Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 220: Returning to Agoria

Chapter 220: Returning to Agoria

"Ken, are those deadly?"

Knight asked Ken.

"Deadly? These can penetrate the defenses and kill a heavenly level mage in a second"

"But one needle can be only used once, in other words, you can kill only three people with it"

Reghys said as Ken nodded.

Even though the life energy cultivators could use the needle, Don was able to use the needles more efficiently and faster because of his metal bending ability.

Others had to use a simple spell to use the needle which could alert the opponent because of the magical fluctuations but if Don wanted to use it, he could do it in a fraction of a second.

"Knight, you take one"

DOn slid one needle to Knight and took one for himself.

"What about the last one?"

"Let's just put it in the treasury room with the other items"

Knight nodded and said

"So the last item, this big chunk of metal"


Unlike for the other items, when they heard Reghys, they were disappointed considering no one could forge anything with Iodrium so the chunk of metal was pretty much useless.

"Just toss it in the treasury room, there's nothing we can do with it"

Reghys said immediately as the dwarves nodded.

"Let me try"

Knight heard about Iodrium from the dwarves before and he was curious at that time to see whether the hell flame could melt it or not.

Pulling the dark greyish Idorium chunk towards him, Knight conjured the dark purple flames in his hand. Except for Reghys, everyone looked at Knight and the metal curiously.

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The flame in Knight's hand grew darker and darker as the room started to get hotter, yet, Iodrium remained unharmed by the hell flames which surprised even Don since no metal in the divine continent could withstand the heat of the hell flames.

"Alright, I'm going to Agoria and in fifteen days from now on, we'll root the water spirit in Emir with the help of the Cold Moon Palace as we planned"

He already explained everything to them so they just nodded as Don left the room.

The dwarves ran directly behind Don after bowing at Knight and noticing them, he turned around.

"Your majesty, here's your suit, we reinforced it with more of Guardian Reghy's scales and added another layer to keep the heat in so you won't feel any cold during the upcoming winter"

It was a surprise coincidence as he wouldn't have needed warm clothes like normal people before but considering he couldn't use battle energy, he needed to wear this kind of clothes to keep his body warm.

Already his beard was growing long and he had to cut and trim it every two or three days which became a regular thing for him. Receiving the robes from the dwarves, Don appreciated them with a pat on their shoulders and went to his room to change.

After changing into the sleeker and stronger armor, he clenched his fist as the shadow blades came out sliding from his sleeves and went back into the sleeves when he released his fist.

Since he was restrained from using the battle energy, he embraced all the weapons like this as they might even save his life in a fight.

With his trusty black sword on his back and the shield in his space ring, Don left the room and when he stepped out he saw Reghys was waiting for him.

"Give me your hand"

He was accustomed to doing things she asks as quickly these past days as he reached his right hand towards her.

"This might sting"

But before he could ask what, he felt like he was bitten by a snake as he looked at his hand to see the Extinction dart sinking into his palm.

"Can you feel it?"

He closed his eyes and tried to sense the needle in his hand and in a few seconds, he was able to feel the needle.


After a few moments of silence, Don said.

"Good, let's go"

Reghys urged him towards the teleportation room but he remained still and frowned.

"I need to be with you and monitor you all the times, you better get used to it"

"I'm coming with you too"

Don heard Arwen's voice and turned to see he was walking towards him with a bunch of black-armored guards.

These past few days, Arwen noticed the changes in Don's body and the things he was doing while monitored by Reghys. However, he didn't ask any questions as it was not his place to question Don and he knew that Don would tell him if it was something they had to be aware of and since Don didn't tell him anything, he chose not to put his nose in.

But although Don didn't tell him anything, Arwen's instincts told him that he was guarding Don rather than staying in Everlight.

"More, the merrier"

Reghys giggled as Don sighed and nodded at Arwen.

"Before we go, I need to bring my shield to the smithy and Catalie "

When Don called out, the little girl appeared before him.

