
Chapter 238 Fear

Unlocking the screen, the only thing I see is an apparently live transmission, showing a mansion surrounded by armed guards.

"My dear recruits, today you will see the beginning of our group, the first mission of our existence led by me."


Looking at the red mask and hearing the distorted voice, I instantly recognize the man.

"Our first target, a multi-millionaire from the United States, multiple crimes in his hands, blackmail, murder, corruption and what she likes the most, ****."

Instantly, the transmission switched to a recording inside the mansion, where a fat woman is seen jumping with a grotesque smile on a man's crotch.

"H-help... me"

The man showed no further resistance, his face stained with tears and his lips already dry for 'unknown' reasons.

"This woman lends money to poor families or those in difficult situations, knowing perfectly well that they will never be able to pay her back... she takes advantage of that and ends up putting so much pressure on the families that they end up in her hands to do whatever she wants... 10 complaints against her, all silenced, needless to say that the number of deaths due to this hobby has already reached 37, she has been operating in the same way for more than 5 years.

"Police, FBI, national security... in front of this woman these 'security' agencies don't exist.... many political ties led her to enjoy immunity... but that's over."

"Looks like we're going to see a show" Laughing lightly, the woman next to me spoke.

"Live execution?"


"So we've already started..." Looking at the screen, I couldn't help but clench my fists at the various videos playing rapidly, watching each 'sin' this woman committed.

"As you can see, this woman is better off dead than alive, and if the authority won't do anything, we will."

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Suddenly, the image changed and the security of the place was shown again, all falling fast by gunfire from outside.

"Don't feel bad for their security, those people are no better than their boss, even though some used to be clean, after swimming with her dirt, they ended up falling along with her."

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"See, those are the 7 sins."

Looking at the masked people who appeared at the place where the security fell, I easily recognized the 7 people who led the masked group.

"Then the time has come for their punishment."

Suddenly the image loaded again and this time Lucifer is seen walking with a camera pointed at his face, passing with incredible calmness around the corpses.

"Anne Wolfe, target for elimination."

Watching silently, I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins at how incredible all the footage looks, even more so knowing that in the future these missions will be under my care.

"W-who are you!"

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"Hoh, she's pointing a gun at him."

It's a bad situation...

The woman is barricaded behind the table with a gun pointed directly at Lucifer.

"Anne Wolfe?"

Is he still calm?

He could die at any second...

I can easily see that this woman knows how to use weapons, her grip is good and if we leave aside the trembling in her hands, I could tell she's not a bad shot.

"I c-called the police, they'll be here any minute!"

"So if you're Anne Wolfe."

"Ahhh!" Suddenly dropping the gun, the woman screamed in pain as blood began to ooze from her hand.

A knife?

Bringing the cell phone closer to my eyes, I manage to easily see a knife pierce the woman's hand, causing the weapon to fall and she was at its mercy.

"Anne Wolfe, hell is calling, your time has come."

"W-wait, I can give you money, I have plenty in the safe!" recoiling with a pale face, the woman exclaimed in fear.

"Easy, it will only hurt for a few minutes."

A suitcase?

The image of Lucifer's face changed to a dark suitcase and hands hidden by gloves slowly opening it, revealing several tools that I can deduce are used for torture.

"Let's see... it's the first mission, your sins are many... oh I know."

Picking up a butcher knife, a hammer and several stakes, the man moved and approached the trembling woman.

"Then let's be quick" Leaving the tools at his side, the man grabbed the woman by the neck and pulled her smoothly to the wall, then picked up the hammer and stake.

Forcing her to raise her hand under many desperate screams from the woman, the man took the hammer and stake and began hammering the stake over the woman's hand, causing blood to splatter a little into the chamber.


Trembling slightly, I turn my gaze and look into the calm eyes of my companion "Doesn't this cause you anything?"

"Maybe if I was a normal civilian or an innocent person I would be angry, but I was a soldier, I learned to stop being surprised in Iraq, this bitch deserves it!"

Taking the other hand, the man lifted her up and staked her again, leaving the woman kneeling on the floor with both hands pinned to the wall.

"Now begins the ugly, people of weak will, I recommend you not to watch".

Now begins the ugly?

Seeing him take the knife and move towards the woman, I bite my lips and choose to continue watching.

"So, this is it..." Slicing open the skin on the back with the knife, the man exposes the spine and sticks his hands through the opening, then runs the knife through and begins to slice open the skin sideways.


The opening was so clean and wide, I managed to easily see the bones of the spine and ribs.

Releasing the knife, the man took the rib bones between his hands and began to tear them apart, while the screams became weaker and weaker and the blood trickled down her back.

After 2 minutes of a horrible scene, the man began to move the flesh with the ribs and pulled out the woman's lungs, then squeezed them and threw them aside.

