
Chapter 96 Goals

Wiping his mouth, Christian stands up and yawns "I'm going to paint or do something, I'm bored."

"Just don't create another one of your projects" With a tired voice, Sara pleads.

"Projects... I have a lot of free time now that I can't go to school" Bringing his hand to his chin, Christian remembered his sister "Hailie plays a lot of video games with her friend.... video games... friends... Discord."

Nodding to himself, Christian spoke "Thanks for the idea, I'll create another app while I'm locked up and it will be released in a few years, it's too soon for release. Aunt sara, when I can patent the name Discord as a chat program, something like Skype."

"..." Looking at the boy with a vacant expression, Sara nodded, then opened her eyes wider and spoke quickly "Christian, I forgot to tell you, but we were researching the business advantages and instead of opening a corporation, it's better to put your companies together in a private conglomerate, it has much more benefits."

Without hesitation, Christian nodded "You will know what is better, we still have time to look at everything, just reserve the 'Grey' patent."

"Christian, you are forbidden to work today, I already told you" With a serious voice, Eva looked at the boy with a frown.

"Relax mom, I'll do it another day, Aunt Sara, we have to make more patents for projects that are already launched" Looking at the tired Sara, Christian smiled "This would be the last thing, hehe~"

"*Sigh* I'll tell my team to do it, what is it?"

"You've heard of bitcoin and the new blockchain?"

"..." Bringing her hand to her chin, Sara frowned and shook her head "No."

"I have!" Jayden exclaimed quickly "It's a virtual currency that has gained quite a bit of attention lately, I think it was already for $80 each"

"Exactly" Christian nodded, then looked at Jayden and spoke "We created it with Emily, bitcoin and blockchain is an invention of ours, and lately I have seen that banks are interested in patenting it according to economic magazines, supposedly they were looking for the owner and want to buy the rights from him."

Opening his mouth, Jayden looked at the boy in disbelief.

"I have together with Emily approximately 1.5 million bitcoin, it's a big money that is not used... I wanted to leave all that in anonymity, but I see the need to patent it before banks or stupid people try to steal it from us and profit from it."


"Besides Emily is constantly updating the site and the mining program, I wouldn't want them to steal her effort."


"No wait" Smiling as his eyes seemed to sparkle, Christian spoke "Don't patent her, let her go free for now, hopefully some fool will think he's smart enough to steal the work"


"To patent it, they need proof that they were the creators, if someone patents without proof, it will show signs of corruption... I have proof and the hard drive from the creator account, so we can sue at that point"

"Don't tell me what-" Sara tried to speak.

"Yeah, let's set the trap on the pig and then kill it to eat its meat, I see a lot of money in between."

Smiling creepily, Sara nodded "I see a big lawsuit in between, hopefully it's a bank that goes down."

"Stop smiling like that, you're scary" Looking at Sara reproachfully, Jayden continued "And stop giving Christian ideas, he needs to rest."

"But it wasn't my idea-"


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Shaking his head, Christian walked out of the kitchen with a smile, while Leslie was already following him.

"Did you notice that Christian is taller?" looking at the departing boy with a thoughtful look, Jayden spoke.

"Yes?" raising her eyebrows, Eva looks towards the exit curiously "I don't see any changes..."

"Of course she has changes!" Jayden exclaimed angrily "His hair seems to glow, his eyes are violet when they used to be a pinkish-like color, he's even much much taller, look at his pajamas, they're short on his legs!"

Rubbing her chin for a few seconds, Sara sighs and shakes her head "I noticed the change in the eyes... but I don't notice the rest."

Rolling his eyes, Jayden sighs "Women..."


Stealthily opening the door, Christian peeked out as his sister played on the computer.

"Fucking bitch, get out of my way!" Hailie exclaimed angrily, clenching the keyboard tightly.

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian nodded as he muttered, "That's the attitude."

