Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 22: Destiny begins III

Chapter 22: Destiny begins III

"Don stop it" shouted and spread his wings to cover Arwen, Uncle Dior and Arrora from the debris.

Amaryll came running back when she saw the mini storm in the camp.

"Don what are you doing? Are you trying to kill us stop!!" Amaryll shouted as loud as she could as the storm slowly calmed down.

"Who took over your kingdom?" Don asked looking at Arrora, his voice was serious very serious, Amaryll slightly shuddered when she heard him.

Although she never understood Don long enough to know his moods, she could tell that now he's extremely angry.

"Sta...The Starith Kingdom " Arrora said with the gritted teeth but underlying that anger she showed a tinge of fear towards Don seeing what he did.

"The Starith Kingdom... good very good "Don exclaimed as he was faintly breathing heavily in anger, Knight understood the reason behind his behavior as Knight himself was angry at the Starith Kingdom and he knew they just made a very serious mistake.

"I'll let them live for a little longer" as Don said everyone near him felt the killing intent he was radiating.

At that moment nobody spoke for a moment while Don slowly looked up at the starry sky and closed his eyes,

"Little Don"

" you are a king born to rule"

"Remember your promise little Don"

"I'll always be with you"

"Little Don I'm proud of you"

Don heard the sweet-sounding voice of a woman and saw a stunning half-elf woman playing with a skinny little kid in his mind and let out a small smile while a small teardrop came out his eyes.

"Sister Elena" Don mumbled.

"Don it's okay we'll make them pay" Knight stepped forward as his body gets bigger, he put his paw on Don's shoulder and reassured him.

Seeing this Arwen and Amaryll felt the brotherly bond between them, a magical creature and a human, this is the first time they saw Don and Knight acting like this usually, Don would be cold and calm while Knight behaves little relaxed and lively.

Eventually, Don placed his hand on Knight's paw and patted as Knight smiled and shrunk his size to normal,

"Arrora we'll take back your kingdom and avenge your family"

Arrora heard the resolution in his voice as it's just like a matter of time to take back her kingdom when she was desperately in need of help. He was the one who appeared out of nowhere to help her so she believed him somewhat that he could do what he says.

"Hmm" she gently nodded.

"Here you should eat this" Amaryll placed a round white bread in Arrora's hand, for a moment Arrora held the bread and hesitated but her hunger overcame her nervousness and started to eat the bread, she finished the bread in an instant due to her hunger.

After Arrora finished the bread Amaryll gave her a glass of water to quench her thirst, this was the first time in a long time she felt relaxed as nobody wanted to capture her or kill her, this was somewhat felt like home to Arrora.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Alright, Arwen Amaryll lets go and have a shut-eye," Uncle Dior said while walking towards his tent, after a moment Amaryll and Arwen walked to their tent as well leaving only Arrora, Don and Knight.

"Why did you save me?" Arrora asked Don.

"It's because I made a promise to someone besides I couldn't leave you"

Arrora was unable to find any signs of him lying through his voice.

"The promise you made it's to someone from Venus kingdom isn't it?"

Don sighed,

"Yes" it was one word but Arrora could feel the sadness in his voice and thought this is something he doesn't like to talk about so she decided not to ask him further about the person.

While Arrora thinking about all this Amaryll came carrying something in her hands,

"Sorry I forgot here you should wear this and give him back his robes" Amaryll gave Arrora one of her dresses.

At that moment Arrora realized that she was still wearing the robes that Don gave her and blushed a little.

"I know its a cold night but you should get a bath before wearing any of these"

Amaryll chuckled and made Arrora blush even more in embarrassment.

"Follow me I'll help you in your bath" Amaryll didn't wait for Arrora's answer as she just grabbed the girl and hastened towards her tent.

After a while, Amaryll and Arrora came before Don and Knight,

Arrora was wearing a dark blue dress and her raven black hair was shining in the moonlight. Don could see her clean fair face, she was not a ravishing beauty or stunning girl like Amaryll or some young misses he met in Divine Continent but she had a unique charm to her that made her beautiful and pretty.

"Here" Arrora gave Don his robes back as he just flicked his wrist and a layer of light covered the robes then disappeared along with the robes.

"Space ring" Arrora said in surprise.

"You knew about this ring?" Knight asked in surprise as well.

"Yes my father had one it was very expensive"

"So this world has space rings too huh"

"Alright, I'll go to my tent before Arwen comes searching" Amaryll began to walk to her tent leaving the trio behind.

"Tomorrow we are going to find Dragon King's castle" Don said looking at Arrora.

"We? You mean you and me?" She was a little bit confused.

"Yes you, me and Uncle Dior"

"But I won't be much help to you"

"As you've already guessed you and I are bonded its better you stay with me" as he said he activated the slave bond in Arrora's body with his master bond using battle energy when he did that a small light appeared on Arrora's chest.

Arrora thought about it for a moment and eventually nodded in approval to Don's plan.

"I don't like making people as slaves so I won't treat you like one"

"But what if I try to kill you and get myself free of this bond" Arrora asked mustering her courage but Don didn't react too much as he simply said

"Then I'll kill you before even thinking about trying"

Arrora felt the weight of his words. It was a simple expression but she knew he meant every word he said, if she tries to cross him he'll kill her as simple as that however she had no reason to betray the man who saved her. Arrora felt deeply grateful towards Don for the mercy he showed to her.

Promise or not he wouldn't have to save her as people break their promises all the time she knew very well about that.

"Don thank you" Arrora said after a moment she meant every single word of it.

Don didn't say anything but simply nodded.

"You should get some rest, take this hut I can make a new one" Don said while pointing at his hut to Arrora but she shook her in disagreement

"Don't worry I'm not going to sleep but you should" as he said don sat on the ground and looked up at the starry sky with Knight.

"No, I already got enough rest so if you don't mind," Arrora asked and waited for Don's permission to sit beside him, after a few seconds he gestured her to sit beside him and knight.

The three of them sat there and looked at the beautiful starry night in silence.

"Don is it going to be dangerous tomorrow?" Arrora couldn't help but ask thinking about the journey that's waiting for her.

"I don't know we'll see"

Arrora wasn't very assured to hear this answer.

"Wha...what if I became a burden?" it was the question that running havoc in her mind especially after she saw Don created a mini storm moments ago, he was very powerful so to stay at his side and get his protection she has to be useful to him not be a burden.

"What's your cultivation?"

"Peak master level why?"

"After we find the castle ill train you and help you breakthrough"

"You'll do that?" Arrora was surprised she realized how hard it was to breakthrough due to lack of resources while she was on the run but now she heard Don saying that he'll help her breakthrough if he could do that she would reach great master realm, at that point, she would be powerful enough to protect herself from most of her enemies while not being a burden to Don.

Suddenly a thought crossed her mind,

"If he could help me reach great master level what level is he at? Can he be a grandmaster?"

Even a simple thought about the grandmaster level intimidated her.

"If he really is a grandmaster" her home was burning, her parents dying in front of her, the life she had on the run, the faces of her enemies all of them were playing in her mind vividly making her eyes turn to red in anger,

"I'll earn Don's trust and with him, I'll make them pay every last one of them"

Although Don himself said he'll make them pay but she wanted to take revenge with her own hands before she met Don she had no such ideas nor any means to take revenge but now she has him.

Unknowingly to herself, she started to depend on Don.

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