
Chapter 243 Date

"Are you ready?" Wearing a long white T-shirt along with a pair of sweatpants, Christian fastened the laces of his sneakers and asked.

"Yes~" Finishing putting her little hat on Helen, Elisa nodded.

Elisa was wearing a beautiful flowered white dress, reaching her knees and slightly tightening on her voluptuous body, while Helen was wearing a small yellow dress with a smiling bear in the middle.

"Okay" Nodding, Christian got up and walked to the bathroom, then grabbed some sort of easy paint and dyed his eyebrows dark.

Reaching over to a shelf, Christian pulls out some false eyelashes and covers his white lashes with black ones, then grabs some brown contact lenses and places a dark wig on top of his head.

Looking in the mirror, Christian nods and mutters, "Although I'll still draw a lot of attention to my face, I can cover up even a little with a mask and sunglasses."

Grabbing a pair of sunglasses, Christian hung it on his shirt and walked out of the bathroom, then looked at his adorable little girl and took her in his arms.

"Do you recognize daddy?" looking into Helen's curious eyes, Christian asked with a smile.

"Daddy..." Hugging Christian's neck, Helen spoke.

"I knew my little girl would recognize me~" Kissing the little girl's cheek, Christian turned to Elisa "Let's go?"

"Yes" Grabbing a purse, Elisa stuffs in everything Helen needs and nods with a beautiful smile, then slung the purse over her shoulder "Let's go!"

Taking his wallet and cell phone, Christian puts it in his pocket and puts on his mask to cover his face, then puts on his glasses and nods.

Affirming Helen with one arm, Christian walks to the elevator with Elisa, then reaches the second floor and exits the building under the dubious gaze of the staff.

Standing on the street, Christian looked both ways and took Elisa's hand "Let's walk, we'll see what we find along the way."

"Yes~" Hugging Christian's arm, Elisa looked up at Christian and nodded with a sweet smile, while Helen looked around with a great curiosity in her eyes.

Walking through the noisy city, Christian was alert at every second and never forgot to look at his little girl's face, always looking for some discomfort and some fear in her eyes because of the loud noises.

But to his relief, Helen just looked around with her eternal curiosity and never let go of Christian's neck, causing the man to sigh with relief.

"They don't seem to recognize you" Hugging Christian's arm, Elisa looked at the people watching them in the truck and spoke with a smile "They only look at us with curiosity, maybe some strangeness, but nobody comes to ask you for pictures nor do I see people taking pictures of us."

"It's a relief that I haven't reached this stage yet, so I can spend time with my wife and daughter in peace."

"Do you think you'll get to the point where that kind of costume won't work for you?"

"Yes, in a few months people will recognize me just by my body type or my neck tattoo...even if I wear a wig and contact lenses, they will still recognize me by my face..."

"It will be hard to go out in the future..."

"Not necessarily, there are better ways to hide my face, although we could also travel to other countries where this culture is not a big deal."

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"It would be nice to travel"

"The time will come to enjoy it, I would like to travel much of the world... to see with my own eyes the vast world that surrounds us."

"I'm sure Helen would enjoy traveling with her father."

"And obviously with her mother as well" Kissing Elisa's cheek, Christian walks through the streets with a peaceful smile, remembering perfectly every inch of this city.

After several minutes of walking, Christian finally arrives to the busiest area, Time Square "I haven't been around here for a long time..."

"I've never been here..."

"Didn't you tour New York with Sarah last time?"

"Yes, but we didn't go to these places, we went to the park."

"Oh... then we'll go to the park, Helen will like it."


Intertwining his fingers with Elisa's, Christian smiled softly and walked through the busy streets, not having the mentality of wanting to buy something or a specific destination, just enjoying his time with his people.

After several minutes of just walking, Elisa looked at the store next to him and spoke excitedly "Look honey, how beautiful!"

Turning his gaze, Christian looks inside the store and chuckles slightly at the clothes inside "You mean the animal pajamas?"

"Yes! What happened to yours? They were so cute!"

"I have them at my home in Detroit, I haven't had time to wear pajamas lately."

"Christian, let's buy pajamas for everyone!" Tugging Christian's arm excitedly, Elisa led him into the store and looked at the pajamas with stars in her eyes.

"Look Christian, this one is piggy, just like the one you had!" Picking up a pair of adult pajamas, Elisa holds them in front of her body and purses her lips "This is going to be too tight."

Laughing, Christian reaches up to Elisa's ear and whispers "The tighter it is, the more I like pigs~"

"Christian..." Blushing quickly, Elisa gently taps Christian's arm and looks up at the saleswoman in embarrassment.

Looking at the pajamas, Christian reaches over to a small one and takes it in his hand, then looks at his daughter and speaks "Look honey, do you like this?"

Tilting her little head, Helen looks at the costume and speaks "Daddy..."

"She likes it" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian spoke.

"How do you know? She just said daddy."

"Because she loves her daddy very much, so she's obviously saying she really likes those pajamas."

"..." Rolling her eyes, Elisa starts going through the pajama sizes and grabs 4 "Now we'll be a piggy family".

"Take 3 more, for mom, Leslie and Emily, they'll look fun as piggies"

"I don't know your body sizes..."

"I do" Checking the sizes, Christian hands her 3 more pajamas, then pulls out his wallet and hands Elisa $200 "For you to pay"

"It's okay, I have money" Gently lowering Christian's hand, Elisa reaches into her purse and pulls out money, then pays and puts everything in a paper bag "Thank you~"

Taking Christian's hand, Elisa smiles cheerfully and leads him out of the store.

