Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 17: I want your Miserable life

Chapter 17: I want your Miserable life

Standing in front of the huge wall, Don circulated his battle energy to make the jump over the wall. At this moment he is not planning to land on the ground but jump straight onto the manor's rooftop.

Don knew the manor was surely trapped with detection magic and motion sensor magic, but he is not at the very least worried because he had no magic core hence no magic fluctuations to be found by the security mechanisms.

However, the thing he worried were the guards around Bryan, although he is sure that Bryan won't let his guards watch while he is playing with the half-elf, yet Don was aware that there is no perfect plan so he didn't want to barge in knocking down the roof.


(A few moments ago)

"Please let me go!!!! let me go!!!!" a scream reverberated throughout the corridor, apart from the screams of a woman only a few footsteps could be heard,

Rosaline was walking behind Minister Bryan while the twins carrying the box with the shouting half-elf in it. She still remembers the lifeless body of the last woman he played with yet Rosaline was glad that woman chose to end her own life before this animal claims it.

As for the half-elf in the box, she could only feel pity, this half-elf and Minister Bryan were bonded by the master-slave spell, he would be able to control her so committing suicide was hopeless, although a master won't be able to control the slave completely like a puppet, but partial control was enough for Minister Bryan. He was cruel enough to enjoy the screaming and crying of the half-elf, he was laughing and hitting the cage-like training a wild animal.

During the moments of her stay with her master in the capital she heard that the master-slave bond spell will be nullified if the slave would reach 'Heavenly level' yet reaching that level was so hard to even for prodigies like herself, therefore, the half-elf didn't even have a tiny bit of hope. Rosaline heard that the half-elf was a peak master level magi, first, she was completely shocked to know because the other races in this part of the empire were hunted and captured like rabbits, so reaching peak master level at this age while one the run without proper resources was simply an incredible feat.

However, the gods struck down this poor half-elf by let this animal capture her. The half-elf screamed and cried while shaking the cage like an animal since she regained her consciousness, the half elf's eyes were bloodshot red from the dizziness caused by the spell or the crying, her clothes were dirty and ragged only clean thing on her body was the chain she wore.

The half-elf was clutching the chain and crying,

"Help me somebody help me"

The Healer Aster couldn't walk like nothing is happening, she wanted to help the half-elf so bad but Rosaline shook her head, as a hybrid between a human and a druid Aster herself was a half-human so it was natural for her to feel sympathy towards the half-elf, be that as it may, she was unable to do anything without Rosaline's permission.

Eventually, the group had reached the Minister Bryan's bedroom entrance, the screaming and crying were lessened as the half-elf was exhausted.

"Put the cage inside the room and give me some privacy will ya?"

Although it sounded similar to a request, Rosaline knew it was an order, as a result, she just nodded towards the twins and raised her hands and drew something on the air and started to cast a spell around the room, as she finished casting the spell a blue layer of light surrounded the square room then vanished without a trace

"How kind of you Rosaline, you personally cast the Trap magic for me "

The spell she cast was one of the protective or defensive spells 'Trap magic' it will alert the one cast the spell and slow down or immobilize the intruder based on the caster magi's power or the intruder's power in another words if the caster was powerfull than the intruder the spell will immobilize the intruder if not it will only just slow down him/her.

"Cast the Flower Volley spell too, I want this to be a wild romantic evening " he rubbed his palms together and grinned a devilish smile,

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Rosaline was sickened to hear him speaking, he was like a disgusting pig in her view, Minister Bryan noticed Rosalin's silence as he laughed and said

"Alrighty I can cast that spell myself "

After casting the spell Rosaline never even looked at Minister Bryan she simply walked out of the room followed by her team, once they left Bryan hastily shut the door and turned to see the half-elf,

"Before we start" as he said he raised his one arm to his eye level and cast a spell

"Flower Volley" once he finished casting the spell, fragrance of many flowers covered the room and the scenery of the room slowly transformed into a flower garden.

Seeing the devilish grin in the face of the human before her, she failed to keep her tears contained, she was born in a noble family in Venus kingdom in Elvenor continent however, she never thought her family will be destroyed along with her kingdom in a single night, her parents sacrificed themselves to let their daughter escape the kingdom but after spending many years on the run she was caught by her enemies and sold as a slave to Avalon continent, where the other races crushed under the feet of the humans.

