Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 175: I am not going to the dungeon

Chapter 175: I am not going to the dungeon

"Why don't we serve commoners and rich people in the same building? Cheap affordable drink on one floor and fancier drink on another, I want everyone to afford the drink that rich have, but until then, we can do it like this"

King Edward and Princess Amber were shocked to hear the last part as they were unable to believe that the commoners would reach the level of the nobles but nothing could be predicted with him.

"Then we should build a building with two floors and separate entrances, lower floor for commoners and the upper floor for nobles"

Amber said.

"I can design a lift system substituting for the steps to reach the upper floor"

Don guessed that lift system was one of the things they had in the future and didn't question Ken as he looked at Joel

"What do you think Joel? Will this work?"

"It might have not worked a month ago, your majesty, but after your meeting with nobles, you have the support of nobles, so the restaurant business would definitely work in Emir, Agoria. As for the tea house, the commoners would love to taste a drink other than ale, but to attract the nobles, it depends on the taste of the drink and advertisement"

Don already had an idea of how to get people to his establishment, a classic way to attract the people.

"What about the villages, your majesty? This can only work in the capital since there are no rich people in or around the villages"

"Build only one floor and serve what we serve to the commoners in the capital but cheaper"

Don answered Arwen as everyone agreed with his view.

"When are you starting the construction works, King Don?"

Princess Amber asked 

"We still need to find areas for the buildings, it may take a week to prepare for the construction work"

"Wonderful, it'll give me enough time to take care of some things in Sigalla"

"You can stay at my castles in Agoria and Emir,"

He said and looked at Arrora

"Put Glacia as Princess's guard"

King Edward shook his head

"That won't be necessary, King Don, the royal guards will stay with her"

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"Princess's security is my responsibility, King Edward, your guards can stay with the Princess, but I will sleep better if there's a great master with Princess Amber"


King Edward felt like he had been struck by a lightning bolt hearing him.

The only great master in Sigalla was the mentor of the Sigalla family who's a big deal in his kingdom but Don was putting a great master as a bodyguard to Amber.

Don and Adria being grandmasters happened to be the most shocking thing. And when he thought he would never be surprised, Don gave him another.

"Do you have some kind of superpower to create powerful cultivators, King Don?"

"Nah, I'm just rich"

He meant the immense amount of battle stones, potions, pills, and many other things in his space ring. He had so many things as even he didn't fully know the contents of his treasure horde in the ring.

"You showed us your hospitality, King Edward, let us show you ours"

Don motioned them to follow as he took them to show around the kingdom and signaled Arwen to notify Amaryll so she could prepare a feast for King Edward and Princess Amber.

Few houses after they came to the castle, Princess Amber was shocked to see the foods lined up on an oval oak table in the dining hall. The maids welcomed them with a wide smile and pulled out the chairs for King Edward, Don, and Princess Amber to sit.

The moment she slid into her chair, she was served an enormous platter of food. Eggs, slices of roasted meat, piles of fried potatoes, and many beautiful dishes. A tureen of fruit sat in ice to keep it chilled. There was a basket of rolls and freshly baked bread that radiated a rich, promising, and delightful aroma, plus there was an elegant glass of wine for her to wet her throat.

The rich aroma of the dishes wafted down and beckoned her. She could not resist the delightful sensations emerging in her brain as she took a bite of the blend of cornmeal, chicken, and cream cheese. The cream cheese was smooth while the chicken felt rough, but, nonetheless, the meat tasted immensely satisfying. The warm mixture was a pure delicacy in her mouth.

"Wow, father didn't lie when he said he never tasted something like this in anywhere"

Princess Amber couldn't help but chew her food slowly and savor every bite.

The food seemed a lot when they first saw but it quickly started to disappear from the platters.

"I wish mother is here to enjoy these dishes like us"

"You can bring Queen Sienna to the restaurant opening, Princess"

After trying the food, she had no doubt that the restaurant would outshine every big player in the restaurant world.

"Of course, I wouldn't want her to miss this"

"King Don, when can we meet your secret weapon? The chef who cooked all this"

"Shes in Everlight, but you can meet her soon"

"Then who cooked this if she's in Everlight?"

Princess Amber asked with a surprised look in her face.

"She did, Adria brought these from Everlight, what's the use of being a grandmaster if one cannot bring something from one place to another?"

"She must be very fast considering the foods are still hot"

"One of the perks of being a grandmaster"

After finishing the meals on the table, Amber saw the maids bringing elegant cups and saucers.

"This is the drink called tea I presume?"


Princess Amber asked but King Edward already took a sip and started to enjoy the hot beverage.

Looking at her father's reaction, Princess Amber couldn't wait to take a sip.

The sound of the rain outside, the slight coldness in the hall, the fragrance coming from the tea seemed like a match made in heaven. And when it touched, Amber's taste buds, her eyes closed without her permission and a smile appeared on her mouth.

Don expected this reaction from her as even he himself would sit in front of the windows and enjoy drinking it while watching the rain outside. When he was in Agoria, that became a routine as Arrora would come to his room and they would enjoy it together.

"How is it?"

Don's voice brought back Amber as she opened her eyes.

"I'm going to be rich, this will sell like ice water in the desert and I can't wait to start this relationship with you, King Don, here's to the success"

Princess Amber raised her glass as Don and King Edward toasted for success with her.

"Where's Lord Clemo? I can't find him anywhere"

King Edward asked

"He said he has something to do with the Speckle family"

Don didn't say anything about Lord Clemo trying to win over Zohana Speckle's heart to King Edward.

After he finished drinking the tea, King Edward noticed that the daylight started to dim.

"Amber, we should get going"

DOn was surprised to hear King Edward since he thought they would stay for a few days.

"What's the rush, King Edward? I thought you would stay for at least a few days"

"I'd love to stay and fill my belly with these tasty dishes, King Don but we have to leave, I need to prepare a ball for the three who entering the dungeon and mingle with the nobles"


"Speaking of which, I heard you're entering the dungeon yourself, King Don"

"I wanted to but something came up that requires my immediate attention, so I decided to send someone else "

Don lied for some reasons but King Edward and Princess Amber seemed to believe him. As far as King Edward concerned, he wouldn't fear entering the dungeon since he's a grandmaster and he didn't fear when he threatened the kings at the gathering in front of Queen Cassia and the prodigies of the Moon Empire.

"Don't tell me they are grandmasters too?"

King Edward couldn't bear the shock of hearing he has another grandmaster under his command

"No, they are just great master"

"Fuck, how many great masters does this guy have?"

King Edward though and kept a smile on his face without revealing his emotions.

"Father, we should go now"

Princess Amber stood up with King Edward


Don called as Arwen entered the hall 

"Take some men and escort them to Sigalla "

Arwen nodded and King Edward had already known that he wouldn't take no for an answer so he decided to go along with this arrangement.

"So I'll be back in a week, King Don"

Princess Amber smiled

"I'm looking forward to it Princess, Lord Clemo, and Glacia will provide all the help you need and I will return as soon as possible from Everlight"

Eventually, after sending King Edward and Princess Amber on their way to Sigalla, Don returned to his throne hall where Arrora and Ken were waiting for him.

"Aren't you coming to the dungeon?"

Arrora frowned as Don sat on his throne

"We are going but just not as Don and Adria"

Don flicked his wrist and retrieved a blue slimy potion from his space ring

"Take this and keep it with you until I'm telling you to drink"

"What is this?"

Arrora grabbed the potion and looked closely to inspect it

"You'll know when you drink"

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