Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4, 46 [Locusts]

Volume 4, Chapter 46 [Locusts]

Seeing the smile that was directed at him, for the very first time, Subaru genuinely thought that Echidona was pretty cute.

In her softened, smiling lips, there was no irony or calculation, but only a pure expression of good will towards Subaru.

There was no doubt that she was attractive, and to be treated so warmly by a girl like that should be enough to open the hearts of any boy alive.

Though of course, the most important space inside Subaru’s heart was occupied by two other girls already.

[Subaru: Still, there really was some heart flutter going on there……]

[Echidona: Did you say something?]

[Subaru: Even if I have talent for flirting with Witches I still got loads of problems you know. And having someone I don’t even remember flirting with attached to me……Ah, but then, if you six Witches can give me some help outside without causing too much trouble I’d be pretty happy with that]

Turning his face away and trying to change the subject, Subaru muttered this convenient pipe dream.

While he had only witnessed a part of what Typhon and Minerva could do, that part alone should already be more than enough to have the damage-dealer and healer roles covered.

Although, one moment getting his arm lopped off and the other getting beaten into health was still something to think about.

[Echidona: Unfortunately, regardless of what I was when I was alive, I cannot interfere with the real world after death. So, inviting you into my dream is already quite an exception]

[Subaru: I know I know. I just thought I should try anyway. Honestly, just having you to listen to me is already more than enough of a salvation for me]

At the very least, having finally let go of the secret he had been holding inside for so long, he was feeling a little further away from mental collapse. On top of that, he had managed to clear up some of his suspicions about the Witch of Envy as well.

As for the parts that were still mysteries, he decided not to think about them for now.


[Subaru: Can I ask some other questions about Return by Death?]

[Echidona: I could only answer with speculations from the extent of my knowledge. If you are fine with that, then sure]

Resuming a pretentious air, Echidona said this as a preface.

The expression on her face was almost reminiscent of some big-shot figure, but deep down, she must be thoroughly enjoying these questions and answers seeing she was impatiently tapping her feet on the grass in anticipation of Subaru’s words while fiddling her fingers in her own hair.

For someone who was supposed to be the Incarnation of the Thirst for Knowledge, she was really quite predictable. Is it really alright for someone like that to be a Witch? Subaru thought in a corner of his head.

[Subaru: Occasionally when I Return by Death, the place where I revive at would be changed. So far, there’s been…… six places, I think? I’ve been revived at different location and their respective times. So… I want to know about the conditions for the SAVEPOINTS to change]

[Echidona: “Save points”…… you mean the change in the places where you revive?]

[Subaru: Basically, once it changes, I can’t go back to the previous point. If two days ago was a savepoint, then once it changes to yesterday I can’t go back to the day before anymore. Do you know what’s the mechanism behind this?]

To Subaru, this question was just as vital as the limit on the number of returns, if not more so.

The changes in the savepoints――was an unknown aspect of Return by Death for which Subaru couldn’t find a single relevant condition.

[Subaru: I can die and come back…… but it’s not like I intend to naively go around thinking I can die as much I want. But while I don’t intend to…… when it’s the only thing I can rely on, I’ll rely on it without hesitation. But…]

What would Subaru do when he falls into a situation which even his death couldn’t salvage?

The image of the unconscious Rem lying in her bed flickered across Subaru’s mind.

After parting at the end of the battle with the White Whale, she was supposed to join him again once he had defeated Petelgeuse, and yet, Subaru couldn’t save her even through Return by Death.

He could never forget the instant he thrust a knife into his own throat at the sleeping girl’s side.

Even now, he couldn’t believe that he had had the will to act on that short-circuited impulse to take his own life, crushed by despair. Or, perhaps, it was precisely because he had lost the will to go on that he took his own life.

With blood leaking from the hole in his throat, in pain and suffocation, Subaru died.

And when he opened his eyes, he found himself returned to only a few minutes before he pierced his throat.

He had never hated a savepoint update as much as he did then.

If it meant not losing Rem, Subaru would have challenged the White Whale and the madman as many times as he must.

No matter how many times he would have to die, how many times he would be crushed, he would have challenged again.

[Echidona: The circumstances of those “save point” changes, could you tell me in a little more detail?]

