Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 29: We Fight

Chapter 29: We Fight


"Teacher Teacher you've got to hear this" a girl wearing glasses running towards a messy room, there were so many items, charts, and maps all over the place.

"Slow down Arya you going to destroy my works" from the center of the messy room a middle-aged man in green robes said.

However, the girl didn't mind what the man said as she came closer to him and put a piece of paper in front of him blocking what he was doing.

"Arya!!" the man shouted at her in annoyance and grabbed the paper while the girl was grinning with excitement.

"Teacher read it read it" she was urging the man to read the paper as he was still concentrating on his work without paying much attention to her for a moment but seeing Arya's look he finally chose to read the paper.

"Alright jeez what is it?" the man searched through the stuff on his table for something as Arya rolled her eyes and took the glasses out of his robe pocket.

"Ah teacher here's your glasses it was in your pocket" as she said, the man took the glasses from her hands and put it on with a gentle smile.

When the man looked at the paper to read his gentle smile had been replaced by an irritating look and he tore the paper and threw it away.

Seeing her teacher tearing the paper Arya almost coughed up blood in shock

"Teacher what the hell are you doing? Do you know what that is? Opportunity a golden stuffing opportunity"

"I want nothing to do with that Cold Moon Mansion or that sly old woman"

The man said and started to focus on his work again, he was building something there were nuts and bolts as well as some weird liquids on his table.

Arya sighed and looked at his teacher and the messy room they were in,

"Teacher I know you hate that place but we need money to conduct our experiments, you are the best tracer in the empire but look around you... we are so poor"

The man in front of her was indeed the best tracer in the empire, he spent almost all his life researching about magic energy and the various other energies rather than playing detective for powerful places like Cold Moon Mansion because of that nobody realized his potential except Arya.

"Arya I don't do this for money I want to achieve something greater...one day I'll let them know my idea's and researches are not crazy and make them pay for kicking me out and treating me like a mad man especially that Cold Moon Mansion"

He could still remember the days he was thrown out of the front door of the Cold Moon Mansion, like a crazy person when he presented his theories to them, they called him the mad magi Benedict and made fun of him.

The only person who believed him and his theories were Arya because she was far more genius than the rest of the world who labeled him as a crazy person.

"Look Arya I know my achievement is not far away, this is it" as he said he took a small umbrella-like object

"This energy detector picked up an energy signature far stronger than the magic energy days ago! you were there right" Benedict's eyes were brimming with excitement while he said that.

"But teacher it might have been also some kind of mistake or fault in the detector"

Arya was in fact there when the detector picked up the energy signature it was out of the charts yet she found it hard to believe that such powerful energy existed, it was even more powerful than the magic energy.

"No I'm absolutely positive it came from the direction of the south..." but at the moment he said south he had a sudden realization.

"Arya this job where did it come from?" he was looking at Arya for an answer like a Dog waiting for its meal, as seeing the weird expression of her teacher Arya squinted her eyes and said

"It came from the slave city why?"

When he heard the answer Benedict's lips curved up and his face show was brightened

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Yes this must be it, the energy the detector picked, came from the south now that sly woman sending a job to trace energy also from the south it's not a coincidence it can't be"

"Hmm the rewards did seem a bit over the top and thinking about it it seems something weird going on in the south" Arya agreed with Benedict after pondering about the issue for a moment.

"Arya you still have your friend working at the Ministry right?"

"Yeah Sherine why?" but before Benedict answered her question she already found out why on her own.

"You want me to ask her more about the job isn't it?"

Hearing Arya, Benedict started to laugh and rummaged through his stuff

"Yes do whatever it takes and get her to tell what's so important about this job that the old woman herself giving the job, and then pack your stuff we are going to the south"


Don was flying to the camp without stopping yet it took almost half a day to reach the camp.

The moment he reached the camp the first thing he did was checked and scanned the ground for any threats but thankfully the camp seemed peaceful as he left.

"Don you back" as he landed, Knight came to greet him with a cheerful face then Arrora and Arwen came to receive him.

"Don what happened did you find the castle?" Arrora couldn't stop her curiosity when she saw Don.

"Yes" Don calmly said like it was nothing but the moment Arwen and Amaryll heard him they yelped even the usually quiet Arwen but Knight didn't react like them because he believed in Don to accomplish this task.

"You all need to pack your things we are going now" even before Amaryll and Arwen could come back from the shock of him finding the castle he gave them another shock.

"What?!!" Amaryll shouted in surprise while Knight rolled his eyes and said

"Why are you acting surprised didn't we plan to move there when we found that place?"

When Amaryll heard Knight she closed her opened mouth and gave him a death stare.

Don ignored the two of them and looked at Arwen

"Arwen destroy the huts and everything you've made" Don said.

