Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu



Subaru: “Otto, you mentioned this, right. Something about using wind and water magic to make footsteps peal from far away.”

Otto: “...Actually I believe that we did talk about that before, but it impresses me that you remembered. Magic that simple isn't impossible for me even with my currently impoverished mana, but... how would I use it? The only time I ever use it is when I want someone to turn around for a moment.”

Subaru: “We'll be using it exactly how you said. You make footsteps peal, pull their attention, and guide them into a trap. —Then I blast them away with the soul of science.”

Otto: “You sound absurdly confident about this, though what exactly is this 'soul of science'...?”

Subaru: “Simple, strong, certain death: a dust explosion. The methods and materials are simple as hey presto. All you need's some fire and flour. If it's powerful as I know it is, it's gonna be more than enough to blast away just one single monster.”

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Otto: “...Is what you said, then I believed you and assisted you in it, and this is what happens!”

Subaru: “Shut up! Scientific advancement always comes with sacrifices! Why didn't it work!? There wasn't enough flour, or not enough fire, or... are the laws of physics just different in this world? So that's why the dust explosion didn't...”

Petra: “Auughh! None of that even matters, focus on getting it out! Ahh, oh no! Oh no!”

Petra butts in, screaming, into Subaru and Otto's yelling match.

The three of them are in the kitchen on the first floor, lit by the glow of blazing flame. Because,

Subaru: “You used too much oil! How're we gonna put this out!? It's spreading!”

Otto: “Do you think it's possible to shirk on oil when hunting such a ludicrously huge monster!? And if we couldn't bring the flammables out and simply left them there, the results would be the same anyway! You are definitely paying the fees for this afterwards!”

Petra: “Just stop it, you guys! This isn't the time for this! We can't put it out! Run!”

Subaru: “You sound like a middle schooler failing to recover from a mishap with fireworks...”

Says Subaru, exasperated, when he notices that the tablecloth in his hands has caught alight. The flames don't go out no matter how he bats at them, so he resignedly dumps the cloth into the fire. The fire from the storage pantry has spread within an instant, and the flames have started circling around to the dining room and kitchen as well. It feels like the spellstones they use for cooking will get caught in the blaze and explode at any second.

Subaru: “We sacrificed way too much for this...”

Says Subaru, frowning, as he looks down at the charred corpse fallen at the threshold between the pantry and the dining room. It's the beast that was blocking the door to the office on the third floor, which Otto lured downstairs with his sneaky magic, then got covered in the storeroom oil and burned to death.

It had brains befitting its brawn and graciously triggered every single trap without suspecting a thing. Fortunately it was seemingly susceptible to fire, falling into a panicked frenzy when it caught alight, and proceeded to burn up without doing anything else.

Subaru did face a conundrum when his dust explosion failed, but Otto and Petra's backup plan of using oil led them to victory.

For once you could say that Otto and Petra's failure to understand Subaru's lectures on the terror of dust explosions, and dimwitted insistence to lay down insurance, saved them.

But if we're to mention problems that arose from it, then it'd be that the flames that killed the witchbeast have, even after felling the beast, neglected to go out.

The fire burns the walls of the mansion, burns the food inside the pantry, tongues of flame reaching to the legs of the dining room table.

It reeks of smoke, of a fatal and burning world. Subaru's vision begins to haze. In this land without fire brigades, they are lacking in enough water magicians to put out the fire.

Subaru: “I know that we needed to do this, considering how Garfiel and Elsa're fighting and witchbeasts are prowling around... but it's so big we'd have to reconstruct the building...”

Otto: “This isn't the time to be discussing it, Natsuki-san. We'll follow Frederica and escape. Swiftly, before the third floor staircase stops existing.”

Petra: “Hurry! Hurry!”

It all feels unreal to Subaru as he watches flames engulf the familiar scenery, when Petra and Otto tug at his sleeve.

Otto and Petra are the only people here except Subaru. Frederica and Rem split up with them when they began their plans to trap the witchbeast, and have also been tasked with judging when the beast moved away from the door, and then securing the hidden passage in the office.

It did worry Subaru to entrust the task to Rem and wounded Frederica, but thinking about pure combat ability, it's a sensible plan. Even when Frederica's unable to use an arm, she is far more than capable of defeating Subaru and Otto.

Either way, they succeed in repelling the witchbeast.