[Subaru: Ah, aah…… right. I’ll start with the first savepoint then…]

Recalling the memories of what he was being asked, Subaru gave a brief explanation of each of his Return by Deaths, along with the times and places he returned to.

That is to say, the majority of the experience of his life in the Parallel World up to now.

Even though it was the shortened version, getting through the story of the eventful two months still took up what felt like an hour.

[Subaru: So now, it’s inside the Tomb…… fixed right after the end of the first Trial. Going by what you said earlier, this time was the same as well]

[Echidona: …………]

[Subaru: Did that give you anything? One time, I was pretty convinced of a crazy theory that old uncles are savepoints, you know]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

For whatever reason, Kadomon, the scar faced uncle in the fruit shop in the Capital, was twice selected to be Subaru’s savepoint in this world.

But then again, one could count it as being twice in front of Rem as well.

[Subaru: I get the feeling that whether it’s people, things or time, none of it has anything to do with the savepoint changes. In terms of time, the number of days in between are all over the place, and in terms of people or events I can’t see anything in common at all. The conditions are just totally obscure]

[Echidona: Indeed, I don’t see any consistency in the conditions you mentioned either. In that case, perhaps it is necessary for us to approach it from a different angle]

[Subaru: A different angle?]

[Echidona: What is the reason you returned to where you did…… might not be a question that would lead us to the answer. Instead, why don’t we consider a reason why it would be moved forward?]

[Subaru: Why it would be moved forward……?]

[Echidona: The “save point”, instead of a “Place of Return”, could alternatively be considered a “Wall of Return”. Until it can be moved forward, you would always be pulled back to that wall through “Death”. You could also think of it as the bottom of a pit]

Subaru furrowed his brows at Echidona’s words, and began to think on their meaning.

A wall, or a pit. By returning to the respawn point through Return by Death, Subaru had managed to change situations that would otherwise have been impossible to break through. Rather, without Return by Death, he would not have surmounted anything, and those situations would have ended as they were.

So, the locations of the Return by Death savepoints changed with the situation.

In other words,

[Subaru: Return by Death shifts when I change something that I couldn’t change before……?]

[Echidona: In this case, Return by Death is merely a means to an end. As for what intention is behind this means, we would have to consider the being responsible for its existence]

[Subaru: The being responsible……]

Echidona nodded, seeing that Subaru had lost his words, as her lips bent into a resentful frown,

[Echidona: The Witch of Envy. The Witch who gifted you with Return by Death did so in hopes that you would change the circumstances which could only be overcome through “Death”. When you succeed in overcoming those circumstances, the “save point” will change]

[Subaru: B, but then…… that, doesn’t make sen……se. Because, then…… what about Rem? I failed to save her, didn’t I? If Return by Death is a force to change the circumstances, then why did I return to a time where I couldn’t save Rem……]

By overwriting the savepoint, it was Return by Death itself that had denied him the chance to save Rem.

It was precisely because of this, that Subaru so urgently need to know if the update to the savepoint could be reverted.

But, to Subaru’s question, Echidona continued with [Unfortunately],

[Echidona: This person “Rem” you speak of, is probably not someone who is within the Witch of Envy’s considerations]

[Subaru: …………h]

[Echidona: What the Witch of Envy desires is for you to escape from the confounding fates of inescapable dead ends. Return by Death is only a means to fulfill that purpose, and whatever fate anyone else suffers is beyond the scope of that intention. Wishing to use that power to save anyone else, is nothing more than your own personal desires. It has nothing to do with the Witch]

[Subaru: a……]

[Echidona: So, let me make this clear]

In front of Subaru who was stunned into silence, Echidona reiterated her words.

With a feeble gaze in his eyes, Subaru looked up at the Witch of white. And, Echidona closed her eyes only once, as if bearing the pain, before her black pupils pierced into Subaru’s,

[Echidona: As long as you fail to break through the obstacles standing in your path and die without changing the future, your soul will surely be returned to my Tomb. But if you allowed far too many sacrifices, and yet managed to change the future……]

[Subaru: ――Then I’ll never get a chance to regain what’s been sacrificed]

[Echidona: ……Precisely]

In the end, the only one within the Witch of Envy’s considerations was Subaru himself.

As long as Subaru could overcome the fate of Death, everything else was trivial. She believed that no matter how hopeless the situation became, given infinite retries, Subaru would find a way to survive. Or rather, even if it was hopeless, Subaru would not be allowed to give up.

