Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4, Interlude I [Tea Party]

Volume 4, Interlude I [Tea Party]

[???: Parallel Universes, that’s one school of thought. It states that, separate from the universe we are living in now, there exists many alternate universes following along a similar path]

The person speaking was trying her best to suppress the waves of excitement in her voice.

Accompanying that lecture-like statement, she was lightly tapping her fingers on the table in a pleasant and even rhythm.

[????: That sounds, huu… like it’s, haa…… kind of complicated]

[???: It’s not that hard to wrap your head around. Imagine infinite Parallel Worlds, each being generated by just one difference in choice. For example, say there is a split in the road on your way home. Both paths ultimately lead to your house, and there is a you who went right and a you who went left―― that possibility would already constitute an extremely small-scale Parallel Universe]

[?????: What. So you’re saying that there’re so many worlds out there that we can’t even count them? That’s just stupid]

Hearing the response to the lethargic voice, a spirited voice butted in.

The lecturing speaker returned a wry smile, and raised a finger in front of her impatient companion,

[???: It’s not nearly so ridiculous. Indeed, that last example may have been too narrow to convey the sheer scope of the variations…… but you can definitely apply it to a grander scale as well]

[?????: Grander scale…… like what?]

[???: Let’s see, right. ――Imagine if you had abandoned the isolated Elven vanguard on Boroid Plains, what would have happened then?]

[?????: ――――]

[???: ……Hmm. I was expecting you to be more infuriated by that]

[?????: It’s simple why I’m not angry. Even if you repeat that situation tens, hundreds, or thousands of times, I would always’ve choosen to throw my fists into the fray. ――So your Parallel Universe or whatever would never’ve come to be!]

With that forceful proclamation, the speaker threw her foot right onto the table. Seeing her literally “Putting her foot down” on the matter, the lecturer let slip a small smile. Noticing this, the spirited one angrily scowled up her pretty face,

[?????: What’s so funny!?]

[???: No, I mean that was very manly of you, but your panties are showing, Minerva]

[Minerva: Aa, kya! What, you dumbass! Unbelievable! Idiot! Dumbass! Duuumbass! Blockhead! Stupid! So stupid! You stupid, dumbass!]

Shouting curses that exposed the limits of her vocabulary, the blond-haired girl―― Witch of Wrath, Minerva, pulled her foot off the table with tears in her eyes, quickly closing her legs and holding down her skirt with her hands.

She looked up furiously―― at the white-haired Witch sitting opposite her. But,

[????: Haa. Leaving aside who’s right or wrong here, huu… your panties… haa…… you kind of did that to yourself, Minerva, always so unladylike, huu…… no point blaming anyone else for it… haa]

[Minerva: Unladylike! Like you’re one to say that, Sekhmet. As if you ever wear anything other than that…… actually, when’s the last time you changed your robes?]

Minerva swiped her harsh glare onto the Witch of Sloth―― Sekhmet, plopped on the table, completely buried in her long, magenta hair.

Under that sea of hair, a head moved and peeked out between the gaps, looking back at Minerva.

[Sekhmet: You just throw it over your head, huu…it’s the most convenient……haa… Typhon wipes my body for me…huu…so it’s not like I get filthy or anything…haa]

[Minerva: You go criticizing other people’s behavior when you…… Augh, aughh, aughhh……what do you want!? So I’m to blame? It’s all my fault? You want me to beat you clean here!?]

Minerva angrily waved her fist about, while Sekhmet turned her head away without saying a word.

Seeing Sekhmet lose even the energy to speak, a blue vein popped up on Minerva’s forehead, but, as if having grown used to her temper, Sekhmet already completely lost interest.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Taking over for the spent Witch of Sloth, the first Witch―― the Witch of Greed, Echidona, clapped her hands together and carried on the conversation,

[Echidona: I do understand your anger, but as much as I find it delightful, I would like to continue on our topic now]

[Minerva: Hrrmph. You’re the one provoking me with all that Parallel Worlds rubbish, Echidona. I’m angry. I’m enraged. I’m furious…]

[Echidona: Right right. Now, on with Parallel Universes. If that last example didn’t stick…… let’s see. What do you think would have happened if Flugel never sealed the pact with Volcanica?]

Holding a finger to her lips, Echidona mischievously smiled as she raised this question to Minerva.

Minerva swallowed her breath and narrowed her blue eyes.

