Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 184: Evening of Two

Chapter 184: Evening of Two

[Evening, Outer Court]

Kai and Alice were standing beside each other in front of the teleporter waiting for their turn.

As Kai looked at Alice who was wearing a maroon colour, high low hemline style sleeveless halterneck midi dress with a black high heels.

Kai cannot but get mesmerized by her beauty and his dress perfectly matches her. 

It was not that Alice usually didn't look beautiful, it was that it was Kai's first time seeing her in casual clothes.

Kai on the other hand, was wearing a light fitting green striped half sleeve shirt and classic black cotton trousers with matching black leather belt and black shoes. The entire set of clothes was perfect fit for his body and comfortable to wear.

Just one look and anyone can tell that they are brand new and recently bought. It was not that he doesn't have any casual clothes but most of the clothes he had brought with him cannot fit him anymore after his body structure had gone through due to one year training with Dai Yusa. His height, shoulder length all have changed.

So, the only clothes he had left were his formal clothes from Blackmere City and Academy uniform and almost trashed mage robe. In the end he decided to buy some clothes during his visit to Fantasia group shop.

After sometime Kai and Alice's turn came and they entered the teleporter to reach their destination.

[River port Town, Claremont]

Claremont is a river town situated beside the river Ingus which originates from the glaciers of northern lands and travels from the radiant empire and pass through the eastern boundary of Chronos Magic Academy territory where it's splitting into two, one head towards Romand Kingdom and other together Chaos Empire to end up in winter song lake.

This town holds one of the busiest inland port in the continent and is used to transport goods to three empires as well as Romand Kingdom. But this place is also famous for its drama hall, floating luxury restaurant and romantic night life.

Kai had already talked with miss Delfonia to get some information about the famous places to visit in Claremont town.

Kai and Alice walked out of the teleporter hall located at the centre of the town.

Kai looked at Alice"Where do you plan to go, Alice?"

Alice smiled with an excited expression.

"Let's go to Parmonta drama house. It's the most famous drama house in the continent and I have heard that today, famous actor Jack Paul is going to perform with Miss Asha Paul, his wife. I am a great fan of both of them and I already have two front row seats booked. The play will start at 6pm. So, let's go; play will almost start about the time we reach there."

Kai nodded as they walked towards the drama hall.

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[Two hours later]

The night had already fallen and streets were illuminated by the light of lamb. 

When a large crowd of audience walked out of the drama house. Sometimes Kai and Alice walked out from the entrance of the hall with a charming young man following behind them with his crew members.

He was Jack Paul, one of the most famous actors in the continent who respectfully bowed to Kai with tearful eyes.

"Thank you, Thank you yours majesty. I will always remember your favour."

"Don't mention it. I just like our performance and Alice is also a great fan of yours. So, treat the money I have given you as advance payment for the contact,we had  signed between us. I will be waiting for your arrival in Utopia City. As for miss Asha, take care of her. It will take about a week for her to fully recover."

Jack looked at Kai and nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

Jake smiled and waved his hand as both Kai and Alice walked away.

"I never thought Miss Asha was suffering from heart problems for such a long time and did not tell Mister Jake. But you were able to tell that by just looking at her and able to solve it so easily"said Alice with astonishment.

She really was shocked, when during the play. Kai said that Miss Asha,who was singing on the stage, is suffering from heart problems. Later, Kai dragged her backstage after the end of play and got to meet Jack and his crew in person due to Kai's identity as King of Buraford Kingdom.

"Blood clotting has started to occur in her heart veins and her blood circulation was also affected by it. Miss Asha did not dare to tell his husband Jake due to his financial condition which was really a foolish decision. If I had not noticed it, she could have had a major heart attack in the future"said Kai with a serious expression.

"But how did you find out?"asked Alice with a curious expression.

Kai smiled and pointed towards his eyes``I was just listening to her singing carefully and took a liking to it. As I began to concentrate more due to which I noticed the unusual heart beats of miss Asha and came to a conclusion that something was wrong."said Kai and smiled

"Alice, you have told me that you are a fan of mister Jake and Miss Asha. I also liked miss Asha singing and I have a way to help her. So, I decided to help them; using my magic power and sending a thin string of magic power into her veins and clearing it up. Though in her presence her blood vessels have to bear some excess pressure, this was the fastest process to cure her. At the same time, I was able to attract two talent of entertainment world to Buraford Kingdom."

