Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4, 67 [Warlock]

Volume 4, Chapter 67 [Warlock]

“Incomprehensible” was the only feedback Subaru’s mind could muster as he watched the scene unravel before his eyes.

Ram lay in a pool of blood, and, on top of her, was Garfiel’s decapitated body. Standing beside their overlapping corpses, the one who had accomplished this with his bare hands, Roswaal, was wiping blood off of the hems of his garment.

Having witnessed this horrifying feat, for a moment, Subaru couldn’t believe that it was Roswaal who did this.

Roswaal L. Mathers was the representative Court Wizard of the Kingdom of Lugnica, one who could control extreme-tier magic at will, and possessed combat power akin to a siege engine, or so Subaru was told.

It was what he had heard. And precisely because he heard this, Subaru never imagined that Roswaal could deal such destructive power without the use of his magic.

[Roswaal: “Mages are weak in close-quarters combat” is such a pre~~judiced notion. Anyone who’s ever taken up arms against me had that naturally stuck in their heads. ……As to what happened to those thick-headed fools, it’s as you can clearly se~~e]

Subaru unwittingly swallowed his breath at Roswaal’s perfect reading of his unvoiced thoughts.

While Roswaal traced his finger over the specks of blood that had spattered onto his face, painting over his blue eyeliner with a shade of rouge as he smiled. ――Demonic, in the truest sense of the word.

[Subaru: Wh, y……]

[Roswaal: Mm~~mm?]

[Subaru: Why did you kill them…… kill Ram? Garfiel was… killing Garfiel was…… necessary…… but…]

[Roswaal: If we were to talk alone, Garfiel would’ve go~~tten in the way. As for Ram, I admit that what I’ve done was inexcusable. But I am not so strong as to be able to fight Garfiel he~~ad on. I was only able to kill him by catching him off guard just now]

Even though “Catching him off guard” meant piercing Ram along with Garfiel.

Somehow, as he listened to Roswaal’s casual explanation of why he killed them, Subaru’s emotions shed away their rage, and his mind returned to its usual calm.

It was a ludicrous answer to a ludicrous situation. And if Subaru allowed himself to be played in the palm of his hands, giving in to his passion would only be giving Roswaal what he wanted.

[Subaru: …………]

[Roswaal: Hm~~mm, that’s unexpe~~cted. And here I thought you’d be angry at what I said?]

[Subaru: Well, the anger’s done a whole loop around and went back to where it started. ……Not saying I’m not angry, though. Naturally I am. Naturally]

[Roswaal: I~~s that right. While that is an admirable attitude, the young Natsuki Subaru I know would be howling, mad with rage right now, if it were natural. Do~~n’t you think, Natsuki Subaru-kun?]

Roswaal’s single yellow pupil locked onto Subaru’s eyes.

One would often find Roswaal closing one eye and peering his gleaming yellow pupil into his targets, just like now.

And the mere thought of finding himself reflected in that blazing, yellow eye unsettled him to no end.

[Subaru: I realize how stupid I was before, but that doesn’t mean I’ll never grow up. This isn’t a situation that could be fixed by throwing a tantrum, I know that much at least……]

[Roswaal: No~~no, that’s not what I me~~ant, Subaru-kun. Subaru-kun. Natsuki Subaru-ku~~n]

Roswaal stroked his unbloodied left hand through his navy blue hair as he prodded Subaru with that infuriating address.

But even as the repugnant intonation drove an indescribable sensation into his chest, Subaru did not back down. Instead, he took a step forward, glaring into the clown’s face.

[Subaru: What are you trying to say?]

[Roswaal: What am I trying to say… if that’s what you’re asking, then this is how I’ll answer: ――Congratulations, and welcome. I’ve been waiting. For you to finally stand here before me]

Subaru felt a chill like damp fingertips creeping down his spine.

In front of him, true to his word, Roswaal watched him with a look of sheer delight. That attitude, that delight, all gave Subaru an incomprehensible sense of disgust.

Roswaal didn’t appear sarcastic at all, but seemed genuinely overjoyed for Subaru. The only problem was the inexplicable nature of his elation and of his words.