Arwen did not need any explanation for the order he was given because he knew a single clue could reveal their enemies that they have stayed here so he just nodded and went back to do his work while Don turned to look at Amaryll and Knight.

"Knight help Arwen and make sure we don't leave anything behind and Amaryll bring back everyone here After Knight and Arwen have done with their work"

Amaryll wanted to ask him more about his adventure but seeing his cold expressionless face she decided that before she finishes her job she wouldn't get anything from him so she went back to gather the elves.

It took nearly an hour to destroy the clues and gather the elves around in one place. The elves other than Amaryll, Arwen and Elrond had no idea what was going on, they were very confused but they trusted Arwen and Amaryll so they went along with them.

When Don saw the faces of the elves he decided to give them some idea about what he was going to do.

"I know most of you don't know what's going on but you'll know everything very soon" as he said he made the connection to Catalie in the castle through the Khal.

"Hello Brother is everything alright?" Catalie's childish voice had heard in his ears.

"Yes Cat I'm all set, activate the teleportation array" Amaryll, Arwen and even Knight looked at Don confusedly and wondered about who is this Cat he was talking to and how.

"Ok brother I've locked on your coordinates there are 132 people beside you including you and a magical beast"

"Activate it" Don ordered Catalie after confirming there were indeed 132 people around him.

"Teleportation process begins 1...2...3"

At the moment she said three, a powerful strange beam appeared from the skies as Amaryll closed her eyes when she saw the bright light, the beam enveloped them and in a second it disappeared along with them, there was nothing not even a single person could be found where they've stood a second ago.

Amaryll was tightly clutching Arwen's hands when she slowly opened her eyes. She was standing in a spacious room and before her was a projection of a little girl in a white dress.

This is the first time in a long time they were seeing or being inside of a room and for some of the elves, this is the first time ever including Arwen and Amaryll.

"Welcome to the Castle of Dragon King everyone" the girl in white dress happily said and floated towards Don to be beside him.

At the moment they heard the words Dragon King the elves began to chitter-chatter and looked afraid as well as shocked.

Don didn't mind the elves

"Follow me" he just simply said and made his way to the throne room followed by Knight, where Arrora and Uncle Dior were waiting for them.

Elves stood there for a moment but as soon as they saw Arwen and Amaryll following Don they chose to follow them.

Eventually, the elves including Arwen, Amaryll, and Elrond reached the throne room and saw Arrora and Uncle Dior beside Don who was standing in front of a majestic throne like a king looking down on them.

"Cat show them what the Dragon King said" Don was thinking about how to convince the elves to join his army willfully from the moment he found the castle and finally found a way when Catalie said she recorded the battle and the whole thing that happened after that just in case.

What's better than actually showing what the Dragon King himself said he thought.

Catalie nodded her small head and raised her hand as a beam came out of her palm and projected what happened from the moment Don met the Dragon king.

The elves were terrified when they saw the Dragon King and shivering in fear, while the projection of battle came everyone was startled and shocked and looked at Don with a mix of respect and admiration even when he was beaten to death by the Dragon King.

"Son of a" however when Knight saw Don was beaten like this by the Dragon King, he was furious at the Dragon King then after a moment when he saw Dragon King helped him by opening the space ring to provide him the healing potion he calmed a little.

After a few minutes, the projection ended and the elves stood there trembling in fear, their skins turned pale. There was only one thing going on their head, it was the great war the Dragon king mentioned.

"Now you all know what is going to happen" Don broke the silence in the hall and continued

"The bandit attack you've faced was actually orchestrated by Minister Bryan in Slave city and a powerful mysterious mage"

Every word he said was like pouring ice-cold water on them.

"The peaceful life you had till then was over, now you have two options before you first, you can choose not to fight and die or enslaved in the war or in the hands of the mysterious mage"

Don made sure to highlight the word 'Enslaved' when he talked because he knew about the proud nature of the elves, they would die rather than being a slave.

"The other option is you choose to fight, fight for your lives fight for your freedom fight for your future and children"

Don tried to rekindle the fire within them by his words and gladly his tactics seemed to work as a little determination appeared in their eyes.

"I don't know when the mysterious mage going to make his move or when is the great war is coming but what I know is if we don't fight we die or would be sold like toys to be played with"

just when he said that even the female elves looked determined to fight because they knew about the reality of slavery and imagined themselves as slaves for a moment, of course he could see some cowardly elves in the group but he won't force them yet.

"So are you going to follow me to fight or die like cowards?" even before he could finish the chorus of the elves reverberated the hall

"We fight!!" most of the elves didn't stop, they shouted with all their strength including little Elrond.

Seeing the elves like this made him a little happy because now he could really turn them into a deadly force.

"Brother what now?" seeing the chorus of the elves Catalie asked Don quietly

"Catalie we have a training room right?"

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