Turning to Leslie, Christian whispers "Ever since Hailie told Alan that he looks like a bitch, I realized that this girl is very rude, even fooling mom with her shy behavior."

"Isn't it normal for children to swear when they are with their friends?"

"I think so..." Looking at his sister with a smile, Christian suddenly opened the whole door, causing Hailie to startle and quickly turn her gaze.

"..." Looking at each other for a few seconds, Hailie nervously looks at the computer and smiles sheepishly "H-hello Christian... hehe."

"My dear little sister, did I hear a swear word come out of your mouth?" smiling, Christian walks into his sister's playroom and sits down on a comfortable couch next to her.

"N-no, I-I think you heard m-bad" Stuttering, Hailie nervously replied.

"I see..." Nodding to himself, Christian got up and stood behind Hailie's chair, then hugged her from behind and rested his chin on the girl's head "You don't have to hide these things from me Hailie, I swear too when mom's not around, just make sure you don't say them in public, yeah?"

Looking at the screen nervously, Hailie nodded, still playing the whole time.

"Are you talking to someone?" taking the earpiece from Hailie, Christian puts it on and approaches the microphone "Hello?"


"Hi Maya, long time no see."

"H-hello!" exclaimed Maya with obvious nervousness in her voice.

"I heard from Hailie that you're coming to stay at the house for a few days."

"Y-yes, I w-want to see you too."

"..." Blinking for noseconds, Christian only chuckled lightly.

"I'm leaving, your friend is weird" Taking out his earpiece, Christian placed it on Hailie and smiled "I'll go see Alan, have fun~"

With Christian out of the room, Hailie sighed with relief "Damn..."

"Hailie, did your brother say something about me?"

"Fuck you Maya" Hailie spoke with annoyance.

"Come on Hailie, just tell me if he said anything about me, I didn't hear very well what he said to you!"

"Go on and hang up the call!" Hailie shouted in annoyance.

"Fine, fine, I won't say anymore *sigh*"


Walking calmly through his house, Christian pursed his lips and mumbled inaudibly "I could buy Twitch... it should have been created a few years ago already, but now it should be in beta... if I'm not mistaken in 2 years it should be bought by Amazon for $970 million... that will generate quite a bit of money in the future..."

Turning to Leslie, Christian speaks "Leslie, go tell Uncle Jayden to leave his team researching, I want to buy it as soon as possible."

"Understood" Nodding, Leslie turned and left.

Looking at her for a few seconds, Christian smiled and walked towards Alan's room, then walked in without knocking and smiled at the sight of the boy with the cell phone.

Approaching the boy, Christian jumps on his bed and walks over to his side "What are you doing?"

Putting the cell phone down for a moment, Alan looks at Christian and speaks "Talking to friends."

"Oh" Christian nods, then turns and looks directly at Alan "Why didn't you go say hi?"

Pursing his lips, Alan spoke "I was sleepy"

"Then why are you on the cell phone?"

"Because I'm not sleepy anymore"

Knowing that the boy is lying, Christian simply sighed and hugged him "It's sad..."

Taking his eyes off the cell phone for a moment, Alan looked at Christian "What's sad?"

"That you avoid us like the plague" Looking sincerely into the boy's eyes, Christian continues "I tried everything with you, I offered you my trust, my friendship as a brother, we gave you everything you wanted, but you never share with us... you don't accompany us to watch movies as a family, you don't like to eat with us, now you don't even say hello... I don't understand where we failed with you."

Pursing his lips, Alan spoke "Don't be so dramatic."

"Dramatic?" Frowning, Christian looked at Alan "When was the last time you ate with us?"

Opening his mouth, Alan looked up and tried to speak, but after a few seconds, nothing came out of him.

"See what I'm trying to tell you?" sighing, Christian turned and looked up at the ceiling "I tried to make you understand that, although being with friends is fun, it will always be your family who will be there for you, and that you shouldn't neglect them like you do... I tried to make you understand that those friendships of yours are nothing more than passing things... but you always made me look like you understood what I was telling you, unfortunately you always kept doing the same"

"..." Silently, Alan just looked down.