[Subaru: You’ve been waiting…… for me to stand here?]

[Roswaal: Not in this particular spot in this particular room. Tha~~t would be too literal of an interpreta~~tion. I’m sure you can understand how that is not what I meant. After all, you are the only one who should be capable of understa~~nding]

[Subaru: I’m the only one…… who could understand?]

Little by little, it was as though the pieces were falling into place. Slowly but surely, though hesitating as he linked them, the final picture began to take shape.

The moment he grasped its meaning, “No way”, the thought pierced through his mind.

[Roswaal: Do~~ you understa~~nd, Subaru-kun? Why is it that, when you’ve just witnessed two deaths before your eyes, you could remain so calm and keep yourself from falling into uncontrollable rage? ……In fact, I’m sure you kno~~w why]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Roswaal: Their deaths didn’t hit you with any great impact. You were shocked to see them die. There might’ve even been some indigna~~tion. But, you felt no grief. And that is why you could not turn your anger against me, or stri~~ke me with your fists]

Listening to Roswaal reading him like a book, Subaru opened his mouth to object, but closed it again, unable to say a thing.

“What would you know!?” “You think I don’t care about their deaths!?” “How could you murder Ram and Garfiel, you monster!”

Countless rebukes came to mind.

In truth, the impulse to let his emotions explode had surged up many times inside him, each threatening to fly out of his throat, only to dissipate and fade to nothing.

He was enraged. He was shocked. He was in grief, or at least he should be.

But even so, Subaru had no words to refute Roswaal, because――

[Roswaal: ――Because it can all be recovered. Isn’t that what’s going through your mi~~nd?]

[Subaru: What d…]

An involuntary shiver froze up his throat, gripping his heart.

Without resorting to metaphors, he really felt the illusion of something clutching at his heart, so great was the shock.

Lifting his head, Subaru instinctively looked around the room, dreading that the black hand might appear to punish his trespass. This would be his first punishment since rejecting the Witch of Envy. What horror would that shadow bring at its return? Just the thought of it strangled his heart with such twisting pain that it felt like it might break.


[Subaru: ……it, didn’t come]

[Roswaal: I wouldn’t know what you’re so wary of, but…… Aa~~ah, I’m sure it must have something to do with your co~~ntract? I~~ see. That would explain the peculiarities of your words and actions up to now. I think I understand]

[Subaru: Understand……. no, before that…!]

Watching Roswaal hold his chin as he nodded, Subaru’s face turned pale as his lips trembled.

Roswaal’s statement just now had no doubt struck upon Subaru’s core, and the fact that it struck meant that――

[Subaru: You…… kno… know about me……!?]

[Roswaal: As far as it does not deviate from what is written, yes. ――You possess the power to start over. I~~sn’t that right?]

Without a shadow of a doubt, Roswaal confessed his knowledge of Return by Death.

Subaru swallowed his breath and immediately noticed the danger of the situation.

The conditions were now exactly the same as at Echidona’s tea party.

If he allowed Roswaal to continue talking about Return by Death like this, the disaster where the Sanctuary was engulfed by shadows would only be repeated.

In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if the Witch snatched him this very instant.

Drawing the breath into his stomach and releasing it in a deep exhale, Subaru confirmed that time hadn’t stopped.

That is to say, the Witch hadn’t grasped his heart as punishment. This ruled out the possibility which, as unbearable as it may be, would also have been the safest.

While the other possibility ――

[Roswaal: ――“Silence is as good as proven admission”, I wonder whoever sai~~d that]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Plunging his thoughts into risk aversion, Subaru forced his mind to turn at an incredible speed, but Roswaal, apparently growing tired of waiting, interrupted with those words.

This confession just now must have held some rather large significance to Roswaal as well.

Seeing Subaru ignore him without saying a word, Roswaal furrowed his brows in a rare sign of displeasure.

[Roswaal: We~~ll, the fact that you’re not de~~nying it as some absurd assertion does say a lot about your ho~~nesty]

[Subaru: I――]

[Roswaal: Oo~~ho, that’s fine. It is one thing for me say it, but there could be some unpleasant consequences if you were to confirm it. That was why you were never able to say it out loud, i~~sn’t it? Although…]

Stopping Subaru at the first syllable, Roswaal continued until his voice abruptly trailed off.