While praying that their reading is correct and no other enemies are in the passage, Subaru's team burst out of the dining hall and sprint up the stairway, aiming for the top floor.

Subaru: “What do we do if Garfiel dies in the fire!?”

Otto: “Garfiel surely isn't so stupid, he'll be well! And it's possible for him to escape by charging through the witchbeasts outside!”

Subaru is anxious about the fire's spread, and how it chips away the battlefield for Garfiel. Otto's shouts are correct, but seriously what if—

Petra: “Big Sis Frederica!”

While Subaru broods, the three reach the third floor.

Out of breath, Petra sights Frederica standing outside the office and waves to her. Frederica seems to perceive that the group's fight was successful, and instantly looks relived.

Frederica: “Thank goodness, you're safe. It comforts me that nobody is missing.”

Otto: “Please excuse me, may I ask why you are saying this while staring at me? Do you mean that I seem probable to go missing? Please stop, I'm near to weeping!”

Subaru: “Yeah yeah, just calm down calm down. We'll put improving your reception aside as an issue for later, and for now think about how to deal with our current problems. Frederica, how's the passage?”

Frederica: “It operated without any issue. And I have confirmed that the path itself is also safe, at least as far as the inner room... incidentally, am I simply imagining this smell of something burning?”

Frederica narrows her eyes as she asks about the stench. Subaru grimaces, looks at Otto and Petra, and the two shake their heads.

Subaru: “Ahm, well we kinda made a couple mistakes, and the fire we used for defeating the monster got really huge. And so...”

Frederica: “The mansion has begun to burn. ...I had not anticipated that the building would return to a state of complete normalcy, but now it shall burn down entirely. ...It's no comparison to our lives.”

Subaru: “Oh, you get it. Yup. Yup it's an inevitable sacrifice.”

Frederica: “I have little sentimental connection to this mansion. Instead, Ram's sentiment for the building is likely strong, so you would best prepare yourself for a scolding afterwards.”

Subaru: “Wheuhghh...”

Imagining the relentless and endless chastisement, Subaru suddenly feels trepidation for their reunion.

But it's good that he can think about the future like this. Frederica smiles wryly at Subaru's attitude, and a relaxed atmosphere spreads across the scene.

Subaru: “Now, we just imposed another time limit on ourselves, so let's get out of here quick. Frederica'll take the lead, then Petra then Otto. If you hit a safe zone the second you're out of the passage... hard to tell what side of the barrier you'll be on, but either way follow Frederica's instructions. Best plan is to meet up with the villagers who fled with Patrasche if you can.”

Calling an end to the jokes, Subaru quickly explains what their current direction is. Frederica and Otto's expressions tense as they nod in response. But Petra furrows her brows. She raises her little hand and calls,

Petra: “Subaru?”

Petra: “I-isn't this kinda funny? It almost sounds like you're not coming with us...”

Subaru: “—It does. I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving with you. We're splitting up.”

Petra: “Why!?”

Cries Petra in surprise.

She reaches out and grabs his sleeve, her fingers shaking, trying to keep him from going.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Petra: “Let's just run! The mansion's burning, and there's so many scary monsters! You can't beat them in a fight, can you, Subaru? So won't you run?”

Subaru: “Well you're right so I have no excuses there, but I'm not gonna fight. Though I guess in a sense, it is a battle.”

While happy for Petra's concern, Subaru gently unhooks her fingers. He sees the grief permeate her big, round eyes, paining his heart.

Otto taps her shoulders from behind, taking care not to startle her.

Otto: “Petra-chan. Natsuki-san has something that he needs to do. Until he's done it, he cannot leave the mansion.”

Petra: “But! Subaru's weak! He's in danger! We should just leave you behind instead, Otto-san!”

Otto: “You're not saying that because you believe in my strength at all, are you!?”

Shaking her head, Petra looks up at Subaru with tears in her eyes. Subaru kneels down to get on Petra's eye level and pats her head.

Subaru: “I'm sorry, Petra. You, and Rem, and Frederica will all escape the mansion safely. But that still isn't the entire rationale for why I came back to the mansion. There's still one more person I have to get out of here.”

Petra: “B-Beatrice, sama?”

Subaru: “Yes. Have you met her?”

Petra shakes her head.

Petra started working here about ten days ago. She has not caught sight of that shut-in girl even once during her time living here. Beatrice is indeed a hardcore shut-in.

Even though Subaru basically never left his room except to go to the bathroom either.