Because all the conditions of Return by Death were held in the Witch of Envy’s hands.

[Subaru: Alright…… if you got such a thing for me, then I’ve made up my mind as well]

[Echidona: …………]

[Subaru: This gift of Return by Death you’ve given me…… I’ll use it to the end. And at the end, I’ll meet you without having lost a single thing dear to me. Yeah, it’s decided. Already decided. I’ll make sure of it. I’m the greatest in the world at betraying people’s expectations, you know]

If Return by Death was subject to the Witch’s will, then Subaru’s will would decide how it was to be used.

So, he will pile it up, overcome it, and move forward while holding onto everything.

If the Witch’s love would only save Subaru, then Subaru would save everything else.

Only with this, could Natsuki Subaru take a first shot back at the Witch.

[Subaru: Changing the circumstances…… means to break through the problems of the Sanctuary and the problems at the Mansion. If all those are cleared, then regardless of how many victims are sacrificed, the return point of Return by Death will be updated. In other words, holding onto everything while overcoming the problems is the absolute condition]

[Echidona: It may be strange for me to say this, but isn’t that quite an arduous task to take on? You certainly seem to have accepted it easily]

[Subaru: I was just saying something I’ve already been vaguely thinking about out loud. Rather than break me, it’s got my motivation all fired up. My rebellious heart’s all ablaze, you know]

Hearing Subaru’s declaration, Echidona fell speechless.

Taking some small satisfaction in seeing the Witch at a loss for words, Subaru clicked the bones in his neck, and,

[Subaru: There’s nothing else I wanted to ask about Return by Death. Anyways, I’ll keep that in mind, thanks]

[Echidona: ……I’ve also sated my curiosity through a valuable conversation. So let’s call it even. Besides, as opposed to flaunting my knowledge, this was more of me voicing my speculations]

[Subaru: Then, this next one should be properly relying on that knowledge of yours]

Since her knowledge didn’t extend to the topic of Return by Death, there were still many ambiguities involved. But this would not be the case for Subaru’s next question.

This one, he must hear it loud and clear from her own mouth.

[Subaru: This time I Returned by Death…… do you know how I died?]

[Echidona: I haven’t read that part, so no, I don’t. And while I am incredibly interested in discussing the experiences of your various deaths…… you don’t seem to be in the mood right now]

[Subaru: It’s kind of hard to be boasting of wounds and deaths and heroic feats without some alcohol. But since all we got here is Dona-tea, that hope’s pretty much out the window]

[Echidona: That is unfortunate. ……From the looks of your body outside, your death must have been accompanied by considerable mental and physical anguish…… in the end]

It was probably considerate of her to have avoided describing how he died.

Sensing that consideration, Subaru somewhat relaxed his cheeks, before immediately stiffening again with [Aah yeah], nodding,

[Subaru: Just remembering it gives me the shivers…… this time, I was eaten alive]

[Echidona: …………]

[Subaru: And it was by these stupid, tiny little palm-sized rabbits. Omnivores and hungry, apparently. They… ate up my whole body without leaving a scrap]

Although he was understating it with his phrasing, there was no way to properly describe that miserable end with words.

The memory of his whole body being devoured, of his flesh, bones and blood being violated by pointed teeth still insisted on pain in the depths of Subaru’s mind.

Forcibly pushing this down, Subaru somehow managed to keep himself calm. Seeing this, Echidona pressed the back of her hand against her lips,

[Echidona: …….So you encountered the Great Rabbit, I see]

[Subaru: Great Rabbit?]

[Echidona: “Great” not as in “Size”, but in “Multitude”. That meaning was lost in communication over the ages. It is one of the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne’s, inauspicious legacies―― one of three]

[Subaru: The Great Rabbit is……]

Once, he had heard it from Julius. And here, the name of the Mabeast was uttered again by Echidona.

White Whale, Black Serpent, and Great Rabbit. Each and every one were Mabeasts that threatened the world since 400 years ago and subjects of the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne.

[Subaru: Just when I thought I got the White Whale down the Great Rabbit shows up, give me a break…..]

[Echidona: If your adversary is the Great Rabbit, then you are up against a terrible enemy]

In front of Subaru, who was holding his head, Echidona’s expression darkened at the knowledge of the threat which he was facing. Subaru was beginning to feel some apprehension at the sight of her expression,

[Subaru: I felt the same anxiety when I was facing the White Whale…… so which one is worse?]