"Mom looks very happy" Bringing his mouth close to the quiet Helen's ear, Christian whispers with amusement "Looks like I made a mistake by not taking her on a date in a long time."


"My girl is so expressive, daddy wants to hug you forever!" giggling happily, Christian pulled Helen even closer over him and hugged her with both his arms, while Elisa just smiled softly at the scene.


"..." Opening his eyes a little wider at hearing that tender word, Christian grabs Helen by the sides and keeps her dangling in front of him, staring at her doll face with the same calm face as always "Y-you.... you just said another word... and you said it wrong."

"Huggies? Your third word..." Opening her mouth a little wider, Elisa mumbled.

"Hahaha, my baby girl is the cutest in the world!" Lifting her even more, Christian pulls her closer to his face and stares at Helen's beautiful children "You don't know how happy it makes me to be your father!"

"Daddy..." Stretching her little arms out towards Christian, Helen spoke.

"You will cause me diabetes" Smiling softly, Christian hugs Helen and lets her hang on his neck, then turns to Elisa and smiles "I don't know what I did to have you two, I'm just a selfish and cruel bastard, but I have to tell you that I am grateful for every second of my existence just to have you in my life."

"..." Pausing, Elisa stops in front of Christian and pouts, then sighs and stands up on tiptoe to steady her face "I don't like it when you talk bad about yourself, you are an incredible person and a great man... you have a great heart and you only bring happiness to my life, I am the one who is grateful for your existence and even more so now that I have a daughter thanks to you."

Smiling with love in her eyes, Elisa lifts up a little more and lifts his mask slightly, then gently kisses Christian's lips "So stop self-deprecating yourself and just be you."

Slowly licking his lips, Christian laughs lightly and shakes his head "I love you more every day".

"I can say the same" Hugging Christian's arm again, Elisa rests her head on his thick shoulder and intertwines her fingers with his "Now let's walk, we'll be done for the day."


Walking slowly, Christian felt the warmth in his neck from Helen's embrace and the warmth in his arm from Elisa's embrace, causing the whole city for him to disappear and only these two women were left in his thoughts.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, and before they knew it, they had arrived in Central Park without realizing it.

"Wait for me here, I'll go buy something for us to eat" Looking at the store next to him, Christian kisses Elisa's lips and enters the place, then buys some sandwiches and juices.

Paying for everything, Christian takes Elisa's hand and they arrive at the park, then walk for a few minutes around the place and talk "Let's sit down for a while."


Walking to the grass, Elisa reaches into her bag and pulls out a large cloth, then sets it down on the grass and smiles "I came prepared"

"I suspected as much" Chuckling lightly, Christian sits up and grabs Helen, then sits her down next to him.

Sitting down on the other side of Helen, Elisa picks up the bag of food and begins to set it down on the cloth "Orange juice?"

"I love that flavor, although sometimes I prefer peach."

"I prefer pineapple."

"You're weird."

"I am."

"..." Sitting between her parents, Helen looks at Christian for a few seconds and shifts her gaze to Elisa, then turns her gaze to look at the grass surrounding her.

Staring at the large trees and all the nature, Helen suddenly moves and starts crawling towards the grass, all under the stunned gaze of Christian and Elisa.

"Since when does she do that?"

"First time I've seen her crawling" Opening her mouth a little wider in surprise, Elisa mumbled.

"I guess I didn't have the need" With a bittersweet smile, Christian continued "She's always sitting and when she gets bored, she raises her arms for us to carry her, now she wants to go see the grass and decided to do it alone.... *sigh* my little girl is growing up..."

"So dramatic" Moving closer to Christian, Elisa lies on his chest and looks down at her little girl gently.

Wrapping his arms around Elisa's waist, Christian sighs contentedly at the calmness around him.

"..." Reaching the edge of the cloth, Helen sits up awkwardly and stares at the grass, then moves her hand to touch it gingerly.

"What do you think she's thinking? It's not the first time she's seen sod, but she looks very interested in it."

Rubbing his chin with his free hand, Christian spoke "The grass on the island is greener because of the climate, this one is a bit more yellow since it's not as well kept, maybe that's what caught her attention."

"The colors?"


Lifting her gaze, Elisa looked at Christian's profile in a daze, then turned her gaze to see the little girl playing with the grass.

Suddenly climbing onto Christian's legs, Elisa clutched her chest to her man's and cupped his face with both hands. "I love you, I think I'm the happiest woman in the world".

Leaning down to get in a better position, Christian cupped Elisa's ass and smiled "And I'll make sure you're the happiest woman in the universe."

"As cheesy as ever, but that's why I love you" Moving her hands, Elisa removes Christian's mouth cover and takes off his glasses, then gently caresses his face and whispers "How come you're so handsome? I'm infatuated just with the sight of you..."

"I shouldn't say the same" Squeezing gently Elisa's buttocks, Christian whispers "Since I met you I realized that I love redheads very much... it's something strange, as if my body guides me somehow... I think you bewitched me in some way".

Laughing softly, Elisa gently kisses Christian's lips and whispers with a smile "I gave you a love potion since you were a child, you were always in my clutches~"

"You are a very naughty witch~" Kissing Elisa's lips, Christian smiles playfully and whispers "Ever since I was a child you thought of tainting my pure soul, unfortunately I fell into your plans."

"You have no turning back now~" Gently pushing Christian's chest, Elisa lays him down on the cloth and starts kissing his lips lovingly, as their tongues intertwine and their love manifests itself.




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