
Chapter 230 Unexpected News

"Here we go" Typing quickly on the computer, Christian finally turned to Emily "Grab the glasses I set up and get some distance, I'll start this."


Turning his gaze, Christian looked at his somewhat awkward construction and smiled "Quantum computer #1, 0 polaritons, let's change that."

"Initiate" Pressing the button, Christian grabbed his safety glasses and ran quickly into the distance, then hid behind a metal table.

After a few seconds, a loud noise from the machine began to envelop the place, while a small light was created in the center of the cylindrical machine.

"Is it working well?"

"For now yes."

Staring at the light that began to grow, Christian smiled excitedly, but suddenly, a loud sound frustrated him.


Staring at the smoke coming out of his machine as glass popped everywhere, Christian sighed and scratched his head "Attempt number 1 failed, I'll go investigate what went wrong and we'll try again when I have the solution."



1 month later.

"Home" Quickly pressing a button on the keyboard, Christian ran to the table and flipped it over, then grabbed Emily and hid behind it.

Throughout the month, Christian had to rebuild his invention more than 70 times, running several tests a day.

But so far he hasn't been able to create any Polariton, always having new failures.

First it started with the durability of the mirrors, they were simply too weak for what he was working on, causing Christian to have to export scientific mirrors directly from Russia.

Secondly, the construction of the machine, it turns out that the model had certain problems that caused the mirrors to not cover enough of the ore, causing a mechanical failure that ends with an explosion.

After so many explosions, Christian learned that this table is the best thing he has to cover himself, because the amount of stuff that will end up flying everywhere was too much, a danger for everyone.

"10 seconds over, I still don't see any failures" Slightly peeking his head out, Christian muttered under his breath.

Squinting his eyes at the sight of so much light on his machine, Christian waited patiently as nervousness gnawed at him.


"Yes!" Rising quickly, Christian walked swiftly to the computer, easily recognizing the notification on his computer.



Falling heavily to the ground, Christian looked up in pain and turned his gaze to his machine, seeing it completely destroyed without knowing why.

"Christian!" Rushing quickly to Christian, Emily crouched down beside him and looked at his body with concern "Are you okay!?"

"It's okay, it was just the shockwave" With a slight groan of pain, Christian stood up and stretched his body, then walked over to the computer and began to look at the error.

After a few minutes, Christian turned his gaze to the computer and muttered "I see... the structure is inefficient, a cylinder won't do... but this structure in this country's... that was my mistake, I copied something wrong, let's start with something new."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



1 week later.


Hearing the noise from the workshop, I couldn't help but sigh.

My master has been working for months on a project that has taken up all of his time.

At first, he started out calmly, simply reading for most of the day or spent time preparing materials.

But as time went by and Mrs. Elisa became pregnant....

My master lost his mind.

He gets up at 5 in the morning, trains for two hours, eats a little and works for the rest of the day.

If he is lucky he takes a few hours a day to spend with Mrs. Elisa or answer her messages or calls, but other than that, he doesn't leave his workshop.

The only thing that keeps me somewhat relieved is that this little girl, Emily, accompanies him at every moment and keeps him entertained during all his time.

It's really amazing how dedicated he is, and even though his inventions explode on a daily basis, he always takes it with a smile and rebuilds it again without a hitch.

"But he's always been like that" Smiling slightly at the sweet emotions I feel at the thought of him, I walk leisurely through the bunker and reach my master's room, then open the door to find his strange machine.

From the beginning the machine had a strange cylindrical appearance, many wires sticking out, glass tubes on different sides, among other things.

But today, his machine is much weirder and that old design was totally discarded.

Approaching the machine, I look at my perfect master gently, then I turn my gaze to the machine.

The machine is about 20 feet long, with different separate sections that make it up.

The first section which is the one my master is currently working on has different objects that I am not familiar with, some have golden colors but most are metallic. The second section is a connection to the other sections, something the master called the computer brain.

Most of it was gold colored with several parts that really look beautiful, but only aesthetically, as its construction looks a bit clumsy and it is something that even I can notice.

Something that the whole machine shares, are its different lights of a phosphorescent purple color mixed with some shade of blue, some lights blinked and the others only glowed dimly.

"Master... what are those lights? It's something new."

"Each light represents a different segment, when the light shines normally it is because it is working perfectly, if the light flickers, it tells me that something disconnected that area, if the light is dim, it means that the photon current is not reaching that point as it should and if there is no light, it is because something failed in the place."

"Thank you for explaining master" Nodding with a slight smile, I turn my face towards the machine and see the segment that took so long to fix.

Two mirrors of a golden color with a box of some kind of glass in the center, really that place looks amazing and somewhat futuristic to my eyes, and I personally have seen the light it gets to radiate.

I don't need to ask my master to know that is the most important part of the machine.

In that place the photons are created, then they are conducted through the different sections and finally give life to the quantum chip created by my master.

Personally I am watching him all day long, and even though I am not a scientist and not that knowledgeable, he always listened to me carefully when he talks to me or to young Emily.