[Echidona: In terms of pure combat strength, the White Whale is by far the greater of the two. But in terms of which one is harder to destroy, then it is without doubt the Great Rabbit]

[Subaru: Hard to destroy……]

Subaru thought that, just like with the White Whale, there must be a way to slay it. But seeing this reaction from Subaru, Echidona raised up a single finger [Are you listening?],

[Echidona: You may think that it is no different from a regular Mabeast, or that it is simply a little more troublesome]

[Subaru: No, I mean, I’ve at least figured out that they’re not the cute little bastards they look like……]

[Echidona: More accurately, the existence of the Great Rabbit is closer to that of a natural disaster. Always acting as a drove, they move for none other than the instinct of their insatiable appetite. All living creatures are their food, and they set out to do nothing except to devour every last morsel of their feed. Where the Great Rabbit passes, only unpopulated fields remain. Crops and fruits are untouched. The only things they devour are the living]

Listening to Echidona’s description of the Great Rabbit, Subaru gasped and swallowed back a breath.

Watching her stern expression, Subaru realized that she was not exaggerating.

A Sanctuary devoid of people, and the sea of little rabbits that devoured him.

If that was the Great Rabbit, then the fact that the Sanctuary was empty could only be because they had all been eaten by the Mabeast.

Emilia, Ram, Lewes, Roswaal, and even Garfiel who had transformed into a giant tiger.

Locusts―― the word suddenly surfaced in Subaru’s mind.

The phenomenon where a mass outbreak of locusts appears. More specifically, a mass of grasshoppers morphing into locusts, devouring fields of crops into nothing, leaving devastation and famine in its wake.

The Great Rabbit’s behavior was very close to the locusts Subaru knew.

Although, unlike locusts, the Great Rabbit ate living creatures, and so their inexhaustible hunger threatened life far more directly than the locusts.

[Subaru: Can’t we find a way to defeat them?]

[Echidona: Individually, their strengths are not significant, but do not forget that they move in droves. Killing any number of single individuals is completely meaningless, and as soon as they catch sight of prey, they will not stop until it is dead and devoured. They are “Hunger” itself]

[Subaru: Wait wait wait. Yeah but……if the rabbits move in droves, shouldn’t there be a BOSS leading it or something? If we just kill the boss, won’t the whole thing collapse?]

According to the general rules of the human world, killing the leader is usually enough to make a group scatter. Although, in terms of the animal world, the second in command might just take over when that happens.

Then again, Subaru didn’t know much about the natural behavior of Mabeasts, so all he could do was rely on the one who was knowledgeable in this field, Echidona. But there, she shook her head,

[Echidona: You seem to have misunderstood something. The Great Rabbit has no concept of “Bosses”. They are driven only by the instinct of “Hunger”. They consume other life to sate their own hunger, and know no other structure. They reproduce by dividing, and when there is no prey, they cannibalize each other to endure their hunger. There is no sense of companionship between them]

[Subaru: Cannibalize…… wh, why on earth were these monsters created in the first place!?]

[Echidona: Why, that is something only the person who created them would know. At least, Daphne herself isn’t as insistent on her appetite as her rabbits are]

Subaru couldn’t help but shiver at the dreadful nature of those rabbits.

Certainly, by instinct, it is the natural order of all living organisms to consume other life to sustain their own. On this point, there is no difference between humans or animals, or Mabeasts, for that matter.

But, to multiply by dividing themselves without mating or raising their young, and even worse, rather than just dividing to increase their number, the fact that they sate their hunger by consuming individuals spawned from themselves was unnatural to the extreme.

It may just be that the Great Rabbit was the organism to end all living organisms.

[Subaru: Hypothetically…… uh, if I had to destroy the Great Rabbit, what do you think I should do?]

[Echidona: To be honest, I think that question is like asking “How do you evaporate all the raindrops in a pouring rain?”]

“It’s impossible to accomplish,” must be what she meant.

Hearing Echidona’s answer, Subaru held a hand to his forehead, dizzied by the enormity of the hurdle of defeating the Great Rabbit.

[Subaru: If we can kill all of them, then the Great Rabbit will be destroyed, right?]

