Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 144: Merchant guild II

Chapter 144: Merchant guild II

"Alright Gabriella, where are you from and why did you want to meet me?"

"We are from Leewell island your majesty, an island in the Gaulside archipelago"

"You're long way from home, Gabriella" Don said as she went on

"It's tough times, your majesty, we merchants have to try to get every business opportunities and that's why we are here, your majesty "

"You want to do business with us?"

"We are willing if you are, your majesty"

"What's your guild's specialty?" Don asked as the smile on Gabriella's face was no longer a fake one of formality but became more sincere and cordial

"We sell many products, from gemstones to construction materials, and we also run inns and taverns as well as few casinos, your majesty"

"Casinos huh?" Don thought to himself, he knew that it required more than capitals to operate casinos in any part of this empire, in fact, even a simple casino had to be protected by someone with a higher level of cultivation or the casino would be a simple target for the thieves and scums.

And without saying, the one who runs a few casinos would be nearly untouchable in any of the rank 4 kingdoms yet looking at the guards standing behind Gabriella, Don guessed that they would not be more than a master level cultivators.

Don had done some jobs for the merchant families in the divine continent, and in this world, he only knew about the thousand arms auction house who had branches all over the continent plus expanded their business and accumulated incredible fortunes. Also, most of the merchants were not only fearless and smooth talkers but also good at sniffing out business opportunities. Although many of them were experts in ripping off their customers, some managed to establish themselves as genuine and dependable. By lobbying with local authorities and many influential nobles in kingdoms, they formed a relatively stable alliance with some distinguished figures. But the question was, Could this Grega's merchant guild also be one of the successful ones or the swindling kind?

Either way, Don had to know more about them before getting into business with them and who is better than Joel to get the information? 

"Arrora, tell Joel to get me all the information he could on Grega's merchant guild in Leewell Island located in Gaulside archipelago "

But until Joel could give him the required information, Don decided to ask more question

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"Let's just say, if I want to do business with a merchant guild, what would make me choose you over the other guilds?"

The merchants and Gabriella looked a little off when Don asked the question as Don realized they were probably hesitating to answer given his reputation among the nobles and the recent events

"You can speak freely, Gabriella"

Gabriella took a deep breath 

"Your majesty, as you can see the downpour outside"

She pointed towards the windows as the downpour outside didn't even reduce a bit since he came to this kingdom

"the merchants use carts and carriages to transport the goods and this weather makes that very hard and" Gabriella paused for a moment

"to get Agoria, your majesty, most merchants have to come through Korrinth and anyone who comes to Agoria through Korrinth have to pay an outrageous sum in the border, especially merchants given the history between you and King Harold, your majesty"

It was not a surprise to Don that King Harold charges this much tax to those who dare to come to Agoria through Korrinth and soon Don was sure that he would hear more troubles caused by Harold.

" even though you exterminated the bandits from Agoria, your majesty, merchants would still hesitate to travel here because of the lack of roads and population "

Don knew that by saying lack of roads and population, she was mentioning about the poor condition of the roads and the poverty of the common people

"I assume you have a way to overcome these issues"

"Yes we do, your majesty"

"And what that might be?"

"Ships your majesty, we have ships" and before Don could tell them about the absence of the port, Gabriella continued

"I know there's no port in Agoria, your majesty, but we have mages to handle situations like this"

Don acted like he was thinking about this for a moment before speaking

"I'll send one of my men to tell you what we need because he knows about that more than me, you can quote your prices and charges, I'll give you the answer in two days if that fine with you"

Gabriella looked at the other merchants hearing Don and after seeing them nodding, she turned to answer Don

"Of course your majesty"


With the help of the teleporter, Joel's men were able to reach the Leewell island and gather information about the Grega's merchant guild in just two days.

While they were gathering information, Stodemar had a brief meeting with Gabriella to get to know the goods she's selling and the prices as well as the transportations fees.

At the moment Don was reading the report that Joel's men provided about the Grega's merchant guild. As per the report,Grega's merchant guild was having a pretty tough time with their rival in business, the Thunder Hearts.

Thunder Hearts guild had pushed Grega's merchant guild to its last legs by offering the customers cheap, reduced price than Grega's merchant guild.

Also according to the report, there was a rumor about the Thunder Hearts sabotaging some of the biggest shipments of Grega's merchant guild which started the downfall of Grega's merchant guild. In the opinion of the people in Leewell, Grega's merchant guild would soon close its door but the only thing keeping their doors open was Gabriella's exceptional skill in her family business.

"What do you think of doing business with them, Joel?"

"They are desperate, your majesty, we can get a super cheap price from them but we can also help them by buying the goods at the market price"

Joel saw Don giving some thoughts about what to do with the merchants

"How long do you think, they will survive if we buy the goods from them for the prices they stated in this"

Don tossed the quotation Gabrialla gave it to Stodemar after their meeting and negotiation

"Hmm, this is a good deal, your majesty but we can get them to lower the price even more" After taking a look at the scroll, Joel said

"Your majesty, If we buy the goods at this price, it will help them but not enough to survive their rival"

Don nodded because as per the report, thunder hearts were already working to close a deal with some bigshot in another kingdom and there was no doubt in Don's mind that the thunder hearts would soon make their move to completely eradicate their rival, Grega's merchant guild.

"Then we should buy the goods at this price and let the guilds settle their disputes among themselves, no need for me to be their savior"

Yet Joel felt like Don already had a plan for Grega's merchant guild 

"Your majesty, do you want me to put a mole inside the thunder hearts?" 


Don wanted to form a merchant guild of his own in the future to sell the goods produced in his kingdoms except he had neither suitable people nor experience to run a merchant guild, however, after reading the report, Don made a plan for the merchant guild. 

His plan was a simple one, when the thunder hearts make their move to destroy their rival, he would swoop in and save the Grega's merchant guild but he planned to be the owner of the guild afterward instead of Gabriella's father and the guild would be a part of Everlight empire. of course, Don realized that he had to make an enemy out of the thunder hearts at that time, but according to the report, Don had the strength to completely wipe the thunder hearts from the face of the world as the most powerful warriors of thunder hearts was the two guild masters, mid-level grandmasters.

With Gabrialla's expertise and the already existing guild structure, it would be easier for Don this way than forming a new guild from scratch. Still, for a time being, he could do nothing but wait for the thunder hearts to make their move. Meanwhile, Don had to build a fleet of ships for military and trading purposes.

"People only be grateful and truly appreciate the helping hand only when they are desperate for help"

Don remembered the words of his teacher in the divine continent

"I hope we meet again, old wolf"

"Your majesty?"

Joel was sure that he heard something from Don as Don shook his head a little 

"Nothing, you can return to Everlight now"

After bowing, Joel left the living room leaving Don who was thinking about the days he spent training and doing dangerous jobs with Knight and the old wolf

Don still remembers vividly when he fought the old wolf because of the heavenly sword palace and falling off from the five thousand feet waterfall which to this date, he had no idea of how he survived the fall.


Don closed his eyes as he saw the beautiful face of a girl with golden blonde hair, the one who stole Don's heart in the divine continent.

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