Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4, 105 [The Travelling Merchant’s Trap]

Volume 4, Chapter 105 [The Travelling Merchant’s Trap]

[Garfiel: ――――]

Crumpling his nose, an abrupt sense of awryness compelled Garfiel to stop.

His wind-like figure carried by ground-breaking strides broke to a sudden halt. Jamming his right foot into the soft earth, sweeping up clouds of dust, Garfiel stooped his posture low, turning his head to and fro―― sniffing and scrutinizing the scents in the air.

He was in the forest surrounding the Sanctuary, searching for the missing Lewes within the Barrier’s bounds.

He’d already checked all the places he thought she could be and had gone back and forth more times than he could count in search of her small, familiar figure.

All the while, his heart raced in panic from an ominous sense of foreboding.

He could sense that things weren’t going his way. Outsiders were throwing their weight around in the Sanctuary, and even Lewes was acting strangely―― she wasn’t even consulting him before making decisions anymore.

[Garfiel: Damn it…… the hell’s goin’ on]

Clawing at his short blond hair, Garfiel traced his finger over the white scar on his forehead.

It was Garfiel’s habit to touch this scar whenever he was confused, lost, or when his heart had lost its calm, as a reminder to compose himself.

Tracing his finger over the scar, he’d remember the time when he was at his most foolish―― when he received this life-long wound―― and immediately regain his composure.

Most people who knew Garfiel would judge his personality to be crude and brash. They would’ve gotten this impression from Garfiel’s outlandish conduct and appearance, but actually, it’d be a mistake.

In reality, Garfiel Tinsel was surprisingly coolheaded and self-possessed, and constantly urging himself to think.

Garfiel made this a matter of discipline―― because he was keenly aware that brute strength alone isn’t enough to get what he wants.

What does he need to know and do to see his wish fulfilled? It was in order to answer this question that Garfiel single-mindedly cultivated his unshakable code.


[Garfiel: Still…… everyone’s goin’ around doin’ whatever th’fuck they like…… tch]

In frustration and anguish, Garfiel bared his sharp canine teeth, grunting.

Indeed, the situation was slipping further and further out of his grip. But since unshakable codes required unshakable conviction, Garfiel was terrible when it came to flexible thinking.

All along, Garfiel had only one answer, and one stance, towards the Sanctuary’s liberation.

Regardless of the countless branching routes along the way, it was the one point on which he must never concede. And so, he had taken every possible care to think everything through to the end.

But Lewes’ unilateral decisions and the outsiders’ underhanded tactics never figured into his considerations.

Sadly, although Garfiel never stopped thinking, he had neither experience nor any exceptional intellect to draw on. All he had was desperate tenacity, and nothing more.

[Garfiel: ――――hk]

Taking a sharp sniff, Garfiel’s golden pupils narrowed into slits.

Catching the scent, the hair on his back stood on end as he swiftly bent his knees, leapt―― and resumed his prowl. Stepping on tree branches and using them to launch himself ever faster and higher, he soared unbound through the foliage, chasing that scent.

[Garfiel: All clumped together…… the hell’re they planning, hah!?]

Clicking his fangs, he put his agitation to voice as he roared.

Expelling a growl like that of a feline beast, Garfiel’s eyes blazed with rage.

What his nose had caught was the stench of an exceedingly large assembly of organic beings. The stench of sweat, the stench of trodden grass and soil, the stench of tension seeping out of anxious human bodies, the stench, the stench, the stench――

[Garfiel: ――――!!]

It was nothing less than the stench of a mass of humans on the move.

More than ten, closer to fifty. There was only one group in the Sanctuary capable of fielding such numbers at this time.

――The refugees from the village near Roswaal’s Mansion.

The same ingrates who had fled here seeking refuge. What are they planning, mobilizing at a time like this? Is this how they repay the people who took them in?

[Garfiel: That son of’a bitch…… told him not to fuck with me……!]

That contemptible youth with short black hair appeared in Garfiel mind.

That boy, whose sharp eyes stood in stark contrast to his conspicuous frivolousness. And yet his gaze was also occasionally lucid and piercing, as if he could see right through Garfiel.

That gaze, which always seemed to be looking towards some indeterminable place, reminded Garfiel of another man he despised. And Garfiel loathed him for it.