[Echidona: Yet, that would be far too reckless of a thing to attempt. As far as I know, the only people capable of doing this were Reid Astrea and Sekhmet. Reid could use his overwhelming swordsmanship to slay it to the last one. As for Sekhmet…… with the issue of their affinity, she could destroy them in a second]

[Subaru: I heard they were real monsters… those two……]

Last time, the memory of Sekhmet sitting there hugging her knees surfaced in his mind.

At least, from what Subaru had seen, his impression of her was someone who found everything to be a bother, a Witch entirely appropriate for the title of “Sloth”.

[Subaru: Wait…]

Recalling his encounter with Sekhmet, a light lit up in Subaru’s head.

Although it was faint, and fleeting, it was enough to light the way out of the dead-end he was in. More importantly, this was something he absolutely couldn’t do without Echidona’s help.

[Subaru: Echidona]

[Echidona: What is it? Such a serious expression. ……No, we mustn’t. You are living, and I am dead. This crossing of our fates is only a transitory fantasy, a fleeting dream. So even if you stare at me with such passionate eyes, I……]

[Subaru: No no sorry to put it to you when you’re all worked up but that’s totally not what I was thinking! Seriously, totally not at all!]

Staggering a bit at seeing Echidona looking somewhat disappointed, Subaru quickly veered the conversation back on topic. That is,

[Subaru: Echidona, I want to meet the Witch of Gluttony――Daphne]

[Echidona: …………]

[Subaru: Last time on your tea party, I met the Witches of Pride, Wrath, and Sloth. But that time you did say you kept the fragments of the five other Witches safe]

[Echidona: ……collected them, yes. The traces of who they were in life are indeed kept within me. If I release them from this vessel I am, then it would be possible for them to manifest. It is possible, but…]

Hearing Subaru’s proposal, Echidona furrowed her brows, looking troubled.

Her gaze wandered and even her words grew indistinct, until she looked to Subaru once again,

[Echidona: I really think it would be best if you abandon the idea of meeting Daphne]

[Subaru: Why is that? I know Witches can be a handful, I’ve already gotten a pretty intimate taste of that so I think I’m prepared for it. No matter what happens, I won’t complain or anything]

[Echidona: Before we get to complaints, in my opinion, I think your affinity with Daphne would be extremely terrible. You could even say that it is the worst there can be. Even if you meet her, chances are, you wouldn’t be able to discuss anything useful……]

[Subaru: Won’t know until I try. Trial and error, as you like to say, right?]

Actions in pursuit of answers. Echidona always said she approved of such endeavors.

Hearing Subaru’s words, with an [u…] Echidona showed an expression as if she had just been stabbed in a sore spot. Seeing this from her, Subaru went on, [Besides], scratching his head,

[Subaru: You’re the one who said I don’t have to worry for my life while I’m in here. Not that I’m being optimistic, but, at least, if I don’t have to worry about dying, I figured there’s no harm in taking on the challenge]

[Echidona: Well I never said your mind won’t break and you won’t end up a cripple]

[Subaru: I’ll trust you to pull me back before that happens. So please, Echidona? I’m number one in the world when it comes to relying on others, you know?]

Throwing out a joke along with words of trust, Subaru sparkled his teeth and shot her a thumbs-up.

Seeing Subaru’s frivolous-to-the-end attitude, the colors of resistance gradually faded from Echidona’s eyes,

[Echidona: ……alright. I will let you meet Daphne]

[Subaru: Ohoo, thankyouthankyou]

[Echidona: But, I must warn you. Do not, under any circumstances, undo her bondage. And you are forbidden to make contact with her body. In fact, please avoid making eye contact if possible]

[Subaru: What kind of a creep am I to have to be told to follow all that!]

Besides, there were some words mixed in there that just couldn’t be ignored.

But just as Subaru was about to ask―― Echidona had already completed her preparations.

Just as last time, Echidona had summoned a Witch without any preliminary motion or foreshadowing.

When he blinked and opened his eyes, there was already someone else occupying the space where she had been.

It was all just like last time.


[Subaru: Oy oy……isn’t this just……]

Faced with what had appeared before his eyes, Subaru whispered as his cheeks stiffened.

In front of his eyes, was the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne.

――Set inside a coffin, her entire body restrained by bondage and her eyes sealed behind a thick black blindfold, was the girl who was a Witch.

-=Chapter 46 End=-

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