Petra: “I-is she really around? You aren't just thinking too hard, and fooling yourself that she...?”

Though she probably is not intending to, Petra begins doubting reality.

Could it be that this person only exists inside your own head? Is what she's asking.

Subaru: “She's an absolute pain, lonely but a complete meddler, takes everything upon herself and answers questions all on her own and suffers for it, can't settle issues on her own so she wants someone else to end it for her.”

Petra says nothing.

Subaru: “I'd really rather not think that my imagination could come up with someone like this. If I'm gonna fantasize about anyone, it's gonna be a helper character who's with their fondness gauge at maximum.”

Beatrice would never once do a single thing that Subaru wanted, didn't know what either she or others desired, was trying to give up on thinking, and was the pinnacle of nuisancehood.

And so Subaru needs to teach her.

Subaru: “You know, Petra. Beatrice is basically the same age as you. And with how you're mature in lots of ways, you might resemble her first friend.”

Petra: “Her first friend?”

Subaru reminisces on the past Theta mentioned.

Thinks about Lewes Meyer, Beatrice's old friend, who left a permanent scar on the girl's heart. Beatrice and Lewes may not have recognized it themselves, but from an outside perspective, they were obviously friends.

Subaru: “Petra. Once I come back with Beatrice, definitely be her friend. You'll like her. 'Cause it's so fun teasing her.”

Petra: “Even more than Otto-san?”

Subaru: “Yeah. You don't even need Otto any more.”

Otto looks like he wants to say something, but Subaru consciously ignores him. He draws his hand away from Petra's head and stands up.

Subaru: “I'm doing it. I'm searching for Beatrice. I'll do my best not to die in the fire, but if I do burn to death then I want it to go down in the records that I died because of Otto's oil.”

Otto: “I'd really rather that not happen. If you don't come back safely I'll slap you, I swear.”

Says Otto, looking miffed, as he sets his hands on Petra's shoulders and draws her near him. As if drawing a line between Subaru, and the four of them.

Subaru: “Frederica. I'm counting on you.”

Frederica: “Unsparing to my health, I swear that I shall cut open a path to our escape.”

Subaru: “Be sparing. If we can't keep you, it was pointless for me to come here.”

Frederica's eyes widen.

It's not often that Subaru sees her looking so surprised. Feels kind of nice.

Finally, Subaru looks at Rem, on Frederica's back. The sleeping princess shows no signs of seeing Subaru off.

It's fine. Rem isn't meant to be seeing Subaru off. Subaru is meant to be greeting her.

Petra: “Take care, Subaru!”

Turning his back to the four, Subaru breaks into a run.

Even at their parting, Petra's voice washes over Subaru's back. But he doesn't glance behind him. Petra would not desire him to, either.

The flames are spreading steadily across the mansion.

—With his hand to an unaffected door, Subaru must wonder whether this fire will reach the Forbidden Archive.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

The shield catches the blade as it slashes down, and to a screech of sparks and metal, the knife flows away.

Weaving into each other's openings, a forceful kick plunges into Elsa's stomach—she takes the blow, rotating to dissipate the strike's force, and uses her momentum to slash at Garfiel, her blade closing in to slice his head in two. But,

Garfiel: “Lax!”

Elsa: “Goodness. How harsh.”

Garfiel's wide, open jaws close down on the blade, making this the fourth mouth-intercept of the day.

The force of Garfiel's jaw instantly shatters the knife, and Elsa draws her hand back before leaping backwards in retreat. The theft of her favoured weapon makes her smile deeper.

Elsa: “If you were wrong by even a hair, your head would have shot off. It's certainly impressive that you did it.”

Garfiel: “Got th'trick t'it down. 'M startin' t'get bored 'v how you fight, 'bout now.”

Elsa: “How cold. Looking like you understand a woman's entirety, when you've only known her a short while.”

Garfiel: “...Fuck off with that embroilin' phrasin', oi. —Hrn.”

Garfiel sticks his finger in his ear, grimacing, and sniffs as he notices something. He looks down the hallway. His mouth curves into a grin.

It doesn't look like Elsa's noticed it yet, but Garfiel's sense of smell has picked up the stench. This is the stink of stone and wood on fire—otherwise said, the aroma of flame.

Mei: “—Ahh, geez, I can't believe it! He's sooo useeeleessss!”