"This used to be called a Blood Eagle, its true provenance was always somewhat questioned, but it is usually attributed to the Nordics."

"This woman is still alive, even though she fainted, she will still be alive for about 2 minutes."

"I want you all to know that this scum deserves no mercy, she had none with her victims and we should have none with her."

Spreading her ribs wide, on the woman's back she opened up forming something like wings with her own ribs, while the entire inside was easily seen through the camera.

Rising, the man walked to the wall and drew a pentagram with the blood on his hands, then wrote a phrase in the center.

"Peccata sanguine lavantur... this phrase is quite common in the church, it is in Latin but in English it means 'Sins are washed away in blood'."

"Remember this well, because you will have to leave them at the scene of your missions."

"That's all my dear demons, we'll see you next time."


"That was crazy..." Turning her gaze towards me, the woman raised her eyebrows and asked "Are you feeling alright? Your face looks a little pale."

"I think I want to throw up..." Feeling my stomach twist, I whispered with difficulty.

"Don't worry, they already made it clear to us that the execution is up to us, if we want to end it all with a bullet, they won't give us any trouble" Patting my shoulder, the woman stood up and stretched her body "The important thing about all this, is that our leader is incredibly cruel, we must be careful... I wouldn't want to end up in his hands like that".

Taking a deep breath to calm my discomfort, I nod and stand up "It would be a terrible ending..."

[End of POV]


Looking at the scene, Envy asks "I thought you would leave an eye in the center?"

"Change my mind, I guess we're not ready for that scale yet" Wiping the blood off his gloves, Christian casually comments.

"What's missing? We've already got a lot put together."

"A safe place to retreat to if it all goes wrong, first let's be operating in the shadows until I manage to build a good defense on the island."

Nodding, Envy looks at the bloody mess and asks "Was this scene necessary?"

"I need to leave a history of fear among our people, even though I can tell when they want to betray us, I don't want too many people to take that route... fear is good security"

"It will do."

"You cleaned the area?"

"We stole everything that was in the safe, the code you gave us worked, we also left the evidence of their crimes in the area and we already took care of mailing the evidence to the reporters."

"Alright, let's go"

"The girls are waiting in the vehicles" Nodding, Envy took one last look at the corpse and left the scene.

Looking at the dead woman, Christian sighed under his mask and put away his tools, then left the place.

Walking among the security corpses, Christian stared at the women's faces and shook his head "No matter how many times I do it... I still feel uncomfortable... if only they were men".

Leaving the mansion, Christian looks at the trucks and climbs into the center one.

"Are you okay master?" Taking off his colorful mask, Leslie asked with concern.

"All right, let's go."

Since Sloth was not on the mission, Christian entrusted his mask to Leslie so that the videos would show the 7 leaders, something he found necessary to let them know that the leaders don't just give orders, they act on them.

After 15 minutes of travel, Christian spoke up "Emily, get the help message to the police".

"Yes" Pulling out her laptop, Emily released the distress message Anne sent and spoke "Ready, the local police should be at the mansion in a few minutes."

"Thank you..." Pulling off his mask, Christian looked out the window in silence, then sighed and spoke "We're off to the airport, on our way to New York."

"Yes, master."


"Fuck..." Looking at the bloody mess, a woman in a suit cursed in a daze.

"We think it was the act of a satanic cult, we've already sent the evidence to the lab and will check their contacts for anything suspicious."

Crouching down beside the corpse, the woman in the suit frowned slightly and spoke "I heard there was a box of hard drives, what happened to that?"

"They're also on their way to the lab."

"When did this murder happen?"

"The local police came for a distress message 2 hours ago, but when they arrived she was already dead and there was no one at the scene."

"..." Taking a glove out of her pocket, the woman put them on and began to carefully touch the open body "It looks like he used a hammer to break the ribs and the back was cut open with a knife... her hands are nailed to the wall... this woman was cut open while alive"


"Send all the results to my office, this case belongs to me... also look for fingerprints or anything that will help us to identify a suspect."

"We'll send you everything."

Nodding, the woman in the suit took off her gloves and put them in a plastic bag, then got up and left the scene.

Arriving at a dark vehicle, the woman climbed into the passenger seat and spoke, "Looks like we'll have to leave the case we were working on for now, something more important came up."

Raising her eyebrows, a dark-skinned woman asked "How are things inside?"

"*Sigh* Very horrible" Rubbing her temples, the woman continued "The captain gave us the order to see the scene because the victim was a high profile person, so she wants the best investigators in the area... I was planning to just leave a few words and go on with ours, but this time they murdered more than 20 people inside and the high profile victim was brutally tortured... there are also writings in a language I don't know and a pentagram made of blood... looks like we have to investigate the satanic cults in the place"




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