Looking at his brother, Christian sighed and stood up, then walked towards the exit and spoke "Remember my words Alan... those friends will end up disappointing you somehow, and you will come to us in your moments of loneliness and sadness... I just hope that in that moment we can be there for you... because we are not eternal and no one knows what can happen tomorrow... just remember that I love you very much my brother."

"..." Looking at his brother as he walked out, Alan just stood in silence, only to have him ignore him after a few seconds and continue with his cell phone.

Standing outside the door, Christian waited for a few minutes, while every second that passed, his face became more bitter.

Sighing with resignation, Christian stared at the door for a few seconds and left for his room.

Looking at his paintings, Christian took them and went to his recreation room, where he keeps his canvases and toys.

Without speaking, the boy dedicated himself to painting all morning, from images of the beings he saw in hell, to the first sight he had in that gloomy forest, spending hours and hours on his thing.

"Christian, your mother is calling you to lunch" Leslie who was standing there watching everything intently, looked at her cell phone and spoke.

"Coming" Christian murmured as he spread paint with his fingers, then wiped it off on his apron and stood up.

Looking at Leslie, Christian smiles "How long ago did you get here?"

"Four hours ago."

"What time is it?"

"3 o'clock in the afternoon."

"What did Jayden say?"

"He's already left his people investigating, in a few hours you should have answers."

"Acceptable" Nodding, Christian wiped his apron and walked out of the room, then down the stairs and out into the courtyard.

Looking at his mother smiling as she spoke to Sara, Christian sighed with satisfaction "This is what I wanted to accomplish Leslie..."

"I don't understand what you mean" Standing behind the boy, Leslie looked towards the people and spoke.

"This have my mother always with me, to be able to see her more than about 2 hours a day, to have my siblings happy...this is what I wanted."

"Then why are you still working? Isn't it better to just rest and take advantage of all this?"

"Because the world is not peaceful... one mistake and we will lose everything" Turning to Leslie, Christian continued "I want my family to be brilliant... so brilliant that whoever dares to touch them, will be burned or blinded."


"Eva Grey... her name has already started to appear in the business papers... from a simple fast food worker, to a CEO of a growing company... the Grey family, from a humble family to a family with billions of dollars"


"All this accomplished in 3 years or so... what will we accomplish in 5 or 10?"

"I understand" Leslie nodded.

"When everyone recognizes our last name, when everyone looks up to us and has to respect us... that will be the day I stop working."

"Wouldn't that be too exhausting?"

"Who says I can't have fun in the process?" smiling gleefully, Christian runs to his mother, only to shout and jump up and down "Catch me!"

Turning quickly, Eva opens her arms and catches the boy, then purses her lips and speaks "I told you not to do that, it's dangerous!"

"Hehe~" Looking at his mother, Christian brings his hands to the woman's face and draws her with the remaining paint on his hands, drawing two hearts on her cheeks "Beautiful!"

"You were painting?" setting the boy down, Eva didn't bother to wipe herself and asked.


Looking sideways, Christian sees Jayden sunbathing in a bathing suit with a strange sports style bra covering her chest "What is that?"

Looking at Jayden, Sara smiled oddly "It's part of the swimsuit, didn't you know?"

"Why do they wear that?" quizzically, Christian asked with confusion.

"Because men aren't supposed to show their chests."

"Why not? It looks uncomfortable to wear that" Feeling a bad feeling, Christian looked closely at the tight bra.

"..." Looking at each other with Sara, Eva looked at the same discomfort in his eyes "Because..."

"Because women are kinky" Jayden replied in the distance without bothering to turn around.

"Oh..." Christian nodded, then turned to his mother and looked at her suspiciously "You're perverted too?"

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