Right after Garfiel smiles, the girl atop the witchbeast puffs out her cheeks. Elsa glances at her. Mei Lee remains peeved as she continues,

Mei: “Apparently the Shadowlion who's meant to be stalling the others just died. He never listened to my instructions anyway, and he got mad real quickly so he was always a problem, but... how did he manage to die when aaallll he had to do was nap outside a door?”

Elsa: “The true question is, why did you bring such a useless beast with you?”

Mei: “The Shadowlion was the only one except Boulderpork who wasn't in rut or hibernation. And he still died, I can't believe it.”

Groans Mei Lee as she tosses another knife to Elsa. Elsa recieves it, confirms the feel of its grip, and remains utterly apathetic this information from Mei Lee.

It doesn't look like Mei Lee cares at all about the dead witchbeast either. The poor creature. Regardless. What he's overheard makes a wicked smile arise on Garfiel's face.

Mei: “Eww. Scary-looking precious guy, you're making a real nasty face.”

Garfiel: “My mug's nastiness ain't a match fer th'Captain's. N'anyway, ain't it 'xactly what I told ya? Yer sneaky plots ain't nothin' t'th'Captain n' his happy band'v friends.”

Elsa: “While yes, they have exceeded our expectations... where does that leave them now? The slaughter of one useless witchbeast doesn't change that we still have numbers. We continue to keep you, their pivotal combat force, pinned here... and nothing especially changes about their predicament.”

Garfiel: “Yeah, yer right.”

Elsa holds her two knives loosely while Garfiel crosses his arms.

He sniffs again, thinks back on his fight with Elsa until now—and decides.

Garfiel: “'S'bout time fer things t'get movin'.”

Elsa: “What do you—”

Mei: “Elsa!”

Garfiel's statement makes Elsa raise her brows. But before she can finish her question, Mei Lee cries out.

Garfiel looks to find that the Boulderswine's eyes have changed colour, and the giant animal is so agitated that it's stomping around on the spot. Mei Lee calls out to the creature, getting it slowly back under control. But it seems like the witchbeast has, just like Garfiel, noticed the fire.

Mei Lee pats the Boulderswine to calm it down, then looks gravely at Elsa.

Mei: “Elsa, the building's burning. Somebody set it on fire.”

Elsa: “—”

Garfiel: “Hell're you sayin' with that 'somebody'. —'S was obviously th'Captain. Makes sense, n' good that it's so upfront. Witchbeasts're beasts. If yer gonna drive 'em away t' make a path, quickest way's t'scare 'em with fire.”

Mei: “But... then he came to the mansion to save the people inside, only to burn it down in his escape?”

The decisiveness of Subaru's actions stuns Mei Lee speechless. Elsa also looks to be having trouble consolidating this information, perhaps because it doesn't fit with her image of Subaru.

But Garfiel's heart remains horribly calm in contrast to their surprise.

Naturally, Subaru had not told Garfiel beforehand that he would go this far. Garfiel did believe Subaru someone who took daring actions, but not even he expected that he'd burn down the mansion. Which makes Garfiel feel comfortable as someone who decided to enter under Subaru's tutelage.

And most importantly, the fact that this situation has been arranged lights a spark in Garfiel.

Garfiel: “Mansion's burning. Outside's a horde of witchbeasts.”

Elsa: “—?”

Garfiel: “Got people we gotta save, n'adversaries we gotta stall. Th'only guy who can fight's me, n' th'Captain told me he's leavin' this up t'me.”

Mei: “What're you suddenly going on about, Mister...”

Garfiel: “'S goddamn obvious.”

Elsa tilts her head. Mei Lee looks like she's observing something creepy.

Garfiel clicks his fangs, feeling refreshed.

His body is light. Nothing scares him any more.

Garfiel: “With all these conditions in place, what fuckin' man out there ain't gonna get fired up!? M'


Elsa: “You recognize that that saying means someone abnormal and insane?”

Garfiel: “Y'bet I know. And? Yer sayin' there somethin' wrong 'bout my amazin' self n' you bein' here?”

Garfiel affirms his own stupidity with a refreshing breed of momentum, leading Elsa to stare in utter astonishment. But only for a moment.

She immediately grins, licking her lips as her eyes soften beautifully.

Elsa: “You are correct. You are sincerely correct. You've stated it perfectly.”

Agreeing with him, Elsa points the knives she wields at Garfiel.

She crosses her blades, her long, black hair dancing as she tilts her head.

