Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Tsugihagu IF – Re: Patching Together a Life in Another World From Zero Part 4-6

Tsugihagu IF – Re: Patching Together a Life in Another World From Zero Part 4-6

Part 4

Subaru let out a short sigh as he gazed down at the city that was being swallowed up by the flood.

The city’s design was built in the shape of a mortar so that if water was poured into it, there would be no way out. It definitely was extremely effective, like pouring water into an ant nest.

Subaru:「As expected of the city used for the decisive battle against the Witchbeasts…. the effectiveness of the trap was incredible.」

According to knowledge, the city had originally been erected to bring down a Witch, Witchbeasts, and the like; in accordance with that, the efficacy of opening the watergates was immense.

The water’s violence dragged the city to the bottom of its surface in an instant, and engulfed its inhabitants before they had any time to escape.

???:『I see, it’s a thing of splendour doooooooon’t you think? With this, many of the people that know you were dealt with all at once…….I guess I’m okay to think that your self-discovery is progressing foooooward, right?』

Subaru:「……Shut up」

Behind Subaru, who was overlooking the devastation, the tall clownish figure let his unscrupulous thoughts spill out. His facial expression didn’t express delight, though it did seem that he had gotten a suitable response in the results in front of his eyes. As the plan had been put into effect using his knowledge and advice, it’s wasn’t that he didn’t understand his thoughts, but.

???:『Master sure has poor taste…. 』

The young figure of a maid was looking at the clownish figure with an expression of disdain. The young girl, who adorably gave off a seemingly intelligent impression, snuggled closer to Subaru and sneakily took hold of his hand.

Squeezing her hand back, Subaru gave her a fleeting nod.

Subaru:「Petra, how are things looking?」

Petra:『Ummmm, well, it seems like Shaula-san did everything right. Since all four control towers were used I don’t think anyone’s managed to get away……….Maybe in the shelters as well.』

Subaru:「……I see. I’m sorry to make you deliver such a painful report.」

Petra put on a brave smile even when she was asked for her objective opinion.

The girl which Subaru knew was certainly stout of heart, but she was nevertheless an ordinary child with nothing special about her. Of course, that didn’t mean he didn’t feel guilt for dragging her into this, but――

???:『If you’re going to get so emotional, I would have preferred if you didn’t start this in the first place. Subaru-sama is still such a half-baked individual, isn’t he.』

Subaru:「Ack, I don’t even have anything I can say back when you put it like that.」

The anger of the blonde haired maid, Frederica, who had brought her condemnations to him, didn’t clear up so easily.

She gave more weight to the tragedy that had happened to the people around her rather than the tragedy which she had witnessed. In that sense, it seemed like she’d never forgive Subaru’s actions.

This wasn’t the only reason why; it was also an emotional matter. Were he to look at this from a logical perspective, and were he to be unexpectedly honest with his feelings, he would be made to feel the kinship by blood she had with Garfiel.

Subaru:「Either way, I only know about Garfiel from others as well.」

Muttering it out with a sigh, Subaru gently brushed his fingers into his fringe. Brusquely scratching his head, he heaved out a strong sigh and shifted his attention to focus on the fight.

Clownish Figure:『Well then? What are you going to do neeeeeeeeext, Subaru-kun.』

Leaning forward, he gave a tch at Roswaal who was looking at him from the side. And then, Subaru declared「It’s as decided」as if he was spitting out a curse.

Subaru:「It’ll go according to plan. ――It’s best to attack the most troublesome guy to start things off with.」

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Otto:「Cough, Ghack……!」

Garfiel:「Brotto, are y’ okay!? Cough the water up! Cough ‘t all out!」

With tears streaming down his face, Otto violently coughed so that he could force out the water that had filled up his lungs. Seeing how dangerous his condition was, Garfiel helped him cough the water out; but, as expected, having his body shaken up and down, dangling upside down by his feet racked Otto’s mind and body in pain.

Though thanks to that, he managed to cough out all the water that had gotten into his lungs.

Garfiel:「Shit! What th’ fuck happen’d…..!?」

Otto:「……The city’s watergates have been opened, I think. As a result, the streets have been swallowed up by water. Even though we desperately fought to hold the Witch Cult back, everything has come to nought.」

Otto muttered this to Garfiel, whose fangs were trembling, as they gazed at their surroundings at the spectacle of the submerged city. After hearing that, he took a look at his friend’s green eyes, his friend whom he regarded as a younger brother, and noticed that they were warped by grief. Otto cast his gaze down.

The current state of the city that had plunged into an all-despairing situation could be seen everywhere, even if one were to take just a glimpse. Luckily, Otto had been picked up by Garfiel and hoisted over his shoulder, with them fleeing to a height where the water barely reached. However, how many people in the city would have managed to do the same?

Garfiel:「Everythin’s at the bottom of the water…..」

Rooted to the spot and wide-eyed, Garfiel was stricken by the enormity of the flood that had assailed the city. Although he hadn’t heard the story in detail, Otto got the feeling that Garfiel had experienced quite an impactful encounter in Pristella. The existence of such a desirable opponent would have been something quite important for him.

――This flood had even ruthlessly washed away the people Garfiel held emotional bonds with.

Otto:「……No, not just that.」

Though he was worried for Garfiel’s state of mind as well, what Otto must have been concerned about was the others who had gotten caught up in this.

Starting with Anastasia―― Echidna, who had brought back the unexpected report, and everyone else, including the Royal Selection candidates that had gathered to hear her report would have fallen victim to the disaster.

They had been gathered to warn them about what had happened, but it seemed like it had ended up backfiring.

Otto:「I’m going to say something harsh. Garfiel, please stand up. We have to deal with this situation just like we did the Witch Cult last time.」

Garfiel:「B-But…. Brotto……Y’see…..」



Grabbing him by the collar, Otto shouted at his friend whom he regarded as a younger brother whose face had a look of feebleness etched on it. He knew it had been overly harsh of him to explode like that, but with him being so slow to grasp how things were in this moment, he had chewed him out.

In having had his withered heart be the object of his scolding, a fire was kindled within Garfiel that made him stand up.

If he could achieve that, then he did not care about being deemed as insensitive. ――Even if he was hated by Garfiel later, it would be far better than if he wasn’t able to fulfill his duty.

Otto:「We need to search for survivors, and then meet back up with the Royal Selection candidates, the Knights or anyone else who might be left. If the attack on the city is from a hostile individual, then we need to reassemble our forces and fight against them…..」

Garfiel:「――Tch! BROTTO!」


By instructing Garfiel about his compassionless decision, Otto drove that in as a persuasion for Garfiel. Pushing out his chest, Garfiel roared.

And immediately afterwards, a flash of light pierced through straight in front of Otto, who had fallen onto his backside on the rooftop, at tremendous speed, faster than the eye could see.


For a moment, Otto’s entire body was engulfed by burning pain from the light which had slightly grazed his chest. There wasn’t any bleeding. But, there was a scorch mark on his shirt, and his skin underneath it had been charred.

The true form of the white light of now was pure, intense heat. And, that white light was――


Giving a howl of rage, Garfiel forcibly parried away each one of those white light rays, those white rays of death, that hurtled towards them at lightning fast speed.

