
Chapter 235 Intimidation

"I was thinking of hiding my face, I came to the conclusion that I owe it to you" Walking slowly across the stage, Christian stared at the audience coldly and continued "For a long time we will be fighting side by side and we will be working for the same purpose, to take down criminals!"

"I know many here must know who I am and who I was, but I will tell you to leave that name behind, Because who you see right now is Lucifer, no one else!"


Looking at the audience, Christian observed different reactions in the eyes of these people, causing his face to turn colder and he approached the table.

"To begin with I will introduce you to our pillars!" looking at his girls, Christian spoke "We have the 7 deadly sins, Lust, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth and Greed, each one is represented by a different color and that will remain hidden for now."

"The two people you see behind my 7 sins, that's my cavalry, we have Death and Plague-"

"Is our leader really a boy?"


Hearing the whisper that enveloped the place, Christian raises his hand and slams his hand down hard on the table, causing it to break in two as splinters jump everywhere.

Turning his gaze, Christian coldly looks at all the people and focuses on a woman in the third row, then jumps off the stage and walks among the women.

Arriving in front of the woman who whispered, Christian stood in front of her and spoke coldly "Do you have a problem?"



"No sir!" trembling slightly from the scream, the woman stood up straight and exclaimed with a serious face "I'm sorry for my actions sir!"

"..." Staring at the woman, Christian turns his gaze and notices all eyes on him.

"I know a lot of people will have doubts about me, that's normal, so let's settle this shit right now!" turning his gaze back to the woman, Christian looked at her coldly and spoke "Have you heard the damn phrase that the devil knows everything!?"

"Yes sir!"

"You want to know what I know about you!?"

Trembling slightly, the woman gritted her teeth and nodded "Yes sir!"

"Since you were a little girl you always dreamed of being an astronaut, your favorite food is fucking pizza, yesterday you had egg and rice for dinner and after that you spent 47 minutes in the bathroom because of stomach pain!" staring at the woman's face, Christian continued "Am I right!?"

"Y-yes sir, it's all true!"

"Do you have any doubt who I am yet!?"

"No sir!"

"Perfect!" Turning his gaze, Christian approached another woman and looked her straight in the eyes "Do you have any doubts about my identity!?"

"N-no sir!"

"But I see the damn doubts in your eyes, so let me talk about you!" moving closer to the woman, Christian exclaimed "Since you were a child you always dreamed of being a soldier, at 22 you begged the goddess for a husband because you were lonely, yesterday you ate stew and then masturbated in the bathroom for 5 minutes!"

"Y-you are correct sir!" trembling slightly as she heard everything, the woman nodded quickly and spoke in desperation.

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"DOES ANYONE HAVE ANOTHER DAMN QUESTION!!!?" Turning to the others, Christian shouted.


"Perfect, we'll continue where we were" Smiling instantly, Christian returns to the stage and puts his hands behind his back, then continues "I have a fucking mission in this world, and that mission is to eliminate all the scum of society, corrupt, pedophiles, rapists, among various other scum!"

"For that I personally brought my damned demons and they recruited them, today they belong to my people and therefore they earn my damned protection!"

"Today you stopped being just any civilians and went straight to the top!"

"If anyone dares to go over your heads, we will throw them into the sea!"

"If anyone dares to attack you, we'll throw them into hell!"

"But don't think they're immune, if I find out they abuse their damn authority, I'll peel off their skins myself and give them to my damn animals!"

"Hisss~" Appearing from under the table, Lilith began to slowly crawl towards Christian, then scaled his body and stared at the entire audience.

"This snake's name is Lilith, she's my most faithful companion and as you'll see, she likes to eat!" Stroking the head of his snake, Christian exclaimed with a smile "Remember my words well, for I swear to you under all that is holy that I will make good on my threats!"

Looking at the big dark snake, several women on the spot felt shivers.

Lilith during this time grew a lot, reaching today the size of 5 meters long and weighing already 320 kilos.

Literally the snake is thicker than Christian's thigh, something that left him surprised for a long time, as he never expected his little friend to reach such abysmal sizes.

"*Roar*" Suddenly jumping onto the stage, Kitty slowly walked towards Christian and looked at everyone in the place with predatory eyes.

Kitty also had a huge increase in size, already measuring over 180 centimeters and weighing around 150 kilograms, causing her to intimidate anyone who sees her.

Having Lilith on him and Kitty by his side, Christian looked at his people with a smile and exclaimed "Today I start the Infernus group, counting more than 1000 soldiers and having influence all over the world!"

Looking at each other, the girls looked at each other and shouted "INFERNUS!!!"

As if their shouts were energy, the entire crowd shouted "INFERNUS!!!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Christian waited for the shouts to cease and continued "You will stay in a bunker for 7 days, during those 7 days you will be recognizing your new equipment and you will have accessibility to train inside!"

"After those 7 days, we will initiate phase number one of this group, we will clean up America!"

"We will be the ones to send all that filth to hell, and don't worry, because I will personally see to it that no one dares to stop us!"

"You may go!" With his words, the hangar doors opened, causing the women to exit in orderly fashion to the outside, leaving only Christian and his group in place.

"Fuck, that made my blood boil!" laughing loudly, Greed exclaimed.

"C-christian... can you tell your snake to stop looking at me?" Backing away slowly, Lust spoke fearfully.

Shifting his gaze, Christian observed Lilith's large head, causing him to smile sweetly "My little Lilith came at the perfect time~"

Since the birth of his daughter, Christian had his pets on the island, letting them all this time roam freely during the day and at night he was in charge of feeding them several kilos of meat, something of his daily routine with these two beauties.

