
Chapter 256 Architecture

"She is trustworthy, we achieved a close bond after we worked together for so many years, did you send her the plans?"

"No, you do it, first I wanted to know what you thought of my idea.."

Nodding, Eva sends the mail and leans back in the seat "How do you plan to sustain your city? Financially."

"For starters, everything vital will be free, electricity, water, internet.... I plan to give a dignified life to my citizens."

"You have to know that this will lead to problems... what if a person doesn't decide to work and just makes enough to eat and wander the rest of his life with what you offer?"

"I already thought that" Smiling, Christian continued "Those services will be given for free as long as you are working for the country, if you stop working, you will have to pay."

"And if you stop working because of illness or something similar?"

"Obviously there we will keep the service free of charge".

"That's not a bad idea... but it will be a big expense and you still haven't told me how we will generate money."

"Now I'm coming to that" Laughing, Christian thinks for a few seconds and continues "To start with we will create our own currency... it will be a digital only currency and it will only serve in our country... this currency will obviously be earned with work and there will be the option to change it to dollars if they want it, but the dollar will not be accepted in my country"


"My plan is that the citizens of my country work in the country itself... as the country was planned to be self-sufficient, we only need the labor to make everything work smoothly... we will pay a certain amount of virtual currency for each job and they can spend it on whatever we offer, gyms, shopping malls, food, movies, whatever they want..."

"I still don't see how we will make money."

Rolling his eyes, Christian continued "Apart from the taxes, all the stores will be ours, so the money will come back to us... as for everything we buy from other places like sweets or clothes... I plan to dedicate the country to technology... I can't tell you exactly what we will focus on because it all depends on whether I achieve infinite energy, but believe me, the money won't be lacking."

"Mmmm" Rubbing her chin, Eva looked at the large planned walls and spoke "You know this will get you into trouble, don't you? You could start a war with the country"

"I know, that's why I planned for the structures to be a mixture of cement and graphite."


"Yes, it was discovered that if you mix graphite with cement, the structure becomes much harder, to the point where adding metal plates in between is no longer necessary."

"I see... but how do you plan to protect your country?"

"To start with I already have a small army... my plan is that my people go to live in my country with their families, they would be our first citizens... we have many weapons and the city was thought to resist attacks... but that's not all, I already told you about my plan with the 'plasma'"


"With plasma I can create energy fields around the whole island, it's just a matter of first achieving infinite energy... not to mention that plasma weapons are brutal... honestly if I manage to master plasma, we would have no rival in the world."

"Until they steal your technology."

"That's the thing" Smiling, Christian looked towards the window and spoke "We will not accept foreign visitors... every citizen has to be vetted and if they don't pass my requirements, they will not be accepted into the country."


"We also have big walls and there will be people guarding them, it is impossible for them to enter without my soldiers knowing... not to mention that my plan is to make the city 100% intelligent, practically if they don't have our money system and our recognition system, they will be easily discovered."

"How do you plan to do the recognition system?"

"I plan to go the way of the chips in the wrists, it will serve to make purchases and be recognized by our systems as a citizen."

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"What about those who refuse to wear the chip? There is no lack of weird people"

"They leave the country and that's it, I don't want short minded people."

"Not bad... how do you plan to do the political arena?"

"Politics?" Laughing with amusement, Christian continued "There will be no politics, I plan to do everything important with an AI, I won't let humans spoil my country with their desires."

"And how will you govern?"

"Isn't it obvious? I will be the Emperor"


"What? I can't be emperor?" Raising his eyebrows in amusement, Christian asked.

"Emperor of an island?"

"Emperor of the future of mankind" Laughing lightly, Christian replied arrogantly.

"..." Shaking her head while a smile adorned her face, Eva looked at the blueprints and murmured "If you get the technology you promise... it won't be hard to get good citizens, it would also be a great kingdom... but it all depends on whether you get the technology or not."

"I don't worry about it, I have confidence in myself."

Nodding, Eva looked at the design of the coliseum and asked with interest "Why a coliseum?"

"It's for my future soldiers..." Smiling, Christian looked at the plan and spoke "In the military school, they will have a mandatory training with weapons such as spears, swords, bows, among others... my plan is to make an annual event where the winner will receive various rewards"

"What are you going to make them train with that for? You know it's not useful anymore"

"To temper their mind" Losing his smile, Christian looked at Eva with seriousness and spoke "Peace is creating weak-minded young people, they have no will and in hard times they are only a burden... My intention is to create strong-willed and resilient young people... you may not know it, but training with weapons like these, helps a lot to temper yourself, gives you a more mature mind and helps you to face tougher realities."

"Where did you learn that?"

"From the Japanese, I love their system with the Katanas... and history has proven what I say is true... I just need to give those kids a good education and you'll notice the change"

"Do you plan to brainwash them?"

"Yes and no... I will only instill in them a sense of pride in being from my kingdom... my plan is to make my people arrogant, to make them think they live in the best place in the world and that outsiders are stupid."


"More or less, I only look for my people to be loyal to the country, but yes, Xenophobia should exist in the future, but I see it as necessary in order to cement my new country."

"What will happen with the laws?"

"We will have the common ones, no robberies, no rapes, no murders and many more to fill in the gaps, but we will not always be governed by the laws... I want that in every crime, we first study the case and verify if it deserves a sentence or not... for example if a citizen killed someone in self-defense, obviously he will not be punished"

"Do you have jail planned?"