Wielding the silver shields fitted on his arms, Garfiel challenged that overwhelming force of incredible speed head on. A hyper-dimensional battle which Otto could not keep up with had commenced.

Nevertheless, he did have a decent idea about what was happening.

Otto:「Where did it come from……」

Whilst he endured his pain, Otto looked around his surroundings and concentrated on finding where the flashes of white had been fired from. It was likely that the culprit who had fired those attacks at Otto and Garfiel was also the culprit who had opened the floodgates.

Of course, the enemy that came to his mind was them being a Witch Cultist――

Otto:「――hk, from all the way over there!?」

Far, far away, at the edge of his sight, one of the floodgate’s control towers came into view―― A flash of light could be seen from where Otto and Garfiel were, coming from the top of the tower which stood almost on the opposite side of the city.

Immediately after he thought he’d seen that flicker, the light instantly came surging to where they were. Somehow, Garfiel was still fending them off right now, but――



Though Garfiel roared that out, by no means was what he was saying a good idea in this situation.

The speed at which the approaching rays of white light moved at was completely out of the ordinary; the distance which separated them from their opponent was such that Garfiel was only barely able to mount a defence against them.

If he got closer, the time he would have to deal with the rays of light would decrease respectively. Even the difference of an augenblick would be fatal in a hyper-dimensional battle.


Otto:「――. You’re right. GARFIEL!」


Repeating what Otto had said before, Garfiel took a mighty step forward and leapt up. Making use of a building which could barely be classed as a foothold in the city still submerged by the flood, Garfiel zealously drove forward, and determinedly made his way towards the city’s control tower where the white flashes of light had been coming from.


One shot after another, Garfiel braced himself and somehow managed to keep ahold of his footing whilst the shock of each impact racked his body as if paralysing him to the bone.

The opponent was formidable.

In addition to their attacks’ pinpoint accuracy from so far away, the sheer amount of mana that they put into these potent attacks without missing a beat, was far from normal.

If he considered his position where he had kept his distance from the start, it was a terribly favourable situation for his opponent.

Otto:「Even so……」

His grasp of how skilled his opponent wasn’t sufficient enough that he could give this up. And beyond that, what his opponent had done was seriously, completely, completely unforgivable.

It was likely that an unimaginable amount of people had become victims with the Watergate City Pristella sinking to the depths. One after another other, tragedy had engulfed the city which still hadn’t completely recovered from the after-effects of the Witch Cult’s last attack. ――Caught up in the midst of that as well, was the family which Garfiel was tied together with by blood.


So to not let his mind dwell on that, Garfiel gritted his teeth, and frantically shook his head.

But, in the end, try as he might, nothing about what was on his mind would change. Sorrow and anger wasn’t what mingled together in the depths of Garfiel’s chest; rather, his heart was engulfed by a dark fury, as he continued to grow more enraged.

If he put that dark fury into his fangs and claws and struck down the enemy with it, then ――


Suddenly, a voice reached through to his skull amidst his tempestuous fury. The voice had just called out his name. If it had been just that, Garfiel wouldn’t even have taken any notice of it.



It was a completely different story if that voice belonged to the person he had long awaited to return. Letting his green eyes spin around, Garfiel looked around in the middle of the hyperspeed battle for the figure which had spoken.

――From the start, Garfiel hadn’t believed a word of the report which Echidna had brought back.

To begin with, Echidna was a name which Garfiel couldn’t put any trust in. Of course, he had warned Subaru about the dangers of the being that called herself that name, and on top of that, she had forced him to head to the Pleiades Watchtower.

Even so, on seeing Echidna return taking the form of Anastasia, Garfiel had regretted his thoughts as having been shallow, naive and immature.

He had considered following her so to find Subaru, Emilia and the others as soon as possible.

It was just after he had proposed setting up that discussion to Otto that the flood had come rushing into the city. It seemed like Otto was thinking as he usually did, but Garfiel sunk his strength into his fangs and adamantly refused to admit that his thoughts had been wrong.

For Garfiel, it didn’t seem like Subaru was the sort who’d screw up.

That’s why Garfiel found hope in having heard Natsuki Subaru’s voice here. He would turn the tables around in this situation where absolutely everything had come to a dead-end.

He looked around for his figure so that he could cling onto such a convenient illusion――

Subaru:「Your heart can’t grasp the most important thing about yourself. ――Still, your family’s eyes are sharp.」

The moment that he came into view, Garfiel furrowed his brows in bewilderment. Not because the mutter had reached his ears. His mutter had been inaudible. What had caused the change in Garfiel’s facial expression was purely his surprise at what was in front of his eyes.


Beneath his eyes, there was a figure looking up at Garfiel, who was leaping towards the white light. His appearance certainly seemed to be the same as the one he knew, but.

Garfiel:「――Who th’ fuck are you.」

When he shifted his attention to his nose, a familiar smell slipped into his nostrils. However, it was his instinct, not his five senses, that tried to deny the familiar figure below him.

A lapse that lasted not even a fraction of a second was born in his thoughts.

Nevertheless, it was a fatal lapse.

Moving towards there was――

???:「――Gotcha! Tah-dah!」


From in front of him, a black haired woman came plunging forward, and threw out a kick with a semi-enthusiastic cry. Catching her kick immediately with both of his shields, Garfiel absorbed the attack which felt like he had been rammed by a dragon carriage.

Even so, she was not an opponent with whom he could deal with in this situation. He couldn’t afford to direct his attention in two different directions, both in front of him and beneath him.

Black-Haired Woman:「Not so bad, but myyyy love for Master is a 100 times better than that .」

With a smile of satisfaction adorning her face, her palm rose towards the front of Garfiel’s face. In an instant, with all of his hair standing on end, Garfiel tensed his body and quickly moved his face backwards――


The blow pierced straight through Garfiel’s abdomen and his organs spilled out from his back.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

――Otto’s thoughts spun rapidly as he looked at the petals of blood blooming in mid-air.


Clenching his teeth, Otto cursed the cold-hearted part within himself. It was quite the odious thing to him that under these circumstances he was trying to calmly get a grasp of the situation. His friend whom he regarded as a younger brother had been blown away right in front of his eyes. And even then, he still couldn’t get emotional at all.

Even in this overwhelmingly unfavourable situation, Otto’s attention was focused on his surroundings in an attempt to find a means of escape.

If he used his『Divine Protection of Anima Whispering』then a faint glimmer of hope would emerge, no matter what the situation was. By putting faith in that mantra, he’d overcome every single hardship he’d come across up until now.

That’s why――

???:「It’s regrettable, but even rats end up drowning when they’re soaked in this much water. Seems that the guy you were talking with is nowhere to be seen.」


A voice, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, quietly struck Otto’s eardrums.

The sound of footsteps slowly approached within the world which seemed to have fallen dreadfully still. Swivelling his head around to look at where the footsteps were coming from, Otto held his breath for a moment.

And then, he let out a short gasp.

Otto:「……You truly are beyond recognition, Natsuki-san.」

Subaru:「Is that so? If you’re talking about me, then I don’t really understand myself well, but….」

Otto:「 I think you’ll clearly see what I mean if you look at a mirror. Ahh, that’s right. Didn’t Echidna-san’s story say you lost your memories. Is it because of that that you don’t understand yourself?」

Subaru:「Hahah, maybe so. More clearly, if I could be different in every single aspect, then well, I’d definitely give this up, but…..」

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Whilst scratching his cheek, the opponent laughed at Otto’s jabs. What should he call his opponent; what name should he call out? Composure and impulsiveness cried out in unison within Otto’s head. Hesitating on the right choice of what to call that, hesitating on there being no other way to call out to that, he shouted.