"Grrr~" Rubbing her head against Christian's leg, Kitty growled softly.

"You were amazing too~" Bending down, Christian rubs his face with the tigress' furry head.

Lifting his gaze, Christian stares at his girls face and smiles softly "It's good to see you again, I missed you."




Freezing their actions, the girls fell back and stare at Christian's face.

"It gives me chills to see you being so kind" Trembling slightly, Greed whispered fearfully.

"I won't fall into your trap again" Pulling away slowly, Sloth murmured.

Rolling his eyes, Christian reaches into his suit and begins to pull out small dark boxes, then approaching the girls and handing one to each "This is for you, use it wisely and don't screw it up"

"What's this?" looking at the box suspiciously, Sloth asked.


Fearlessly opening the box, Pride looks at the two clear contact lenses and asks "What's it for?"

"Use them and you'll know."

Nodding, Pride takes one contact lens and holds it to her eye, then blinks and speaks, "I still don't understand."

"Jarvis, activate the functions of object #4."

"Th-this is..." Looking at all the information that began to appear in front of her, Pride raises her eyebrows and opens her mouth slightly.

"These are augmented reality glasses, every person you look at will be identified by those glasses, it has 50,000 pixels and it only works with that black box I gave you, so don't lose them... you should also avoid going more than 50 meters away from the box, because you will lose the signal."

Turning his gaze to Greed, Pride manages to see a lot of basic information about the woman appearing around him "How do I get it to display more information?"

"You have to have your cell phone nearby or something with a microphone connected to the internet.... with those glasses you can also see videos or papers, you can ask for anything, but be sure to say 'Jarvis' before your request"

"Jarvis, show me the security camera at my house" Pulling out her cell phone, Pride spoke, then stared in disbelief at the image that automatically opened "If it works... this is something amazing."

"Honey, go out and play for now with Kitty, then we'll go home and I promise not to be separated from you anymore" Gently kissing Lilith's head, Christian whispered softly.

"Hisss~" Slowly getting off Christian's body, Lilith slowly crawled away as Kitty instantly followed her.

"Jarvis, show me recordings of the king of england naked!" Quickly putting on the two contact lenses, Greed exclaimed.

"AHHH!!!" Quickly closing her eyes, Greed cried out in desperation "I WANTED TO SEE HIM AS A YOUNG MAN, NOT AS AN OLD MAN, HOW FUCKING DISGUSTING, GET THIS IMAGE OUT OF MY EYES!!!"




"IT WON'T LEAVE MY SIGHT!!!" Eyes closed, Greed exclaimed in desperation "JARVIS, GET THIS DAMN IMAGE AWAY FROM ME!!!"

"*Sigh*" Wiping the sweat from his brow, Greed looked up and observed the mocking expressions of her group, causing annoyance to shine on her face "Tsk, this shit is a double edged sword, be careful girls!"

"Hahaha!" patting Greed's shoulder, Lust laughed with amusement "How was the view!!!? You just saw the king of England naked, hahaha!"

With a sick face, Greed whispered "I can't even see his penis anymore... the skin is falling all over the place and he's covered in body hair..."

"..." Freezing her smile, Lust quickly changed her face to a displeased one and turned away from Greed slowly "You didn't have to give me so much information..."

Shaking his head while smiling, Christian walked over and wrapped his arm around Greed and Lust's neck, then looked at the others and spoke "I'm proud of you girls, you managed to accomplish your mission with flying colors."




Noticing the silly looks on the women's faces, Christian rolled his eyes and spoke with disgust "Don't look at me like that, it gives me the creeps."

"Tsk, what a hopeless man" Shrinking into Christian's grip, Greed muttered.

"But I'm really telling you" Laughing lightly, Christian continued "I'm glad I met you all, you are the best slaves I could have bought"




Noticing the bored look on the women's faces, Christian chuckled gleefully and narrowed his eyes at them "What~? Do you have a problem with being my slaves~?"

"N-none" Being trapped with Christian's arm, Greed quickly shook her head.

"What if I make you my slave?" Feeling no fear from Christian's narrowed eyes, Pride asked.

"Hoh?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian smiled 'sweetly and spoke "The little cook won guts?"

Trembling slightly, Pride blushed lightly and quickly averted his gaze, just remembering that this man had records of her dark past.

"Girls, in 2 days at most we will return to society, for a month we will do nothing, but our people will have to stabilize in 40 states of this country, we will start by cleaning house" Losing his smile, Christian spoke seriously "Now that we have everything started, I will start gaining popularity in the public, I will also start connecting with the Mafias and initiate forced petitions towards those people."

"What will you ask them?"

"They can do their shit, but they won't touch kids."

"You do try hard, don't you?" smiling slightly, Pride replied.

"No doubt children are his weakness" Nodding, Envy commented with a small smile.

"Of course they are" Remembering his little girl, Christian smiled softly and nodded "I fail to understand how these people have the heart to harm them..."


"But well, we talked a lot already" Turning his gaze to Sloth, Christian spoke "I'm glad you completed your work, now I will fulfill my deal and you are free until further notice, I have a mansion for you on this island ready with everything you asked for and there will be people always ready if you need anything, be free"


"Yes, but make sure you keep that ass in a good condition, don't forget it belongs to me" Laughing lightly, Christian nodded.

"Hahaha, I'm free!"

"You also have your own mansions prepared, you can do whatever you want in that place" Looking at the others, Christian spoke, then sighed and released the two women "You are free for now, you can ask the staff of the place to take you to your mansions, I will personally visit you in a while, have fun."




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