"In future you will be able to see them perform whenever you want."

"Kai, are you telling me that you did it for me?"said Aline with a delightful expression.

"It's only half of the reason, I also want to hear  Miss Asha singing in the future."

"From the looks of it. You also have become her fan"said Alice.

Kai nodded"Her song is closest to the song of nature I used to hear every night during my time in the core region of forbidden forest. It calms my mind and fills me with energy."

"Is it not the same for you? Alice."

"Hmmm.. I heard about them when I was twelve years old and my senior sister brought me here to listen to singing. Since then, every year I come here during his time to listen to her singing and also enjoy mister Jake acting.  Throughout the year, perform in various drama houses in various parts of the continent and keep moving from one place to another. So, most of the time. It's not possible for me to hear her singing."

While listening to Alice. Kai kept looking around the streets as they walked towards less densely populated areas.

Alice who was walking beside Kai also had a general Idea where Kai is heading towards as the sound of clashing of water can be heard louder and louder.

An open space appears before Alice. They were standing on the river bank with a small port and a medium size floating outdoor restaurant was docked on the port with lights on.

A man wearing a waiter's uniform came to the restaurant and looked at Kai and Alice.

"Are you mister Kai and Alice?"

Kai and Alice nodded.

"We have been waiting for you. Please head inside, he will be undocking from the port?"said the waiters.

Kai grabbed Alice and"let's go, I have this entire restaurant booked only for us."

"Ah!..When did you do that?"asked Alice.

She is fully aware that she has not told Kai about the place they are going to visit before he returns to the dormitory during lunch.

"I took help from miss Delfonia,"said Kai as they both entered the restaurant and the boat left the dock as it floated across the river.

Entering the restaurant Alice found not many people inside. 

Three were only four people inside the restaurant aside from them. Captain of the boat who was controlling it, the waiter and two chiefs.

On the deck, a circular wooden table was placed on a cake placed in the middle with a lighted candle on top of it.

"Happy Birthday, Alice."said Kai.

Hearing that Alice was surprised.

"You.. remembered..???"said Alice in surprise.

"How can I forget your birthday? It was quite mean of you to say that. Am I such a forgetful person?"

Alice didn't know how to reply to Kai's question.

Kai smiled and held her hand as they walked towards the table only to pull out a gift wrapped inside a box and give it to Alice.

"Open it,"said Kai in a low voice.

Alice didn't hesitate to open the gift box and found a hand crafted silver chain necklace decorative with small gems inside the gift box.

"Thank you,"said Alice in a low voice.

Standing before the table, Kai looked at Alice and kept the candle aside to give her the knife to cut the cake.

After cutting a piece of the cake, Alice smiled and gave it to Kai. Kai took a bit and cut a piece for Alice.

As the waiter and chef came one after another to serve different types of cuisine on the table.

Sitting on the chair, under the shade of bright  moonlight. As the river water reflects it's back towards the sky.

Kai and Alice begin to eat their dinner.

It was already 9pm when Kai and Alice returned back to the bank of the river as they watched the floating restaurant go away.

Alice looked at Kai who was looking towards the river with calm eyes and hesitated as her heart beat quickened.

She wanted to confess her love but didn't know what to do.

Kai also noticed a change in Alice's facial expression and wanted to say something but was hesitating.

Seeing his Kai smile, turning around he suddenly kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Alice"said Kai with a serious expression

Such a sudden confession from Kai caught Alice off guard as she panicked.

Looking at the panicked Alice Kai smiled.

'Even when she is panicking, she looks so cute.'

Kai as he looked into her clear red radiant eyes.

Alice blushed as Kai caught her hand not allowing her to leave and pulled her to his chest, to hug her tightly.

Being so close to Kai, Alice was able to hear the chaotic heartbeat of Kai as she also quicked in response.

After sometime, Kai let go of her. As they walked towards the town centre under the bright moonlight, while holding hands with smiling faces.

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