[Minerva: If Volcanica and Flugel never sealed their pact, Reid couldn’t have stopped her by himself…… and the world would’ve been swallowed]

[Echidona: If it had been swallowed, what then, I wonder. Of all the world, only the Witch of Envy would remain. Perhaps, a Parallel Universe in which this is the case even exists. And, if it does, won’t you find it incredibly interesting?]

[Minerva: Your eyes always get so gross whenever you talk about her, Echidona. ――I’m really not that mad at her. I just can’t share your wrath on that one]

[Echidona: Well, that’s one way to approach it, I suppose. ――Your wrath is the delightful kind. That’s why you were the most lovable of all the Witches]

Echidona said in past tense, while Minerva looked away with a small snort and crossed her arms, emphasizing her abundant breasts with a jolt of her back.

[Minerva: I’m not looking to be loved. All I want is for conflict to be wiped from this world, for all the suffering, grief, and cries and wails of pain to be exterminated by my fists. I don’t need anything else on my path. My rage, my wrath, and my healing fists――are my everything]

Minerva proclaimed her life’s purpose without a shadow of a doubt.

Without reserve or hesitation, it was conviction from which nothing could lead her astray.

Truly, this was Wrath―― directed at the world, an inexhaustible fury forming the roots of her existence from which all else was built.

[???: Well, you’re free to say that as you want~. But you get so happy when people praise you you can’t help but grin so big~, that’s what’s so cute about you, Neru-Neru~]

Dragging the ends of her sentences, a rather dopey voice cut into the conversation.

It came from opposite Sekhmet, and from Minerva’s left.

[???: Neru-Neru~, you really are Witch-tier when it comes to not being honest with your feelings~. I like that about you so much I just want to eat it~]

[Minerva: Shut up, Daphne. You were sleeping until now, why did you have to wake up all of a sudden?]

[Daphne: But I’ve been awake ever since Neru-Neru made a ruckus and started flashing your undies. You go around wearing a tiny skirt that flies up whenever you move, and still you wear those flashy undies~, tsk tsk~, Neru-Neru~]

[Minerva: Y-you’re one to talk! You’re younger than me, and yours are simply obscene! The hell is that? That’s not underwear, that’s a string, dumbass! What’re you, a dumbass!? Stupid dumbass! Seriously, you’re just a hopeless dumbass, you know that? Dumbass dumbass!]

Red in the face and teary-eyed from emotion, Minerva squeaked back―― while the one happily ignoring her would be the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne.

With her body completely restrained and her eyes covered by criss-crossing blindfolds, her small body was settled inside a strange black coffin. Though this thing was just casually hanging out at the table like it was natural, to an outsider, this tea party must have seemed utterly surreal.

Running out of insults to throw at Daphne (though it was just saying “Dumbass” over and over), Minerva plopped back into her chair, buried her face in her palms, and slumped over the table.

[Minerva: Whatsthiswhatsthiswhatsthis! Like, is this supposed to be my fault? It’s not like I’m doing it to get praised, but of course you’re gonna be happy when someone praises you. When someone says “Thank you”, of course you’re gonna think “I’m so glad I did that”. Is that so wrong? Am I in the wrong here? I want to heal everyone but I want to be healed too……]

[Echidona:The fact that you didn’t explode into a state of self-abandon just now is just a part of your charm, I suppose. ――Now]

Leaving aside Minerva, who had checked out of the conversation by sinking into a sea of her own brooding, Echidona set her sights on Daphne.

With both eyes covered, Daphne shouldn’t have been able to sense Echidona’s gaze, but her small nose nonetheless twitched adorably with a few little sniffs,

[Daphne: Dona-Dona, what’re you staring at Daphne for~? Unlike Neru-Neru and Met-Met~, Daphne can’t stand a whole conversation with you, you know~. Besides……haa.. haaa~…… I’m already running out of calories~]

[Echidona: There’s nothing more foolish than asking cooperation from a Witch… I’ve already learned that far too well while I was alive…… but I never thought this conversation would go this badly, you’ve all outdone yourselves, I almost want to congratulate you]

Mumbling this, Echidona lifted her right hand and gave her fingers a snap.

Instantly, a steaming cup of tea and a plate full of cookies appeared in front of Daphne. Her blindfolded eyes widening, Daphne immediately lit up at the appearance of food.

[Echidona: Of course, I don’t intend to keep you waiting, so if you want to eat befor……]

[Daphne: Gafugafu~ Omuomu~ Muchumuchu~]

[Echidona: Forget I said anything… though I’d rather hoped you would practice better table manners]

Echidona shrugged, while in front of her, Daphne threw her whole upper body onto the table as she ate. ――Quite literally, she was putting her whole body into it.