Subaru:「Even if you don’t say it, I know. My name is… Natsuki Subaru. I’m broke beyond compare.」


Subaru:「I’ve heard a lot about you as well. You have quite the reputation. Finally we’ve met, Otto.」

Saying that, that individual―― who took the appearance of Natsuki Subaru, but looked completely different to the one Otto knew, laughed.

His lightless left eye had clouded over, and his hair had gone completely white for god knows what reason. As he smiled from ear to ear like he was somewhat off his rocker, Natsuki Subaru kept laughing.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Part 5


Whilst gazing at the vigilant Otto before him, Subaru let out a long sigh.

Telling him he had changed a lot would be precisely describing what was detestable about him. Of course, even were someone to say he hadn’t changed, in his current mental state, Subaru would just receive that as irony; however, were someone to directly say「You’re a different person」then that would be quite hard for him to accept.

Up until now, this blunt manner of speaking hadn’t even been heard from the people who had come across him that had then been added to the patchwork, or even from the people that had been inside the tower.

Subaru:「Honestly, I’m having quite a hard time handling this.」

Otto:「……What do you mean?」

Subaru:「Didn’t you hear about what I’m doing from Echidna? My memories have vanished into thin air, I’ve been running amok with my head all loopy…….That’s the gist of it anyways.」

Otto:「Of course I did. I even heard that you’re obsessed with trying to get your memories back.」

Subaru:「I don’t remember saying as much, but…. well, it’s a reasonable guess. After all, every single one of you are quite competent. The only incompetent, no-good human being is me.」

Gently running his hand down his left eye, Subaru muttered this as if he was mocking himself. As he looked on at that gesture, Otto gulped.

Otto:「May I even ask what happened to that eye? 」

Subaru:「Eye….Aah, my left eye? It does look a little bit hazy, but it’s no big deal. Though, it does seem like I hit my head a little bit too much when these shocking things started. For how my hair got this way, well, I didn’t do anything in particular… it just ended up like this on its own. How laughable. 」

Otto:「Hahahaha, how laughable indeed. Are you satisfied?」

Subaru:「Far from it. There’s still a long way to go until I am satisfied. I’m so far away from it to the point that it’s depressing.」

Seeing Otto giving him a dry smile, Subaru also responded by showing him a dry smile.

Originally, it seemed like Otto and Subaru had been good friends, and, indeed he could see that. He got this feeling not only from the eyes of Emilia and Beatrice, or from everyone else in the camp, but it felt like something genuine.

Emilia:『Subaru and Otto-kun always got along so well, they were suuuuuuper heartwarming.』

Beatrice:『Well, in essence, Subaru always used to tease Otto, in fact. I get the feeling that nothing much has changed, I suppose.』

On Otto’s left and right, Emilia and Beatrice each voiced their explanations. As he nodded his head at those explanations, Subaru licked his lips and said「Well then」

Subaru:「I’ve been looking forward to having my『First Reunion』with you for a very long time. Though, I know that you’re one of those bastards that become more dangerous the more time I give you. Sorry, but let’s bring this to an end now.」

Otto:「『First Reunion』is quite the peculiar way of putting it, but putting that aside, if I think about your goal…..wasn’t it a failure?」


Leaning forwards, Subaru frowned. And after that, Otto continued his words with a「How should I put it,」

Otto:「Practically, it was quite the effective move. You found the right moment where everyone gathered in one building and killed them all in one go with a completely unescapable attack… I take my hat off at that. If your opponents get caught up in a natural disaster, they can’t strike back at you, regardless of whether they’re master swordsmen or a mercenary band.」


Otto:「At this rate, wasn’t it part of your strategy to have let only Echidna-san escape from the Watchtower? You let her escape, so that she’d gather people who knew you through the report she gave. Following that hypothesis, the likelihood of Pristella being at the centre of where everyone would gather was high. There are watergates here.」

Subaru:「……I’m honoured to be praised by you.」

Whilst showing an attitude that he accepted the praise, Subaru rolled his tongue back back into his mouth. Rather, it ought to be Otto who should be praised.

Otto, who had almost hit the nail on the head, had guessed the truth quite well, including that Subaru had allowed Echidna to escape.


Subaru:「Well, to tell the truth, at first it was by chance that Echidna escaped, but then I realised that she’d be useful after she’d escaped. It was because of that I didn’t chase after her.」

Otto:「I see. I’d have been surprised if you saw that far ahead. It wouldn’t be any leap of the imagination to say that those who lose their memories become quite shrewd. ――But」

Cutting off his words there, Otto glared at Subaru. Recognising the strength of the resolve within his eyes, Subaru put strength into the depths of his own.

And, putting himself on guard, Otto continued his words.

Otto:「In the end, you’ve completely screwed up your endgame.」

Subaru:「I’ve screwed it up? Me? What’s the meaning of that?」

Otto:「……It’s an expression I still don’t understand well, but there isn’t any meaning to it. You don’t get chances like these where you can strike with such an upperhand often. If you’d been earnest about it, then you should have carried out what you set out to do.」

Subaru:「What I set out to do……」

Otto:「You should have aimed straight for Reinhardt-san without getting too greedy.」

Thrusting his finger out at him, Otto firmly declared that to Subaru. Subaru’s eyes flew wide open when he heard that declaration, and taking no note of his astonished face, Otto pressed Subaru for an answer.

Otto:「Weren’t you using the『Books of the Dead』where the memories of others can be read in? If you’re planning to use them to try and get yourself back, Reinhardt-san will become your greatest threat. And if you’re aiming at him, then it’ll be impossible unless you catch him by surprise. From here on out, you’ll have to be on your guard. You’ll never get a second chance.」

Subaru:「So, the moment I clamped my fangs around my prey, I shouldn’t have let go. Is that what you’re saying? 」

Otto:「Indeed, that’s exactly what I am saying. So you sh….」



Otto raised his eyebrows at the rather abrupt, strange sound that could be heard coming from Subaru’s throat. His reaction showed surprise, bewilderment and confusion.

Subaru wasn’t play-acting or a trick; his reaction was because of Otto. Such a reaction even may have been quite natural in some respects.

Despite having read between the lines of a lot of what had happened, in the very end, he had mistook what his endgame was.

Subaru:「It’s you, Otto, it’s you who’s misunderstanding.」


Subaru:「The one I was aiming for wasn’t Reinhardt. Of course, a lot of hassle would have been saved if he ended up dying amongst the chaos of this flood, but I won’t make any pretenses in relying on such a happy accident.」

Reinhardt’s out of the norm characteristics were generally speaking fully known by everyone. He was the『Sword Saint』that you always heard about in rumour; the act of killing him would be a herculean one―― In any case, it’d be necessary to keep building and building and building a plan to take care of him.

Dying to a casual, lucky hit wasn’t the sort of death that you could expected from a hero.