Seeing Subaru biting his lip, Roswaal cast him a glance with a revolting smile,

[Roswaal: Perhaps, you were also afraid of what they’d think of you if you to~~ld them?]

[Subaru: ――――gh]

[Roswaal: It is only na~~tural. A~~fter all, the power to rewind the world is an outrageous and te~~rrifying thing. Time-Interference is the absolute pinnacle of the pinnacle of Dark Magic. Even Beatrice, exhausting all her strength, could only bring it to a stall. But to reverse it would surely be a dream upon a dre~~am]

Unable to refute a thing as he listened to Roswaal read into his genuine repressed fears, Subaru’s face stiffened as he suddenly heard Beatrice’s name.

With Elsa’s blade plunged into her back, the final expression on her face as she vanished from existence was still vivid in his mind.

[Roswaal: ――Judging from your reaction, it would se~~em that Beatrice had fulfilled her ro~~le…]

[Subaru: Her role…… what would you…… but, yes]

As the conversation moved away from Return by Death, Subaru took the opportunity to rein in his unsettled thoughts and redirected his attention to take a bite out of Roswaal’s unruffled face.

Did this man even know about Beatrice’s lonely cries?

[Subaru: You knew how she’s been suffering… didn’t you? Bound to that Mansion, clinging to a promise made in some ancient contract…… letting herself be worn to the core, huddling in a corner, you knew all of this, didn’t you!?]

[Roswaal: O~~f course I knew. Beatrice and I have kno~~wn each other for a very long time. Since I was born, in fact. There is a loneliness in her heart, I’ve al~~ways known this]

[Subaru: Then……!]

[Roswaal: Why didn’t I do anything about it? I~~ would rather you did not say that. There is no one who can relieve her of her sadness other than herself, I’m sure you understa~~nd this?]

Just as Subaru was on the verge of screaming, he was struck down by Roswaal’s irrefutable reasoning.

Subaru could have screamed out his accusations at Roswaal just so he could hear a fragment of Beatrice’s sorrow. Although he could have, the fact was that it would’ve been meaningless.

Beatrice was already dead, and no one could heal her of the sadness of her heart.

Only Subaru, who possessed the means to rewind the world, could be there in her final moments as many times as it would take. But how was he supposed to heal four hundred years of sorrow?

Four hundred years―― not even Subaru could reach back that far.

Watching Subaru fall silent, Roswaal slightly shook his head.

Then, he said,

[Roswaal: How I e~~nvy her]

[Subaru: ――Envy, her?]

Subaru repeated, pressing his voice low. But, paying it no mind, [Yes…], Roswaal went on, nodding,

[Roswaal: How enviable it is. Beatrice fulfilled her long-cherished wish, and disappeared. The fact that you are here means exa~~ctly that, no?]

[Subaru: Cherished…… wish? She…… died… like that….. and you’re telling me that’s her long-cherished wish!? Are you seriously saying that!?]

[Roswaal: It was nothing more than what Beatrice desi~~red, no? What right would we have to criticize what someone else holds dear? Neither you, no~~r I, have the right to sully Beatrice’s death]

Sensible words, and impeccable logic. It was true, that they had no right.

Subaru and Beatrice may as well have been strangers. He had never understood her wish, and he never even once considered fulfilling it.

But, even so, was that really what Beatrice wanted?

――If it was, then why did she protect Subaru at the very end?

[Roswaal: Beatrice’s long-cherished wish had been fulfilled. For that, I truly envy her. ――Since it seems that I would no longer be a~~ble to fulfill mine]

[Subaru: ――――]

There was something strange about the way he phrased it.

Subaru couldn’t tell where, or why.

But it was certainly there.

[Subaru: And what is…… your wish……?]

[Roswaal: I cannot say. My contract forbids me from revealing it, and that is as mu~~ch as I can say. What I have told you is already pushing the limit of what I can compromise with the contract. Bu~~t, I can tell you this]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Roswaal: To see that my wish is fulfilled, I have always, always, always, always devoted my utmost. Not a single action I have taken was without purpose, and not a si~~ngle one do I regret]

Roswaal shamelessly declared without the slightest hint of remorse.