No doubt, this youth whom he had never liked was behind all this.

The refugees were moving at his instigation, that much was clear. For some inexplicable reason, they placed their overwhelming trust in this youth.

He had no strength, no apparent special powers, and his only proficiency seemed to be his ability to prattle. As far as Garfiel was concerned, he was the most loathsome, weak, foolish, and selfish creature in the world.

But now, Garfiel couldn’t help but think that he should have dealt with him sooner.

There had been plenty of chances, that boy had left himself wide open, and yet his eerie, almost blood-curdling resolve in the face of overwhelming odds caused Garfiel to stay his hand.

His reward for his hesitation was this present predicament.

And above all, the forces threatening the stability of the Sanctuary were now taking advantage of the fact that he’d lost sight of Lewes, his only family, to do whatever they pleased. No matter what, he will not allow a single refugee to leave the Sanctuary.

It would’ve been different if this was a couple of days ago, but the situation had changed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Garfiel: ……Does that bastard know ‘bout Granny?]

In the place Garfiel called the Experimental Grounds and Lewes called the seat of her progenitor, was a crystal in which a girl named Lewes Meyer was sleeping.

Honestly, Garfiel had very little interest in that crystal.

Although the girl sleeping there looks exactly like his only family, if she was different inside, then she was someone else entirely. If any entity that looked like Lewes should be considered Lewes, then Garfiel already had over twenty of them at hand.

It’d be impossible for Garfiel to harbour the same love and attachment towards them, and he had no intention to try.

Garfiel held the complete authority to command the replicants sharing his grandmother’s face. Nevertheless, his temperament dictated that he would do everything to avoid using it.

Garfiel didn’t enjoy ordering others around, and seeing someone obeying his every command would give him an indescribable sense of irritation.

That was all he felt about the girl inside the crystal.

He harboured no other sentiment towards her beyond that. Although Garfiel liked to think of himself as broad-minded, being broad-hearted was a different matter.

He never had much to give. He was just two arms, two legs, and a body.

There was only so much he could offer, and it was important to choose whom he offered it to.

And so, Garfiel only cared for the people he loved.

[Garfiel: So…… if y’think I’m gonna go gentle on ya, y’couldn’t be more mistaken, y’naive fucks]

Kicking hard into the trunk of a tree, Garfiel leapt high above the forest.

He hugged his knees as he somersaulted through the air before touching down and sending up a torrent of fallen leaves in his wake.

The earth caved beneath his feet, and the screeching brays of ground dragons filled the gaps between the trees.

The impact of his landing spread over the earth as Garfiel slowly straightened his back.

This time, Garfiel crumpled his nose not to trace a scent, but to display his fury. Clicking his neck and gritting his razor fangs, he glared straight ahead with eyes alight with wrath.

In front of him was a line of two carriages.

Garfiel’s murderous presence had shocked the ground dragons into a state of extreme agitation while the driver frantically called out to calm them.

For Garfiel, this driver was a familiar face,

[Garfiel: Just when I was wonderin’ who it is, if it ain’t th’noisy bro. Hah! Should’ve guessed. If that bastard’s dupin’ anyone into this, it’d be you]

[Otto: That statement is awfully…… oh, nevermind, I know all too well what people think of me…]

Garfiel stuck his hands into his trouser pockets, while the driver―― a troubled-looking youth with longish grey hair, Otto, gave him a wry smile.

Skillfully controlling the reins, once he had managed to calm the agitated dragons, Otto let out a small sigh.

[Garfiel: Y’act like it’s no big deal, but ground dragon usually pack their bags ‘n run off when I’m serious ‘bout threatenin’ ’em]

[Otto: I had to persuade pretty hard to make sure that didn’t happen, you know. And besides, I’ve informed them beforehand that you’d be coming]

[Garfiel: Hah――?]

Unable to believe what he’d just heard, Garfiel’s ears twitched at Otto’s statement.

His fingers unconsciously reached for his forehead as he stepped forward, intending to ask Otto what he was trying to say.

[Garfiel: What’s that supposed t’mean? You thought y’could slip outta here thanks t’the chaos and then got yerself caught when I found ya. Ain’t that what happened here?]

