
Chapter 253 Fun

"Hidden weapons sect?" looking at the woman like she was stupid, Christian scoffed "I haven't even been to your country, why the fuck would I be in a fucking cult? Do you see me looking stupid?"

Looking at the blood running down her guest, Isabel's face turned pale and she quickly turned to the officers "WHY DON'T YOU DO ANYTHING!!!?!?ARREST HIM!!!!"

"Hahaha, you still think it's all in your hands?" Slightly loosening his grip on Long Fei's neck so as not to kill her, Christian turned to Isabel and grinned showing his teeth "Girls, do your thing!"

"At your orders!" suddenly drawing their guns, the police pointed at Isabel and her family, causing the old woman's face to turn even paler.

"Y-you w-what did you do to my p-people!" Pointing her trembling finger at the police, Victoria asked haltingly.

"Those bitches that were waiting outside?" Holding her hand to her chin, the first police officer smiled and replied, "I killed them, they looked at me ugly and I couldn't take it."

"SECURITY, WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!!!" Rushing quickly to the window, Victoria screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You still don't get it dear 'aunt'? This whole place is in my hands" Raising his free hand, Christian snapped his fingers.


Suddenly, dozens of red dots appeared over Victoria's body, while several more appeared over Elizabeth and her husband, Harry.

"Now do you understand? You never had the power, I just played with you like the fools you are" Looking disdainfully at his distant family, Christian looks at the woman in his hand who is fighting less and less and laughs "Mercenary Queen? Nice title."

Suddenly waving his hand, Christian gently tosses the woman onto the couch "Let's see what you can do."

Turning around, Christian began to slowly take off his suit jacket, then removed the jewelry from his face and hands.

Removing his shoes, Christian rolls up his sleeves and takes off his Bratva cufflink, then unbuttons the first 3 buttons of his shirt and turns to the woman who is still catching her breath.

"Come on, you'll make a man wait?" taking a Tai-chi stance, Christian looked at Long Fei with amusement.

"Y-you... who are you?" Steadying her breathing, Long Fei stands up and looks at Christian cautiously.

"What? The mercenary queen comes to force me to marry her and she doesn't even know me?"

"Not your name, I'm talking about who you are in this world" Frowning deeply, Long Fei asked.

"Heh" Laughing lightly, Christian continued "There are 7 mercenary queens and a mercenary empress... I could say that maybe the Empress can give me some trouble and I would have the right to that question, but you... you are a mere queen, what qualification do you have to ask me who I am?"

"You are courting death" Gritting her teeth, Long Fei whispered coldly as she positioned herself in a style new to Christian.

Stretching right arm above her head, Long Fei clenched her fist and pointed two fingers downward, while her left hand was at chest level with two fingers pointing upward.

Turning his gaze to the stunned Hailie, Christian laughed with amusement "Did you hear that sis? You read Chinese novels. You just heard the mythical 'You're courting death!'"

Blinking for a few seconds, Hailie turns her gaze to the Chinese woman and laughs lightly.

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"Bastard!" Gritting her teeth, Long Fei suddenly leaps towards Christian with abnormal speed.

'What the fuck?' Walking away quickly, Christian opened his eyes a little wider and cursed in his mind 'How this bitch is so fast!?'

"Die for me!" Pointing her fingers at Christian's jugular, Long Fei screamed.

Frowning slightly, Christian turned away quickly and lowered his gaze, concentrating fully on the woman's strange footwork 'There really is such a thing as movement techniques? Dimitri told me he never saw one and that maybe they are lies... it's unbelievable that this woman makes me use 50% of my speed'.

"DIE!!!" Suddenly raising two fingers, Long Fei increased her speed and arrived in front of Christian with her fingers charging straight towards his ribs.

'Let's play for a while' Increasing his speed, Christian began to dodge all the moves and peculiar blows while his vision long ago changed to purple, carefully watching every little movement on the woman.

'Heart, neck, eyes, ribs, crotch' Dodging each attack without difficulty, Christian noticed that this woman attacked especially those points, sometimes feinting but all ending up in her weak points.

Turning quickly to Leslie, Eva leaned closer and whispered "Shoot that woman as soon as you can."

"I can't, the master gave me the signal not to interfere, it seems he wanted to fight".

"..." Clenching her fists, Eva took a deep breath and turned her gaze towards her parents who are still stunned by everything that happened "From today I totally dissociate myself from this family, don't you dare call me daughter again or I'll have you killed myself."


Slammed into the wall by his blow, Long Fei gritted her teeth with reddened eyes and continued to chase after Christian.

Turning his gaze towards the hole in the wall, Christian watched with a grin as the two fingers went through the wall with no problem 'How the fuck does she do that?'

"This looks like a movie..." Tugging at the dazed Alan's clothes, Hailie commented.

Quickly turning his gaze to his sister, Alan whispered "W-we have to help him, at this rate Christian will die!"

"I thought the same thing a few seconds ago, but look at him" Pointing towards Christian, Hailie observes his face and chuckles lightly.

"What am I supposed to look at?" Turning his gaze, Alan watches Christian's face intently, causing his eyebrows to twitch at what Hailie is talking about "He's smiling like a maniac..."

"I read about this in novels, they say there are crazy people who love to fight, I guess Christian is one of those."

"A masochist?"


"*Sigh* I still can't believe everything that happened..... Is the adult world so complicated?"

"Yeah... if Christian hadn't set everything up... our future would be bleak."

"WHY DON'T YOU DIE!!!?" With a pale face for some reason, Long Fei shouted angrily, while her movements became more and more erratic and rapid.