Stunned by his audacity, a black rage began boiling in Subaru’s chest.

It was a begrudging rage that was the cumulation of all the severed emotions that had built up inside him. But, although it was there, he did not lose himself in it.

[Subaru: Necessary……? Killing Ram and Garfiel, burying the Sanctuary in snow, everything……. you’re saying that it was necessary……?]

[Roswaal: Hmm, as for the former…… no, that would put a damper on this conversa~~tion. But as for the latter, yes, would be my a~~nswer]

[Subaru: For what!!??]

Baring his teeth, Subaru swung his arms, shouting.

[Subaru: Why the hell are you doing this!? Making snow fall on the Sanctuary, tormenting the residents like it’s some sick joke…… what’re you trying to accomplish!? What’s the point in doing that!? Why don’t you come out and say it! Roswaal!!]

[Roswaal: That too, was necessary. ――To isolate Emilia-sama]

[Subaru: ――Wh…at?]

[Roswaal: I will say it again. Snow falls and the residents suffer. Emilia-sama is isolated, and descends into an unsettled state of mind. Isn’t that what happened?]

Roswaal spoke as if he had seen it himself. Indeed, Emilia’s condition inside the Tomb was exactly as Roswaal envisioned. But Subaru had no intention of admitting this.

More importantly, Roswaal’s statement just now was by far the most senseless thing Subaru had heard to date.

[Roswaal: The Sanctuary is a land closely tied with the Witch, and Emilia-sama is taking the Trials to liberate it. A~~t such a time, if a natural disaster were to befall the Sanctuary…… just what would people think of Emilia-sama?]

[Subaru: What…..]

[Roswaal: Here is where the impulsive Garfiel comes into play. He, if anyone, would be the first to doubt Emilia-sama, and to loudly proclaim it. With the volume of his voice, anyone would begin to think the same. ――That Emilia-sama was the cause of this disaster]

Roswaal’s analysis was spot on, and Garfiel had just been dancing in the palms of his hands. From the moment Subaru returned to the Sanctuary, it was already clear that Garfiel was convinced that Emilia had caused the blizzard.

Even though there was someone else who could have done it, this land, and this world, chose to direct all of its hostility towards Emilia.

All thanks to the demon named prejudice that had tormented Emilia from the start.

[Roswaal: And what happens once Emilia-sama is isolated? Despite appearances, Emilia-sama is actually a terribly weak person. It’d be no wonder if she wished to entrust everything to a person who would be willing to give her approval. And if that person could support her with their entire heart and soul, then I would be satisfied]

[Subaru: Wait……wait……wait wait wait wait wai……t]

Subaru held out his arms, calling for Roswaal to stop.

He got a feeling that he had heard something outrageous just now.

Like he had just been told some absurd, impossible fact.

Like something he mustn’t hear was――

[Roswaal: You cannot turn yourself away if Emilia-sama relies on you. Of course not, since you love her. If your beloved Emilia-sama were to entrust everything to you, there is no way you could push her aside]

[Subaru: That――]

Would never happen.

At least it shouldn’t.

But the fact was that, in this very loop, Subaru had managed to keep himself from drowning within Emilia’s clinging embrace. He had withstood it, and left her to come here.

It wasn’t that he rejected the temptation of Emilia’s loving whispers.

But it was because he knew that she didn’t truly mean it, and that her fallen engrossment was only――

[Roswaal: “That wasn’t the case this time.” Is that how you wanted to answer? I can only say that is unfortunate. I suppose you just have a few too many superfluous things about you right now]

Roswaal took a single, silent step towards the confounded Subaru.

Hearing the sound of a splash from his foot stepping into the pool of blood, Subaru’s body inadvertently froze.

A groan escaped his throat,

[Subaru: Are you, going to kill me――?]

[Roswaal: Kill you, now tha~~t would be a rather vi~~olent idea. I would be quite troubled if you died. Since, one way or another, I will need you to rewind the wo~~rld]

[Subaru: Hh――?]