[Otto: Yeah, you’re exactly right. Taking advantage of chaotic situations is bread and butter for us merchants. But just when I’d been promised a handsome reward and was about to succeed without incident……]

[Garfiel: …………]

Otto buried his face in his hands, his schemes ruined. But, sensing a certain calmness in Otto’s gestures and words, Garfiel’s confusion only deepened.

This isn’t the attitude of someone whose plans had just been foiled. In fact, doesn’t his expression look just like Roswaal’s when everything was playing right into his hands?

[Garfiel: That attitude and that fuckin’ expression…… y’look just like the fuckin’ asshole I hate th’most in this world]

[Otto: There goes another horrible appraisal…… but, just for reference’s sake, mind if I ask which one you’re referring to? I really want to be improving our relationship from now on]

[Garfiel: Hah! Me ‘n you? Don’t make me laugh, moron. ――The asshole I hate th’most in this world is lointerin’ in th’nicest room in th’Sanctuary, gettin’ the VIP treatment this very fuckin’ moment]

[Otto: I see, I see… must be tough, when the one you have your heart set on is falling head over heels for your love rival. I do sympathize with your plight]

[Garfiel: Y’want me t’force yer fuckin’ mouth shut? Oy?]

Garfiel smacked his tongue in annoyance as Otto mocked his feelings for Ram.

Indeed, Garfiel could have settled this with force if he wished to. This escape attempt had already failed the moment Garfiel found out about it.

They weren’t going anywhere. But as long they didn’t try to force their way through, Garfiel saw no need for any unnecessary violence.

His first order of business should be settling this matter quickly and returning to the Sanctuary.

His priority was to preserve the Sanctuary, and this was nothing but a minor distraction.

[Garfiel: Anyway, now yer escape plan has failed. If that son of’a bitch is here, tell him t’come out. He better start apologizin’ for pullin’ this shit, or there’s gonna be pain]

Garfiel needed somewhere to vent his pent-up frustration.

And besides, Garfiel needed to know just what that youth―― Natsuki Subaru―― was thinking, pulling a stunt like this.

It was only a couple of days ago when he’d boasted that he would break through the Trials and liberate the Sanctuary.

Even if he had lost heart, it just happened way too quickly. Frankly, it’d be too much of a cop-out if that were the case.

It’s about time Garfiel slapped him straight――

[Otto: Ehh, unfortunately, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet that request]

[Garfiel: Hah?]

[Otto: Haven’t you noticed? You said it yourself, I’m wearing the face of the man you hate the most in this world. Then surely, you don’t expect me to do something that hated man wouldn’t do?]

[Garfiel: ――――]

Ambiguous and roundabout, Garfiel couldn’t understand what Otto was insinuating.

But Garfiel could tell that those weren’t statements he could just let slide. And above all, the fact that he was wearing the same face as that man he despised―― Roswaal―― meant that everything was going to plan.

[Garfiel: ……Th’fuck are you plottin’ , oy]

[Otto: Oh right. Speaking of that face you and I both know, I guess you can call it the “I’m totally plotting something” face?]

Otto rubbed his nose as he said this, looking like he had just done something mischievous. Garfiel narrowed his eyes, and only now noticed the strangeness of this scene.

There were two carriages, Otto, and two ground dragons before him. ――But there was no driver on the driver’s platform in the rear carriage.

Or rather, it was more than that.

[Garfiel: How come… when th’dragon freaked and jolted the carriages… none of the bastards inside showed their fuckin’ faces?]

[Otto: Hmm, I wonder why that would be?]

Otto shrugged, playing dumb, while doing nothing to stop the pale-faced Garfiel from approaching the carriages. Garfiel swiftly hopped onto the back of the carriage and wrenched open the flap to the passenger deck.

And, when he saw what was inside, Garfiel made a deafening clench of his teeth.

[Otto: ――There’s no one there, you know?]

[Garfiel: No shit…… gh. Th’fuck is going on! I smelled th’stench of a whole fuckin’ crowd of’em movin’ with the carriage……!]

Sending spit flying as he stepped into the passenger deck, Garfiel’s sentence abruptly trailed off halfway.

At his feet, strewn all over the passer deck, were piles of clothing. Countless articles―― men’s, women’s, adults’ and children’s, all dumped together. Meanwhile, faced with this sight, Garfiel’s cheeks contorted as he realized that his nose had been deceived by this remarkably simple trick.