Elsa: “But would you mind if we had a change in attitude? I doubt that you are suddenly going to grow any stronger, and also suspect that you recognize this after clashing with my constitution numerous times. A bout may leave me as the more wounded party, but the confrontation still remains unproductive.”

Garfiel: “Yer right.”

About ten minutes have passed since Garfiel and Elsa started fighting.

Steel has already met steel over one hundred times, each competing viciously with the other. Garfiel holds the slight advantage in terms of combat ability. He narrowly surpasses Elsa in brute strength, in speed, and in his techniques, never once conceding predominance.

But Elsa can heal her wounds in mere seconds and happily accepts injury without feeling pained in the slightest, never once hesitating in either her offence or defence.

And while getting into wounds, it's worth mentioning that Garfiel is also wounded. He also needs time to heal himself, while Elsa does not.

He is inferior to Elsa in terms of stamina. Should the fight turn into an endless cycle of bouts, then her blades will soon catch Garfiel.


Garfiel: “Five... no, maybe six? 'S how many times my amazin' self beat you in.”

Elsa: “Yes, you may be correct. And?”

Landing a direct hit with a kick, smashing her into the wall with his shield, grabbing her by the leg and slamming her head-first to the floor—Garfiel has landed many fatal strikes on Elsa.

The injury healed every time, and he truly was not achieving anything, but—

Garfiel: “I was anticipatin' four 'er five times at best.”

Elsa: “—”

Garfiel: “Vampires ain't immortal. You pile enough killin' blows on 'em... 'n eventually they're gonna run outta life. That's what I'm gonna be doin' t'you 'fore this mansion's all burned down.”

Garfiel takes his stance, legs apart, as he laughs ferociously with his fangs on full display.

Elsa hears him in silence, the smile vanishing from her face. She fiddles with the end of her braid before giving a quiet sigh.

Elsa: “Mei Lee. —Give me it, and you pursue them.”

Mei: “Elsa... are you serious?”

Elsa: “When given rationale to do it, failure to do it is discourtesy to the opponent. My only regret is that I may not be able to extract your guts cleanly.”

Replies Elsa with her eyes closed. Mei Lee does not question further.

She drops the knife holder she has been championing to the ground, and draws a different holder— one containing merely two knives, and throws it to Elsa.

Garfiel: “Hmm?”

Garfiel hums cheerfully as he watches Elsa draw the knives from the holder.

These two blades radiate a pressure so intense that none of the others she's used can compare.

The knife in Elsa's left hand is completely black from the handle to the blade. It looks identical to the kukri she's been using at a glance, but this one's blade is curved with countless, bestial fangs down its edge, specialized more for goring than ripping.

The knife in her other hand is the exact opposite, pure white with a thick body. It also looks like a kukri, but its thickness makes it seem like a strike from it could snap bones, and pairing it with the black blade makes its ruthless image compound greatly.

Garfiel: “Yer tellin' me that's yer ace?”

Elsa: “These are the ones I use when I'm focusing on killing the opponent, rather than seeing their guts. Exclude Mother, and you are the third person I've used them on.”

Garfiel: “That's one hell'v'n opinion I ain't glad for, n' one hell'v'a family I ain't jealous 'bout, oi.”

Garfiel scrunches up his face at the unpleasant confession.

Mei Lee gives orders to her witchbeast as she nimbly moves herself. The dimwitted beast stomps the ground, charging through walls as it heads toward the main wing in pursuit of Subaru's group— however,

Garfiel: “Well, thanks fer showin' me yer ace. I don't show you mine, n' 's what ya call unfair, yeh?”

With that, Garfiel stomps the ground.

Immediately, a pulse rushes out Garfiel's sole and through the ground, speeding down the hallway, passing beneath Elsa before reaching the witchbeast—and exploding.

Pork: “—!?”

Mei: “Boulderpork!?”

The earth caves in beneath the beast, which loses its balance and crashes into the wall as it falls. The impact rocks the mansion, and Mei Lee is unable to stay atop the witchbeast, instead coming to land in the hallway. She strokes the fallen Boulderswine's rump as she looks at the floor, sees the unnatural depression, and glances behind her.

Mei: “Don't tell me, you did this?”

By utilizing his EARTHSOUL BLESSING, Garfiel can conjure depressions and protuberances in any surface within visible range that he can determine as being GROUND. It comes with disparities in effectiveness depending on how far away the target is or how large a scale he is aiming for, but it's more than enough for him to bluff with.