Subaru:「That’s why I need to try and look for a way to do that if I am kill that guy. I may weaken him, I may surprise attack him, I may set a trap for him, I may even take a hostage. Of course, if I need to kill him, I will do so……… But, he’s low priority.」

Otto:「Then, was the flood simply to get rid of the people who knew you all at once? For certain, the number of people who know you in this city due to what happened the other day has…..」

Otto had tried to continue by saying skyrocketed. But before he could say it, Subaru had held out his palm.

Even Subaru knew what he was trying to tell him. The violence of the Witch Cult that had took place in the Watergate City Pristella had been scrutinised from every angle. Certainly, in that sense, that had been one of the ideas behind having used this city as well. However, that was a trivial factor compared to the biggest reason why.

Subaru’s objective behind causing the flood using the Watergate City as his stage was just one thing.

His main objective was――

Subaru:「――It’s you, Otto.」


Subaru:「This was a way I devised to make sure I could kill you. Anyone else who dies… Well, I guess they’re just bonuses.」


Otto tensed up as if he didn’t understand the meaning behind the objective that Subaru had pointed out.

And then, closing his right eye at the astonished Otto, Subaru spun his head around in a circle, looking around at the scene on the rooftop, reflecting the world around him in his hazy left eye.

Otto:「……Why… me?」

Subaru:「Why did I make such a big deal just for you? It was the embodiment of the utmost caution I have for you. Even having Garfiel beside you was added to the plan as a safety measure.」


Subaru:「Just so you know, this ain’t something I thought by myself, since I don’t trust my thoughts at all. I’ve only just realised I’ve been racking useless wisdom out of my useless head.」

Indeed, Subaru’s cunning did not amount to much.

No satisfactory thoughts arose in Subaru’s mind, with him being naive to the understanding of the rules of the world, disconnected from the secrets of the world, and unfamiliar with the laws of the world.

That’s why――

Subaru:「I made sure to consult with them.」


Those who surrounded the taciturn, stricken Otto were all of his colleagues that were only visible to Subaru’s left eye, and remained forevermore unreflected in Otto’s eyes.

Emilia, Beatrice, Ram, Roswaal, Petra, Frederica; all of his colleagues that made up the Emilia camp surrounded Otto.

Looking at each of their faces one by one, Subaru shrugged his shoulders and said「Isn’t that right?」

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」


Emilia replied.

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」

『Otto, I suppose』

Beatrice replied.

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」

『That would be Otto, wouldn’t it. How bothersome.』

Ram replied.

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」

『It would be Ottoooooooo-kun』

Roswaal replied.

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」


Petra replied.

Subaru:「Who is… the most troublesome guy from those who know me?」

『It’s Otto-sama』

Frederica replied.

Subaru:「――It’s unanimous. Even if Garfiel joined in with them, he’d probably say the same thing.」

Otto:「Who on earth are you talking to……」

Subaru:「Even if you’re trying to buy time, I should mention that it’s pointless. The reason I flooded the city was to kill you. ――Even you won’t find a way to escape from this place, where there ain’t even a single damn rat left.」

This was the reason why Subaru had opened the floodgates and submerged the city in water.

Whether it be water dragon, rat or worm, none of them could get near Otto Suwen. By having been parted from terra firma, he was unable to use the witchcraft he specialised in.

Subaru had orchestrated everything to this point making full use of everyone’s knowledge.

This, and that, and everything was――

Subaru:「――I will not underestimate you. I will not underestimate anyone other than me. You’re all skilled guys. That’s why I will kill you without cutting any corners.」

Otto:「You are……」


After receiving Subaru’s powerful declaration of war, a voice interrupted Otto who had tried to continue what he was saying. The one who landed adroitly onto the rooftop was Shaula, half of her body was soaked in bright red blood.

And as she brushed the area around her chest that had become completely stained in blood, she said,

Shaula:「Finally I’m done! Kyaa~ He was so so stubborn. I legit thought he was immortal with how much I knocked about the stuff inside of his stomach and sent him flying!」

Subaru:「You really did take your time…… Did you make sure to finish him off properly?」

Shaula:「I even crushed his head, maybe. Except for Master, human beings die if their heads get crushed, right?」

Subaru:「I don’t get why you’re excluding me. Even I’ll die if I get my head crushed!」

Shaula:「You’re full of surprises~」

Frivolously laughing, Shaula pushed her shoulders up in disbelief. From Subaru’s perspective, the way she thought was quite incomprehensible, but it would be uncouth to meddle into Shaula’s sense of values.

Above all else, she fulfilled the duties that were assigned to her. That was good enough for now.

Subaru:「Thanks for the hard work, Shaula. And now……」

Shaula:「I just need to kill Mr. First-Choice-san, riiight? Butbut, was he really an opponent yahaddago to these lengths for? To me, it really seems that……」

Subaru:「If you’re going to speak of stuff just as a matter of raw strength or weakness, then even I’d be able to finish you off with one hand.」

Otto’s strength was contained in a part within him which was hard to gauge by Shaula’s estimation. That was the conclusion he had come to after having pieced the details together from the stories that he’d heard from Emilia and the others.

Hearing Subaru’s response, Shaula replied with a「Mhm~ Of courssse」in agreement.

And on the other side, Otto, with hatred throbbing through the depths of his heart, was looking on at their exchange.

Otto:「No way, being assessed as the most valued in life and having it backfire like this… this feels the absolute worst.」

Subaru:「Valued in life? You’re misunderstanding it.」

There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm in what Subaru had replied to Otto’s words with; he had spoken from his heart.

This was the truth Subaru had seen from reading everyone from the Emilia Camp’s books. There was no mistaking it.

Subaru:「You were always the most valued from everyone in the camp, Otto!」

Otto:「――Eat shit, you phony.」

To Subaru, who had flashed his teeth and grinned, Otto also flashed his teeth and twisted his face into a terrible grin.

Though those words pierced into Subaru’s chest quite a bit――


――In the very next moment, a white flash of light pierced through Otto’s body, and their conversation was forcibly brought to a close.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

???:「――This is as far as you’ll go.」

Natsuki Subaru slowly opened his closed eyelids right as those words came into earshot.

Below his eyes, at his feet, Otto’s corpse whose top half had been blown away had fallen there. Garfiel, who had died in battle, should be floating away somewhere in the water’s surface nearby.

What Subaru was doing under these circumstances, as terribly hypocritical as it was, was giving them a silent prayer. Subaru held no grudges against Otto or Garfiel.

There wasn’t any reason for Subaru to hold anything like a grudge against those that he had killed thus far. ――No, he believed that the original Subaru should indeed keep his grudge against Roswaal, who had been behind considerable crimes; but the current Subaru didn’t know the real intentions of Roswaal at that time.

Other than these subtle matters of unease, Subaru didn’t hold any resentment towards anyone else. The one he always bore hatred for, was himself. He bore hatred for himself, who was not『Natsuki Subaru.』

This『phony』version of himself was of no use to anyone.

It was just the ridiculous Natsuki Subaru that tried to collect the bits and pieces of『Natsuki Subaru.』It was just the ridiculous Natsuki Subaru that tried to assemble the patchwork. It was just the ridiculous Natsuki Subaru that tried to form himself from patching himself together in one way or another.

That’s why――

Subaru:「I’d like to apologise, even to you.」


Turning his head to look back behind him, Subaru gazed ahead of him at Reinhardt, who was standing at the edge of the rooftop.

