Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 244: Elvelon Continent

Chapter 244: Elvelon Continent

The light was too bright as it made everyone their eyes with their hands. Slowly after a few seconds, the light faded away and they could see a young man radiating a majestic aura standing near Don. The young man looked to be in his early twenties, he was just as tall as Don and his shoulder-length golden hair made him look somewhat ferocious.


Arrora screamed when he saw the familiar black armor of Don but when she looked at the young man's face, she was disappointed because it was not him.


Reghys wasn't confused because just like her, this was Knight's human form and he unlocked this ability by breaking into the Heavenly level. Taking a deep breath after transforming, he gently kissed Don on the forehead and took his black sword in his arm.

"Stop Crying!"

He roared and made everyone step back as Amaryll squealed sitting beside Don's body.

"Reghys, where is this Skull island?"

"In the Elvenor Continent, why?

"Life shard, the one thing that could revive him"

The moment everyone heard Knight saying that there's a chance he could revive Don, a sliver of hope appeared in their hearts.

Arrora's eyes brightened as Reghys frowned

"Knight, there's no such thing in this entire world that could bring a person back from dead. He's gone, we need to accept that, no matter how hard it is"

"I can't and I won't, I'll go to hell itself to bring him back. This time I only need to go to the Skull Island"

Unwavering roulette could be seen in his eyes and Reghys realized there's nothing she could say to stop him from venturing to the Skull island but she had no idea where he gets the information about this life shard.

"Let's go"

Arrora stood up; she wasn't in the mood to doubt the possibility of bringing him back to life.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"No, stay here and keep the kingdom safe"



Suddenly when Arrora disagreed with him, an illusionary hand appeared in front of her and knocked her out by slapping with full force. Just like her, he was in no mood to argue with her, and looking at the unconscious body of Arrora, Amaryll screamed again but she quickly muffled her cry fearing he would attack her too.

"While I'm away, root the water spirit and continue your works as usual. And Arwen, I don't care what you do how many heads you take how much blood you spill, find those who did this"

Everyone in the room except Reghys was trembling to feel the killing intent radiating from Knight. This was the first time they had seen Knight like this.

"I will find them"

Arwen gritted his teeth and said as he nodded and turned his gaze towards Nicolas.

"Nicolas, send me to Skull island"


He customized the array and added more features by adding more runes, so he was confident in sending Knight to Skull island.

"Let's go"

But before leaving the room, Knight removed the Oracle from Don's neck and wore it on himself, and left with Nicolas leaving everyone behind.


This was the first time that Knight had used the teleportation array to travel from one continent to another. The tearing force of the void on his body was stronger than any force he had felt while using other Teleportation scrolls. He theorized that cultivators whose cultivation level was lower than the low-level great master wouldn't have been able to stand the power of the teleportation array when it's used to travel this much distance.

With his extremely powerful physique, he felt nothing out of the ordinary. He adjusted his black armor and gently ran his fingers through the hilt while remembering the times he had traveled with Don and smiled.

However, he didn't have much time to reminisce as he saw a spot of light in front of him. The light was becoming larger and larger. He was about to arrive in the Elvelon continent.

"Elvelon Continent huh?" Knight sneered, squinting his eyes. "Let me see what they have for me"


A beam of white light descended upon the Elvelon Continent.

The tearing force on Knight's body was beginning to fade. He could now see the landscape and there were buildings and pavilions close by, willows off to the side, and mountains and rivers in the distance.

Finally, he stepped out of the void and onto the ground.

All at once, the surrounding battle energy gushed into Knight's pores like a flood. He was suddenly refreshed. Even though the Avelon Continent, as well as the Moon Empire, had battle energy in a small amount mixed with the life energy, in here the battle energy concentration was so intense, though it couldn't compare to the amount in the divine continent.

"Now where is this Skull island?" Knight exclaimed as he looked around.

The Teleportation array had transported him to what seemed like an old palace. The palace was very quiet as well as very old and shabby. It looked as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

"Shit, it seems like I have to find someone to ask directions"

Knight was quite depressed. The person in golden robes told him to go to Skull Island. However, he had no idea of the exact location, and considering Arwen just messed up with a Heavenly level mage, he was unable to take Reghys with him leaving Agoria vulnerable to attack.

Despite being a stranger in a foreign place, Knight was not nervous. After all, he and Don traveled to many stranger places and completed many jobs. 

"Where do I begin?" he said, looking around. Then, he spotted a trail of smoke.

"The smoke is too dense to be someone cooking, there must be people fighting there"

Knight flicked his wrist and created lighting to stand on and dashed towards the wooded mountain. With breaking into the Sun realm, he could now manipulate or create lightning using the battle energy any time he wants.

The smoke in the woods became denser as he approached its source. But when he arrived, he only found ashes. It seemed the combat had already ended. Only a few embers were still burning.

" It looks like this fire was burning the whole night. Even the bodies here are badly charred," Knight said, shaking his head.

Fifty or Eighty charred bodies were lying on the ground. They had been burned so badly that they were totally unidentifiable.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several light beams whizzed above some nearby clouds. Some people were riding flying swords.

"Finally, some living people to ask for directions!" Knight delighted as he shouted at the light beams in the sky.



A formidable presence instantly descended from the sky. The Oracle quickly identified them as mid-level Greatmasters but compared to the mid Greatmasters in the Avelon Continent, these people released much stronger aura.


The beams of light landed on the ground. The halo of light then faded to reveal their bodies. Three people with veiled faces were now standing before him. Looking at their clothing t, it was obvious that these three figures were women.

The women on either side of the center figure were young and the lady standing in the middle looked powerful plus beautiful. She was dressed in white and was very young, but she was at the Mid Great master level.

The lady in white fixed her eyes on Knight.

"Young man, who are you? And why are you here?" she asked calmly.

Knight stood there calmly. He knew he could easily kill the three of them in a few seconds if they messed with him. After breaking through, his power doubled and only a peak heavenly level mage could fight with him head to head. 

"Young man, why did you shout to us just now? Do you want to rob us?" the lady in white asked abruptly, her voice cold.

Knight was taken aback by her sudden weird question. If it was in the divine continent, what she asked might have been true but now, Knight had no reason to rob them and all he wanted to do was ask them the directions to Skull Island.

"I don't know where you get that idea, Miss! I just want to ask you for directions!" Knight replied with a fearless but calm tone.

"Directions? Are you new to Greenvale?"

"Greenvale huh? Yes miss, I just came here "

The two young girls standing next to her were silent. Their faces were covered by a veil, but he could tell that they were both emotionless.

"Well, I am very positive that you are not new to this place! Tell me, who are you, and what have you got to do with the dead people here?" the young lady in white questioned.

Knight noticed that the two old women had secretly moved to block the road in front of them 

"I thought Don was a problem magnet," he thought in his mind as he sighed inwards.

"This is the first time that I have come to this land," he was still calm.

 "Just a moment ago, I saw smoke rising up into the sky, so I came here to see what was happening. I am not the one who has killed these people."

"How can you prove you have nothing to do with this?" the young lady in white asked.

"I have no proof"

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