Garfiel has learned from Subaru to, when you've got something you really don't want others to find out, laugh with complete shamelessness.

Garfiel: “'S about what it is. Yer safe t'think that me not lettin' yer escape's n' expression'v my will. Long 's my feet're touchin' th'ground, yer ain't escapin' from anywhere my amazin' eyes can see ya.”

Elsa: “Mei Lee. You can put minimal forces upstairs. Call the others, and awaken that beast.”

Mei: “...Mama'll be mad.”

Elsa: “What will truly earn us a scolding is if we fail to remove the threat. And, I doubt we'll have the leeway to worry about what will come afterwards.”

Garfiel: “So y'do get it.”

Mei Lee's expression loses its calm as she nods, puts her fingers to her mouth, and whistles. Garfiel silently watches on as the thin sound echoes far, all throughout the mansion. If the two were speaking truths, then witchbeasts should be approaching this spot before long.

This situation is only blazing hotter and hotter.

Elsa: “I'll pluck off your limbs and shoulder you home once you're lighter. I doubt this will all be worth it if I'm unable to enjoy myself protractedly.”

Garfiel: “Where's th'option t'just quit it with th'guts thing?”

Elsa: “I'd rather quit breathing.”

Garfiel clicks his neck at that statement, before stooping forward in preparation to receive the enemy's strike.

Elsa sways loosely and nimbly positions her white knife behind her, flexes her arm,

Elsa: “—I assure you that I, more than anyone else, can love you to your flesh and marrow.”

A horrific, debauched smile. The shriek of blade rubbing against blade.


Garfiel: “—Ghgh!?”

The white knife sticking from Garfiel's left shoulder breaks his bones apart.

—The battle between the Guthunter and the Shield of Sanctuary, enters its final phase.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

His beaten shoulders, his hips, his head all hurt.

He is battered all over after falling many times, always stifling his pained moans from the impact dead.

He runs, runs, runs, out of breath, knees shaking, eyes fogged, runs.

It hurts to breathe. He keeps his head low, so as not to inhale smoke. The flames have already engulfed the majority of the building, through which he sprints as he searches for a yet-untouched door.

Subaru: “—hk”

Discovering an unopened door, Subaru flies madly at the doorknob and wrenches the thing open. Before him is revealed an utterly mundane guestroom, which will shortly drown in a sea of flame. Leaving the sentimentality aside, Subaru leaves the door open as he runs for another room. He goes for adjacent room, and the one adjacent that, and the one adjacent that, opening every door he sights

Subaru: “—There!”

Freeing him from the scent of soot and char, the stench of aged paper streams out of the room. Subaru sniffs the familiar, musty smell as he stomps across the threshold.

He raises his head. Addresses the person occupying this chamber.

Subaru: “Hey! Enough of this, stop being angry and listen to—”

Beatrice: “Get out, I suppose!”

An invisible shockwave comes racing at him, threatening to blast him away. But Subaru manages to hook his fingers on the carpet to defend himself from the force.

Amidst a pressure so intense it could drag him backwards with it, Subaru's cheeks twist into a smile.

Subaru: “Hah! Don't underestimate me too much. You think I'd put up with getting thrown out of here so quickly, over and over, by the exact same meth—”

Beatrice: “I won't say it again, in fact!”

Subaru: “Bhggagh!?”

A thick book rides the wind to smack against Subaru's forehead, dizzying him and sending him tumbling, flying backwards, ejecting him from the room.

He shoots down the corridor. Crashes into a wall. He shakes his head as the door closes itself in front of him, and he hurriedly leaps at the thing—already too late. This room is no longer connected to the Forbidden Archive.

Subaru: “Asshole! Who're you taking after, goddamn loli!”

After violently kicking the door open, Subaru breaks into a run in pursuit of another door.

That the room hadn't sent him to the second floor of the eastern wing—an area close to Garfiel's fight with Elsa—was probably Beatrice's kindness.

Subaru: “Then at least listen to me, stupid!!”

Beatrice must be thinking the exact same thing from within the Archive.

Keenly feeling that truth, and rejected times upon times, Subaru sprints through the mansion in search of the door to the Forbidden Archive.

With the fight in the western wing in its final phase, and the fire from the main wing blazing through the whole building—only a question of time remains until Roswaal Mansion burns to the ground.


5Tappei A/N: Guiltilaw-san, what have you done!?

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