[Garfiel: Hk… it’s a fuckin’ trick……!]

[Otto: I told the other carriages to wait a bit before setting out, and they should all be leaving the Sanctuary by different routes right about now. Not even your legs will be able to catch them in time]

[Garfiel: Different routes? Th’fuck you talkin’ about. There ain’t another easy way outta here except this fuckin’ path! They’ll get lost on the way like sittin’ ducks waitin’ for me t’fetch’em. And I can cross through th’Barrier, if y’didn’t know]

[Otto: You’re right, I don’t know a whole lot about you. But……]

Jumping off the carriage and landing directly in front of Otto, Garfiel lunged a step forward upon hearing Otto’s reply as agitation surged in his chest ,

[Otto: ……I doubt you know much about me, either]

[Garfiel: ――――]

[Otto: You’re the kind of guy who doesn’t give a damn about someone like me. And you have nothing but contempt for people like Natsuki-san and myself who don’t do anything but talk. And so, you paid no attention to what I was doing, or even what I’m doing right now]

[Garfiel: Th’fuck’re you sayin?]

[Otto: What I’m trying to say is that I wasn’t just wandering around the forest over the past few days and spending my nights in the stables with the ground dragons for no reason at all. I was uncovering escape routes that don’t rely on this road and teaching it to them!]

Otto flung up both his arms and announced this with a triumphant expression.

Hearing this, Garfiel’s jaw dropped as his sharp eyes widened.

Teaching? Teaching it to who? The carriage drivers? That doesn’t connect with what he was saying just now. Unless, did he mean he was in the stables talking to the ground dragons?

If that was the case, then,

[Garfiel: That bastard’s duped ya pretty hard, huh……]

[Otto: Wha!? I’m having a bit of trouble accepting that interpretation just now!]

Seeing Garfiel direct him a sympathetic gaze, Otto blurted back in protest. It seemed every time Garfiel saw him in the Sanctuary, Otto was acting like this, so it was pretty normal at this point.

But, seeing normal behaviour in this context was, indeed, abnormal.

[Garfiel: Either way, yer headin’ back now. I’ll find th’others n’ drag ’em back as well]

[Otto: They would’ve dispersed in different directions by now, so you won’t catch them. But if you still want to go after them, I was told to tell you this: ――The refugees know nothing about the truth regarding the Sanctuary and Lewes-san. You lose nothing by letting them go. ……So, what do you say?]

[Garfiel: He’s planned this from th’start……?]

The message almost certainly came from Subaru.

He had perfectly grasped the reason why Garfiel didn’t want anyone to leave. Though it wracked Garfiel with irritation to be getting tangled deeper and deeper into someone else’s plot, if what Otto said was true, then he no longer had any reason to chase after the refugees.

[Garfiel: But y’expect me t’just believe that…?]

[Otto: Suspicious one, aren’t you? But I’ll just say this: none of us, Natsuki-san included, wants to worsen our relations with the people of the Sanctuary. In fact, we’d like to see the Sanctuary liberated under the most amicable conditions…… and right now, it looks like you’re the one getting in the way of that]

[Garfiel: ……I’ve no interest in makin’ friends or gettin’ in th’way of it. ‘Long as y’stay inside]

[Otto: Why get so caught up on the details?]

[Garfiel: That’s not fuckin’ negotiable]

Otto showed an expression of astonishment while Garfiel exhaled a heavy sigh.

Although he voiced his suspicions, Garfiel judged that it was probably the truth. The fact that Subaru left this message meant that he knew Garfiel’s reasons for wanting to keep everyone inside―― and so, naturally, it would’ve made sense for Subaru to keep whatever secrets he’d uncovered hidden from the refugees.

[Garfiel: But just…… why go t’the effort of pulling all these stunts to get ‘em out of th’Sanctuary? What makes him think they’re gonna get hurt if they stay here? What happened t’trustin’ the people y’wanna be friends with?]

[Otto: In that case, I can think of a name that’d be pretty high on the list. But I asked him as well, and Natsuki-san said it’s for insurance. And also for buying time]

[Garfiel: ――――]

The moment Garfiel heard the words “buying time”, his expression stiffened.

