call, Greed yawned and looked down at her chains "I think I have enough neck for about 3 more."


Stepping out of a dark van, Pride looked at the small bar in front of her and nodded, then turned to her people and spoke "Wait for me here, don't draw attention to yourselves"


Closing the door, Pride walked to the noisy bar and entered, then looked at all the women wearing typical cowboy clothing and moved to the bar.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sitting down next to a woman about 34 years old with blonde hair, Pride looked at the bartender and spoke "Get me a bottle of Rum."

Turning her gaze to the woman next to her, Pride spoke "You look like shit."

"I'd never think I'd see you again" With her head down, the woman didn't even bother to turn around and replied nonchalantly "What brings you to this little town?"

"I came for you" Receiving the Rum, Pride pours herself a glass and hands another to the woman "Work with me"

"I already said I wouldn't go back to that army shit" Accepting the glass, the woman replied indifferently.

"I got out of the army too"

"You?" Lifting her gaze for the first time, the woman showed strangeness in her blue eyes "You were the most maniacal in the army, I would never think you would quit"

"Certain things happened and now I work somewhere else?"

"And how was it that you agreed to have another boss? It took me beating you a few times to get you to listen to my orders."

"You didn't hit me, I hit you."

"As you say" Rolling her eyes, the woman drank Ron's cup instantly and spoke.

Smiling slightly, Pride continued "What are you working on?"

"I take care of vehicles at a school"

"How pathetic" Taking a sip of Rum, Pride looked at the woman seriously and spoke "Come work with me, I can assure you of the best for your son".

"So you still remember what we talked about that day?"

"Yes... It was a nice moment, by the way, how is your little one?"

"He's growing well, he's staying with my dad for the weekend, he's 9 years old now."

"I'm happy for you"

"..." Drinking in silence for a few seconds, the woman looked at Pride and spoke "What exactly do you do?"

"Just training for now, but I have to get 5 people together and you are the last on my list"

"Sounds suspicious."

"You can say that what I am doing is illegal"

Frowning slightly, the woman narrowed her eyes at Pride and spoke "Don't tell me you're selling drugs or similar shit..."

"You know I would never fall for that, it's beneath me."

"..." Lowering her gaze again, the woman looked at her empty glass and asked "How did you find me?"

"Few people escape the sight of my new job, you're not one of them."

"I see..." Nodding thoughtfully, the woman looked up and asked "Who do you work under?"

"My future husband."

Raising her eyebrows, the woman looked at Pride with interest and asked, "Who is the unfortunate one?"

"I can't tell you, but he's the most amazing man in this world."

Laughing lightly, the woman asked "What did he do to make you say that? Is he good in bed?"

"He saved my life."

"Just that?"

"He hit me and made me eat dirt in our first encounter."

"Hahaha" Laughing instantly, the woman looked at Pride with amusement and spoke "He sounds like an interesting man".

"And he is" Smiling softly, Pride regained her serious look and spoke "The money won't fail you and we won't do anything against our morals, I can assure you"

"..." Looking at Pride in silence for a few seconds, the woman asked "How much will my pay be?"

"It would be around $20,000 a month, but it can also be more."

"That's a good offer... but I can't accept if you don't tell me what we'll do."

"..." Thinking for a few seconds, Pride sighed "For some time I will only be in charge of training with you, we have to expand our people and you will have to look for 5 other people to be your workers... but in the future we will be part of a new group that will be dedicated to hunt criminals."

"Bounty hunters?"

"Not exactly, we will hunt certain types of criminals... the worst of society, pedophiles, serial killers, rapists, among others."

"And then what? Turn them in to the police and we get paid for it?"

"We won't turn them in... we'll kill them" Looking at the woman seriously, Pride continued "Our leader will hunt down all this filth and send them to hell."

Looking at Pride quizzically, the woman fell silent.

"You have a little son too... think that one of these people we will hunt down caused hell to many families and mothers like you..... I don't feel any remorse" Sighing at the hesitation on the woman's face, Pride continued to drink in silence.

"What happens if the police find us?" After a few minutes in silence, the woman asked.

"It's almost impossible for it to happen...we have enough influence and power to get out of anything...not to mention that we have people who give us information on everything, even the police...we'll know when they're after us and we can erase everything they have."

"Sounds scary" Laughing lightly, the woman sighed "I accept, but before we kill someone I want to see proof of why we kill, I swore I would not participate in senseless killings like the ones we lived through in the war."