Even though she was making eating noises with her mouth, the tea and pastries were sucked in directly upon contact with her skin. The offered tea and pastries, along with the potteryware, all disappeared inside Daphne, instantly becoming Gluttony’s feed.

[Daphne: Aaa~, so tasty~, so sweet~. ……Oh~, sorry~. I went a little overboard and gobbled the table too~]

[Echidona: “Don’t worry about it”…… or well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, but I more or less realized this would happen the moment I invited you. Other than please be more careful, I’ve nothing more to ask of you]

[Daphne: Dona-Dona~, would you tell birds not to fly and fishes not to swim too~?]

Hearing Daphne’s roundabout refusal, Echidona sighed, while, having finished her treat, Daphne wriggled her body and continued with [Alright~],

[Daphne: My tummy’s got food in it~, so I’ll keep Dona-Dona company a bit longer~. ――You were saying something about Parallel Universes~?]

[Echidona: That’s right. Daphne, do you have any thoughts on it?]

[Daphne: I don’t really think anything~? What if this and this~, then maybe that and that~, my tummy won’t be filled even if I think about it~. Haa, but if it’s a split about whether I’ll eat meat tonight or fish tonight~, then maybe it won’t be so silly to think about~]

[Echidona: In your case, Daphne, there’s nothing to complain about in terms of comprehension…… looks like it’s just a matter of capturing your interest. That’s also to be expected, I guess]

Out of all the Witches, Daphne’s temperament could be considered mild.

The problem was that her very existence was a calamity to other living things, and, regardless of temperament, this vicious constitution made her hopelessly unsuited for coexistence with others.

[Sekhmet: So in the end. Haa. Even if we speculate about Parallel Worlds, huu. It’s completely useless, haa… isn’t it… huu]

The one inserting this unprogressive comment into the conversation was the Witch of Sloth, still entirely slumped over the table. Blanketed in her own long hair, she looked at the onlooking Echidona, and then at the onsmelling Daphne.

[Sekhmet: Even if you accept this school of thought and the existence of these branching worlds, haa. There’s no way to really know or experience it for yourself, huu. So then, they’ll only be bubbles of unreachable possibilities, haa. Ones that’ll pop and vanish the moment you touch them, huu]

[Echidona: Indeed, from a realistic perspective, it is as you say. Even if we are aware of the existence of Parallel Worlds, they could not be observed. Parallel, is truly an apt description. Two lines, never to meet―― Parallel Worlds would mean different worlds extending in parallel]

[Minerva: ―― “But, that’s not the case for the Second Trial”, right?]

As Echidona summarized Sekhmet’s argument, her conclusion was finished off by Minerva’s thorny interruption. Minerva’s lovely face was dyed red with fury,

[Minerva: If Echidona’s going out of her way to talk about it, it must be heading somewhere mean. Right? Caught you out, didn’t I. Must feel like I jabbed you where it hurts, doesn’t it. If you don’t want to be found out, then don’t do something that you’d want to hide]

[Echidona: I didn’t even say it, and you’re already mad at me. I’d feel troubled too, you know…… But well, it’s true that I can’t deny it. After all, that’s how the Second Trial was supposed to work]

Watching Minerva punch a dent into the table, Echidona lightly reached out, as a book with black binding appeared in her hand.

This was Echidona’s book of forbidden knowledge which held the world’s Past, Present, and Future―― the “Memories of the World”.

If the Incarnation of the Thirst for Knowledge, Echidona, ever felt like it, she could access any information, knowledge, or history within this world. But, out of personal preference, she seemed to feel an aversion to using the power of this forbidden tome.

[Echidona: The Second Trial reads into the challenger’s heart, and finds every crossroad he had passed―― one could also call it “Regret”. The Memories of the World recreates the different choices he might have made, as “Presents that were not to be”. In its very nature, compared to the First Trial of facing one’s past, and the Third Trial of overcoming one’s future, the Second Trial is somewhat easier to pass]

[Minerva: Easier to pass, what do you mean?]

[Echidona: It’s a question of whether one could see the world as Daphne does. As Sekhmet said, so-called Parallel Worlds would ultimately remain separated, untouchable lines never to meet. Regardless of regret, or longing, they could never be reached]

[Minerva: And here your Trial is shoving those lines right in people’s faces!]