Why on earth would they need to be “buying time”? Garfiel wet his lips with his tongue, and,

[Garfiel: What th’hell’re you tryin’ t’do……?]

[Otto: Just making sure that a boy and girl can have some private time together without getting bothered by nosy peepers, you know]

With an exhausted yet accomplished expression, Otto slowly shook his head.

Garfiel was just about to object to this frivolous reply when he saw Otto’s expression and stopped. Because it was not the face of someone telling a lie.

That means he was speaking the truth. And the boy and the girl must be Subaru and Emilia.

[Garfiel: ――――]

A gut feeling immediately told him that those two must not be allowed to meet.

The bestial blood coursing through his veins instinctively knew this.

Garfiel’s face sprang up as he turned to the direction of the village.

If he allows Subaru and Emilia to meet, something unthinkable is going to happen. The Sanctuary will be liberated, and――

[Garfiel: ――――]

There’s no way they can do it, Garfiel’s rationality told him.

He himself had seen how Emilia was broken by the merciless Trials. And it was only yesterday when she’d lost the primary support of her heart.

How could that girl, crushed and beaten by her own nightmare, recover in the span of a day?

But Garfiel’s instinct screamed for him to rush over there and stop them.

In the Trial of the Past―― even if it was a different past, all challengers are presented with their most forbidden memories.

Garfiel was shown his when he foolishly stepped into the Tomb.

Just thinking back on it made all the blood drain from his body while an unbearable hollowness breached into his heart.

From that point onwards, he had always told himself to be strong, so strong that he would never have to betray his decision. That was how deep the Trial had cut into his heart.

[Garfiel: Th’situation’s changed. I’m goin’ back to th’Sanctuary. I gotta find ’em and change their minds before they……]

[Otto: And you think I’m just going to let you go?]

[Garfiel: ――――]

Just as Garfiel turned to head towards the village, Otto called out to stop him.

But Garfiel’s response was fierce.

[Otto: ――Ogh, kh]

[Garfiel: Shut up ‘n take a nap. I ain’t got time t’play with you]

Closing the distance with a single step, Garfiel drove his fist into Otto’s stomach.

Avoiding the ribs, Garfiel aimed straight for Otto’s gut, sending him flying backwards, foaming at the mouth as he crashed to the ground.

Garfiel had gone easy on him. He had put in more than enough force to knock Otto unconscious, but in terms of payback for the trick he’d played on him, Garfiel was being more than merciful.

Clicking his tongue at the fallen Otto, Garfiel lightly dug his heels into the earth, and――

[Otto: ――Whe… re do you think you’re… going?]

[Garfiel: ――!?]

――Just when he was about to launch into his sprint, Garfiel stopped.

Dumbstruck, he glanced back and saw that Otto was standing.

He was holding his stomach, coughing and drooling, but conscious nonetheless.

[Garfiel: Th’fuck? I wasn’t tryin’ t’kill ya, but that punch should’a knocked y’clean out, oy!]

[Otto: Is that right…..? Then… I guess I’m… tougher than you thought. Yeah…… looks like the daily workouts were worth it after all. ……A travelling merchant’s body is their greatest capital, they say… so it pays to stay healthy……]

Otto gave a painful chuckle while an ominous feeling compelled Garfiel to properly turn around.

One more blow and he’ll definitely go down.

No more going easy this time. He’ll aim for the head instead. It’ll probably leave a scar, but it’ll knock him out for sure.

[Garfiel: This one’s gonna hurt, so better clench yer teeth ‘n……]

[Otto: You’re still… going easy on me……? You know… that half-assed attitude is exactly why you’re gonna lose!]

As Garfiel leaned forward preparing his next strike, Otto screamed back.

Glaring at Garfiel with bloodshot eyes, Otto swung his arm with all the strength he could muster.

The next instant, a screen of flung-up leaves covered Garfiel’s vision, creating a momentary opening.

[Garfiel: What th――!?]

Startled by the sudden reversal, Garfiel’s body froze still.


[Otto: EAT THIS――!!]

Alongside Otto’s throat-tearing shriek, a burst of light pierced through the screen of dancing leaves――

――Swallowing Garfiel’s body into a radiance of blinding red.

-=Chapter 105 End=-

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