"Understandable, I accept"

"So since we're here... could you pay my debt from this bar?" smiling instantly, the woman asked.

"How much is it?" Pulling out her wallet, Pride asked.

"Twelve hundred and sixty-four dollars."



"Chief... didn't you say you were going to go get more people today?" Looking at the half-naked woman lying on the grass while looking up at the sky, a woman of about 29 asked cautiously.

"I'm hungry..." Ignoring her question, Sloth turned her gaze towards the woman and spoke "Bring me some hamburgers..."

"..." Smiling bitterly, the woman nodded, then left the place sadly.

This poor woman was a salted who worked with Sloth in the army, she knows perfectly well her way of being and before she simply laughed, but unfortunately she accepted a deal with the woman for a lot of money and ended up transforming into a slave who only serves to run errands. Even she has already gathered her 5 people and even her people are already recruiting more people.

But her boss just wanders around and does nothing but laze around, causing all the burden to fall on her and her 3 companions.

"What a stressful life..." Looking at the clouds with a peaceful smile, Sloth sighed.

*Beep* *Beep*

Trembling slightly, Sloth turns her gaze robotically and looks at the cell phone next to her, then working up saliva and taking it in her trembling hands.

Looking at the message, Sloth instantly sighs in relief "It's not that demon.... Plague already sent me the information... I guess I'm going to go get this woman and then I'll take a rest for a few weeks."

"Sugardaddy my ass... I sold my soul to the devil and he cheated me" Sighing bitterly, Sloth threw the cell phone to her side and whispered with resignation.


*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

The sounds of pounding surrounded an abandoned factory, while Wrath smiled fiercely as she felt the blood splattering across her face.

"Boss... I think she died."

Approaching Wrath, a woman in her 30's spoke calmly.

"Yeah?" Stopping her punches, Wrath looks down at the woman on the ground and clicks her tongue "This bitch thought she was a big deal and she can't stand anything.".

Getting up, Wrath walks over to a small table and wipes the blood off with a cloth.

"Chief...may I know why you hated her so much?" looking at the disfigured face on the floor, the woman cautiously asked.

"She was the leader a small gangster group around where I used to live, she caused me a lot of trouble a while back and to those living in the area she was nothing more than a demon, I couldn't stand to breathe the same air as her anymore"

"I see" Nodding, the woman didn't bother to speak anymore and waited in silence.

"You've already gathered your people?"

"Yes, I've already gathered five people."

"I want their names on a list, I'll look them up"

"Yes boss."

Sitting down on a wooden chair, Wrath looked at the body on the ground and spoke "Tsk, get this bitch out of my sight, get her in the vehicle, I'll take care of her body myself."

"Yes boss."

"Don't forget to clean up the traces"


Watching as her people drag the corpse away, Wrath sighed and muttered "I'm bored... how long before Lucifer is finished getting ready?"


Sitting staring at the 3 women in front of her, Lust crosses her legs and smiles "Take off your clothes."

"..." Without saying a word, the women stood up and began to undress, exposing flawless and beautiful bodies.

Since Lust left the island, she was quick to look for her people, but unlike convincing them as the others did, she blackmailed people with good skills and especially, a good body.

The matter is simple, for example, one of the women with blonde hair, green eyes and a voluptuous body, was from New York special forces.

Lust investigated her life and found out from Emily's files that the woman ran over a man 5 years ago and fled the scene, the man ended up dying.

After that she took the evidence and blackmailed her with a smile, some resisted and attacked her, but everything was solved after a few blows and threats.

The blonde woman herself is married and has children, practically Lust has a thousand ways to ruin her life, so the woman accepted with bitterness.

Although, today their faces no longer show any discomfort.

The pay is very good, they hardly do anything, and after a while they get used to this crazy woman.

Looking at the women, Lust smiled with amusement and said "Sit on the floor and spread your legs".

Without complaint, the women sat quietly and spread their legs wide, exposing their waxed pussies.

"Start masturbating slowly, you are not allowed to climax until I tell you."

Lowering their hands, the 3 women began to silently obey.

'My dear Lucifer forbade me to touch another person with sexual motives and to have any contact with another man not even from my family, but he said nothing about seeing women~' Thinking with amusement in her mind, Lust watched everything with a strange gleam in her eyes, as the smell of sex she loves so much began to permeate the air.




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