Though he had seen his figure in the memories of a lot of people, there wasn’t a single trace of cloudiness in his orderly figure. As a matter of fact, he had even managed to not get any of his clothes wet; how on earth had he achieved that?

Subaru:「I see, you’re out of the norm.」

Reinhardt:「Subaru, did you do all of this? …..Otto, Garfiel, and….」

Subaru:「I ordered them killed – if that’s what you mean then yes. And not just those two. A whole ton of people in the city became victims in the flood…… And all by my doing.」

Reinhardt:「Why… why did you do this!? You went to save the people in this city….」

Subaru:「To the watchtower, right? I know. I know all too well. As always, my experiences of it are rather lacking, but I do have some vague gist of it like as if I’d read a manga summary.」

Whilst soaking in Reinhardt’s blame, Subaru spread out both of his arms towards the city.

The city was encroached in the turmoil of having been inundated by the water, but he knew that it had gone through a tough time even before this flood. The scars that had been left due to the violence of the Witch Cult and such were more warped rather than deep.

They had snatched away people’s memories, they had changed people into inhuman forms, they had used overwhelming strength to forcibly subdue those who wouldn’t follow their will, and they had forced their warped thoughts onto others to make them sympathise with them.

It was needless to say the things they did were of the worst nature in the sense that they trampled upon the quintessence of humanity.

But, at the same time, it gave him a certain sort of impression.

Subaru:「――Their plans are full of holes. I’m guessing they go in thinking they can’t lose, and that’s why they go rushing in with such dumbass plans.」

The Sin Archbishops who possessed supernatural-like strength were all sitting still on their abilities. Hadn’t anyone taught those guys? No matter what sort of strength you hold, if you use it the wrong way, then you will be defeated no matter who you are.

Whether it be wisdom, numbers or great talent, you will always be defeated.

Subaru:「I’m not going to challenge you being only partly prepared. Finding a way of making sure I win will only work with the right timing. That’s why I will consult them.」

Reinhardt:「Consult……Is the one deceiving you the girl beside you?」

Shaula:「Huh, meeeee?」

Suddenly piping up, Shaula, who was beside Subaru, widened her eyes in surprise. She stared at Reinhardt as she pointed at herself.

Shaula:「Me deceiving Master… If I could pull such a temptress’ move, I’d have done it looong ago! Master’s soo sexy like this since he doesn’t get caught up in my temptations….. at all! Though, you’re too sexy for your own good!」

Subaru:「Though her position is that of a collaborator, she ain’t got the head to be able to deceive. It’s not really that I’m being deceived by anyone…. No, if I’m forced to say it, I guess it would be a voice from within me.」

Reinhardt:「A voice… from within you……?」

Subaru:「The sleeping lion inside of me is seeking the time of its release and is rampaging.」

After intently listening to Subaru’s response, Reinhardt quickly realised that what he was saying was nonsense. Whilst gazing at Reinhardt’s eyes which were clearly dyed in despair, Shaula nudged her elbow at Subaru’s side, speaking out a「Mastermaster」

Shaula:「Hey, um, that one’s presence is remarkably Reidish. Isn’t that scary?」

Subaru:「Indeed it is. Remarkably scary indeed. It’s because that guy’s Reid’s descendant.」


Subaru:「His children’s children, and their children’s children and so on. That’s the nuance of it.」

Shaula:「Uurgh! He can’t seriously be related to Reid, right!? I wasn’t told about this!」

Shaula complained about her disadvantage to Subaru, her facing looking like she’d been ensnared in a Kaizo Trap. In actuality, the memories of being pummeled by Reid were quite clear for Subaru and the others.

(TL Note: To learn more about the provenance of the term Kaizo Trap, refer to thislink.)

It was natural that he wouldn’t be able to beat Reinhardt, Reid’s blood relative, in a fair and open battle as well.

Reinhardt:「――I’m sorry, but let’s put an end to your acts of barbarity here. Me being able to do that, is proof of my friendship towards you.」

Subaru:「You say such sad things in spite of us having a relationship where we gatecrashed a wedding ceremony together! Well, though it’s me who made you say it, you know, apparently Emilia-tan was delighted…..」

Reinhardt:「Subaru, stop already. ――Just, stop.」


Subaru kept his mouth shut at the mournful echo of Reinhardt’s entreaty. Reinhardt’s expression was warped into something quite pitiful. From it, Subaru received a sharp pang as if his chest had been torn open.

It was the same as Otto and Garfiel, where he had no grudge against them.

Subaru didn’t hold any grudges even against Reinhardt. He knew that he was someone who bore no fault. He knew that he was a benefactor that was undeserving of being blamed. He also knew that he had been a good friend.

But despite that――

Subaru:「――I also need the piece inside of you to get back『Natsuki Subaru.』That’s why I will come to kill you one day.」


Subaru:「But, not now. Not today. It’s a matter for tomorrow’s tomorrow.」

A trace of bewilderment clouded Reinhardt’s eyes just after he heard Subaru’s proclamation.

Reinhardt was trying to settle things here right now. In fact, if Reinhardt wanted to do so, Subaru was in a position where he could close the distance with a single step and cut him down in an instant. Even if Shaula made a motion to defend him, it wouldn’t really change the outcome.

But despite that, Subaru could still say――

???:『Assuming Felt managed to take shelter in all of this, I think she’d be somewhere at the edge of the city.』

――And turning towards the direction pointed out by the bald-headed giant, Shaula fired a flash of white light towards there.


In an instant, Reinhardt held his breath and flew backwards, following after the soaring blow of light at the exact same speed as it. He hadn’t done that to kill Subaru, who stood in front of him, but rather to rush towards the faraway building where Reinhardt’s master―― Felt had hidden after having survived the flood, so he could knock down that flash of white light.

???:『If you keep something important nearby, then of course, that’s the same as exposing your weak points. The same thing applies to the『Sword Saint』Reinhardt, doooooesn’t it?』

Roswaal, who had given this suggestion let a wicked grin form on his face, and basked in his satisfaction in having outwitted the『Sword Saint.』Giving him a look from the side, Subaru took a short breath, and said.

Subaru:「Shaula, let’s pull back. ――That’s enough for today.」


Cheerfully lifting her hand, Shaula wrapped her arm around Subaru’s back. She hoisted Subaru up with unbelievable strength from her slender arms, and with a light bend of her knees, she tried to leap out of the city.

But, just before the first jump had began, Subaru turned towards Reinhardt, and said.

Subaru:「――You are not as omnipotent or superhuman as you think you are.」

That’s why――

Subaru:「――I will absolutely kill you too, Reinhardt.」

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

???:「――I want you to tell me once again.What is your name?」

???:「Ah, Amue. Amue Sears……」

???:「I see, that’s a fine name, Amue. ……What happened now must’ve been tough.」


The red-haired knight, who had seemingly gotten onto one knee to be on the same level as with Amue, spoke those words to her. As soon as she heard those words, the little girl’s tensed emotions snapped loose.

Tears slowly trickled down Amue’s face, and her body began to tremble from the belayed terror that had returned to her.

Then, as he looked on at the sobbing little girl, the knight―― Reinhardt turned his eyes to look at his surroundings and bit his lip; deep worry was brimming in his chest at the terrible spectacle he saw.