Thinking about her parents and their faces and the fact their sacrifice was in vain felt like her soul had been ripped apart, she prayed for a miracle even though she knew it was unlikely that someone would help her, its all she can do now,

"Let's play shall we" Minister Bryan advanced with his trademark devilish smile and opened the cage to see the half-elf suddenly lunged at him, she started to attack him with her cuffed hands,

"You Bitch!!!"

Bryan ripped her the cloth-covered her upper body slapped the half-elf which caused her to fall on the cupboard filled with liquor bottles, the bottles fell on the ground and shattered with "chal" sound.

Collection of his precious wine bottles shattered made Bryan mad he activated his master bound and used it to cause tremendous pain to the half-elf, she was covering her breasts with both arms while crouching and screaming in pain just when she tripped small statue on a table.

The statue met the same fate as the wine bottles, seeing his statue broken into pieces caused Minister Bryan boil in rage, he gritted his teeth and kicked her in the back, the force of the kick pushed the half-elf to hit the wall,

"It seems like I have to punish you for not being a good dog"

he took out a whip from one of his cupboards and whipped the ground as he moved towards the half-elf

"It's so much fun" he laughed like a maniac and whipped the half-elf who was curled up in pain she closed her eyes in an impulse seeing the whip

However, the whip never hit her as she slowly opened her eyes to see someone else in the room standing behind the devil with the whip,

He wore a brown robe with a hood covering his face, he was clutching the whip with his one hand. Minister Brian felt like the whip was stuck, he kept pushing forward the whip to hit the half-elf but it never moved as he slowly turned to see someone was behind his clutching the whip.

"Who ar." before Minister Bryan could finish saying, a strong punch landed on his face causing his nasal bone with the popping sound, he covered his nose with both of his hands and fell on a chair, the blood was coming out of his nose like water coming from a hose wetting his palms.

"Ahh." he wanted to shout but the man before him took the whip from him and gagged him with it, then the man in brown robes ripped his robes and tied his hands and body with the chair without giving him any chance to move his body.

The man in brown robes was Don he used the shattering and screaming sound to cut open the roofs with his battle energy to break into Minister Bryan's room from the roofs on top.

At this moment Don was holding his knife just inches away from Minister Bryan's neck

"I'm going to ask you some questions but if scream or started to cast a spell" Don touched Minister Bryan's neck with his knife,

"ill slit your throat you understand" Bryan nodded his head.

Don removed the whip from his mouth

"What how did Rosa" Don slapped him hard

"You don't ask questions I do" Minister Bryan nodded again and spit out a tooth with some blood,

"What do you know about the black-robed mage with eagle symbol"

Minister Bryan's face showed fear overcoming his pain

"No no, I... I cant"

Don put back the whip around his mouth and slowly stabbed through his right thigh and twisted the knife

"Hmmmmhmmmm" Minister Bryan couldn't even shout, he was twitching and shaking his body

"Do you want to tell me now?" Don stopped twisting the knife and removed the whip from his mouth,

After experiencing such pain he never wanted to feel it again, he thought if he could buy him some time by telling what the man wants, he presumed Rosaline could come and save him anytime

"I...I never met him before...he just came from nowhere and gave me a huge amount of money to capture the elves in the outer lands forest"

The Half-elf was looking at this scene with bewilderment, a moment ago she was screaming, shouting and attacked now the attacker of her going through worse suffering than her, she wanted to speak but before she could open her mouth the brown dressed man put his one finger on his lips and shooshed her and continued his interrogation


"I...I don't know he just...just said that the extermination is coming"

"Did he mean the other races?"

"Don't know. please that's all I know let me go ill give you money a huge amount of money...i.ill give you womanelf half-elf demihumans I get them for you..."

He was desperate to save his skin, he was unable to tell why Rosaline hadn't come yet so he did his best to negotiate and get some time.

"You do have what I want"

A small glimmer of hope appeared on Minister Bryan's face as he laughed despite the pain

"Hahaha I knew you want something tells me ill give you my word I swear just let me go"

"I WANT YOUR MISERABLE LIFE," Don said as he covered Minister Bryan,s mouth with one a=hand and drew his knife out of his thigh and stabbed Bryan's heart, the blood started to flow through the gap where the knife stabbed, Bryan was twitching and struggling against the chair the color on his face was slowly beginning to turn pale while the life on his eyes was little by little faded away.

This was the end of Minister Bryan's life, beaten, gagged, tied to a chair and tortured then stabbed through the heart.

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