For a moment, Roswaal’s words as he approached stunned Subaru into silence.

But he immediately noticed the discrepancy in his understanding.

Roswaal knew that Subaru could “Rewind” time, but he didn’t know that it was through “Return by Death” with “Death” acting as the trigger.

Thus, his intention was to corner Subaru so that he would willingly choose to “Rewind”. Although, that would likely involve far more agony than if he was instantly killed.

If Roswaal had no intention of killing Subaru, then there was still a chance.

[Subaru: ――Everyone! Inside now!!]

Raising his hand, Subaru shouted his command.

The instant Roswaal furrowed his brows, the room’s doors and windows, as well as those of the adjacent living room, simultaneously shattered. And flying in alongside the frigid wind, were small, scrawny shadows, numbering twenty in all―― each of them a little girl with light-pink hair.

Seeing the assembly of identical girls lined up in a row, Roswaal turned his single eye towards Subaru,

[Roswaal: And here I thought the command authority was transferred back to Garfiel?]

[Subaru: We were venturing into the maybe-mastermind’s den, after all. ――Of course we had to stack our hands first]

――The exchange took place after his argument with Garfiel outside the Tomb.

After persuading Garfiel to go on ahead, Subaru went to the crystal room and transferred the command authority back to himself.

Then, he ordered the Lewes replicants to surround the building where Roswaal was recuperating and to prepare to break inside in case of emergency.

Rem, who had temporarily been Garfiel’s hostage, was entrusted to the current representative Lewes-personality, who brought her to the Cathedral, where the rest of the residents and Arlam villagers had taken refuge.

He had taken all these measures on the assumption that Roswaal was the culprit.

――Although, naturally, Subaru never anticipated that Roswaal would kill Garfiel and Ram.

[Roswaal: So, what do you wish to do, now that you ha~~ve me surrounded?]

[Subaru: The fact that you’re that strong with your bare hands was a surprise, but you’re outnumbered. If a single beastified Garfiel could give you trouble, you’ll probably have a hard time when you’re swarmed……]

The reason Roswaal skewered Ram along with Garfiel was because he wasn’t confident facing Garfiel in direct combat. And although there was no question that Roswaal was infinitely stronger than Subaru――

[Subaru: Twenty of them should be about enough to overwhelm you. We’ll beat you up, pin you down, and make sure you spit out everything that you’re still hiding]

[Roswaal: You should know how important it is to uphold the terms of one’s contract, being bound by si~~milar ones yourself?]

[Subaru: Too bad, mine was kinda one-sided forced on me without me having any say in the matter and just punishes me whenever I violate it. This time it hasn’t come though, so I’m still in the safe-line!]

With over twenty people crammed inside, the small house was packed to the brim.

Obeying Subaru’s signal, the emotionless Lewes replicants surged towards Roswaal as a sea of faces.

Meeting their charge with his bare hands, Roswaal could only handle two at a time.

His manipulation of the weather outside had become his own downfall. Deprived of the use of his magic, Roswaal would only be swarmed by sheer numbers.

Subaru figured that while it would be close, victory was assured.


[Roswaal: ――I may be outnumbered]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Roswaal: But when your opponent is a mage, trying to overpower him with sheer numbers is just an overly fo~~olish decision]

At the fall of his voice, an infernal flame swept through the room, and every Lewes Meyer replicant caught in its path was scorched to their core.

In the matter of an instant, their small, charging bodies were incinerated from head to toe by the wall of flames, reduced to ash and to the mana from whence they came.

All this, in Subaru’s eyes, was nothing more than a momentary wave of heat and light that had flashed across the room.

[Subaru: How’re you… still using magic……?]

[Roswaal: I wouldn’t have been able to if I was still controlling the weather. Unfo~~rtunately, I have already lost any reason to sustain this snowfall. So it’s been a while since I’ve stopped. Sorry, I suppose I should’ve told you ea~~rlier]

[Subaru: Wh―― gh, kha]

In Subaru’s moment of confusion, Roswaal flashed forward and took him by the throat. He didn’t know where those slender wrists had gotten that kind of strength, but he felt his legs leaving the ground as Roswaal lifted him writhing into the air.

