
Chapter 299 Battle Royale?

"Greetings citizens of the world" Sitting in a darkened room having his face in front of a camera, Christian smiled beneath his crimson mask and continued "This is my first time speaking with you, so I will introduce myself out of courtesy."

"You may call me Lucifer, your loyal servant" Bowing his head slightly, Christian continues as he slowly moves his face around the camera "With introductions made, I will be straightforward"

"We, like you, value the comfort of the daily routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of the repetitive.... We enjoy it as much as anyone, but..." Standing suddenly still as he expanded the silence for a few seconds, Christian continued "This filthy world just wouldn't let us."

"Evil has corrupted this world!" shouting in his distorted voice, Christian brought his face even closer to the camera and continued "Cruelty, injustice, intolerance and oppression is in every damn corner of this society!"

"And while they used to have the freedom to fight against this, to think and say what they feel, now there are censors and surveillance systems that demand their acquiescence and request their submission and their silence" Lowering his voice again, Christian looked back and suddenly a projector turned on and quickly transmitted multiple images of global atrocities "You may wonder.... How did this happen? Who is to blame? Well, there are undoubtedly those who are more responsible than others and will be held accountable.... However, to be honest, if you are looking for a culprit you only need to look in the mirror..."

"I know why they did it... I know they were afraid... who wouldn't be?.... War, terror, disease... There was a multitude of problems that conspired to corrupt your reason and strip you of common sense... Fear took hold of you and in panic you resorted to the most cowardly way out, locking yourselves in your damn bubble" Turning to look at the camera as the images did not stop, Christian continued "Your little bubble offered you order, it offered you peace and quiet, only demanding one thing in return... your conscience and your submission."

"But..." Taking the camera in his hands, Christian pointed it at the images and continued "Those times are about to end."

With his shout, the images changed instantly to ones just as bloody but with a different context.

"For years we have been preparing, for years we have been resting in darkness" Looking at the images of murder, Christian continued "But thanks to you my humble believers, justice has come to this world."

"Hundreds of corrupt people, rapists, murderers, and all kinds of criminals have fallen into our hands" Turning the camera back to his face, Christian continued "I suppose many in this rotten world will have doubts.... Who are we? What do we want? Why are we doing this? Are we dangerous?"

"If so, then let me clear up some of your fears" Turning his camera back to the images, Christian smiled at the sight of the hundreds of people wearing masks "We are here. We are waking up now from this rotten present to work for a greater future. We are friends and equals, we are diverse and we are united by something even greater than our differences."

"We believe in justice and harmony. We are an emerging culture and the rebirth of humanity. We find our own guidance and seek truth. We go in many directions, have many names and speak many languages. We are local and we are global."

"We are in all regions of the world, we are in the air, we are in the universe, we are in the eyes of every child and we face the unknown. We are messengers of silence and we speak our truth. We cannot be silenced because our voice is inside everyone".

"No limit will stop us. We respect the cycles and expressions of nature. We do not act to win, we act to live and learn. We are motivated by inspiration, love and integrity. We explore, discover, feel and laugh."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"We are building a better world for everyone. We seek to live our lives righteously and to the fullest of our potential. We are independent, self-reliant and responsible. We relate to each other in peace with compassion and respect."

"We weave the threads of the new times. We are the pillars of the new civilization" Stroking the camera lens, Christian continued "We are Infernus. Demons sent to sweep away the filth."

"But don't worry citizens of the world" Bowing his head slightly, Christian moved to the edge of the camera lens and continued "We will never touch the innocent. You don't have to live in fear if you are a good person. Don't kill, don't **** and don't corrupt, that alone will keep you out of our sight."

"With that, our little presentation ends" Turning off the projector with a remote control in his pocket, Christian looked at the camera silently for a few seconds and continued "You took the time to listen to us and we received a lot of support worldwide, so today, we will give you an option.... the choice to help this world.

"When this video is published, a totally anonymous poll will be opened for all of you. Language doesn't matter and neither does your spelling. All you have to do is fill out the survey where you will be asked if you know someone who deserves to know our justice."

"You know a rapist and you think your country didn't do enough? Report him to us!"

"Do you know of any pedophiles running around free?" Report it to us!

"Do you know any murderers and they got away with it? Report him to us!"

"Do you know any millionaires and corrupt politicians? Report them to us!"

"We will take care of the worst in this world for you!"

"We don't ask for much, just give us their full name, locality and give a detail of their crimes. If you don't have their name, leave a picture, if you don't have a picture, describe their features as best you can. But never forget that the most vital part of the survey is to describe the person's crimes. We will take care of the rest."

"But don't think you can fool us, because we see everything."

Turning his gaze to the darkness at his back for a few seconds, Christian looked back to the camera and held it firmly while focusing on his mask "We'll be waiting for you my dear little sheep".