"I was talking with Vivian and giving her a tour, again"

Catalie looked like she had temporarily forgotten about Don's problem as she seemed to be in a cheery mood.

"Good to hear, now give this bow to Nikalas and ask him if he could do something about the sound when firing the arrows, I'd like if it made less sound"


The little girl disappeared with the Arjuna bow and Don made his way to the smithy while Arwen, Reghys, and the soldiers followed him behind.

While he was on his way to the smithy, he saw Knight playing with the cubs by chasing them around the training ground. Despite his worries and concerns, looking at everyone in Everlight eased his mood and motivated him to build an even bigger kingdom.

"Me king, Guardian, Arwen, welcome ta Thibrig's smithy, how's tha armor treating ye, me king? I helped stodemar forge it, it's nae broken again, be it? I can reforge it in a jiffy me king, wow look at this beauty"

The bald dwarf talked non stop and stared at the shield in Don's hand with sparkling eyes.

"Just paint it black and tell Stodemar after you finished"

Before the dwarf could stop him, Don entered the smithy and put his shield on the work table.

"Don't try to lift it Thirbig"

The dwarf looked at them with a confused face but they left the smithy before he could ask any questions.


"Your majesty, you're back"

When Don entered the throne hall in Agoria, he saw Clemo who seemed to have lost a few pounds of fat in his body.

"Where they came from?"

Lord Clemo thought Don was cultivating alone in his room and he even put extra guards in front of the room to make sure he won't be disturbed but looking at the black-armored men, Arwen, and the gorgeous lady behind him.

Lord Clemo couldn't help but stare at the lady for a moment as she had the perfect curves and an angelic appearance that would raise even the women's heartbeat. She seemed like a goddess walking among men and the golden robes she wore added an extraordinary grace to her beauty.

"Lord Clemo, meet Lady Reghys, she came from Everlight and will stay with us for the time being"

Don ignored the drool on Lord Clemo's face and it took a few moments for Lord Clemo to realize that Don was talking to him as he was mesmerized by Reghys.

"Oh, it's...a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reghys"

Because of his weight loss, he was able to bend his back more and do a proper noble bow.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Clemo"

Reghys's voice was neither too arrogant nor too humble as Don made his way to his throne and settled down on the throne and gestured at Reghys to take the seat near the throne.

"Bring me to the speed, Lord Clemo"

Lord Clemo was getting used to his new bearded look and the beard made him more rugged and cold faced.

"The amount of refugees coming here is increasing day by day, your majesty, I've put most of them to work with your men in the construction sites. But your majesty, when the winter starts, it'll be a burden to feed all these new mouths"

Until his kingdoms could stand on its feet, he had to run the kingdom using his own wealth, and luckily, he amassed quite a lot of wealth.

"Did you receive the goods I ordered from the merchants?"

"Yes, your majesty, but I'm afraid we need to order more clothes and provisions if you're planning to keep the refugees"

"I am planning to keep them, where do they go if we chase them away? Did they give you anything to contact them?"

Lord Clemo nodded as he searched his pockets and took out a couple of talismans.

"They gave me these talismans to contact them if we want to place an order, your majesty"

"List the items we need to safely pass this winter and order as much as we need, and don't worry about the coins, just do it"

Lord Clemo was shocked to hear such an order because it would cost relatively a high amount of coins to buy the items and provisions even with the discounted price, yet he seemed not to care.

Speaking of coins, Lord Clemo recalled the time he saw an immense amount of gold coins that Gabriella brought after selling the dwarven forged armor and weapons. Still to this day, he got goosebumps thinking about the stacks of gold coins as he had never seen such an amount of wealth in his life and Don made it possible in a few months.

Although he questioned himself where he got that much amount of dwarven forged armor and weapons, he was never going to question Don.

"Your majesty, Miss Gabriella said she sold the first shipment of the armors and weapons, I put the coins in our treasury"

The amount of gold he put in the treasury could comfortably run Agoria for at least two more years and he was glad that Don came out of his secluded cultivation because he felt responsible for the safety of these coins and it stole the peaceful sleep from him.

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