[Subaru: Kgh――!]

Crashing backwards through a half-shattered windowpane and out of the building, Subaru landed in the snow, rolling until he was stopped by a wall.

Spitting out the mixture of mud and snow in his mouth, he lifted up his face.

The remaining Lewes replicants quietly followed Roswaal out of the building. Since they were given no further orders, they appeared at a loss as to what to do.

But Subaru was just as lost as to what to tell them.

[Roswaal: Even after all this, you still wouldn’t rewi~~nd… O~~r, perhaps you already have? Come to think of it, what happens to my consciousness when the world has rewound is still a complete mystery to me. Now, this is qu~~ite the predicament]

Walking over to Subaru’s side, Roswaal tilted his head.

Looking up at the clown’s face amidst the suffocating pain, an abrupt question escaped Subaru’s lips.

[Subaru: ros… waal…… you keep on asking me to rewind over and over, but……]

[Roswaal: Mm? You have something impo~~rtant to say? Let’s hear it, let’s hear it]

[Subaru: You’re the one I’ve got a problem with here. Doing all this on the assumption that someone else has the ability to rewind the world… you must be out of your mind…… unless, you actually have…]

A way to carry over your memories?

Could Roswaal also have the ability to read the memories of the previous worlds, just like Echidona in her Dream Citadel?

If not, then his blind desire to reset the world would just be far too incomprehensible.

[Subaru: If not… that’s fine. But, if you do… perhaps you and I… could……]

Collaborate, maybe.

Roswaal’s goals were mysterious and unknown, and he had done many unforgivable things.

Subaru would never forgive him for the murder of Ram and Garfiel or the way he had cornered Emilia. But Subaru was in no position to discard Roswaal’s strength out of emotion. In fact, he needed it badly.

If you’re going to eat poison―― or however that saying goes, assuming it applies here, Subaru was also prepared to lick the plate.

[Roswaal: ――It seems, that is no~~t to be]

But Subaru’s thin sliver of hope was severed by a shake of Roswaal’s head.

Roswaal turned away from Subaru’s downcast eyes, and pointed towards the end of his gaze,

[Roswaal: Goa]

A small flame rose up, setting the corner of the forest where Roswaal was looking at alight.

Subaru blinked at the abrupt act of destruction, when he heard, amidst the noise of crackling wood, yet another sound.

――It was the sound of a small, small animal dying.

[Subaru: ――No, way]

[Roswaal: I~~ see. ……So this is how the end comes]

Springing to his feet, Subaru’s face paled as he scanned his surroundings. Simultaneously, Roswaal shifted his posture, and with several crisp snaps of his fingers, the scent of burning flesh and shrill, ear-splitting cries coursed throughout the Sanctuary.

Then, when a charred corpse landed in front of his eyes with a thud, Subaru clearly understood.

[Subaru: great.. rabbit……!!]

It was one of the Great Rabbits.

As they began slowly trickling out of the forest, Roswaal burned them one by one with his magic. And even as they came in droves, they remained Roswaal’s prey.

No matter how great their numbers grew, they could gain no ground against Roswaal. Witnessing this, a terror gripped Subaru’s heart and would not let go.

Every time he closed his eyes, the memory of being eaten by razor sharp teeth would be revived.

The sense of loss, the experience of having his fingers, body, and organs ripped to shreds was beyond description.

Subaru could hear his very soul shrieking at the sight of the Mabeasts’ approach.

[Subaru: But this is only the fifth day…… there should still be half a day left!]

[Roswaal: It’s the snow]

[Subaru: Snow――!?]

[Roswaal: Where there is magic powerful enough to manipulate the weather, naturally, the atmosphere would be oversaturated with mana. Not to mention that everyone in the Sanctuary has gathered inside the Cathedral thanks to the snow. For a nearby Mabeast, this is an all too enticing fe~~eding ground]

[Then…….], Subaru shuddered at Roswaal’s quiet observation.

Following his logic, the single most dangerous place in the Sanctuary during the Great Rabbits’ attack would be――

[Subaru: Th-the Cathedral! We have to hurry to the Cathedral……!]