"There will be no jail, if the criminal commits a crime like **** and senseless murder, he will be executed, if the criminal steals, we will recover what he stole and he will be put under house arrest, counting that the sum of money equivalent to what he stole will be taken from him, it will be a rational punishment... as for crimes like corruption or similar shit, the criminal will be tortured and expelled from the country."

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Eva looked at Christian doubtfully "Is this a joke?"


"You know it's a lousy image, don't you? I doubt people want to come here to die."

"You're wrong" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "There are a lot of people who are sick of crimes, a lot of people are in favor of the death penalty in these cases and I want to reach the good citizens, not the scum... if they are afraid to come because we can kill them if they commit crimes... it's because they are not desirable people for me."

"Makes sense... what name will you give your kingdom?"

"I don't know yet, but the flag will be a sword with wings" Remembering the flag of demacia, Christian continued "I have to plan slogans for my kingdom, write full laws and all that, but well, the construction will take years, so I have time."

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Picking up her cell phone, Eva looks at the number and smiles "The architect."

"Put her on speaker, I want to talk to her."


"Hello!? Mrs. Eva!?"

"Hello hello, yes, it's me"

"May I ask you what those plans are for!?"

Noticing the excitement in her voice, Eva raised her eyebrows and answered "We are planning to make that city".


"Yes, do you think it's feasible?"

"Of course it's feasible! When do we start!?"

Laughing lightly, Christian interjects "Ma'am, talk to Christian Grey, I'd like to know what he thinks of the city."

"The planned structures are very difficult to achieve, we would need several sculptures and a lot of manpower, even if I have sent plans, everything is very superficial, we still need to plan the sewage and everything in more depth!"

"How much do you think the budget would be?"

"I saw that you want everything in cement with graphite."


"According to everything indicated... I think it would be around 20 billion dollars at the most."

"And how soon would it be ready?"

"5 years... no, give me 4... 3 years and I have everything ready!"

"I have one condition... I need this to be confidential until the city is finished."

"No problem with that!"

"Fine, I'll leave the project in your hands, you have all the funds you need, just send in the application and we'll approve everything."

"I'll start the planning right now!"

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked at his mother's cell phone and laughed "She hung up on us?"

"She's like that, she's very committed to architecture."

"That's why she's the best, she loves her job."

"So now I should call you 'Your majesty'?"

"Obviously... now that I think about it, I have to have my crown made... heh, I'll wear that giant Ruby I stole, I'm sure the king of England who boasted the world's largest diamond will be filled with jealousy."

"By the way... how much money would you have with everything in the vault?"

"If we put together what was stolen, the gems and discounting the gold I already spent... we would have around 12 trillion dollars."

"We have more than 100 times a year's GDP of the United States."

"Yes... the united states generates 20 billion a year and that is distributed throughout the country... we have what the united states would generate in over 500 years"

"The emperor's royal treasury."

Chuckling slightly, Christian leaned back in the seat and looked out over the city "How much money do we have publicly?"

"We haven't done badly at all, we're already hovering around $800 billion, we left the Walton family on the floor"

"That much?"

"With Starbucks alone we're generating $30 billion a year."

"Then between now and the end of 2020 we should be hovering around the trillion dollar mark" Pursing his lips, Christian commented "The first people to be trillionaires publicly"

"A historic milestone."

Smiling slightly, Christian stood up and walked over to Eva's seat, then took her hand and helped her up.

Sitting on Eva's seat, Christian took his mother by the waist and sat her on his lap, then wrapped his hands around her back and pressed his forehead to Eva's. "You've done an amazing job mom."

"My baby boy is already cuddly~?" snoring sensuously, Eva wrapped her arms around Christian's neck and rubbed her face with her son's.

"I just want to hold you" Smiling softly, Christian gently kissed Eva's lips and whispered "What did you do with your sister?"

"I told Megan to come work with me."

"She accepted?"

"Yes, but she will come with her children, I will give her a house in New York".

"You look happy."

"I am... I'm glad Megan hasn't changed"

"Do you know why she didn't call you when you were gone?"

"My parents took away her old number and refused to give her my new contact...without knowing how to reach me or where I'm living, Megan ended up giving up on seeing me again"

"What a poor fighter" Stroking Eva's buttocks through her suit, Christian squeezed them lightly and whispered "I saw Chloe outside."

"I still have my sex squad" Chuckling lightly, Eva gently caressed Christian's lips with her thumb and whispered "When will we have an encounter like that again?"

"Anytime~" Licking Eva's finger, Christian squeezed his mother's ass a little tighter and whispered "How about those girls? Did they turn out reliable?"

"I checked them out with Jarvis, no one said a word about what happened."

"Do you think it's safe to reveal who I am to them now?"

"I think so, now with Jarvis we can tell at any time if they have bad intentions or not"

"We could arrange something" Licking his lips, Christian caressed Eva's ass with satisfaction and continued "A nice mother and son moment~"

"Raise a good boy~" Gently biting Christian's ear, Eva blew some warm air and whispered "It's been a while since you explored my ass~"

"Wasn't it enough how full you were this morning~?" slipping his hands inside Eva's pants, Christian feels the soft warm skin on his hands and whispers with amusement "I'm sure I heard you beg for mercy~"




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