"FIGHT LITTLE QUEEN, HAHAHA!!!" Without missing a beat, Christian kept dodging and dodging away, while the excitement of learning something Dimitri doesn't know floods his veins.


"Too bad, the walls looked old and expensive, I don't think it's going to cost much now" Looking at the big mess being left all over the room as those two maniacs run from corner to corner, Hailie sighed.

'Arm strike at 35 degrees, your center of gravity makes it impossible...-' Quickly analyzing everything in the battle, Christian loses his smile after a minute of dodging punches and suddenly lifts his leg and hits Long Fei's stomach.



"UGH!!!" Spitting spittle from the blow, Long fei goes flying backwards and crashes into the wall, causing the wall to crack and the woman to fall heavily to the ground.

"Those techniques are nice, I'll keep them" Smiling happily, Christian positions himself as Long fei and suddenly starts moving around the entire room.

'Let's see...' Focusing all his attention on his feet, Christian started to move in circles slowly, while every second his speed was increasing 'This causes me some pain on my skin, it takes some practice to do it smoothly'.

"That's..." Wiping her mouth, the woman looked in disbelief at the footwork displayed in front of her "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, IT TAKED ME 2 YEARS TO LEARN IT TO PERFECTION!!!"

"2 years? I guess you're not that big of a deal" Stopping in front of the woman, Christian looks at her with disdain "It's simple, ankle movement and using the big toe as leverage, constant rotations and forcing the sole of the foot, even a child would do it."

"*cough* *cough*" Suddenly spitting blood, Long Fei looked at Christian with unconcealed hatred.

"Wow... you're not going to die, are you? That's quite a lot of blood" Appearing in front of the woman, Christian crouched down and looked at her doubtfully "But I fail to understand why so much hatred... you first tried to play with me and thought yourself superior, I simply beat you at your own game."

"*Cough* I-I swear I'll kill you a-some day" Coughing up more blood, Long Fei whispered with hatred "F-first you killed Yu'er, then you hurt my great-uncle *Cough* *Cough* and now you humiliate me... i-if I don't kill you I won't be Long Fei!"

"Your great-uncle tried to attack me, this Yu'er guy isn't dead, I just knocked him unconscious and as for humiliating you... I only hit you a little, is that humiliation for you?"


"Oh... she fainted" Fiddling with the woman's cheeks, Christian muttered "Why did she cough up so much blood? I only hit her once and I didn't even use that much force, even a child would get it with just a few broken bones... is it because she's Chinese? Maybe I should study their bodies? Although the same thing happened to me several years ago..."

Clenching her fists while shaking heavily, Isabel looked at the young man who was joking and shouted with a face red with fury "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!!!?!! ALL OF CHINA WILL TURN AGAINST US, NOW YOU ARE FINISHED!!!"

"Heh" Smirking with derision, Christian stands up and stretches his body with satisfaction "You think I care about China? They're on the other side of the world, and if they send people... hehe, you'll see."

"T-you!" Unable to let out another coherent word out of fury, Isabel felt the world around her slowly spin and suddenly....


She fainted.

"Mom!" rushing quickly to the old woman, Victoria cried out in concern.

Grabbing the woman carefully, Victoria looked up at Christian with hatred "I swear I'll make you pay for this!"

"And what will you do? You'll arrest me?" Smiling mockingly, Christian approached the cops and stretched out his hand towards the first officer "My dear officer, are you planning to arrest me?"

"I would never arrest such a fine citizen as yourself" Smiling with amusement, the woman replied.

"Well said my dear Greed" Patting the officer's shoulder, Christian walked over to Victoria and crouched down in front of her "And now what will you do?"

"You really think you're the big deal?" Gritting her teeth in frustration, Victoria pulled out her cell phone and pointed it at him "One call from me and you can never go back to your country!"

"Yeah? Why don't you try it?"

Taking a deep breath, Victoria unlocked the cell phone and dialed a number, then waited for a few seconds.


"Madam President, good afternoon."


"Yes" Smiling arrogantly at Christian, Victoria continued "Madam President, I have a small problem with one of your citizens, I don't know if you could help me?"

"What problem would that be?"

"The issue is this, Christian Grey came to attack my family, causing havoc-"

"Stop it."


"Don't come back to my club, I'll cancel your membership, don't call me again."


"..." Blinking in a daze, Victoria looked at her cell phone silently.

"What's wrong? Didn't go well?" smiling with narrowed eyes, Christian continued "You want me to call her for you?"

"Y-you..." Looking up, Victoria gritted her teeth and sighed, then looked down and muttered "It's my loss."

"Hoh?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian snorted and stood up, then looked around the mess in the room and noticed the young man trembling in the corner.

Laughing with amusement, Christian spoke "Lying on the floor, fetal position, shaking heavily, not a sound coming out of him.... my dear cousin Thomas is a coward."

"Christian... that's enough" Looking at the pathetic state of her family, Eva sighed "Let's go, it disgusts me just to see this house."

"It's not all so bad mom, look at this" Smiling, Christian walks over to Eva and shows her a piece of paper.

"What's this?" taking it doubtfully, Eva asked.

Leaning closer to Eva, Christian whispered "Your sister gave it to me when we entered the house."

Furrowing her eyebrows slightly, Eva opened the crumpled paper and read the contents "Careful, it's a trap, you have to leave quickly..."

"At least one sister cared for you."

"..." Trembling slightly, Eva's eyes reddened rapidly while a small smile appeared on her face "That bitch..."




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