"Leslie, how is Elisa?" without taking his eyes off the machine, my master spoke as he continued to adjust it.


It was really an incredible surprise to hear that my master would be a father, somehow I never thought about it, or maybe I never wanted to think about it.

I won't deny that I felt a little uncomfortable with that news, I myself don't understand why, after all I never thought about having children, but it just happened and it was hard to assimilate it.

But after seeing the beautiful smile on my master's face when he spends time with Elisa, I simply stopped thinking and enjoyed that sight.


"I'm sorry master, Mrs. Elisa is fine, now she said she was going to rest because she felt exhausted."

"It's normal for her to be, she has a very big belly."

There it is...

The smile that would stun any rational being.

You would think that the more you see him, the less special he would be, but for me it seems to be the opposite.

The more I see his smile, the more intoxicated I feel, and consequently, the more my convictions to protect him with my life grow stronger.


Frowning slightly, I take out my cell phone and look at the message I received, but when I read its content, I can't contain my nervousness.

Turning quickly to my master, I walk towards him and grab him by the shoulder "M-master, Mrs. Elisa went into labor!"

"..." Instantly stopping his movements, my master slowly turned his gaze towards, as his already pale face became abnormally paler "B-but she's only 8 months and a few days old!"

"The doctor said that she received the alert from Mrs. Elisa herself, right now they are taking her to the medical room and will start the delivery process."


Noticing the trembling in my master's hands, I approach him and take his hands, then look him straight in the eyes and speak seriously "Everything will be fine, it is normal for some babies to be born a little earlier or a little later, we better go to the ward"



My master is so fragile in some situations...

[End of POV]


Putting on his hospital clothes in a daze, Christian finally covered his shoes with some sort of bag and puts on his mask, then exits the room to see Sarah who was nervously biting her nails.


Hearing the desperate scream inside the room, Christian's body instantly trembled as his expression grew paler and paler.

"W-why aren't y-you going?" looking at Sarah, Christian asked with difficulty.

"T-that's your job, I'll wait for you h-here" Smiling stiffly, Sarah quickly shook her head, clearly just as perturbed as Christian.

Turning his gaze robotically to Emily, Christian watched in despair as she dodged his gaze.


Hearing the sound of pain, Christian gritted his teeth and nodded, then turned to Leslie and spoke "C-call my mother... let her come alone."

"Yes master."

"I stand corrected, have her bring my animals too..."

"Yes master"

Taking a deep breath, Christian looks at the door in front of him and opens it, then walks down a small hallway and enters Elisa's room.

"*Gulp*" Looking at Elisa's face, Christian swallowed saliva with different emotions.

Currently Elisa's beautiful face was distorted with pain, her skin is flushed, her eyes cloudy with tears as sweat runs down her face.

"We will have an instant labor, the normal contractions didn't last as long as I expected!" looking at Christian, the doctor spoke in a serious voice, while several women move around her preparing everything.

"C-christian..." Seeing her man arrive, Elisa's voice softened instantly as she looked at him with pain in her eyes.

"Here I am" Gritting his teeth, Christian calmed the turbulent emotions and quickly approached Elisa, then grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes "Sorry I'm late."

"I-it's okay- Ugh!"

Squeezing Elisa's hands a little tighter, Christian spoke "It's okay honey, it won't be long now!"

"We're starting with normal labor, please push when I tell you to!" spreading Elisa's legs, the doctor positioned herself between her legs and began cleaning all the blood from the area.

"Nurse, prepare everything for the baby!"

"Yes doctor!"

Looking up, the doctor looked at Elisa and exclaimed seriously "She's already dilated, I need the count of 3 to start pushing as hard as I can!"






"AAGGHHH!!!" Squeezing Christian's hand tightly, Elisa started screaming while pushing.

Feeling the screams and looking at Elisa's face, Christian felt that this situation is worse than any war, as all his control vanished and leaving only chaos in its place.

"DAMN, CHRISTIAN YOU STUPID FUCKER!!!" Squeezing Christian's hand tightly, Elisa turned her gaze to the man and screamed angrily, going through the worst pain of her life right now.

"I see the head, push again!"


Trembling at the loud scream, sweat began to run down Christian's face, even more so as he saw the anger in the sweet woman.

'Goddess, Lucifer, Shrek, Life, Universe... thank you for making me a man and not a woman' Thanking everything in his mind, Christian held Elisa's other hand and let her squeeze them as much as she wanted.

"We've got our heads out, push again!"

"Come on honey, you can do it!"

"IF YOU THINK IT'S SO EASY, THEN YOU DO IT, YOU IDIOT- AHHH!!!" Cutting off her words to scream, Elisa cursed angrily.

"Okay, rest for 5 minutes, take deep breaths and try to calm down as much as you can!"

"Doctor, why does it hurt so much?" looking at the woman with despair, Christian asked.

"She didn't want to use anesthesia, she will feel all the pain of a first-time delivery."

"H-how long will this last?"

"It will be faster than normal, about 40 minutes."

'She'll kill me before that' Looking at the anger in Elisa's eyes, Christian felt like crying as he smiles bitterly.




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