Seeing Minerva turn up the ends of her eyes in annoyance, Echidona lightly shrugged.

She brushed her hand through her own white hair, and said, as if to calm the now standing Minerva,

[Echidona: To the common person, the Second Trial is indeed easier to pass. Compared to having to overcome a past that actually happened, the Second Trial merely touches on “Possibilities of what could be”. It is each person’s freedom to accept or deny it…… and all one has to do is to accept the present, actual world]

[Minerva: The actual, world……]

[Echidona: And we are back to the question of perspective. Sekhmet, Daphne, or even you could easily find the solution. ――If you could do that, then you would pass the Trial]

Listening to Echidona’s explanation, Minerva gave a begrudgingly nod.

Indeed, if it was as Echidona said, then the Trial isn’t as harsh as she thought.

For all the Witches present――or even just for anyone with a clear sense of self identity, it should be easy to pass that Trial.

[Daphne: If so~, then why~, is Subarun having such a hard time with it~? Subarun doesn’t look like a child with no sense of identity~]

[Echidona: ――In his case… hm]

Recalling Subaru in her memories, for some reason, Daphne started making a chewing motion with her mouth. Overlooking this behavior, Echidona closed her eyes to ponder on her words,

[Echidona: The Second Trial is an observation of Parallel Worlds. In a sense, it is an act of witnessing the implications of one’s regrets. Like I said, it is easy to accept or deny it. ――In fact, one would only have to rationalize it by noting that reality never progressed this way]

“But”, Echidona continued,

[Echidona: Only in his case, this wouldn’t apply. It was even a surprise to me that the Second Trial hit him this hard. ――Truly, unexpected]

[Daphne: Sniff~ sniff~…… I could smell you grinning with joy, Dona-Dona~]

[Minerva: She gets happy whenever she sees something she couldn’t predict, I bet. Nasty pervert…… just hopeless]

[Echidona: Birds of a feather. Since you are all my friends, you aren’t exempt from that, either]

Daphne chuckled while Minerva puffed with rage, and, if one listened carefully, one could hear snoring coming from Sekhmet’s general direction. Taking each of these Witches’ reactions into her eyes, Echidona rocked in her chair, when,

[??????: Dona~, Typhon’s hungry too~]

Running up from the meadow with little steps was a little girl. As if to leap onto the table on the hill, she called out to Echidona.

With green hair and auburn skin, and her white teeth beaming in her smile, it was the Witch of Pride, Typhon.

Seeing the girl who had avoided getting involved in the tricky conversation and had instead passed her time playing in the meadow, Echidona smiled back,

[Echidona: Sorry for boring you. Now for Typhon’s tea…… should I make it extra sweet? And do you want your regular treats?]

[Typhon: Anything’s good~. Running around a lot took up all my strength, I want drink and eat and rest now~]

Saying this with incredible energy, Typhon pulled out an empty chair next to Sekhmet and hopped onto it. Then, with one hand playing with Sekhmet’s long hair, she used the other to stuff her face with treats Echidona had made appear with a snap of her fingers, spraying crumbs all over the table.

This scene might just bring out a smile onto the face of someone who was ignorant of Typhon’s nature.

[Echidona: You must be tired too, from looking after Typhon?]

[???????: Th…… that’s not, true……though? T-Typhon’s a good girl, and, her powers…… also, wouldn’t, work… on, me, you know? S-so, it’s fine. I’m, doing just fine]

Looking up at Echidona from her side, the one who arrived at the tea party one step behind Typhon gave this stuttering reply with a weak smile rising on her face.

With her pink hair reaching down to her waists, the girl gave off a shockingly ephemeral vibe. Though there was nothing outstanding about her features, for some reason, she just naturally attracted one’s gaze.

More than anything, like a small animal, the impressions of her expressions and bearing tugged powerfully on one’s heartstrings.

[Echidona: Take a seat, Camilla. ――I’ve called you here for a reason]

[Camilla: I-is, something……st, starting? It, wo……won’t be scary?]

[Echidona: It won’t scare you or hurt you. ――I just, need your help to get the pieces moving]

Sitting down next to her, Camilla―― the Witch of Lust, timidly looked back at Echidona. Echidona gave her a smile, and lithely flung out her arms,

[Echidona: ――With your love, I wish to rescue a poor lost lamb]

Echidona said in the trembling voice of a Witch, and offered her her outstretched arms――

-=Arc 4 Interlude I End=-

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