Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 253: Unknown Feelings

Chapter 253: Unknown Feelings

Early the next morning, while the forest was still shrouded in mist, Knight and Lia once again set out. 

After another half a day of traveling, the forest became much quieter, while Lia's expression turned more serious. They had already reached the deeper parts of Skull Island, the magical beasts that run amuck here were all very formidable. A little carelessness might draw a group of magical beasts and at that time, they would have to turn to flee.

Fortunately, she had Knight to lead the way and he seemed to be exceedingly sensitive towards the auras of these magical beasts. If they were about to encounter any beasts, he would sense it beforehand, and take a detour. Knight didn't want to draw any kind of attention to himself and that's why he chose to walk rather than flying because he noticed many elders were floating in the sky.

The groups deep in the forest were already very few. The two of them had rushed for half a day and had only found one other group. After all, it was no simple matter to pass through the obstruction of numerous magical beasts to arrive here. Many of the magical beasts were able to sense the powerful aura around Knight that normal people couldnt and stayed the hell out of his way. Of course, there were always exceptions as some dumb beasts that didnt develop their intellect tried to attack him and Lia.

It was from magical beasts that had the strength of mid Master level. 

But before even Lia could say 'watch out', she saw the beasts were struck by bolts of lightning and exploded into red mists.

After seeing his power one more time, she became more relaxed and felt safe with him. Luckily for the magical beasts, they didn't try to attack them again and when it was about afternoon time, they finally passed through the forest and appeared on the fringe of a huge mountain peak.

The mountain peak did not have sharp points, lush vegetation spread out from the mountain, and one could faintly make out traces of an ancient building, made of huge rocks, concealed among the vegetation at the top of the mountain.

"Is that where the old tomb is located?" As he gazed at the mountain top, anticipation emerged in his eyes as he asked.


Lia said as she nodded her head, sighing a little before speaking: "However, the seal still exists on the mountain top, hence, entering would not be easy. Even after so many years, the seal is still so powerful"

He nodded in agreement, based on his senses, he was able to sense an unusual fluctuation in the skies around the mountain top, which should be due to the seal.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Let's go to the foot of the mountain first"

Lia's eyes looked towards the foot of the mountain and sure enough, she saw many tents. Knight was somewhat surprised, he did not expect that there were already so many people who had arrived here first. It seemed that this old tomb is a bigger deal than the ancient dungeon of the Avelon Continent.

The two of them hastened their steps and ten minutes later, they appeared in the campsite situated at the foot of the mountain. The campsite was apparently formed by countless teams, after all, the deeper parts of Skull Island were very dangerous. At any time, formidable magical beasts would charge out and attack. Even a Great master did not dare to set up camp by himself. Thus, everyone set up camp together, if a strong magical beast were to attack, they would be able to join hands and deal with it.

Although everyone here was basically competitors, before they saw any treasures, they did not need to fall out with one another.

The appearance of Lia and him only drew the attention of a few people on the campsite. And after a few glances, they returned to what they were doing and let them be.

As Lia gazed at the bustling atmosphere within the camp, she could not help but be amazed. If it was before, no one would have imagined that such a market-like scene would appear in this extremely dangerous part of Skull Island.

"To think that the House Moonwin has also arrived."

After entering the camp, the gaze of Lia suddenly fell towards a high ground nearby. There were currently some people who were watching them from that spot.

"The House Moonwin"

Upon hearing this name, Knight's eyes also looked over, only to see a group of young people standing on that piece of high ground. They were playfully staring back, and as his gaze swept over them, it came to rest on a man at the center of the group.

The man wore yellow robes and radiated a noble aura. He had a perfect bone structure and looked handsome. As he stood within the crowd, he seemed particularly notable. And, what caught his attention the most, was that his cultivation level, Peak Grandmaster.

This youngster's age was likely only around twenty-five or six, yet he had already reached this level. One could tell that even among the younger generation of the House Moonwin, this person might not be an ordinary person.

Plus, this was also the first time that he had seen such a young Peak Grandmaster in the Elvelon Continent.

"It's Dexter Moonwin" As Lia gazed at the youth in yellow, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's the big deal?" Knight casually said. Based on his tone, he didn't care or worry about them.

"How many groups of people did the four great houses send over this time?" 

"I don't know but i'm sure that each of them will send over their true elite cultivators of the younger generation" 

"Since this old tomb is so valuable, wouldn't it be easier for the heads of these four great houses to directly intervene?"

"Do you think the Empress, her imperial majesty would allow that? besides, if one of them intervenes, the other houses will definitely stop them. At the end of the day, no one will get anything. According to my knowledge, the elite practitioners sent by the four great houses should be their finest youngsters. Hehe, these guys are really powerful I mean, freakishly powerful. Even in the entire Elvelon Continent, they are considered as super elites."

Knight silently heard the conversations going around him and if they were true, the youngsters would be incredible geniuses and represent the pinnacle of the younger generation of the Elvelon Continent.

"Young master Sterling and the rest of Windfield should arrive here by tomorrow. At that time, this seal will naturally be broken" some of the people said and stared at the cloudy sky.

Looking at so many people in front of her, she couldn't help but think about her family as her eyes started to well up.

"You miss your family, don't you?"

Knight asked as he stopped setting up the tent. She wiped away her tears and tried to help him with the tent.

"You know I can't bring back your family but I can give you a new home and people to call family"

She let out a small smile and nodded. Seeing her like this somewhat made Knight said as he sighed and thought of a way to ease her pain.

"Follow me"

She didn't know why he asked her to follow him but she blanket followed him far away from the gazes of these people like a puppy.

After Knight came far away from the campsite, he turned around and sighed.

"This is what the humans do, let's do this"

He thought to himself and turned around to look at Lia blankly staring at him.

As she was standing there, he slowly walked towards her and gently hugged her.

"Let out all your tears, Lia, cry as much as you want, I'm here, this is what friends do right?"

Even though he was a young man and she was a girl, his hug felt safe and warm without any ill intentions. And without her control, the tears flooded out of her ears as she buried her head in his chest. He gently patted her head and brushed her hair as Amaryll do. Because he just experienced the loss of his family, Don, he knew how she's feeling right now and unlike him, she had no way to bring them back and this made him pity her.

And feeling the wetness on his chest, he realized how much she misses her family. At this moment, he had no idea their meeting was made by a greater force and why a ruthless divine beast like him was consoling a weak-hearted human girl like her.

"Father, Mother..."

She called for them and sobbed as he kept gently patting her to console her. It took twenty minutes or so for her to finally stop crying and withdrew herself from his hug before returning to their camp.

It was a night without conversation in these ancient woods deep within the mountains. The fact that so many people were crowded together provided some degree of comfort for many of them. Even though growls from wild beasts echoed out quite often during the night, overall, it was still relatively peaceful.

When the dawn of the second day arrived, the campground became rowdy once again. However, most people today were very excited. Apparently, most of them knew that the seal would be forcefully broken today. Even though they had no chance to obtain the most precious item in the old tomb, any item they obtained inside the tomb would make this trip worthwhile.

Knight sat on a giant boulder, with both of his eyes shut. Below him, Lia constantly looked up towards the skies and counted the people flying above them.

As they waited eagerly, time slowly flowed by, and from the distant horizon, the sound of wind suddenly rumbled forth.

Just as the sound of wind sounded, his eyes slowly opened. He could feel that all the life energy inside these lands were now faintly gravitating towards that direction because of the Oracle.

"Sterling Windfield"

He lifted his head to look at the northern part of the skies. There, he saw a red flash streaking through the skies like a shooting star, descending from the sky.

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