[Roswaal: It’s too late. The moment they came for the few of us here, it meant that the prey-less masses were already on the move. ――There is no~~ one left]

[Subaru: But! That’s where……!]

Rem is.

Having entrusted her to Lewes, that was where Rem was taken. Alongside the Sanctuary’s residents and the refugees from Arlam village, there would be over a hundred people in the Cathedral.

With everyone gathered there, he didn’t even want to think about it.

[Subaru: Roswaal! Truce! Anyway, let’s get to the Cathedral! We’ll collect the survivors, just get them somewhere sa……]

Subaru rushed up to Roswaal, grabbed him by the collar and screamed.

But Roswaal gently pushed Subaru arms away,

[Roswaal: Flee? Where, exactly? There is a Barrier. The people of the Sanctuary cannot flee]

[Subaru: Th-that’s……]

[Roswaal: There wasn’t enough time, Subaru-kun. The residents of the Sanctuary cannot leave unless the Trials are overcome. That is to say, your wish will not be granted]

Collapsing, Subaru fell rear-first into the snow.

Shuffling against themselves, the Leweses gathered around the fallen Subaru, waiting for their next instruction in a rather humorous scene.

And only then, did Subaru notice it.

That Roswaal, who had been incinerating swathes of oncoming Mabeasts as they appreared up to now, had completely stopped doing so.

[Subaru: R-Roswaal! If you stop…… unless… you’re out of mana……]

[Roswaal: No~~ no, it’s no such thing? Since, in a sense, my mana is inexhau~~stible. It wouldn’t run out so easily. ……What has run out is my reason to live]

Little by little, white furballs began plodding out of the forest.

Leaving small pawprints in the pristine snow that was as white as their fur, they were certainly drawing closer.

[Subaru: E-even if I can rewind… this kind of……at least we should talk it through first! You might think you’re ok with leaving it to the next try, but……]

[Roswaal: You se~~em to have misundersto~~od something, Subaru-kun]

[Subaru: Huh?]

[Roswaal: Even if you can rewind, I cannot. The me you meet after your rewind will not be me. This is my end. ――But tha~~t is fine]

Subaru was struck dumb by Roswaal’s words.

“The rewind won’t apply to me”, Roswaal admitted it himself. That is to say, Roswaal only knew that Subaru was someone who could potentially Return by Death, and his death here would mean the end of this Roswaal’s consciousness.

He had accepted it, and was nonetheless ordering Subaru to rewind, though he would no longer exist after Subaru returns.

That way of thinking is just,

[Subaru: Not……how humans think at all……]

Unlike Subaru, whose consciousness would continue,

Roswaal’s would not, and his death would be the end.

What kind of human would accept it without question, knowing that it would be the end?

[Roswaal: The day will come when you will truly surpass me, Subaru-kun]

[Subaru: ro……s]

[Roswaal: Li~~sten well, Subaru-kun. ――It is important. The one thing that is truly, truly important to you: Cast away everything else except it. Let go of everything else except it, and think only of protecting your single most important thing to the end]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Roswaal: If you do that――]

Roswaal raised a finger as if to lecture.

A nearby rabbit immediately leapt up and chomped down on his lifted wrist. Blood scattered, and Roswaal’s right arm was gnashed to bits from the wrist, while other jaws sank their fangs into his elbows, shoulders, and all over his body with the dull creak of tearing flesh.

[Subaru: ROSWAAAAL!!]

[Roswaal: ――You too, can become like me]

The body of a rabbit with its mouth wide open blotted out the clown’s smile.

The swarm of white rabbits completely covered over Roswaal’s body. He fell sideways, offering no resistance as the rabbits devoured his flesh. Devoured. Devoured.

Blood sprayed, meat flung out, and the white snow was dyed crimson red. Then even the crimson snow was greedily slurped up by the rabbits without leaving a drop.

Subaru watched in silence, as Roswaal ceased to be Roswaal.

Watched, as Roswaal’s existence was eaten and wiped from this world.

――He went on watching.

-=Chapter 67 End=-

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