Two days ago, an incident had occurred at a small village in the northern parts of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

It took awhile for the incident to be known because the village was located in the remote borderlands, and due to that, it lay quite far from both the Royal Capital and the five major cities. Dispatching the knights, including Reinhardt, had ended up being delayed by several days.

In that meantime, Amue, who had become the sole survivor in the village, had just been sitting there, holding her knees in loneliness. ――She’d been there, surrounded by all of the corpses of her family and the people she knew well.


Reinhardt pensively muttered his name out as he touched the pommel of his『Dragon Sword』which he had holstered by his waist

Given the issues in this kind of incident, there was a good chance that this act of barbarity had been carried out by a Witch Cultist. However, Reinhardt’s intuition naturally saw through to whose hand had carried out this horrendous scene.

Reinhardt:「The ones who did this… If I’m not mistaking it, it was a man and a woman, right? Two young people.」

Amue:「Y-Yeah…. Th-that’s right. Ah, but…..」


As she heaved with sobs, Amue choked up her words as she replied to Reinhardt’s question. Amue hesitated as Reinhardt awaited her to continue her words; his well-shaped eyebrows were furrowed into a frown.

Amue:「I don’t know who the woman was, but, the man was……」

Reinhardt:「The man was?」

Amue:「I hadn’t realised it, but it was like he was talking to someone….」


Was there a trace of hesitation when she conveyed that vague information? Amue’s explanation lacked conviction in it. But, Reinhardt closed his eyes and breathed out a long sigh at her words.

Amue’s perception was correct. That man and woman―― No, Natsuki Subaru was definitely speaking with someone other than the woman who accompanied him, which was as Amue had seen.

Reinhardt didn’t know whether that someone was someone he knew, but――

Reinhardt:「You have my gratitude for providing me this information. The Knight Order should deal with this right away. Do you have any relatives other than your family….. ?」


Amu’s fingers gently grasped at Reinhardt’s trouser cuff as he spoke to her with kindness. As if frightened of him leaving her, Amue’s face had turned to disbelief at her own action.

However, given her mental state, that too was natural.

She had lost her family and her hometown too. How much suffering awaited her from here on out?

If he could be useful in distracting her from her anxiety in the midst of this, then.

Reinhardt:「All right. I will stay with you until your safety is ensured. So, I want you to rest assured – Because no one that wishes you harm will get close to you anymore.」

Amue:「*S-sob*……S-sorry, I’m really sorry……」

Reinhardt:「You needn’t apologise. ――Since, you didn’t do anything wrong.」

Taking her hand, Reinhardt silently thought back to the guy who had caused this horrendous spectacle as he watched Amue once again starting to burst into heavy tears.

Reinhardt:「Are you…. Are you satisfied with this? Does it fulfill you? What on earth do you see reflected in your eyes? I just don’t understand. ――Subaru.」

Reinhardt muttered out the name of the person who wasn’t here and closed his eyes.

The figure which was reflected behind Reinhardt’s eyelids was a friend who would eventually come to kill him. That friend would likely go to any means for that.

He was a friend that eventually Reinhardt would have to kill by his hand.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Part 6

???:『I guess by now that child, Amue, must have been found by Reinhardt-san, right?』

Subaru:「She was the only left alive in the village that burnt down, right? If a child of that age sees Reinhardt, she’ll become relieved and she likely won’t be able to be separated from him. ――With this, he won’t have time to pursue us.」

???:『How cunning, or rather, how crafty, or…….Though, well, I’m not one to talk.』

???:『Tha’s righ’. Brotto ‘n Captain really do damn get on th’ same wavelength at times like these.』


???:『Y’ damn well fit to a T!』

Pushing his way through a thicket using the branch he held in his hand, Subaru, who was following an off-road path, scrunched up his face into a frown. Otto, who was treading through the forest beside him in the same way had a similar expression on his face. And Garfiel, who was looking on at the two of them, clapped his hands together and clacked his fangs, laughing at the situation.

???:『Hehe- But, it’s great that we’re all together at last, don’t you think? It’s all thanks to Subaru being reaaaally busy and doing his very best.』

Subaru:「When you say it like that, even I get the feeling that my efforts were worthwhile and it lets me have peace of mind. If you, Emilia-tan, feel like I’ve done things properly, then I want you to reward me in so many different ways, but…..」

Emilia:『You want that, but?』

Subaru:「……Well, with me being an innocent boy, it means I can’t let male instinct do the talking for me.」

Subaru looked at Emilia who had innocuously tilted her head forward. As he scratched his cheeks, Subaru turned his face away from her. A gaze stopped him in his tracks ahead of him; that gaze was Ram’s who had turned a look of disdain towards him.


Subaru:「Cut down in one blow! Generally speaking, I never said that! I want you to praise my feelings since I managed to not say any of my embarrassing desires!」

Ram:『Ram? Praise Barusu? I’d rather heaven and hell be flipped over than do that.』

Subaru:「I’m lower than a cataclysm!?」

Shrugging her shoulders, Ram turned her back from him and began to walk away with grace. Subaru’s shoulders stooped down in dejection seeing Ram’s attitude. And then a two small hands gently took ahold of his own from his left and right.

???:『Jeez, I can see how glum you look from all the way over here, in fact. If of all people Betty’s partner is going to get like this, then I can tell the going ahead is going to get rough, I suppose.』

???:『That’s right. Ram nee-sama’s always been blunt, it’s not like it’s something she just started doing now. That’s the reason why I’m gonna go easy on Subaru-sama. Good boy, good boy.』

Subaru:「Heyhey, no way, am I in the middle of a little girl sandwich……though now that I think on it, Petra isn’t that little anymore. Dammit, time sure is cruel… as it keeps passing by I’ll only be left with Beako as a little girl…..」

Beatrice:『Little girl…what do you mean little girl, in fact!? That’s impolite for a lady, I suppose!!』

Having graduated from being lolimanced, Petra puffed out her chest in delight, and Beatrice teetered between taking it as a compliment and otherwise. Nonetheless, Beatrice seemed to be a little girl by nature, thus it couldn’t be helped.

Subaru:「It seems like the mothers and fathers of the world want their children to stop growing at their cutest age; you’re like something out of a dream in that sense, Beako!」

Beatrice:『Hmph…By saying that are you hinting that Betty is the cutest in this world, in fact?』

Subaru:「I’d like to gather candidates for the seat of cutest in this world and make them compete with each other; though, the prettiest in this world is you. I’ll try give you a medal.」

Petra:『What about me? Heyhey, Subaru-sama, what about me?』

Subaru:「Hmmm, Petra is the cutiest in this world.」


Letting out a cry of mirth, Petra took hold of one of Beatrice’s hands and jumped about happily. Whilst being overwhelmed by that vigour, Beatrice also seemed like she wasn’t at all in a bad mood.

Towards there――

???:『Well, well, weeeeeell, it seems like you’re really in high spirits, doooooesn’t it? Putting aside your physical appearance, you should be acting your actual age amongst them, but despite that, this is still raaaaaather adorable, isn’t it?』

Beatrice:『Ugh, I suppose……』

Roswaal took a step forward with his long legs, an air of composure rested on his face. Beatrice made an unpleasant face at Roswaal who had made his appearance. Incidentally, Petra, who was holding Beatrice’s hand also put on a look of displeasure due to the position of mischief that coated him in her Master’s camp. Well, if you think about what he has been guilty of, it was natural though regrettable.