"We are infernus."

"We are legion"

"We do not forgive"

"We do not forget"

"Wait for us!"

"..." Turning off the camera, Christian took off his mask and sighed "So embarrassing!"

"Hahaha!" opening the metal door, Emily walked in with tears in her eyes and laughed loudly "I can't believe you did this, hahaha!"

Rolling his eyes while ignoring the woman, Christian turned on the light in the room and rubbed his chin while looking at the camera "I don't know if I should turn this up"

"Why? Are you embarrassed?" wiping away tears as an amused smile forms on his flushed face, Emily asked.

"Not at all... maybe you're not afraid of this recording, but to people who only know about our murders and how cruel we can be, it will no doubt send chills down their spine" Shaking his head while squinting, Christian continued "But I'm still undecided about whether it's right to introduce us."

"What exactly are you worried about?" sitting down next to Christian, Emily asked curiously.

"I think it would give a good effect right now, people having a face even if they are masked, would get a better image of what we represent... in the future it wouldn't be uncommon to see us in movies, newspapers, books, or in various videos on the internet... We would go further in terms of publicity".

"So what's the problem? You want people to fear your army, so they would think twice about committing crimes, right?"

"Yes, but at the same time it would take away the supernatural factor" Turning his gaze to Emily, Christian picked up the mask on the table and looked at it silently "People actually talk a lot about this mysterious group that kills people... it all started with my interview where I said I would release the demons to cleanse the world. A lot of people make fun of me on social media but at the same time there is a large group that is really uncertain about whether I am really the devil or not."


"If I upload this video now, they will have a very real picture of who is leading this... the mysterious and supernatural factor would go down the drain."

"I see..." Nodding while frowning slightly, Emily murmured "While you would still cause fear... it wouldn't be the same fear a person feels of the supernatural."

"Exactly... this video has its positive and negative points" Pursing his lips as he thinks, Christian finally sighs and makes a decision "For now we won't upload this video. We will simply create a post informing about the survey and that's it. I have more plans regarding this group."

"What plans?"

"One that would bring us quite a bit of money and at the same time a good amount of fame" Smiling slightly, Christian narrowed his eyes in amusement and continued "What if we took the worst criminals in society and left them on a fully monitored island?"


"An island where they would have to survive and kill each other to achieve pardon... everyone would have a number and everyone would be recorded in every corner of the island.... Can you imagine the amount of money we could make with that? The bored rich would be quite interested in making bets and we could even broadcast it on our website. Anyone could bet with bitcoin".

"But it would be dangerous if any nation investigates the island. It's easy enough to recognize the islands with enough pictures."

"Not quite" Turning his gaze to Emily, Christian continued "We could ask for Russia's cooperation. They always hide their information from the world and I'm sure they have quite a few islands without direct imagery, it wouldn't be hard for them to lend us an island for this little game."

"That wouldn't be a bad idea" Nodding with interest, Emily continued "We could also give the option of sponsoring a contestant. For example for a certain amount of money, a person could send help to a person. Whether it be medicine, food or something basic like clothing."

'Like the hunger games' Suddenly remembering the novel and movie, Christian rubbed his chin with even more interest in this idea and nodded "It would be an amazing idea... if you bet money on a person, it would be nice to be able to help them win... we would have to have a ship nearby with good drones to send the supplies without problems..."

"How would the bets be?"

"You increase the possible amount won as time goes by... if you bet on a person from the beginning you win more, if you bet when people have already died, you win less... that's the general idea and obviously at a certain point you won't be able to bet anymore... I can leave that to Greed, she knows a lot in the betting field."

"But don't you think it would lower your image in the general public?"

"Maybe yes, we will be seen as cruel and heartless bastards, but... there will be many people who will be happy to see this" Smiling nonchalantly, Christian looked up at the ceiling "Human beings always hide their taste for morbidity... people like to watch these scenes... people like to see these gory scenes and they just hide it... obviously if you see that the person suffering is a good person, you might feel bad, but... if it's about heartless criminals, I'm sure most of them would be happy."

"Mn" Nodding, Emily turned her gaze to the camera "So you won't upload the video?"

"No, you prepare the survey and make sure it's translated in all languages. Let me know if you need help."

"It will be simple."

"We will have to set up a donation and betting system if we want to do this plan. I will talk to Russia to see if they are interested in the idea and we will start planning everything".

"It's not hard to set up the system, I can do it in about 30 minutes" Shrugging her shoulders, Emily leaned back in her chair and looked sideways "This bunker is great"

"It's got everything for a zombie apocalypse, from weapons to a lab" Chuckling, Christian looked off into nothingness for a few seconds and sighed, then pulled out his cell phone and looked at the time "It's already 11 am.... Elisa must be asleep with Helen and Sarah.... Come with me."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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