???:『Beatrice-sama, Petra, don’t make such unpleasant faces.』

Roswaal:『Indeeeeeeeed, that’s Frederica for you. Telling the both of you exactly h……』

Frederica:『Don’t you two know that the more you make those faces, the more you’re just going to cause Master to be pleased, right? Since Master’s that kind of gentleman.』

Roswaal:『I take baaaaaack what I said.』

Roswaal lost his composure too on receiving Frederica’s sharp blow.

On the other side, both Petra and Beatrice obediently accepted Frederica’s words with an「Oookay」and an「All right, in fact.」

Subaru:「……Well, I also feel like y’all are too fussy, but I guess this fuss is a page of everyday life, right?」

???:『It doesn’t matter if it’s a page of everyday life, but please, aren’t you forgetting about me and Miss Meili?』


A little apart from the Emilia camp who were chiding each other as they walked, Julius who was walking behind them, spoke that out. Closing one of his eyes, he reflected Subaru in his yellow eye and said,

Julius:『Though, do you take pride in that my advice was helpful for you when facing Reinhardt?』

Subaru:「I ain’t saying it wasn’t helpful, but your evaluation of Reinhardt makes him look a bit like a Dream Guy, so its credibility can be shaky. You mustn’t go getting yourself too caught up in your hero syndrome.」

Julius:『That’s not an answer which’ll help you borrow my strength. Maybe I should change my attitude a bit from now?』

???:『Heeeeyhey, sayin’ it like that’s no good, Julius. Should I draw up a propa’ loan for Natsuki-kun instead? It should work well enough even without a contract.』

With a tit-for-tat reply said in a gentle tone, Anastasia broke her way into Subaru and Julius’ exchange, which was prone to break into a full blown argument if it went on like that.

Anastasia, having completely regained her merchant-like attitude, stared at Subaru with her turquoise eyes and after causing him to blanch a little, she said:

Anastasia:『Natsuki-kun, arentcha forgetting? If we cooperate wit’ each other well, then Natsuki-kun, when you get back to normal, you’ll….. 』

Subaru:「――Aah, I remember. If I get『Natsuki Subaru』back and go back to the time where I can restore everything properly, then」

Cutting his words there, Subaru took a deep breath and continued.

Subaru:「Then finally, I can take the time to atone to everyone whom I’ve killed.」

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

Bringing himself closer to completion, and if the patching was completed this time around.

If his patching could be patched together as he was originally, then surely.

――Then surely, there was no doubt that he could do everything over again.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

――『Natsuki Subaru』had the power to redo fate.

That was Natsuki Subaru’s conclusion.

He could get back the lives of Emilia, Beatrice, Ram, Julius, Meili, Petra, Frederica, Roswaal, Rom-ji, Garfiel, Otto, Anastasia, Ricardo, Hetaro, Tivey, Mimi, Kiritaka and Liliana.

It should be possible, if he was『Natsuki Subaru』

Because,『Natsuki Subaru』was――

『My esteemed knight.』『Betty’s partner, I suppose.』『A man with only good timing.』『A good friend, I’d think.』『We~ll, maybe it’s alright if I appreciate him a li~ttle.』『It felt like I could always give my best thanks to Subaru!』『I am grateful for the many times Subaru-sama has saved us.』『Subaru-kun, I’ve been waiting eagerly for you for many many years….』『Never for a second did I think that such a rookie could do all this.』『Captain! Y’can talk to me whenever if there’s ‘ny problem! I’ll do anythin’ ‘f it’s somethin’ I can use my strength for!』『Well, I find it scary that the consequences of repaying my debt come back to bite me, so I would like you to take things in moderation though.』『Mhhhm, busyin’ yourself is quite good y’know. Me, Mimi and the others should try’n loosen up a lil’ bit more.』『Oh, ain’t that a good change Ana-bo’s proposin’! Aye Aye, we ‘been workin’ too much! A buncha days off would hit the spot!』『If Miss takes some time off, I’ll start dishing out the work….』『When we get Natsuki-san to help out, Miss will make sure to try get the best out of him.』『Ooo, you’re right! I getcha I getcha! Mimi too, Mimi too! Mimi will do her very best with Garf!』『So I can pay my debt of gratitude to you for saving the city…… is something I cannot say so easily if we consider what happened to it afterwards, but…』『You’re kiiidding right? Could it be that Kiritaka-san you’re holding this grudge a bit tooo much? Becausebecause, if Natsuki Subaru-sama goes completely back to normal, then everything will go back to how it was, wouldn’t it!』

With the strength of that of raging billows, the companions that surrounded Subaru listed their expectations in『Natsuki Subaru.』

Subaru nodded as he listened to it, feeling like he was intruding on other people’s affairs.

Subaru:「Aah, that’s right. That’s right indeed. Even though it’s quite impossible for me, even though it was impossible, I will.」

???:『If it’s you, Subaru, you can do it, right?』

Subaru:「Surely I will….. No, I absolutely will, don’t you think?」

Subaru declared that with his fist clenched tight, and cheers ran out from his companions. As he basked in the din before him, suddenly, Emilia approached him. Subaru raised his eyebrows at her.

She gently beckoned Subaru, and then, she pointed her finger towards somewhere a little apart from the circle of their companions. The one who stood where her white finger had pointed to was――

Emilia:『――Shaula… she looks lonely. That’s dreadful, Subaru. She looks so pitiful, doesn’t she?』


Emilia:『Don’t give excuses. All of us absolutely want to try and do our best in any way we can with Subaru, but, the one who is doing their best would first of all be Subaru, and then wouldn’t it be Shaula? So……』


Emilia:『So, you have to take good care of her. ――Promise.』

What Emilia spoke to Subaru, a promise, was something which held really really great significance between the two of them. ――No, as a matter of fact, as Subaru wasn’t『Natsuki Subaru』he didn’t understand how『Natsuki Subaru』regarded the weight of it.

But, even if he didn’t understand『Natsuki Subaru』, he understood the trust Emilia had when she tried to make promises with『Natsuki Subaru』all too painfully.

Subaru:「……All right. I promise.」

Emilia:『Mhm, perfect. ――Well then, I’ll see you later, Subaru.』

Saying that, Emilia waved goodbye to him as she smiled.

And immediately after Subaru recognised that, the many figures of his companions that appeared from his ever cloudening left eye’s field of view completely vanished. After that, everything went still, no one was there. A stillness that felt like it cut off everything but Subaru was left behind.

The one whom he had made the promise with wasn’t there anymore, let alone the vestiges of the promise he had shared.

Subaru:「――Shaula, come here.」

Tossing aside those desiccated thoughts, Subaru called out to Shaula, who was walking in the distance. Hearing that call, Shaula’s face suddenly lit up and she leaped up and came rushing over to where Subaru was.

Shaula:「Wassssup, Master! Hm, has your fun-time where you’re off grumbling to yourself as if you’re having fun finished!?」

Subaru:「Don’t you go saying it so damn straight! You don’t have to say it like you’re talking to a loony, there’s no damn need to be so hurtful!」

Shaula:「My baaad!」

Slapping the top of her forehead with her palm, Shaula took back what she said all the while sticking out her tongue. Was she apologising? It didn’t feel like an apology, but, well, it was close enough.

In any case, Shaula, who had kept accompanying Subaru all the way here from the tower of sand―― Certainly, the main contributor towards Subaru’s aims was this woman, and not just because of what Emilia had said.

He borrowed ideas, knowledge and wisdom from his many companions in drafting a course of action and plans. But, what was needed for that each time was the power to carry those things out; to put it more simply, he needed fighting strength.

Shaula’s presence was indispensable in order to make those possible. Even so, Subaru had done almost nothing to reward her.

It felt like she was just a well he could always draw water from whenever he needed it.

It was as if she was saying he could do anything no matter what it was, if it was him, who wasn’t 『Natsuki Subaru』



Without thinking, Shaula questioningly tilted her head at Subaru, who had sunk into silence. Long black hair slowly cascaded down her pale, bare shoulders.

As he paid attention to that, Subaru gulped and set his thoughts straight,

Subaru:「Shaula. What is it that you want to do in the end?」

Shaula:「Mhm~ What do you mean?」

Subaru:「I don’t mean anything! You must understand what my aim is, right?」

Until just before, he had disregarded any thoughts that related to how he would reward Shaula. Were you to pay attention to him, you’d notice that Subaru had begun to speak in a manner that showed traces of rudeness.

To those words, Shaula frowned, and her face showed no traces that she had understood what Subaru had said. She brought her frown-adorned face closer, and as a result of that, Subaru held her back by placing his palm on her forehead.

And as he held her back,

Subaru:「I kill everyone who knows me, and I read their『Books of the Dead.』If I wipe out everyone who knows me, then the last one would be you. After that, I’ll end up reading your book, and yet….」

Subaru lacked the most importants parts of himself by a mile and wasn’t able to fill in that gaping hole with his own strength. Subaru had no choice but to build『Natsuki Subaru』up little by little by collecting all the scraps of『Natsuki Subaru』from every single people who knew『Natsuki Subaru』and patching them into his original form.

In its completed form, it would contain all the memories of those who were familiar with『Natsuki Subaru.』Like Emilia, Beatrice, and so on; Shaula was no exception either.

That’s why he had promised Reinhardt that he’d kill him someday as well.

She kept openly smiling in front of Subaru’s eyes. She kept helping Subaru in his objective without any hesitation. She kept interacting with her carefree attitude. And he had to kill her.

Subaru:「And yet, you accompany me? Shaula」

Shaula:「Are you worried about meeee? Is it because you love me?」

Subaru:「――. Don’t joke about. I’m asking you seriously.」

Shaula’s answer to the sincere question he had asked was in the same tone as usual. And since that had gotten on Subaru’s nerves, he repeated his question again a little more crudely.

But, after receiving his words, Shaula called back to him with a:「Master」

Shaula:「I’m really not joking about. Since being loved by Master is the meaning of my life. So, that’s what matters the moossst.」


Shaula:「If Master loves meeee, then you may make use of me as much as you like. My life is Master’s property. Being used as much as you like, Master…. that is what I desire.」

Still in her usual tone, still with her clingy attitude which had to be bluntly brushed off, still giving off a rather flippant vibe where it couldn’t be distinguished if she was being serious or joking about, Shaula ran her hands down her ample breasts.

She ran them down and then turned her dark eyes to look at Subaru before giving him a weak smile.

What was shown there in her sincerity was an attitude that she lived her life earnestly, never ever lying. Shaula always spoke seriously. ――And since she did, she had no need to lie.

Shaula:「You may use meee as much as you like until I come to a miserable end. In exchange, I want you to love meee, and I want you to cry for meeee if I die. Since I’m really, I’m really just… I’m really just satisfied with that.」

Subaru:「……Why do you devote so much of yourself to me like that? It has to because I’m『Natsuki Subaru』」

Shaula:「That’s not why.」


Shaula:「Master is Master; I don’t care about anything else. I just love wanting to love so that I want to love the one that I want to love. And, if that person loves me back, well, that’d be perfect. Am I speaking weirdly?」

Shaula tilted her head; it seemed like she didn’t hold a single doubt in what she’d said. Seeing that, Subaru let out a small「Hah.」 And soon enough what had been just a small snort of laughter steadily caused his throat to squeeze up into laughter.

Subaru laughed.

He didn’t laugh as either『Natsuki Subaru』or the play-acted version of『Natsuki Subaru』he put on in front of Emilia and the others. This time he laughed as the hollow Natsuki Subaru that had forgotten everything about his life in another world.

Subaru:「Ahhh, god damn, don’t you guys…… don’t you people go fucking worrying about my damn self-discovery… Damn idiots.」

Shaula:「Huh!? Master, no way, did you get mad!? Did I say something weird!? Could it be that Monday, Thursday and Fridays are the days which all the burnable trash is thrown away!?」

Subaru:「I ain’t angry. I’m just amazed. I’m amazed, and ah, I’m damn speechless.」

Letting out a long sigh, Subaru slightly shook his head and started to walk. Shaula, looking rather unlike her usual self, timidly watched over Subaru’s back.

Subaru gave yet another long sigh seeing the stubbornness in her gaze.

Subaru:「You can do what you want, so, get yourself over here quickly.」

Shaula:「If I can do what I want… then, maybe you won’t get angry if I cling onto your arm, right?」

Subaru:「I guess so if you ain’t gonna cling on with your whole body weight.」

In an instant, Shaula’s face lit up and with a leap she wrapped Subaru’s arms around her chest. Even though usually it would have been a rough experience, only when it came to touching Subaru did Shaula tone down her strength.

It was like she was handling something fragile and important and trying not to break it.

Subaru hated that Shaula would flirt with him――No, he disliked it. Her affection made him uncomfortable.

The one which Shaula wanted to be affectionate to was『Natsuki Subaru.』And, since everybody thought that they didn’t care or hold any interest in Natsuki Subaru, other than『Natsuki Subaru』

Shaula:「Master, Master~」


Shaula:「I love youuu Master. Love is Over.」

TL Note: Another one of Shaula’s pop culture references. References this song:

Subaru:「I see. I don’t love you though.」

Shaula:「Guaaaaa! M-Master’s so mean….」



Subaru:「……After you kill Reinhardt, I will kill you last. I, who am not『Natsuki Subaru』will kill you last. That is what I will do for you.」


Subaru:「That’s all I will promise」

Shaula:「Ah, aahah, ahahahah! Master, Master… really? I’ll be last? Am I gonna be Master’s last woman?」

Subaru:「When you say it like that, it makes me want to break that promise already.」

Shaula:「Ehh~! No! It’s a promise! It was definitely, definitely a promise!」

Subaru:「I was joking.」

Shaula:「Eeeeeh!? A joke? Which part was a joke!? Master, Master~!」

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Patching together, patching together, continuing to form its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to mould its shape.

Patching together, patching together, continuing to fill in the colours.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion.

Patching together, patching together, patching together, there’s too much to be patched together. Even if he kept patching it together so that the original form became unrecognisable, he could still patch together a new one.

Patching together, and continuing to live on.

Patching together, and continuing to live on.

Until the day comes where he would die, he would continue to patch it together, and live on――

『Patching Together a Life in Another World From Zero』F I N

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